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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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OMG MY POST DIDN'T POST!!!! This site must be very busy cuz it sure takes a long time to load....

OK Here i go again

Thanks Jackie & Kirjah - I am glad I'm not the only one who has these thoughts...

K - I still smoke about 1/2 pack a day - I quit for 10 days before surgery but it was just too hard to give up food and cigs at the same time - heck you gotta have at least one vice in life and cigs are mine...

J- Night eating this is my fav time to eat too - This is why I budget my calories to allow for healthy Snacks at night..

My whole family are night eaters. I always say "our Mother never weaned us from the bottle" :eek:

Great NSV - bought 2 size 12 pants today.... The are a little tight around the waist but the do button & zip with out having to lay on the bed.

while changing clothes - i looked at my thighs in the mirror - OMG they look like they belong on an 80 yr old women - between them - my dog ear boobs and bat wings - When did I get so old....

Here is a real kicker - a new walgreens open just around the corner from my house - so when to transfer my prescription - the kid (oriental I can't tell how old he was) is looking at my insurance card and says

"IS THIS PART D" OMG I am only 52 (well 53 at the end of the month) but heck I don't look 65

So between the whole saggy baggy body issues - some kid saying I'm 65 I should be depressed - but I'm not - I have 2 size 12 pairs of paints hanging in my closet...:)

This is a tad shorter than my 1st post - but i'm tired :nervous

going to go see what i can scrounge up to eat... I will ck back in a few..

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Good for you Janet! I was happy to just zip up some 16's yesterday. Can't really wear them yet, but hope springs eternal. Did you get anything fun to wear to the concert?

BTW: I followed your directions for Salmon tonight. It was wonderful! Thanks to all that gave suggestions. Now we have some variations to try as well.

Phyl, don't get me wrong. I love Mike Holmgren and Mike Hasselbeck. Almost, it's a win-win next week, except that I have to be a loyal Packer fan! We're having a play-off party here Saturday afternoon. More food :(

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OMG MY POST DIDN'T POST!!!! This site must be very busy cuz it sure takes a long time to load....

OK Here i go again

Great NSV - bought 2 size 12 pants today.... The are a little tight around the waist but the do button & zip with out having to lay on the bed.

while changing clothes - i looked at my thighs in the mirror - OMG they look like they belong on an 80 yr old women - between them - my dog ear boobs and bat wings - When did I get so old....

Here is a real kicker - a new walgreens open just around the corner from my house - so when to transfer my prescription - the kid (oriental I can't tell how old he was) is looking at my insurance card and says

"IS THIS PART D" OMG I am only 52 (well 53 at the end of the month) but heck I don't look 65

So between the whole saggy baggy body issues - some kid saying I'm 65 I should be depressed - but I'm not - I have 2 size 12 pairs of paints hanging in my closet...:P

This is a tad shorter than my 1st post - but i'm tired :nervous

going to go see what i can scrounge up to eat... I will ck back in a few..

sorry... probably us football nuts gumming up the works!!

Doesn't that make you mad when you type a really good post and then suddenly it's gone?? And you don't know where it went?? And you don't feel like typing it all over again!! Bummer!!

FOCUS on the SIZE 12 pants.... not the "OLD" stuff... doesn't matter. Stupid kid! Part D, indeed!!!


Hey! I was at Wal-Mart yesterday and I went to the McDonald's inside...... and I bought......



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Hi, Everyone! Haven't been on in awhile and was reading through some of the posts, everyone is doing great!!! Great job! I have been at a major standstill for some time now! I did really well after my last fill and then the Holidays came around ... doesn't help that I realized that chocolate and ice cream go down way too smooth, lol!!! Have to get back on track and try again! Just was hoping the dieting days were over, but guess they will never be!!!! So tired of dieting, thought just eating less would do it, but doesn't seem to be the case! Kind of down right now and hoping all is going to turn around here real soon! Especially since I go see my doc next week ... I don't think he is going to be impressed!!!! YIKES!

Hope to hear from everyone real soon! Keep in touch!


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Good for you Janet! I was happy to just zip up some 16's yesterday. Can't really wear them yet, but hope springs eternal. Did you get anything fun to wear to the concert?

BTW: I followed your directions for Salmon tonight. It was wonderful! Thanks to all that gave suggestions. Now we have some variations to try as well.

Phyl, don't get me wrong. I love Mike Holmgren and Mike Hasselbeck. Almost, it's a win-win next week, except that I have to be a loyal Packer fan! We're having a play-off party here Saturday afternoon. More food :(

It should be a good game. Play off party sounds fun!! Excpet for all that food. I ate too much today. Panera bread for lunch. Although, I must say, their Soup bowls certainly have shrunk! Used to get a pretty good sized bowl of soup when you ordered the "Take Two" or whatever they call it... bowl of soup and 1/2 sandwich. Now you get a little crock of soup. That's okay, but their price didn't change! In fact, I think it went up... less food, more money. It was plenty for me, but just annoying when they do things like that.

But then I had about 4 little shrimp for an afternoon snack. So I couldn't even eat half of my dinner tonight... small chicken breast.. most of it went back in the fridge.

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Hey Guys:teeth:

I just know I asked this question before but for the life of me I can't find my post even with the serch and I didn't find any answers. So if anyone answered this question before...please forgive the repeat.

Could someone please explain the monthly challenge? I mean how does it work and what do all the numbers mean?

I think this could be something I need. I totally ditched on the exercise last month and I could use some motivation.

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Janet - Yeah on the jeans:whoo: :clap2:. I tried on a pair of size 12 jeans and they fit, but didn't buy them cause I needed shirts more than pants. To prevent losing my posts (cause mine are normally long) I usually highlight everything and copy it before I go to post. That way if I lose it, I can paste it back in the window and try again. Oh and you mentioned earlier that you didn't want to just settle at the weight that you were at now, and I feel the same way. I just think I was becoming too obsessed with the scale and in reality it is now about the size that I want to be. I can comfortably wear size 14's and I still want to get to at least a size 10. I can pretty confidently say that I am out of plus size clothing, but I am still large in the chest area so that is where I am having the problem finding shirts. The plus size fits through that area, but is waaaaaay to big everywhere else. The regular size shirts are snug through that area but fit perfect everywhere else. I have gone down a bra cup size and I am hoping for one more, but I don't know if it will happen.

Phyl - Go SEAHAWKS!! It was getting to the point that I was going to start throwing shoes, but Hasselbeck finally got his butt in gear and prevented me from flinging my shoes

Lindaa - If the seahawks don't win next week I will be rooting for Brett, but not a moment before.

BlueEyedBaby - I don't think that anyone on this board has an exercise challenge going. My exercise numbers are from the August board, but that doesn't mean that you can proclaim whatever number of days or sessions that you want and then have us hold you accountable. I have decided to do exercise sessions because I want to do 2 a day when I am not working. I didn't do a great job the last 2 days but I did get my exercise in today. I only did 1 exercise session each the last two days. I just put the numbers in my signature. Feel free to copy mine and change it to fit your needs.

Well I really wish that whoever has decided to camp out in my brain and tell me that I need to eat would just wither and float away. I have had MAJOR head hunger today. Janet today is my day to feel ugh about the situation. Basically I just feel tired of always fighting the good fight. Sometimes I just want to rest. Don't worry I won't. It isn't that I want to eat bad foods, I am learning to really like the foods I am eating and enjoying exercise, I just want to not always be worrying that I am doing something wrong, or eating too much. I have read that it takes six months for new habits to set in and be natural. Maybe once that happens I won't feel like I am always on the defense against food. I know it will be a life long struggle, but I am hoping that maybe it won't become such a struggle. Also doesn't help that BF decided to order pizza tonight. I tried to eat it, but after 4 or 5 bites I got stuck and decided it wasn't worth it. He is actually kind of pissing me off right now. He won't exercise with me, eat healthy with me or do really anything that would support me, besides listening to me babble on about the band, and even that he is getting sick of. Fortunately I am not a big candy eater, because he has done nothing but hit the after Christmas candy sales. It seems that all of the pounds that I shed he gains. It shouldn't frustrate me, but I just feel like he is almost trying unconsciously to sabotage the work I have done. He doesn't want me to get very skinny because he is more attracted to thicker women. He told me from the begginning that he wouldn't change his behavior. He doesn't care if he gains weight and he said he did enough exercising in the military. So I knew this going in and up until now it hasn't bothered me one bit. I think it is because I am feeling tired with all the work that I have done, and just wish that he would do something to help me out. Thank god I have you guys, cause I don't think I could have been as successful without you.

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Hey Guys:teeth:

I just know I asked this question before but for the life of me I can't find my post even with the serch and I didn't find any answers. So if anyone answered this question before...please forgive the repeat.

Could someone please explain the monthly challenge? I mean how does it work and what do all the numbers mean?

I think this could be something I need. I totally ditched on the exercise last month and I could use some motivation.

In November, because of the holidays, someone challenged us to exercise 20X in the month of December. Adding it to our signatures was a good way of keeping track of it. Then I decided to do it again in January just as a matter of accountability to myself for keeping up my exercise.

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Good for you Janet! I was happy to just zip up some 16's yesterday. Can't really wear them yet, but hope springs eternal. Did you get anything fun to wear to the concert?

BTW: I followed your directions for Salmon tonight. It was wonderful! Thanks to all that gave suggestions. Now we have some variations to try as well.


Linda - 1 pair of pants are jean trouser pants ralph lauren dark indigo - they were to much $$$ but they looked so good on (except for the little muffin on top but with the correct undergarment & blouse should be ok) Didn't find a blouse for the concert but got 2 tops from pennys. I have that velvet jacket in my colleage (sp) pic - I haven't tried it on together yet - and I have one of those empire blouse that might work - Still have tomorrow or next Sat to shop if need be - but gotta tell you this - While shopping today I thought about your insturctions - tried on some boots- but my calfs are too big :cry. I have some out in the garage that I haven't worn in yrs they are scrunched so they aren't the kind that zip - but high heels - will see if they will work and they don't kill my feet - I use to wear 4 & 5 inch heels - now i try and stick to 2 1/2 - 3 max... I have always been comfort before beauty - i remember my mom telling me as i got dressed for my 8th grade Xmas dance - beauty before comfort (i must have been complaining about something hurting) - that has stuck with me all my life - she's been dead for 38 yrs...

sorry... probably us football nuts gumming up the works!!

Doesn't that make you mad when you type a really good post and then suddenly it's gone?? And you don't know where it went?? And you don't feel like typing it all over again!! Bummer!!

FOCUS on the SIZE 12 pants.... not the "OLD" stuff... doesn't matter. Stupid kid! Part D, indeed!!!


Hey! I was at Wal-Mart yesterday and I went to the McDonald's inside...... and I bought......



I am drinking coffee now and not Decaf - it was 7:30 and I was ready for bed and it's way too early - am trying to watch the debates - they are talking about medical insurance now... I am recording so I can go back and really pay attention - I gotta be prepared to vote in november and til now haven't been paying too much attention - just like christmas they have started way too early...

Hi, Everyone! Haven't been on in awhile and was reading through some of the posts, everyone is doing great!!! Great job! I have been at a major standstill for some time now! I did really well after my last fill and then the Holidays came around ... doesn't help that I realized that chocolate and ice cream go down way too smooth, lol!!! Have to get back on track and try again! Just was hoping the dieting days were over, but guess they will never be!!!! So tired of dieting, thought just eating less would do it, but doesn't seem to be the case! Kind of down right now and hoping all is going to turn around here real soon! Especially since I go see my doc next week ... I don't think he is going to be impressed!!!! YIKES!

Hope to hear from everyone real soon! Keep in touch!


Jeanie - 1st thing you need to do - is take the word diet it out of your vocabulary... Diets are only for a short time and what happens when you quit your diet - you go right back to your old eating habits which made you fat in the 1st place so diets don't work - We are not dieting we are eating healthy and exercising.. this is a lifetime lifestyle change in our eating habits not a diet... This is why I love WW - it is a well rounded balanced eating plan - and that's what i follow - I have meat, starch, veggies and mostly sf sweets - at the new little market around the corner they sell these little mini loafs of french bread - about 6 inchs - I buy these and slice a little slice add a little butter and am happy - I will not be deprived - I end up throwing half away - cuz it get stale - I don't have the urge to eat the whole thing like I did in the past

when I want choc i have 1 or 2 sf double choc pudding or a fudgecicle.

If i am extra hungry at dinner or lunch - i eat extra veggies - for lunch yesterday 3 oz salmon and 1 3/4 c squash...

Throw the junk out - no more - I refuse to even have one piece of candy - I don't need it and the calories are just too much for such little amount of food - i didn't eat one candy bar in the past I would buy the giant ones (hersey w/nut) or bags and eat them til they were gone (1 day) ... I really do just stay away from sweets - and high fat foods.

It should be a good game. Play off party sounds fun!! Excpet for all that food. I ate too much today. Panera Bread for lunch. Although, I must say, their Soup bowls certainly have shrunk! Used to get a pretty good sized bowl of soup when you ordered the "Take Two" or whatever they call it... bowl of soup and 1/2 sandwich. Now you get a little crock of soup. That's okay, but their price didn't change! In fact, I think it went up... less food, more money. It was plenty for me, but just annoying when they do things like that.

But then I had about 4 little shrimp for an afternoon snack. So I couldn't even eat half of my dinner tonight... small chicken breast.. most of it went back in the fridge.

So you were down my way - Pandra wasn't open last time I was over that way - my gf & I went to lunch at chipolets next door - had the burrito in a bowl (no tortilla) but they give too much rice - i just at the top and threw most of it away - i was full all afternoon...

Hey Guys:teeth:

I just know I asked this question before but for the life of me I can't find my post even with the serch and I didn't find any answers. So if anyone answered this question before...please forgive the repeat.

Could someone please explain the monthly challenge? I mean how does it work and what do all the numbers mean?

I think this could be something I need. I totally ditched on the exercise last month and I could use some motivation.


For xmas we had a 20 day (out of 31) exercise challenge - we have extended it - no one is keeping track - we have just added to our signature so that we are accountable to the group (that's why i did it)

So the challenge is that you exercise 20 days this month.

Are you in :)

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BlooEyez - The band is weird. On my 4th fill I was up to 5. I closed completely and had to go back to have some taken out. I couldn't swallow spit. I was drooling into a cup.

Today I had another fill .1 to my 5.5, so I'm at 5.6. So far I'm fine. I had 5.5 for all of Dec. with no problems.

So weird how it works like that!

While I no longer follow strict Atkins, I find myself eating mostly Protein ..... Before I did the Taliban version (less than 10 grams of carbs)

I definitely don't do strict atkins but like you, I eat mainly protein and try to keep the carb intake at 50 or less ...

My suggestion - is throw the truffles out

They went out in yesterday's trash ... what on earth was Grandma thinking to give us a gift bag full of truffles & cashews for Christmas??! OK yeah I know, it wasn't her fault ... I take full responsibility for answering them when they were calling my name ... :(

I finally past the 40 pound mark.quote]

CONGRATS! :clap2:

It's been emotionally draining and if I'm honest, a lot harder to deal with physically than my lap band surgery.

What an ordeal! So sorry you went through all that! Glad it was caught on time and you're on the mend.

Officially I lost 7 lbs last month.

CONGRATS! :clap2:

Ok I have a question to pose - do you think getting filled is both a physical help & physiological too..

Both! For me, each fill has been like a fresh new start ... like surgery all over again, except with a different starting weight.


I lived up in Everett for 5 years ... my oldest son is a huge Seahawk fan and they are my #2 favorite team. Quite a scare in the 4th quarter ... glad they were able to re-gain the lead and win! Now for tomorrow ... GO CHARGERS! :biggrin1:

I just feel like he is almost trying unconsciously to sabotage the work I have done. He doesn't want me to get very skinny because he is more attracted to thicker women.

I know exactly where you're coming from! My husband was 100% against me having surgery and in the first month afterwards, was so pissed off he slept on the couch. He told me he didn't want me to lose weight because if I did, I'd leave him (his own insecurities) and he sabotaged my progress every chance he got. He has since pulled his head out of his arse and likes the new, shrinking me ... give it time, your BF will too! :eek:

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Don't get me wrong, he was 1000% behind me having the surger and is very proud of what I have accomplished. It is just that in the last couple of weeks he has made some bad choices on what to bring in to the house to eat. Not to mention that we have eaten out WAY too much. He got a couple of bonus checks from work and loves to eat out. We haven't gotten to do much since we moved over the mountains and the town that we live in sucks. We don't even have a bowling alley! I am just frustrated with how much food he is eating and the types that he is bringing in. His feeling toward the surgery is that it is perfectly fine as long as he didn't have to change anything about the way he lived or ate. Up until this point there hasn't been a problem. I am just feeling tired and want the eating and exercising to come a little bit easier. I am afraid to put my guard down for a single second. I analyze everything that goes in my mouth and I am just wondering if there ever come a time when we don't have to put SO MUCH thought into everything we do. Does it ever just start coming naturally? I seriously have not had a single meal that is bad for me. I have had a few Cookies, some pie, a piece of cake and part of some cheesecake since August 9th. I have never had a meal that wasn't completely band appropriate except for the pizza that I attempted to eat tonight. And even then, pizza is food, and I ate the meat before anything else. I just didn't want the pizza to be honest. I wanted something that was heatlhier and ended up eating some chicken that was left over from the homemade chicken noodle Soup last night. I think part of my issue right now is the apprehension about going back to work on Monday. I didn't do any grading over the break which means that I have hours of it to do Monday and Tuesday. Plus my BF has been sick for like the last month and I am slowly coming down with it. I have been depleted for energy. I got in my workouts today, but I also had to take a nap both yesterday and today. I have only taken a nap once or twice since having surgery. Before then it was my weekend ritual. I am sure I will feel better tomorrow. Today is just one of those days.

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Janet - Yeah on the jeans:whoo: :clap2:. I tried on a pair of size 12 jeans and they fit, but didn't buy them cause I needed shirts more than pants. To prevent losing my posts (cause mine are normally long) I usually highlight everything and copy it before I go to post. That way if I lose it, I can paste it back in the window and try again. Oh and you mentioned earlier that you didn't want to just settle at the weight that you were at now,

Well I really wish that whoever has decided to camp out in my brain and tell me that I need to eat would just wither and float away. I have had MAJOR head hunger today.

Janet today is my day to feel ugh about the situation. Basically I just feel tired of always fighting the good fight. Sometimes I just want to rest. Don't worry I won't.

So I knew this going in and up until now it hasn't bothered me one bit. I think it is because I am feeling tired with all the work that I have done, and just wish that he would do something to help me out. Thank god I have you guys, cause I don't think I could have been as successful without you.

Karri - I still very self consious (sp) about walking in to the regular womens dept - I feel like they are looking at me saying you are in the wrong department - in fact at Macys a sales lady told this lady looking for something that the Big Womens sizes were down stairs (she was a big girl)... I went into express - but looked like 12 was the largest size and I am still in x-large tops - so walked out - its funny about sizes - one xl fits another doesnt - size 12 pants fit and then the next one doesn't - tried on some womens 14 jean - they fit - but were slim legged and my calfs are too big - don't like the way they look on me - I am a BIG WHAT NOT TO WEAR fan - in fact Clinton Kelly was at our Macy's last yr - I got there 3 hrs eartly just to make sure I got a seat... So I go for the trouser style pant or wider leg pants - and i HATE tight tops - I still have a roll & 1/2 on my back that I am very self aware of... I have a few of those very high wasted support garments that help smooth them out.. Now adays everything is made out of such thin material that shows your back fat..

I am very critical - I have to look just so.. I love camp style shirts made of a good weight cotton/rayon Caribean Joes - but since it's winter i can't find any and all the ones i had (which was tons) are too big...

I did walk thru the bbw section but didn't see anything I likes and then went to layne bryant - but didn't see anything that caught my eye...

I have don't copy before - sometimes when my spelling is really bad I will copy into word and spell ck then paste back - so when the site is slow like it has been lately I will do that..

Karri - What would you do if you rested?? You are so tight I don't think you could do much damage ::eek: unless it's ice creams or something that goes down to easy.. what do you want to eat - have a little - I don't worry too much about what I am eating cuz 98% of the time it's healthy so the other 2% is normal imho - I do enjoy my healthy food just as much as I did my unhealthy food and if I want a taco I will have one - I haven't eaten out for about 2 or 3 weeks now (my xmas Cookies & tamales instead of eating out) but I do go to lunch w/my gf about once every 2 week - I have had chinese - mexican - I just don't go to the sandwich places cuz I don't think I can eat a sandwich that we use to alway go eat (jalapone bread salami cheese) - I don't eat healthy all the time in fact last friday night I has scallops & shrimp in a cream sauce over rice - had 1 1/2 cups - with the cream it wasn't low fat - but it was great comfort food and i needed it - before I would have eaten the whole thing in one night - I had 2 - 1 1/2 c containers leftovers - ate the other 1 Sat - and had to throw one out Friday when I cleaned out the fridge.

You do eat out don't you ... or cuz you are so tight you haven't been We had pizza last week at work for a going away lunch for someone - it was thin crust - but I got stuck too after a couple bites - and I have had pizza before with no problems -

This will become less of a struggle as we go thru the year - I bet at our 1 yr anniversary it will be more comfortable for us - I bet none (or not very many) of us have been on any program for 1 yr. I know I haven't done it for more than 6 months...

Ok BF issue -I really don't know what to say about this = I know that being single helps me with this whole band/eating issue - cuz I know my xdh wasn't a fish eater and I don't know how I would have done this with someone else to cook for - it would be so much harder. So I can understand why you are tired.. I do have my gs but I make him hamburger helper which I hate - he does eat fish with me - and he does fend for his self alot - especially now that he drives and isn't at home as much.. who cooks?? do you eat separate meals?? It would bug me to watching him eat unhealty and just for the fact that it's unhealthy - a girl at work (big girl) had fish for lunch on friday - but it was fried and she had home made italiain bread - the day before 2 cups of Pasta - I hate watching her eat - plus she is diabetic

You are like me when you are doing healthy you want everyone else to too... Men - what can I say - can't live with them can't live without them.. You have us ... :(

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