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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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You guys are too funny!!! :eek:

Ya I know I couldv'e had a chicken wrap and they are good too, I DO choose them most times. Sometimes I add a yogurt to that too.

I guess poor planning, being TIRED and I let my guard down... oh well... not today!!

This a.m. I posted a new recipe on Sparkpeople. I made for Breakfast Cheese/Cauliflower Breakfast Pie.

1/6th equals 189 cals. and 10 g protien... It was yummy and filling too!

I've been logging all my food since my last fluro fill ( Monday past). I am going for a wee top up fill tomorrow in Toronto. Looks like good driving weather :smile:

1) I am just really nosey now... what is everybodies Marital status...???

2) Does everyone live alone and cook for one??

3) Who prepares family meals and who eats what they cook their family?

4) Or... do you prepare special meals just for your bandster self?


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Salso, I am aiming for YOUR level of restriction... If I could stick to 800 cals religiously... I'd be in heaven and meeting my WL goals....

Everyone else.... Have a SUPER day

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Perhaps TIM:

I had my second fill at 8 am yesterday--0.5ml for a total of 2.5. Drank Water in the office--no problem. Drank water on the way home (long drive)--no problem. Had a little Tomato soup--no problem. Had a Protein Shake for supper--didn't go down so well, only drank 1/2 of it. THEN I went to bed (4 hours later). Every time I fell asleep I was awakened with a mouthfull of warm yucky Protein shake. This went on all night long. Towards morning it was more sliming/PB, but huge amounts of it. I'm drinking a little hot tea now--seems to be OK, but I sure don't want another night like that!

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Sorry, I posted before answering Peaches' questions:

1) I am just really nosey now... what is everybodies Marital status...??? Married--empty nesting :smile:

2) Does everyone live alone and cook for one?? Usually I cook for two unless one or more of the kids are around

3) Who prepares family meals and who eats what they cook their family? I cook--he eats

4) Or... do you prepare special meals just for your bandster self? He eats what I make, or he has a stash of frozen meals when he doesn't like what I make, or I am not home to cook for him

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Sorry to hear about your slimming after your Protein shake! That is a horrible feeling. Perhaps you'll loosen up a bit today..and tommorow.

Keep the fluids up you don't want to get dehydrated.

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Sorry, I posted before answering Peaches' questions:

1) I am just really nosey now... what is everybodies Marital status...??? Married--empty nesting :cool:

2) Does everyone live alone and cook for one?? Usually I cook for two unless one or more of the kids are around

3) Who prepares family meals and who eats what they cook their family? I cook--he eats

4) Or... do you prepare special meals just for your bandster self? He eats what I make, or he has a stash of frozen meals when he doesn't like what I make, or I am not home to cook for him

Oh Lindaa, how long did it take you to lose the 82 pounds? :eek:

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Perhaps TIM:

Every time I fell asleep I was awakened with a mouthfull of warm yucky Protein Shake. This went on all night long. Towards morning it was more sliming/PB, but huge amounts of it. I'm drinking a little hot tea now--seems to be OK, but I sure don't want another night like that!

Something similar happened to me after my second fill when I went to bed. I would wake up several times in the middle of the night choking on my own spit.:smile: It didn't occur to me at the time, but I'm thinking if I experience the same thing on my next fill, I'll sleep more upright. Maybe our bands swell at night (I know my feet do). I have a wedge pillow and slept sort of upright after my lap band surgery and breast surgery for different reasons, but maybe not allowing any "backwash" (I hate that word :eek:) will help.

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1) I am just really nosey now... what is everybodies Marital status...??? Married with 10 year old son.

2) Does everyone live alone and cook for one?? I'm home alone during the day, so prepare breakfast and lunch for one. dinner is a family affair.

3) Who prepares family meals and who eats what they cook their family? I prepare all of our meals. Being a stay-at-home mother I see it as part of my job. But I enjoy it. A lot. Besides, my hubby would be lost in the kitchen, lol. Sometimes I'll have a small portion of whatever it is I'm cooking or I'll substitute part of the meal and cook a single portion of fish. I struggle a lot with chicken still so only have it once in a while. I made a big batch of Jambalya last week though that I really enjoyed. I just put the chicken back in the crock pot. I REALLY enjoy slow cooked meals, I've just changed a few of the recipes so they're not as creamy.

4) Or... do you prepare special meals just for your bandster self? This is an interesting question. I think I always made special meals for myself, even before being banded. But now my special meals are more health conscious. I no longer make extra meals, that's for sure. I don't eat secretly anymore. I've definitely become more accountable and stopped lying to myself. With the food police continually patrolling this thread, it keeps me on track. :eek: I just have to make sure I come back all the time to keep me focused. Yes, I'm using you all for my own selfish needs, lol. :smile:

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1 I don't eat secretly anymore. I've definitely become more accountable and stopped lying to myself. With the food police continually patrolling this thread, it keeps me on track. :eek: I just have to make sure I come back all the time to keep me focused. Yes, I'm using you all for my own selfish needs, lol. :smile:

Ruby - you had me cracking up on this... Heck we patrol the whole lbt site :0)

1) I am just really nosey now... what is everybodies Marital status...???


2) Does everyone live alone and cook for one?? My 16 Grandson lives with me - I cook for him most likely 4 nights a week - I prepare separate meals for him most of the time - he does eat fish with me sometimes if I have lemon.

3) Who prepares family meals and who eats what they cook their family? '

I prepare most meals - my GS will make his own a couple times a week - last night at 10:30 p.m. he is making cupcakes - OMG - NSV I didn't eat any when I woke up at 1:30 - just had a bite of cold hamburger patty... I sometimes eat what I cook for GS but not often - sometime I take the hamburger when he is having taco's and make myself something diff with the meat.< /span>

4) Or... do you prepare special meals just for your bandster self?

98% of the time I make my fish rice and veggies for dinner.< /span>

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Peaches - Being tired is when I can make BAD food choices too - it is a BIG eating trigger for me. So I try and be prepared 98% of the time..

Linda - Ya - I don't always look at the tickers or do and then as I am posting forget - tomorrow is your band 6month anniversary 82 lbs that flippin GREAT... I have only woken up once like that - usually I will slime or pb within a few minutes of eating too fast, too much or not chewing.

Karri - no tivo or cable - You don't even have a vcr... OMG i would die

I have gotten so use to my dvr and prior to that vcr - I usually can't stay up past 9:30 or 10 most nights (i get up at 5 a.m) so i tivo alot.. To nite is Idol and biggest loser (i think)

I am glad you are back on regular food - that's great - It's funny about our bands - last night had a small piece of fish 97 calories (don't remember the oz) and 1/2 c of rice and was full and it took awhile to eat it. Somedays loose some days tight - go figure...

Well, I am glad the site is working again - but I gotta get back to work...

Talk to you all later....

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1) I am just really nosey now... what is everybodies Marital status...??? Single but live with my boyfriend.

2) Does everyone live alone and cook for one?? We usually cook together. Though I would say he cooks more if we are cooking alone. He usually gets home before I do.

3) Who prepares family meals and who eats what they cook their family? We always have the same thing. Rarely we will be on our own, but most of the time we eat the same things. We email back and forth during the day to decide what we are going to have. Most of the time he understands what I can and cannot have. During the times when I am on liquids or mushies he usually eats very unhealthy.

4) Or... do you prepare special meals just for your bandster self? On the weekends I usually make meals that will last me for breakfast and lunch for the following weeks. These are my bandster meals. That way I can just grab them out of the freezer in the morning and pop them in my lunch bag.

Janet- We do have a VCR, but frankly I won't watch it if I record it. There is always something that comes up so I just stay up if it is not too late. If it is on too late I just don't watch it.

Lindaa - Is your fill too tight? I didn't have that problem at night, but nothing gets between me and my sleep. Well almost nothing.

Peaches - I am glad someone wants this level of restriction. I HATE IT!! I have decided that I am going in and getting some taken out on Monday. I still am struggling to eat in the mornings and I refuse to do Protein Shakes. I think the reason that I lost weight during the liquid phase is becuase I was doing Isopure drinks that don't have any sugar. But I can't bring myself back to drinking those. They were good during the 1st 2 weeks but now I gag when I bring them too my lips.

Well I have a TON of work to do so I will try to check back in after school.

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1) I am just really nosey now... what is everybodies Marital status...??? Married to my high school sweetheart ... we have 4 boys, 3 living on earth, 1 living in heaven.

2) Does everyone live alone and cook for one?? Nope!

3) Who prepares family meals and who eats what they cook their family? I do the majority of the cooking and depending on what I make for them, sometimes I'll eat it too.

4) Or... do you prepare special meals just for your bandster self? I'd say 75% of the time I make something seperate for myself after cooking for everyone else. :cool:

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1) I am just really nosey now... what is everybodies Marital status...??? Married, 24 yrs

2) Does everyone live alone and cook for one?? Me, Hubby, 15/Son, 23/Daughter, 77/Mom

3) Who prepares family meals and who eats what they cook their family? Usually me, but daughter likes to cook a lot too

If I can swallow what their having, I eat that. No bread, meats are hard to swallow too. I made red Beans Sunday. That goes down nicely. I have only had serious restriction since Jan. 3rd

4) Or... do you prepare special meals just for your bandster self?

I find something else in the house if I have to. I usually have Lean Cuisines on hand, Protien shakes,

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Linda - On my 3rd or 4th fill, I can't remember, this is what happened. Fill, drank Water was fine, drank coffee, fine, had a protien shake went to bed, fine.

Next day, water, fine, ate Cream of Wheat, fine, then began have trouble with water. By night I couldn't swallow. Spit would not go down, and I had to spit in a cup all night.

I went back to have some removed.

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Dini - You look fantastic!!!!! Who's the guy with you in the first picture?

I read a little of the Ireland thread, I don't get it so I can't advise.

The families watching a TV movie right now with Val Kilmer (Sp?) My daughter's teasing my husband cause she says he has a man crush on Val. If Val's in a movie, he's watching it.

the guy in the pic is my friend Anna's best friend. there are more pics up in my bebo of us..........


it was Anna's birthday and we were just posing. had a great night, i was wearing hold-up and my skirt was so short you could almost see them. ha ha

Hi everyone! I came in and tried to post earlier this afternoon and got kicked off and then the web site wasn't responding, so that may be why it's been so quiet on here today.

Hi Dini! I was the one who asked for the before pic and you have really come a long way....congrats!

I have been on a plateau, after gaining three pounds at Xmas and then losing it and regaining and losing it again. Finally, it's off, plus another pound and a half today, so I'm at 153.5, headed for the 140's. Can't wait!

I went shopping in my other closet last week and pulled out another eight outfits that I haven't worn in years. So much fun! Also took about 15-20 items out of my closet to give away as well. Like that too!

Really I haven't had to buy too many clothes. Got a few bathing suits early on and two pairs of slacks awhile back. And my DH bought me a couple things for Xmas, but other than that, I haven't had to shop. Will wait until I hit goal!

congratulations on being able to give away so many clothes i can't could i'm scared i'll put back on the weight. i'm afraid i'm going to wake up from this dream.

i hit a plateau at 148 kept going from 146-149 on and off for ages them i went to new york and lost 5 pounds, but its happening again! i'm thinking cos of xmas and new years and hoping that now i'll get back on track! fingers crosses

I love Big Medicine! Can't wait to see this season!

Dini, you look fabulous!!! Good for you!!!

All, I've missed you so much. Everyone seems to be doing great! I have another doctor's appt this month, so we'll see what my grand total is. Last time, I had lost 41lbs! YAY!!!


OH MY LORD HOW ARE YOU? its been far to long Chimmy! 41lbs thats wonderful. congratulations. let me know how you are and how the men in your life are. i'm still as nosy as ever ha ha

Hey Gang

Had a great time at the concert - danced and drank - so yesterday was recoup day :tongue:

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Hey Dini - you REALLY can see the diff - You are hot girl

On the meeting issue - it maybe that you are almost at goal and they are still working towards it and maybe feel a little intimidated about their weight loss compared to yours – They may look at you as the skinny chick and you know up fat girls can be prejudice too :tongue:

hello there, how you doing? your totally right about the girls but were supose to be a support group. that like in AA if you stop drinking for a month and then they kick you out. thats not on!! i dont think it is!

Dini!!!!! OMG you look fantastic! :eek::cool:

As for your friend, call her again and see if she's free. If she really was busy, it may have slipped her mind to get back to you. If there's a problem, there's no time like the present to find out what it is and what can be done about it.

hello you. thank you kindly. honestly i'm not going to call her. i know it sounds terrible but i couldn't be bothered. let her do her thing. i wish her al the best!

Dini - You look fantastic.



You look FANTASTIC!! What a difference! Thanks for posting those before and after pics!! You must be at goal now, huh??

NOT YET! i'm trying to drop the last 10lbs but there not budging!! i really didn't want to put them pics up. they made me cry! ha

1) I am just really nosey now... what is everybodies Marital status...??? 2) Does everyone live alone and cook for one?? 3) Who prepares family meals and who eats what they cook their family? I

4) Or... do you prepare special meals just for your bandster self? :eek:

1) I am just really nosey now... what is everybodies Marital status...???

thats a tricky one. i'ma common law partner with someone but dont think for long!!!

2) Does everyone live alone and cook for one?? no i live with adam and my 22 month old daughter. i work night with 2 days off. when i'm off i cook.

3) Who prepares family meals and who eats what they cook their family? I

4) Or... do you prepare special meals just for your bandster self

what ever i cook is eaten by all or i get very PISSED OFF ha ha ha

Funny because I am still getting emails! In fact that is how I knew someone had posted here just now! I looked through the options sections earlier to see if there was a button to click, but I couldn't find one.

i've tried posting for 2 days and it wouldn't let me get on to this thread. its madness. it kept putting me to another thread and i also dont get emails anymore


just wanna say thats to everyone who commented on my pic its so kind of you. i wish everyone all the sucess in weight loss and in life and health in general.

love you all xxx

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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