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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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It is most likely the foods that you are eating. Not to say that you are making poor choices it is just that your band may not respond well to some types of foods. For example, when I told my doc that I had tried to eat eggs the other day, he said that it may be one of those foods when cooked the way they were, might not be able to be eaten because of a texture. I know that I can't eat any of the meat subsitutes (boca burgers, veggie burgers) because they are not kind to my band. Maybe you should really note what foods you are sliming on to determine if perhaps this is the problem.

Holy cow I am hungry!!! I never went through bandster hell because I was never hungry post op, but I think I know what it feels like now! However, I am thinkning the feeling that I swallowed a soccer ball is worse than the hungry feeling though, so I will be sticking to liquids. Anyone want to volunteer to grade papers for me? Anyone? Do I sense a wonderful soul? No. Dang...It was worth a shot.:biggrin1:

I would do it for you baby girl - but I can't do 6th grade math :Banane26:

If you have a key to follow then ya - send them over I ck em for you.

:) Hungry :) Hope it gets better soon - they way you are going you maybe should go get a milkshake or something - do you drink coffee go get one of those latte thingies...

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I'm doig ok, Indio. I gained 6 lbs over the holidays but my weight is now 1/2 a lb lower than what's posted in my signature so I'm fine with that.

BTW everyone,

I named my dog Buppy and she is a Bichon Frise. Very cute but peeing in her cage at nights while I'm sleeping. She refuses to use the wee pads so I think I'm going to get doggy diapers for her and call it a day because I don't feel like cleaning her cage anymore. On a good note, she is forcing me to walk daily due to the toileting situation. On average I get at least 30 minutes of walking out of her.

Potty training :) that's the only part of getting a doggie that's a pain..

You gotta watch them 24/7 - take them out every 1/2 hr - I have never been able to get my dogs to pee on those pads - they just chew them up... Put the potty pads on the bottom of her crate - that way you just have to remove that...

Do you take her out right before bed?? They say that they aren't suppose to pee where they sleep - but i find that they do - what do you do with her during the day...

It's a great thing that those lbs that you put on from the holidays are coming off so fast - :clap2:

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I would do it for you baby girl - but I can't do 6th grade math :Banane26:

If you have a key to follow then ya - send them over I ck em for you.

:) Hungry :) Hope it gets better soon - they way you are going you maybe should go get a milkshake or something - do you drink coffee go get one of those latte thingies...

Nope no key! They are essay questions that I have to read and some of them are really BAD!

Unfortunately I don't drink coffee and since being banded the only kind of dairy that I can do is yogurt and cheese. I don't know what the problem is, but milk, ice cream and especially milkshakes make me fill up with gas (I know TMI) like there is no tomorrow. I get terrible cramping in my stomach. I keep saying that I wish I drank coffee because it always seems that the only things to drink are sweet, besides Water. Well I have a meeting to go to, so I will check in later. Thanks for the hugs. I am going to try some butternut squash Soup for dinner tonight and it is time for a Protein Drink.< /p>

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About fill cost. My surgeons office only does them under fluro also. I got a statement from my insurance and was looking at what they charge insurance for fill. Ready for this?!?!?! $1,515.00. I didn't have to pay before January 1st because I had met my out of pocket max of $2,000 last year but now they will cost me $285 for each fill. UUGGHHHH!!

Good Grief!! Jackie, that is outrageous fee for a fill!! Charges I've seen for my fees are $179 for fluoro plus a reasonable office visit charge.

Sorry to hear about your cholesterol! I haven't had mine checked since before surgery. I take Tricor and Pravastatin to keep it down. I'm hoping when I go home in the spring and have my blood work done again, maybe I can go off one of them, at least! I am really anxious to drop some meds... one cholesterol Rx and hopefully one BP pill! But I'm sure you've all heard me sing that song before!

TOPS weigh in today and I was down 2 lb. I am so close to the minus 60 lb point that I can taste it!! Hope to reach that milestone by next week's weigh in! I am PSYCHED for it!!

Karri... I'd sure help with those essays if I could! I especially love checking spelling. Sorry, Janet, you'd FLUNK!! LOL! One of my sisters is especially obnoxious when it comes to critiquing spelling and grammar and content!! She was an accounting major in college (which she never quite finished) but, I swear, she missed her calling! She'd be a great proofreader, if she could survive. I'm sure someone would have a "hit" out on her before long though! She is UNRELENTING!!

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Phil no kidding about the fill charges. Get this! Today when I was there I was telling the PA (she did a VERY SLIGHT 'tweek. .2) Anyway I was telling her that I didn't want to be to tight but I also want each fill to definately count. I explained to her about the insurance. She goes fills are like $400 and some dollars. I said no there not. I get a statement from my insurance everytime they have paid for a fill and they were charged $1515.?? She couldn't believe it!! She goes that is not how much it is if you are paying out of pocket. I said ' they charge different for insurance patients than they do self pay?!?!' She goes I wouldn't think so and she went right to the phone and called down to the office from Xray. They told her that they do charge differently and she just couldn't believe it. She goes 'why is that?' They told her because Blue Cross of Iowa has a contract with them and an agreed upon price. They bill my insurance $1515 and my insurance pays them $800 and some. I told her I would be checking with my insurance to see which way would be cheaper for me and she told me she would be checking with billing to because she doesn't understand why they can charge self pay alot less (NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE SELF PAYING!!! I THINK IT IS GREAT THAT THEY WILL DO IT CHEAPER.) I just want to get to the bottom of it and see which way would be cheaper for me.

Well I am down to 201 now. FINALLY moving a bit. Hoping this little fill today will give me a jump. Dare I say that I will maybe get to onederland?!?! Hope I didn't jinx myself by saying that out loud!!!! :D:speechles

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I am having a tough time today (and it is only 7AM!). I was really trying to go into this whole liquid thing with a positive attitude, but the fact that I feel completely drained, starved, and a little nauseous is NOT helping the positive attitude. Not to mention that since have gone to full liquids only, I have gained 2 pounds. I know it can't be fat that I am gaining because I have only had a TOTAL of 1200 calories in the last two days. Honestly I would rather not eat than drink the Protein Shakes and other liquid foods. I think this is why I did so well when I was on the liquid stage...I didn't really consume anything but Water and the bare amount of Isopure that I needed to. I wasn't hungry at all then either (big plus!) I can do the healthy eating and the exercising while using my band as a tool, but having to drink my meals is not what I wanted to do. I feel like the last 2 months it has been a very hard struggle. First the lodged food that required me to be on liquids for almost a week, followed by a period of ZERO restriction and fighting the urge to eat constantly, and now back to liquids. It is starting to wear on my mind. Part of the problem is that I am feel very lightheaded and dizzy because I am not getting enough calories. I am struggling to get calories in because all of the high calorie products that have ANY nutritional value all contain dairy products and I just can't do them. The Protein drink that I finally found that I could tolerate ended up having too much dairy in it and I was running to the bathroom all night.

I just needed to vent, but now I have to get back to grading. I had to change my lesson plans today because I don't have the energy to herd 75 kids through a fairly complex and slightly dangerous lab.

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Its okay!!! Everything will be alright! You cant get discouraged now, look how close you are to goal! You know the band is, something you really have to baby it. One of the things I did during liquids was get the Unjury plain flavor and add it to brooth, Jello, pudding, etc. it helps a little! This is just one of the many hurdles in bandland, but you are doing an awesome job! Keep up the good work!

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Sorry, Janet, you'd FLUNK!! LOL! One of my sisters is especially obnoxious when it comes to critiquing spelling and grammar and content!! She was an accounting major in college (which she never quite finished) but, I swear, she missed her calling! She'd be a great proofreader, if she could survive. I'm sure someone would have a "hit" out on her before long though! She is UNRELENTING!!

Yep Phyl - I know that my spelling & typing is atrocious :((see I used word to proof this cuz I couldn’t spell atrocious) – I leave out words or type did and mean didn’t or an when I meant and - I even try and proof my stuff but I am not very good at it. I am one of those people who read every 3rd word – I know you all have most likely gotten that email – where most of the words are misspelled but you can still read it – that’s me - my vocabulary is a lot bigger than what I can spell and this spell checker doesn’t work - – . I use to be a ok speller - but now a days I can't spell "THE" half the time – No feelings hurt – I just figure you all get my drift

Congrats on the – 2 lbs – that great :clap2:

I told her I would be checking with my insurance to see which way would be cheaper for me and she told me she would be checking with billing to because she doesn't understand why they can charge self pay alot less (NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE SELF PAYING!!! I THINK IT IS GREAT THAT THEY WILL DO IT CHEAPER.) I just want to get to the bottom of it and see which way would be cheaper for me. Well I am down to 201 now. FINALLY moving a bit. Hoping this little fill today will give me a jump. Dare I say that I will maybe get to onederland?!?! Hope I didn't jinx myself by saying that out loud!!!!

Jackie – it has always been that way – cash gets a lower price – this is due to the fact that they don’t have to go thru all the billing and waiting for their $$$ (cost of salary for billing – paper – stamps – wc – taxes etc) - My hospital bill was $64,000 but insurance only paid $3000 something – It makes no sense but that’s just how it goes – they bill an outrageous amount to get paid less than ½ of what they billed.

You will be onelander next week.. Congrats…:clap2:

I am having a tough time today (and it is only 7AM!). I just needed to vent, but now I have to get back to grading. I had to change my lesson plans today because I don't have the energy to herd 75 kids through a fairly complex and slightly dangerous lab.

Karri – I sure wish we could fix your problems :)

I can just imagine how hard this is on you physically and mentally.

How was the butternut squash Soup? ? You can’t even drink much of that??

I had my tooth pulled last nite and 2 teeth ground down for bridge – so when I got home I took my liquid vicoden and napped for about half an hour – woke up hungry and wanted comfort food that was soft – well ended up with Mac & cheese – 1 cup - not the most healthiest food choice – but really didn’t feel like fish veggies etc.

Scale only down ½ lbs this morning - I was looking for at least 1 lbs – but think I did/do have little Water retention going on (omg – this is the oldest excuse in the world ) But I will be happy with ½ loss instead of gain or nothing. So it’s taken me 3 weeks to lose 1 ½ lbs… I am now officially 60 lbs lighter than 6 months ago – so that in itself is a BIG accomplishment and that’s what I have to realize…

Well need to get back to the job they pay me to do:glasses - Will ck back later...



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Jackie – it has always been that way – cash gets a lower price – this is due to the fact that they don’t have to go thru all the billing and waiting for their $$$ (cost of salary for billing – paper – stamps – wc – taxes etc) - My hospital bill was $64,000 but insurance only paid $3000 something – It makes no sense but that’s just how it goes – they bill an outrageous amount to get paid less than ½ of what they billed.

You will be onelander next week.. Congrats…:clap2:

Janet I guess I didn't think about that but I just think that is nuts with the billing!!!! $1000 dollars less if they don't have to bill?!?! Wow! Oh well I knew it would cost going in and I didn't care then and still don't. I AM ALMOST TO WONDERLAND!!!!!!!!!!! 200 today!!!

I had my tooth pulled last nite and 2 teeth ground down for bridge – so when I got home I took my liquid vicoden and napped for about half an hour – woke up hungry and wanted comfort food that was soft – well ended up with Mac & cheese – 1 cup - not the most healthiest food choice – but really didn’t feel like fish veggies etc.

Mac & cheese once in awhile is fine. You are like the poster child for bandster rules with eating and exercising. We have to be able to indulge a little. Besides you ate ONE cup! Before it would prob been a box. Besides you just had teeth pulled. Hell I dont know if I would be able to stop at one cup after that!! LOL I HATE the dentist. (not personally but professionally :)) I am such a baby I make them give me gas and then tell them a couple of times I am not feeling it so they will turn it up and delay beginning. :) Then by the time they begin I could care less. :(

Scale only down ½ lbs this morning - I was looking for at least 1 lbs – but think I did/do have little Water retention going on (omg – this is the oldest excuse in the world ) But I will be happy with ½ loss instead of gain or nothing. So it’s taken me 3 weeks to lose 1 ½ lbs… I am now officially 60 lbs lighter than 6 months ago – so that in itself is a BIG accomplishment and that’s what I have to realize…

You have accomplished ALOT!! Hey at least it is still moving!! I hadn't moved for almost 4 weeks except for the SAME 3 LBS!! Congrats on the movement Janet. Your doing great!! Hope your mouth is feeling better today!!

I am having a tough time today (and it is only 7AM!). I was really trying to go into this whole liquid thing with a positive attitude, but the fact that I feel completely drained, starved, and a little nauseous is NOT helping the positive attitude. Not to mention that since have gone to full liquids only, I have gained 2 pounds. I know it can't be fat that I am gaining because I have only had a TOTAL of 1200 calories in the last two days. Honestly I would rather not eat than drink the Protein Shakes and other liquid foods. I think this is why I did so well when I was on the liquid stage...I didn't really consume anything but water and the bare amount of Isopure that I needed to. I wasn't hungry at all then either (big plus!) I can do the healthy eating and the exercising while using my band as a tool, but having to drink my meals is not what I wanted to do. I feel like the last 2 months it has been a very hard struggle. First the lodged food that required me to be on liquids for almost a week, followed by a period of ZERO restriction and fighting the urge to eat constantly, and now back to liquids. It is starting to wear on my mind. Part of the problem is that I am feel very lightheaded and dizzy because I am not getting enough calories. I am struggling to get calories in because all of the high calorie products that have ANY nutritional value all contain dairy products and I just can't do them. The Protein drink that I finally found that I could tolerate ended up having too much dairy in it and I was running to the bathroom all night.

I just needed to vent, but now I have to get back to grading. I had to change my lesson plans today because I don't have the energy to herd 75 kids through a fairly complex and slightly dangerous lab.

Salsa- I am so sorry for your troubles. You really are having a rough go of it. The liquids are terrible. I don't think there was anyone else on here that had as long of a liquid diet as I did before and after surgery. I had to do 2 weeks prior to surgery and 4 weeks after surgery of Clear Liquids. That was terrible!!! I was a very fat women who liked my food and had to cook for my family and watch them eat it while I made a cup of broth. :angry Let me tell ya it was pretty trying so I TOTALLY sympathize with you. I used Beneprotein in my broth. I could taste a little bit if I used a full scoop and I didn't like the taste so I just put have a scoop to 1 cup of broth and it was fine. It really helped some. Hope you are feeling a bit better. You can do this!!! You were wide open last month and still lost weight so hang in there girl. :)

Ok so I bought myself the Red Exerciser. Supposed to help with the midsection bulges. My girlfriend bought hers about 2 months ago and she has had EXCELLENT results. She's had 4 kids and honestly ya just wouldn't believe it because she is getting a flat belly. Now I know I won't have the flat but if I would be good with any toning. My skin has been pretty good so far comming back some. I do have the bat wings and some of the melting wax look to my belly so I am thinking that all the walking is WONDERFUL but now I have to really ramp up on the toning as well. Besides the PA told me yesterday that I should really work on the aerobics because that is really good for the cholesterol. I will keep you posted!!!

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Its okay!!! Everything will be alright! You cant get discouraged now, look how close you are to goal! You know the band is, something you really have to baby it. One of the things I did during liquids was get the Unjury plain flavor and add it to brooth, Jello, pudding, etc. it helps a little! This is just one of the many hurdles in bandland, but you are doing an awesome job! Keep up the good work!

Jello...pudding...I wish. Truly I am not supposed to have anything but clear liquids and Protein Drinks. Pudding I can't do because of the dairy...it causes the same problem as ice cream. I think I am just going to take a day off of work and go in. I just hope the mountains cooperate!

Karri – I sure wish we could fix your problems :)

I can just imagine how hard this is on you physically and mentally.

How was the butternut squash Soup? ? You can’t even drink much of that??

No I was not supposed to have soup. I tried it but didn't like it. Too sweet for me. I really am having a dislike for sweet things right now. I think it is all the Protein Shakes. I am going to try and add some of my unjury to some homemade chicken broth that I am going to make tonight. I know it will be okay, I was just having a rough morning and knew you guys would understand.

Salsa- I am so sorry for your troubles. You really are having a rough go of it. The liquids are terrible. I don't think there was anyone else on here that had as long of a liquid diet as I did before and after surgery. I had to do 2 weeks prior to surgery and 4 weeks after surgery of clear liquids. That was terrible!!! I was a very fat women who liked my food and had to cook for my family and watch them eat it while I made a cup of broth. :angry Let me tell ya it was pretty trying so I TOTALLY sympathize with you. I used Beneprotein in my broth. I could taste a little bit if I used a full scoop and I didn't like the taste so I just put have a scoop to 1 cup of broth and it was fine. It really helped some. Hope you are feeling a bit better. You can do this!!! You were wide open last month and still lost weight so hang in there girl. :girl_hug:

Wow, it would have been tough for me to do that. I didn't have to do a pre-op diet (good thing considering my consultation was the day before my actual surgery!) We did a lot of the consultation over the phone prior to going up there so it is not as odd as it sounds. My post op was 2 weeks of full liquids followed by 2 weeks of mushies. Then I had a fill and was to solid foods by the end of that week. The difference between my post-op and now is that I was not hungry then, and I am starving now. I am going to do whatever it takes to get in 1000 calories today. The dizziness and the lightheadedness and the feeling that my eyes are sinking into the back of my head are what is really getting to me!

Part of me just wants to wait to go to the doc when I am scheduled because technically I should be allowed to go back on thin mushies on Saturday, assuming they don't cause pain. I just need to stop whining and buck it up until then. Most of me thinks that I can make it until the 21st but there is a small part of me that is screaming :angry at me to just go have the some of the fill taken out soon and be done with it. Trying to determine which one I am going to listen to!:cry

Well I see the light at the end of the tunnel with the grading, so I am off to do that!

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Thanks Jackie !!!

I get gas too:p... I hate the dentist too :embarassed:- I love my dentist:kiss2: - he and his whole office are just GREATEST.. I hate the drill - don't mind the shot or anything else except the drill.

I am far from being bander poster child (got me cracking up on that)

But appreciate the complement... Yes I would have eaten most of the box prior to being banded - I really wanted Pasta & alfredo sauce - but didn't have any.

They put in a temp bridge - so at least the hole is covered - I am a bit tired and headachy - vicoden and i just don't get along real well - that's why I stayed in the hospital an extra night - as i was having TERRIBLE gas pain when the doc came to release me on the 18th - I was afaird to go home in that kind of pain - vicoden makes me a little sick to my tummy - 1st dose ok - but if I have to take a second dose - i am sick..

Since I am not feeling 100% - I want to eat - I have had a 1/2 c cantelope - yogurt & 1/2 banana and am starving - I have about 2 1/2 oz of fish and some veggies for lunch - ususally this is ok - but since i am not on my game - I want food - thankfully - I don't have any - and i did say no to brownies in the lunch room this morning...

I know at least the scales are moving downward and I should not be complaining... I know that for me it hasn't been that hard and up to now it has been moving pretty well - a week from today is my 6 month band anniversary and 60 in 6 is GREAT and as said before I have never lost this much weight in my life..

I guess I feel so good now - I just want to feel that much better when I am at goal - that will be the real proof to me that this thing works. If I will be able to maintain goal weight - in 2 - 3 yrs from now... But right now not worried about tomorrow just today ....


IMHO - I know it's a pain in the tush - but take the day off go get a bit taken out - you can not continue like this - it's not good for you phyically or mentally - (omg - i do sound just like a mom :))

Well off to eat my lunch - getting eyes ck'd and gray covered this afternoon - ck with ya'll later...

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I'm back. Phone was out and no phone, no computer.

Janet - I went with a friend to a womens retreat and we stayed at a motel. I was susceptable because I was a smoker. Funny thing, I remember nothing of the first four weeks.

Jackie- that really sucks that people with insurance have to pay more. That's part of the problem with health care today. Those with have to pay more to make up for those without.

Karri - Get some taken out if it is making you feel sick. Just think though, the scale should move down some. But health is more important. I'd help you with grading but I flunked Chemistry the first time around and that was forty years ago. Big help I'd be.

I finally have restriction. Feels great. Only thing, I fill up so quickly and being diabetic, I am afraid to just quit eating when I am full. I have got to work on that.


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OK I am feeling better today after the scarey reading of other threads. I am taking Janets advice and not venturing from you all here. So if anyone reads anything interesting on another thread (not something that will send my worry antena's (sp?) haywire) please come back and share your knowledge. LOL

Got my blood work back today. The only thing they don't have back yet is my Iron level. Don't understand that since it has been a week but I will get it in a couple more days I am sure. Everything was ok EXCEPT MY FREAKIN CHOLESTEROL!!!! Now listen to this because I was just baffold and really confused. Before surgery when they did my blood work my cholesterol was 243 (in July). In October my doc ran it again because it had been 3 months. It was 222. They told me before surgery they didn't want to start me on meds because with weight lose it may go down and if not then it was prob due to genetics. So in October I was really happy thinking that things were going in the right direction and doc said he was not worried. So I go in last week, (I know this sounds nuts) but I was excited because I wanted to see 'how much it has gone down not because I have lost 31 lbs since the last draw. I get my results today and my cholesterol is now 285!!! I honestly thought that it had to be wrong and still think that. I was so upset. Doc told me he thinks mine is genetic. I said are you serious that it can go up that much in 2 1/2 months? I said I haven't done anything different than what I have since being banded, I'm eating ALOT healthier than I was pre band and it was going now and now it is higher than before surgery. He assured me that the machine the hospital uses is very accurate but I am just floored by this. He is going to recheck it in a month and if it is still high like that I will prob be on cholesterol pills. I am so frustrated!!!! I look at labels and cholesterol, calories and etc. I am hoping that next month it is lower and I won't have to take pills but I will do what I must.

I called the surgeons office to talk about it with them also. (My family doc did my labs and I have to take result to surgeon for my 6 month check). The nurse was very nice and listened to me talk because I was upset. She asked if I wanted to come in for an appointment to talk with the PA and I said I already have an appointment set for tomorrow so I will just talk to her then.

About fill cost. My surgeons office only does them under fluro also. I got a statement from my insurance and was looking at what they charge insurance for fill. Ready for this?!?!?! $1,515.00. I didn't have to pay before January 1st because I had met my out of pocket max of $2,000 last year but now they will cost me $285 for each fill. UUGGHHHH

Better get. It is 12:45 AM here and hubby is tossing and turning because my 'pecking' as he calls it on the keyboard. Good night all. Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday!!!

Ok Jackie, Don't panic. Now listen...there are two types of cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL) and low density lipoproteins. HDLs are really good, while LDLs suck. If you are exercising or losing weight or eating right, your HDL level can go soaring. This is good, although it makes your overall cholesterol look lousy. Your doctor really needs to always check for what is called the HDL/LDL Ratio. The higher the % of HDLs in your blood, the healthier you are. If he/she is not providing you with that score, the overall number is worthless!! I too have a genetic predisposition to a high score, but the magic is in that ratio. Hang in there, kid and don't let the bastards get you down.

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It is most likely the foods that you are eating. Not to say that you are making poor choices it is just that your band may not respond well to some types of foods. For example, when I told my doc that I had tried to eat eggs the other day, he said that it may be one of those foods when cooked the way they were, might not be able to be eaten because of a texture. I know that I can't eat any of the meat subsitutes (boca burgers, veggie burgers) because they are not kind to my band. Maybe you should really note what foods you are sliming on to determine if perhaps this is the problem.

Holy cow I am hungry!!! I never went through bandster hell because I was never hungry post op, but I think I know what it feels like now! However, I am thinkning the feeling that I swallowed a soccer ball is worse than the hungry feeling though, so I will be sticking to liquids. Anyone want to volunteer to grade papers for me? Anyone? Do I sense a wonderful soul? No. Dang...It was worth a shot.:biggrin1:

Hi Karrie,

I'll swap you. I have an upcoming "bootcamp" for a week followed by a 6 hour exam on computer security. Classes start at 8:00 AM and finish at 9:00 PM. Is it a trade?

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Hi Karrie,

I'll swap you. I have an upcoming "bootcamp" for a week followed by a 6 hour exam on computer security. Classes start at 8:00 AM and finish at 9:00 PM. Is it a trade?

It's a deal! Oh wait, except that I finished grading the tests, but now I have 300 projects and labs to grade! Are you sure you still want to trade???

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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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