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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Don't forget.. those people on BIGGEST LOSER... that's their FULL TIME JOB for now. Losing weight. They have nothing else to do 24/7 but work on that and their goal... win the money. And they have personal trainers around the clock.

I know. It is not that I would trade the band for anything. What is really bothering me is that in my head I keep thinking I still have 100 pounds to lose, when in reality I have 31 pounds to lose. When I have talked to people who have lost weight before they say that it takes a while to realize that. I no longer have any concept of what I look like or how much space I take up. I had deluded myself for so long that I wasn't as big as I really was so now that I have lost weight my reflection in the mirror is the same as what my mental picture of myself was when I was really fat. I hope this makes sense. So because what I see in the mirror is equal to what my brain made me think I looked like before I don't see any difference. If I look at the pictures side by side I definetly see a difference. But just trying to do it without the aid of the pictures is impossible for me right now. Besides my tummy is still so flabby that I don't see how in 31 pounds that it is going to be gone. I can't afford plastic surgery and really don't want it. My skin should be okay (youth does have some advantages!). So in an attempt to start toning I am jumping off of the cheapskate wagon and joining a gym. It means that I have to put a little less away in savings but at least I am using it for something good. Besides I am finding that I need a little ME time. After work when I go home my BF is already there and I have no time to spend by myself when I am not working. Last year I had a half hour commute each way so that was my time to unwind, but now my commute is less than 2 minutes and that is not enough time at all. Well back to work. I am swamped with grading....AGAIN!:wink2::pray2:

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It means that I have to put a little less away in savings but at least I am using it for something good.

Don't look at it as taking away from your savings, look at it as an investment. That's what it is, an investment in you and you're worth it.

I understand what your head is telling you about your size and weight. For so long we deny we're fat, or at least not as fat as we actually are. And then when you get to the point where you have to face reality and say the words out loud, it's an admission that you've been kidding yourself for too long about how you actually look. So you tell yourself you're not going to do that again because look where it got you? So your head goes to the other extreme and refuses to believe you look better because you've been down that road before and when you came out the other side you were fat.

I tell ya, our bands do everything physically to help us out and it's fantastic. But something needs to be adjusted in our heads, lol.

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I'm still not getting e-mail notifications of new posts. I ticked all the boxes I needed to. I used another browser in case that was the problem. I posted in other threads hoping to increase my odds. Still nothing.

Anyone know who to contact about this?

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I know. It is not that I would trade the band for anything. What is really bothering me is that in my head I keep thinking I still have 100 pounds to lose, when in reality I have 31 pounds to lose. When I have talked to people who have lost weight before they say that it takes a while to realize that. I no longer have any concept of what I look like or how much space I take up. I had deluded myself for so long that I wasn't as big as I really was so now that I have lost weight my reflection in the mirror is the same as what my mental picture of myself was when I was really fat. I hope this makes sense. So because what I see in the mirror is equal to what my brain made me think I looked like before I don't see any difference. If I look at the pictures side by side I definetly see a difference. But just trying to do it without the aid of the pictures is impossible for me right now. Besides my tummy is still so flabby that I don't see how in 31 pounds that it is going to be gone. I can't afford plastic surgery and really don't want it. My skin should be okay (youth does have some advantages!). So in an attempt to start toning I am jumping off of the cheapskate wagon and joining a gym. It means that I have to put a little less away in savings but at least I am using it for something good. Besides I am finding that I need a little ME time. After work when I go home my BF is already there and I have no time to spend by myself when I am not working. Last year I had a half hour commute each way so that was my time to unwind, but now my commute is less than 2 minutes and that is not enough time at all. Well back to work. I am swamped with grading....AGAIN!:lol::wink2:


OMG - You and I think so much alike - it is really scary:biggrin:

Highlight above are my exact thoughts/feeling :rant:!!!!

I am now 28 from goal - and don't see where that is going to make much difference to what I look like now - but will keep plugging along - I won't give up - and maybe our brains will catch up with our bodies -

Have you seen Carson Kressley show "How to look/feel good naked" it is a great show on our body images. Friday nites Bravo channel .. It's a good show imho...

Today is my 6 month anniversary - 62 lbs gone (scales finally moved:thumbup: more than 1/2 lbs even with my liquid calories last weekend)

I even took my measurements this morning - which really aren that much diff from when I took them 11/9 @ 203 but over all they are good - I am at work and card is at home and I can't remember exact #'s (oldtimers)

Ladies - We are all doing so well - we all need to give ourselves a big hand :lol: we all weigh less than we did 6 months ago :pray2:

We are all healthier and feeling better:waytogo:

We have developed friendships here that will always be with us..

Well, gotta get started on my desk..

Talk to ya'll later...

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I had deluded myself for so long that I wasn't as big as I really was so now that I have lost weight my reflection in the mirror is the same as what my mental picture of myself was when I was really fat. I hope this makes sense. So because what I see in the mirror is equal to what my brain made me think I looked like before I don't see any difference. If I look at the pictures side by side I definetly see a difference. But just trying to do it without the aid of the pictures is impossible for me right now.

WOW! :wink2: That's exactly how I think! Was just talking about it in my blog the other day. When I look in the mirror, I still see the ugly fat girl. When I go clothes shopping, I still start off browsing in the 3X section because my mind keeps telling me that anything smaller won't fit. I haven't been able to allow myself to really see & appreciate how far I've come because in my mind, I'm still the fat girl that everyone points & laughs at. Hopefully someday my mind will catch up with the rest of me! :pray2:

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I'm still not getting e-mail notifications of new posts. I ticked all the boxes I needed to. I used another browser in case that was the problem. I posted in other threads hoping to increase my odds. Still nothing.

Anyone know who to contact about this?

Alex - Alexandera - go to the thread taking suggestions - they are the moderators..

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1st off, E-MAIL NOTIFICATION - My daughter told me she e-mailed me some travel info and I never got it. She told me to check my bulk mailbecause for some reason or another it gets filtered out as spam,. Well,. I checked my bulk mail and no e-mail from my daughter BUT..............LO AND BEHOLD, there were all these notifications from here. Anyone here know what to do to get my computer to recognise these as real e-mail and not spam?

I cannot believe that you all think the same way I do. Or I think the same way you do. I look in the mirror and see FAT. I can't see where I have lost it, but I'm sowm 60 lbs. It really feels great to know I am not alone in my feelings.

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Well this is a surprise. I got an e-mail notification of this response. :tt1:

I'm not sure what e-mail service you use, but I use gmail. Sometimes if I sign up at a certain site and they send me e-mails it will go to the Spam folder. I have to go in there and open the mail and click a "This is not Spam" option tab. Then any other e-mails from the same address will come into my Inbox. I've just looked now and noticed there are a lot of lapbandtalk notifications in my spam box. Hopefully it'll fix the problem.

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I stopped at the gym this morning for my usual 30 min treadmill fix. Normally I have my favourite machine that doesn't have the morning sun shining in my eyes and isn't close to the mirrors. Today it was occupied which was a surprise in and of itself as I'm usually the only one in our gym in the morning.

So I got on one of the other treadmills and did my thing. When the machine stopped I turned to get off and got a look at myself in the full length mirror. And guess what? I didn't feel ashamed at what looked back at me! I was shocked. :mad: So shocked in fact that I spent time actually looking myself up and down and turning from side to side. Now I'm by no means ready to model lingerie, but this was the first time in I don't know how long that I haven't been disgusted by the view in the mirror. I avoid mirrors and only use the bathroom one to get my hair done and my face presentable.

I'm so proud of me! :)

Ruby; Good for You!! I am so glad you liked what you saw in the mirror at the gym. We are so hard on ourselves... WE here on the thread have ALWAYS known you were slim and beautiful :mad: :tt1:

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Well this is a surprise. I got an e-mail notification of this response. :tt1:

I'm not sure what e-mail service you use, but I use gmail. Sometimes if I sign up at a certain site and they send me e-mails it will go to the Spam folder. I have to go in there and open the mail and click a "This is not Spam" option tab. Then any other e-mails from the same address will come into my Inbox. I've just looked now and noticed there are a lot of lapbandtalk notifications in my spam box. Hopefully it'll fix the problem.

Duh!! Why didn't I think of that??? You are exactly right!! I just found 138 email notifications in my gmail spam folder not to mention other things that shouldn't have been there! Thanks for that revelation! Maybe the problem will be fixed now. But I wonder why I always got them up to a certain date and then they all started going to the spam folder??

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wow, I sure do miss alot when I am not on the boards for a day or two.

Phyl: I missed something? A big fight between you and DH???

Ladies who posted responses to the questioneer... YEAH

I feel like we all know each other a bit better. Thanks for replying.

I went and had another fill (check) yesterday. The Fill nurse pulled 6 cc's out of my band then pushed it back in + 2cc's more... but then I was too tight and my Water just gurgled and slimmed in my throat. So back in I go and she withdrew .25 cc.. so now I apparently have 7 3/4 cc's in my band.. Ah, who knows really... I still think its leaking. I have another fluro booked with the Doctor Feb 4th. We'll just have to wait and see.

I am trying to stick to my 800-1000 cals per day. :)

Wish me luck :tt1:

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wow, I sure do miss alot when I am not on the boards for a day or two.

Phyl: I missed something? A big fight between you and DH???

Ladies who posted responses to the questioneer... YEAH

I feel like we all know each other a bit better. Thanks for replying.

I went and had another fill (check) yesterday. The Fill nurse pulled 6 cc's out of my band then pushed it back in + 2cc's more... but then I was too tight and my Water just gurgled and slimmed in my throat. So back in I go and she withdrew .25 cc.. so now I apparently have 7 3/4 cc's in my band.. Ah, who knows really... I still think its leaking. I have another fluro booked with the Doctor Feb 4th. We'll just have to wait and see.

I am trying to stick to my 800-1000 cals per day. :)

Wish me luck :tt1:

Yeah, you missed a BIG one... it was all over a couple of extra tablespoons of cottage cheese! DH gets a little anal over weighing and measuring my food sometimes! So I got mad and he didn't speak to me for about 3 days. THEN he wanted me to apologize!! We did finally call a truce. It was great fun. I did enjoy going to the mall by myself even if all I bought was socks!

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Wow is it just my computer or is everyone elses look totally different. I like it!!! Hope it stays this way!

I MADE IT TO ONEDERLAND THIS MORNING!!!! 198.7. I just couldn't believe it. I got watery eyes came in and sat down at my computer and then went back in to weigh again. Done this 3 times and then I wanted to tell the world but as I posted yesterday I don't tell anyone what I weigh or weighed before surgery or how much I have lost so I just kinda felt all alone. In a good way though. I had a wonderful secret that I am not sharing with anyone except you guys here but I tell you I felt so many emotions running through me all at once. Ok enough of that. Tears are coming again. :crying: Tonight the scale says 200.1 though.:ohmy: :frown2::banghead: I am not going by tonights reading. Aunt flo arrived yesterday and I always retain throughout the day. (I know I know I know olderst excuse in the book :) but damn it I want this victory. LOL) I hope tomorrow morning is as good as this one was.

It is freezing here in Iowa. Supposed to be about 30 below tomorrow night and Sat a high of 2!!!! Don't think we will be venturing far from home.

Janet congrats to you. Your in the 180's.

Phyl-you crack me up with yours and DH spats. I love it!!!!

salsa- How is the fill doing? Hope things are working better for you. Take care.

Peaches- How much was in your band the last time that they put some in? Couldn't they tell today whether it had leaked any out or not? Keep us posted.

Everyone else that I didn't mention above, I didn't forget you just can't remember who posted what. :huh2: We are all doing so great!!! I am so proud of each and everyone of us.

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Wow is it just my computer or is everyone elses look totally different. I like it!!! Hope it stays this way!





Now stay off the scales til next Thrusday

Enjoy being in 190's

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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