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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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OK GANG - I called my gf and said I am hungry lets do lunch - plus i know i go for a fill tomorrow - so if I am going to eat - today is the day as I am suppose to be on full liquids for a whole week (will only do about 3 or 4 day) so went to Taco Shop - again i want you to know i was STARVING.... Order taco enchillada tostado & rice - ate 3/4 of taco the WHOLE enchillada and a couple of bites of rice - I am stuffed - but now very aware that I do need that fill tomorrow - I threw away the tostada and rice - I will now stay full all afternoon - See everyone the food COP/ANGEL is human - I don't always make the best decisions - but even normal people don't eat healthy 100% of the time - that's why i say i eat healthy 98% - today for lunch was that 2% that i don't - to nite i will have ground turkey & veggies and will skip the carbs (no rice) and exercise...

OK got tons of crap to do - talk to you all later.


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You are so right Janet, eating right 98% is what thin people do. Before, I only ate right 2% of the time so I have totally tipped the tables. Right now I could probably have eaten that entire plate. I have to stop myself from eating now. I told my BF that I was not going to count calories for the rest of the week because my will power is on its last leg and I need to stretch it out for the next three days. Right now I have been eating healthy and still very small portions. But if I don't start eating a bit more so that I am not hungry all the time, I am going to break down totally and binge. It is all about listening to what your body needs, not what it wants. Right now, it needs more GOOD food because the band isn't doing its job.

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OK GANG - I called my gf and said I am hungry lets do lunch - plus i know i go for a fill tomorrow - so if I am going to eat - today is the day as I am suppose to be on full liquids for a whole week (will only do about 3 or 4 day) so went to Taco Shop - again i want you to know i was STARVING.... Order taco enchillada tostado & rice - ate 3/4 of taco the WHOLE enchillada and a couple of bites of rice - I am stuffed - but now very aware that I do need that fill tomorrow - I threw away the tostada and rice - I will now stay full all afternoon - See everyone the food COP/ANGEL is human - I don't always make the best decisions - but even normal people don't eat healthy 100% of the time - that's why i say i eat healthy 98% - today for lunch was that 2% that i don't - to nite i will have ground turkey & veggies and will skip the carbs (no rice) and exercise...

OK got tons of crap to do - talk to you all later.


Sounds yummy!! I would've done the same thing!

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Just read this on one of the Seattle area TV/News websites. Very interesting:

Stand up to lose weighticon_video.gif

06:15 PM PST on Monday, December 17, 2007


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Stand up more often

Stand up to lose weight. Sit down to fatten up.

"Spend less time in the chair, get up and move around as much as you can throughout the day," said physiologist Fabio Comana.

Standing up stimulates a fat burning enzyme, explains Comana.

"When you're up walking around, standing, puttering around or exercising, that enzyme gets activated," he said.

Sitting down shuts it off.

"That enzyme really responds to physical activity," said Comana.

The good news is you don't have to exercise to make it work. University of Missouri researchers found daily puttering around will drop off the pounds.

"If I can get a few more calories burned every few minutes, you translate that over a 12-, 14-, 16-hour day, it can make a difference of as little a 100 calories a day, that may not seem like much in one day, but it's a pound a month and 12 pounds a year," said Comana.

A simple way to stand up more often at work: Instead of calling or e-mailing a co-worker, walk over to them to deliver your message in person. At home, try getting up and doing something every time there's a commercial on TV.

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Okay... now I need to know what are CORNELL NOTES AND PERIODIC TABLES?????


Your pictures are great!! I looked at them on your website last night. You are SOOOO young!! "Auntie Phyl" could be your GRANDMOTHER!! I feel so old now! LOL

So sorry you had such a bummer of an experience in NYC. My oldest daughter and granddaughter went for a couple of days last summer and one of my sisters, Barb, went with them. Barb moves at about the same pace as your friend does! And she did not bring walking shoes with her, so her feet were hurting and she couldn't keep up. GD, Alisha, is 17 yrs old and she is a GOER!! She had an agenda of things she wanted to see and do, like finding the guys that sell fake Coach purses, etc. and, from what I was told, Barb was quite miserable and Alisha was frustrated! They did have a good time, though, and managed to fit in everything on Alisha's schedule. NYC really is a neat place, so it's too bad you had such a frustrating time! Indian men are male chauvenists!! They were probably pissed because you thought it was okay for two gals to be traveling unaccompanied.

AuntyPhyl, I need to borrow you GD next time i plan to go to NYC she sounds like my type of girl !!! i do look a little younger than i am i keep getting that. but hey its a good thing. and you'll never be grand-ma to me your always going to be my Aunty Phyl. xx

Dini, Let me echo Janet I think it was in saying you are HOT!!!! Wow! I'd like to see a before picture of you, but I mean WOW!

To be 24 again!!!!

Anyway, I'm still losing, slowly, but surely. My 3rd fill appt keeps getting pushed back. It was supposed to be at the end of November, but it's been rescheduled a few times. Which is fine with me, I'm not going to get a fill. Don't need one. Two were enough. I've got enough restriction to do it I think. Maybe it will loosen up some next year, just don't know. So, I'm mainly going for an official weigh in. I think the Doc will be pleased.

Baked a bunch of cakes for friends and co-workers as usual this year. Only had one piece myself! There are three holiday meals with friends or co-workers this week, but it will soon be over and it's going good.

NSV, tried on an XS, extra small, sweater yesterday and it was too big!!!! Tried on a bunch of Small petites. Let husband buy me several things for Christmas. Finally came to the realization that just because it's pretty and fits, you don't buy it like you did in the past. You look at it more critically and say, yeah of course it fits, but does it really do something for me or is it just okay. In the past, if it was a good color and fit, you'd just buy it to have something.....NO MORE!!!!! Let Freedom Ring! :)

thank you so much, thats great that your still loosing. in my mind once i loose a little well thats all that matters. once i'm not putting on. thats just terrible in my heart. congratualtions on only having one cake. i wish i could bake but i am useless.

i totally know what your talking about with the buying clothes that fit when your big. hey i'm well jealous of youin your xtra small. i wanna be like that.

now i can try everything on. although i am only 24 i've NEVER been able to wear regular clothes from regular shops. even when i was a kid i was in adult clothes. when i was 12 i was a good bit bigger than i am now so to go into a shop and ask for anything in the shop is amazing. now instead of saying of this is too small i say oh this doesn; suit and no this is too big. ha ha ha ha. what i wear is tight tops, short skirts or jeans them some dresses, actually what am i saying i wear everything i can get!!! i've spent a crazy amount of money on clothes. my mom thinks i'm crazy cos she convinced i'm going to go down another size... sorry to keep going on i bet you all think i;m up my own ass

Yeah, Dini is back from her trip.

Wow, you had lots of excitement... oh and your picture is awesome. You are beautiful, but those eyes!!! My you do have a devilish twinkle there girl.

I totally know what you mean about traveling companions who are S_L_O_W, late, or get drunk too much and miss dinner... it can be very irritating. You never know someone until you share a hotel room for a week. ARGH!

My last trip with the 'girls' was to Puerto Vallarta Mexico and my room mate and I had been friends for decades... I knew she was a clothes horse but GOD I didn't know she expected me to wait while she took 2 hours to dress and put on makeup!

And we were just going to the beach!!! Plus she was on the prowl and I am happily married... big difference. Ah but you live and learn eh?

So now that you've been across the pond to New York you must try Canada next. Montreal or Toronto are both nice large cities.... Spring, Summer or Fall.... don't come in our winter as you'd not be used to it. Its beautiful but only if you come from here and are used to playing in the snow.

peaches there is nothing worst than slow people i know and i'm glad you agree with me some people think i was a terrible friend and that i should have shut up and delt with it. if your inviting me to Canada i'm coming. and be carful there cos i will talk you up on the offer if you put it out there !!!!

you know how to read a picture. cos the devilish twinkle is defo there. and i make sure the lads can feel it. ha ha

Dini - I Chee Whaaa Whaaaa

mango my daling, what does that mean. sorry if its obvious but i'm a little thick!!!

So I was in such a down mood yesterday. Couldn't stop crying all day. I missed eating (MAJOR HEAD HUNGER) and I was tired of working (I put in a 16 hour day), and I had a bad dream about my mom. I would start crying at the drop of a hat. So I went home and I ate A cookie. Not 10, not 20, but 1. I did feel better and I didn't feel one bit of guilt. I also went back to a more balanced meal and yep the scale went up, but only by 0.5 pounds. Before when I would go off of Atkins I would jump 5 pounds in 1 day. I really am learning to eat in moderation and it feels so good. My students have been commenting that I have been losing a lot of weight, so that is nice. Also, I tried on a pair of pants this morning and they are 14's. Now they are Lane Bryant 14, but still a 14.

Dini - :eek:An extra small.... I was happy when an extra large fit:biggrin1:

i'm sending out a big hug i hope you get this sweety. your so good weating only one cookie. i would have ate them all. congratulations on the size 14.

it was Brady that is in the xsmall not me i'm not that small :P

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Hey, Peaches & Kathybad.... and anyone else who is interested, someone just sent me an email about the "smallest house in Toronto" currently on the market. Pictures are pretty interesting. If you want me to forward it to you, PM me with your preferred email address. It's a pretty cute little house. Interesting pictures.

Thank goodness that house is the 'exception' rather than the rule in size. It would be a good starter home for a single gal or gent. The house prices in Toronto are very high.

I actually emailed my DD that pic too as a joke. She and her sign. other are planning to buy something modest in the New Year... cant' get anything decent under $300,000 ... its enough to give you an anxiety attack.

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Oh, my! DH grilled some salmon tonight and served it with some steamed veggies... broccoli, cauliflower and carrots. I could only eat a few bites. I don't know what's up with that. I had maybe 1-2 oz. of the salmon and not even 1/4 cup of the veggies and I couldn't eat anymore. That was 30 minutes ago and I'm still really uncomfortable, burping and feeling miserable. Wonder why!?? Similar to what happens sometimes when I eat tuna fish. Of course, don't you know those are two of my favorite things!

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Hello everyone! Just checking in, things have been so so so busy for my at work. I am still feeling a little swollen after my last pb... I still havent done my baking (i think im trying to avoid it till the last moment haha)... right now im going to go wrap wrap wrap!

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Originally Posted by mango24 viewpost.gif

Dini - I Chee Whaaa Whaaaa

mango my daling, what does that mean. sorry if its obvious but i'm a little thick!!!

I think that's Spanish for "Oooooo LaLa"!!

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Indio - O.K. this is freaky, My Grandmaw doesn't live with me but my mother does, and her name is Rose.... Rosemary. Can you hear the twilight zone music?

Karri - I bought missy 14 for Thanksgiving. Well I couldn't find them Sat. I was looking everywhere. When I found them, I looked at the tag inside. They're not a 14, they're a 16. What da hell? I told everybody I bought a 14. I musta been drunk. At least it's regular 16's and not Womens, so that's something. I was in stretch women's 18's.

Mango maybe you got my life :confused: - and hey 16 isn't 18 and sure and the heck isn't a 20 - What does TTFN mean

Ta ta for now???? Hope you have a good time at your party

Keep the pics coming, I love em...

Some of these pics, makes it hard to believe you people were ever "overweight". Im sure everyones like me and wants clothes clothes clothes for Christmas. Hell, everything I own is too big including my panties. Myself, Im looking forward to the extra long weekends that are coming up due to the holidays. I need a break from this place. Not a whole lot going on with me as far as weight wise, sitting at 153 STILL. I drove myself nuts wanting to be under 160, and now I want to be under 150. Will it ever stop? My DH says I can weigh 100 pounds and I will still find somewhere on my body that needs to lose some more "fat". I dont mean to be this way, but I can tell that losing weight is my new addiction. Its just so fun....(and easy) lol

Distant - I really don't want clothes yet - I did by a few things first of Nov - so they should last for a bit - cuz some of the xl tops are just a itty bit tight - I have 38 lbs to go - hopefully i will be a 12.. The only thing by the time I need clothes it will be summer and everything is sleeveless - and I need a little sleeve to cover my bat wings and your dh is right - and i agree with you - I am a little addicted to this losing weight and ya it's not too hard most of the time...

You are so right Janet, eating right 98% is what thin people do. Before, I only ate right 2% of the time so I have totally tipped the tables. Right now I could probably have eaten that entire plate. I have to stop myself from eating now. I told my BF that I was not going to count calories for the rest of the week because my will power is on its last leg and I need to stretch it out for the next three days. Right now I have been eating healthy and still very small portions. But if I don't start eating a bit more so that I am not hungry all the time, I am going to break down totally and binge. It is all about listening to what your body needs, not what it wants. Right now, it needs more GOOD food because the band isn't doing its job.

Karri - do you know when I eat like i did for lunch - i stay fuller than I do on my fish rice and veggie

- It's 6:40 right now I have been to the gym and walked 3 miles - ck'd on my grandaughters - came home cleaned the kitchen - and got on line - and i am just now getting a little hungry

yesterday had fish & veggies for lunch an was starving by this time.. I really could have stopped at 1/2 the enchillada & 1/2 the taco - but my brain was hungry and knowing that I am going to be on Soup for a few day - OMG I am not perpared - I need to go to the store for some Beans - I don't think I have any.

I agree you gotta feed the beast so he doesn't get out of hand...

My GF & I were talking cuz I couldn't believe I ate that much - but in the past i would have cleaned that whole plate and came home and ate just like that for dinner...

Sounds yummy!! I would've done the same thing!
:P:biggrin1::D I am in good company...

mango my daling, what does that mean. sorry if its obvious but i'm a little thick!!! :(

I see what - I think??? Dini - you aren't too full of your self - you are young and having fun - go for it - have fun ..

Thank goodness that house is the 'exception' rather than the rule in size. It would be a good starter home for a single gal or gent. The house prices in Toronto are very high.

I actually emailed my DD that pic too as a joke. She and her sign. other are planning to buy something modest in the New Year... cant' get anything decent under $300,000 ... its enough to give you an anxiety attack.

Peaches that's how much a new house cost here in Indio it was more like $350 - $400 k before the market dropped... Use to be a $1 mil house was a big thing - but heck it's nothing now a days

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I just LOVE having a little market 1 bloc from my house - I ran over there got some Beans to make my cream of pinto bean Soup for the next couple of days....

I think $300k median price for homes now a days - to think in 1976 my 1st house was $17,500 - Mind you it was a HUD house and not in an upscale neighborhood - but a great starter house - 4 bed rooms 1100 sq ft and a big yard. I lived there for 28 yrs - sold it for $152,000 that's how I afforded my house now - I got in right before the big jump - by the time my complex sold out - my plan was $120k higher than what i paid... now who knows what i would get - but heck I love my house and plan on being here forever...

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Phyl - Glad you explained it to Dini, I couldn't think of a way to explain the comment except maybe

She's a brick house, 36-24-36, what a winning hand,

I think it is Spanish for Sexy Hot Mama.

Had fun at my Christmas party last night. I'm sore from all the dancing.

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Hey gang you all have been quite so far today - this is just a quick note about my Dr. Visit today - No fill since i am losing weight - lost 17 since 10/24 and he said I am losing weight like a bypass person - I have lost 53.55 % of my excess weight - He told me I dress nicely and He wants a picture of me to use as an example of weight loss with the band... just love my Doctor..

I guess that's my NSV for the day - and a little toot my own horn and brag about my doc...

oh ya Phyl - they are starting LAPBAND ONLY support group at Desert Hosipital - here's the schedule 2/5 - 3/4 - 4/1 -5/6 - 6/3 6 p,m, to 8 pm they all are on Tuesdays - See you at the 2/5 meeting ???

Well got ton's of work - talk to you later tonite...



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Hey gang you all have been quite so far today - this is just a quick note about my Dr. Visit today - No fill since i am losing weight - lost 17 since 10/24 and he said I am losing weight like a bypass person - I have lost 53.55 % of my excess weight - He told me I dress nicely and He wants a picture of me to use as an example of weight loss with the band... just love my Doctor..

I guess that's my NSV for the day - and a little toot my own horn and brag about my doc...

oh ya Phyl - they are starting LAPBAND ONLY support group at Desert Hosipital - here's the schedule 2/5 - 3/4 - 4/1 -5/6 - 6/3 6 p,m, to 8 pm they all are on Tuesdays - See you at the 2/5 meeting ???

Well got ton's of work - talk to you later tonite...



Congrats on that NICE compliment... whoo-hoo for you!!! You will be a great roll model for their practise.

I went for another fill today, kinda depressing . Gained 3 lbs in the past 2 wks.. PLUS the nurse withdrew all the Fluid in my band... should have been 9.75 in there but only 4cc's remain!!! So she added another 2.75 and ordered a fluro xray for me on Jan 7th.. She said she'd top me up before Xmas on the 24th if I wanted...

Ah drats!! Guess it must be a leak eh??:phanvan

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