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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Here is my NSV for the day

I am not going to be able to go to the gym tonite (have to go see a gf who's Dad passed) - so guess what I did

I set the alarm for 4:15 A.M. - got up had my coffee - dressed and was at the gym at 5:05 A.M. - Did 2 miles - came home showered and was at work by 7:30...


I am impressed!! That is EARLY in the morning! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

You've been preparing yourself for those tamales and Cookies for WEEKS!! You'll do fine! You've got a plan and you're stickin' to it!! :hungry:

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Well my BF and I made a decision this weekend to leave our current residence at the end of this school year. You have all heard me complaining about my job and I have decided to leave teaching at the end of this school year. We are going to be moving to Bellingham, WA because my BF can get a transfer there. So I will actually only be living an hour away from Phyl! I have no idea what I will do once I get there, but I will figure something out. I am most likely going to work for my BF company (t-mobile) until I can figure out what I want to do when I grow up. I am looking at different college programs, but I want to find one that I can stick with for the next several years as I already have 2 degrees (BS Chemistry and MA Teaching) and don't just want a useless collection of expensive pieces of paper! I would love to use my chemistry degree but because I don't have an advanced degree in it, I would make more working customer service at t-mobile. Well I guess I had better get back to my class. 4 days until Christmas Break. I can make it, i can make it.

Karri good for you - taking steps to improve your life...

I am impressed!! That is EARLY in the morning! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

You've been preparing yourself for those tamales and Cookies for WEEKS!! You'll do fine! You've got a plan and you're stickin' to it!! :hungry:

Thanks Phyl - I could use a cup of coffee right now :notagree -

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Good plan. You'll be much happier!

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Thanks Phyl - I could use a cup of coffee right now :notagree -

If I got up that early, I'd be lookin' for coffee about now, too!! If I were a little closer, I'd bring you a Starbucks... SF and Fat Free, of course!!

:):D :ranger:

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Janet I am impressed with that time of the morning too. I usually get up at 4:45 so I can relate somewhat. And yes I am glad that I am making the right decision. I left teaching once before but went back in because I thought I would like it better. I have had some very terrible experiences and I just don't foresee it getting any better.

Well I got most of my baking done this weekend and I didn't eat a thing. I am down another pound but I have to change my ticker from my home computer. I am going to have a cookie or 2 on the night before my fill so that I don't feel left out and do something stupid after I get filled.

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Janet I am impressed with that time of the morning too. I usually get up at 4:45 so I can relate somewhat. And yes I am glad that I am making the right decision. I left teaching once before but went back in because I thought I would like it better. I have had some very terrible experiences and I just don't foresee it getting any better.

Well I got most of my baking done this weekend and I didn't eat a thing. I am down another pound but I have to change my ticker from my home computer. I am going to have a cookie or 2 on the night before my fill so that I don't feel left out and do something stupid after I get filled.

One of our son-in-laws thought that he wanted to be a teacher. He didn't even make it through student teaching before he was completely disillusioned... parents too much in control... "my kid is failing because you didn't teach him right", etc. Now he works for Microsoft making probably 3X what he ever would have made teaching. Too bad because he would've been a good one. School just AIN'T what it was when I was growing up!!!

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If I got up that early, I'd be lookin' for coffee about now, too!! If I were a little closer, I'd bring you a Starbucks... SF and Fat Free, of course!!

:):D :ranger:

Thanks Phyl - drinking some new energy drink advocare ??? we will see what it does..

Janet I am impressed with that time of the morning too. I usually get up at 4:45 so I can relate somewhat. And yes I am glad that I am making the right decision. I left teaching once before but went back in because I thought I would like it better. I have had some very terrible experiences and I just don't foresee it getting any better.

Well I got most of my baking done this weekend and I didn't eat a thing. I am down another pound but I have to change my ticker from my home computer. I am going to have a cookie or 2 on the night before my fill so that I don't feel left out and do something stupid after I get filled.

Karri - I usually get up at 5 a.m. cuz I like a cup of coffee & my bad habit (smokes) and I hate rushing in the mornings - i get in the shower around 6 and out the door a little after 7 - am at work before 7:30

I just had to exercise today... I can't beleive those word are comming out of my mouth - but they are - so that in it's self is a BIG NSV for me..

I wanted to be a teacher when I was a little girl - I was going to be a teacher and my grandma and I would live together - she would have a lavendar bedroom and I would have a horse :biggrin1: - I don't think I could teach teenagers - I would rather have the younger ones - k thru 5 before all those attidutes set in..

One of our son-in-laws thought that he wanted to be a teacher. He didn't even make it through student teaching before he was completely disillusioned... parents too much in control... "my kid is failing because you didn't teach him right", etc. Now he works for Microsoft making probably 3X what he ever would have made teaching. Too bad because he would've been a good one. School just AIN'T what it was when I was growing up!!!

Phyl you said that right - school isn't what it use to be reading writing arthimatic - now it's algebra in 1st grade:eek: cornell notes in 6th grade- I didn't know what that was and my grandson had to take cornell notes..

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I am convinced that we will be attempting to teach calculus to kindergartners soon. The rigor, pace and amount of information that these kids are expected to learn is astronomical. It is no wonder that they just want to stop learning. I fully believe in setting high expectations, but at the same time, their brains are no more evolved that brains were 20 years ago, but they are expected to be. Okay, and really do they REALLY need to be taking chemistry as a required class. Have any of you ever used the periodic table outside of the classroom! I am chemist and I have, but again I AM A CHEMIST. I think that if we were to start teaching our students things that will actually benefit them while also teaching them "trivia knowledge" then maybe we could have more successful students. I loved school, but for me it was a sancutary away from my mom and a place where I was successful. As a teacher I see that so few people (parents, community members, students, other teachers) don't care about learning and it makes teaching an uphill battle. My curriculum last trimester was great in incorporating real life team work, business skill while also teaching chemistry. However, we had so many parent and student complaints that it was not traditional enough that between the administration and I, we scrapped it. It was too bad, because it was teaching them skills they would actually need in the workplace. Oh well. I just want a job where I don't have homework. Something meaningful but that leaves time for me. I am all about that now. For so many years I took care of everyone else and by having surgery I took the first steps to take care of myself and now I need to continue that.

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I am convinced that we will be attempting to teach calculus to kindergartners soon. The rigor, pace and amount of information that these kids are expected to learn is astronomical. It is no wonder that they just want to stop learning. I fully believe in setting high expectations, but at the same time, their brains are no more evolved that brains were 20 years ago, but they are expected to be. Okay, and really do they REALLY need to be taking chemistry as a required class. Have any of you ever used the periodic table outside of the classroom! I am chemist and I have, but again I AM A CHEMIST. I think that if we were to start teaching our students things that will actually benefit them while also teaching them "trivia knowledge" then maybe we could have more successful students. I loved school, but for me it was a sancutary away from my mom and a place where I was successful. As a teacher I see that so few people (parents, community members, students, other teachers) don't care about learning and it makes teaching an uphill battle. My curriculum last trimester was great in incorporating real life team work, business skill while also teaching chemistry. However, we had so many parent and student complaints that it was not traditional enough that between the administration and I, we scrapped it. It was too bad, because it was teaching them skills they would actually need in the workplace. Oh well. I just want a job where I don't have homework. Something meaningful but that leaves time for me. I am all about that now. For so many years I took care of everyone else and by having surgery I took the first steps to take care of myself and now I need to continue that.


What is a periodic table???:) I am a high school grad (continuation cuz i was p.g.and finished at our local college) with some upper baccalaureate insurance classes - I have some initials behind my name - but - I have no need for chemistry in my job - could careless about algebra - would love to go back to school and learn about theory... Just for fun - I can read & comprehend quite well - can't spell or type worth dilly squat anymore - but I figure everyone gets my drift and who reads word for word anyway;)

I enjoyed school too - I took all business classes when I was in high school - by then I was going to be a legal secretary :D-

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Just got a box of See's candy from a client.... :)

I put it in the lunch room (a whole nother wing) I didn't have one piece..

While I was in there - there were some good frosted xmas Cookies soft - didn't have one either..


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Oh, you are so good Janet. I don't think I would be able to pass those up. I haven't figured out yet if I am craving something sweet or just a cigarette.

I went to the doctors this morning, slushing through all that snow we got, and this is my NSV. First, I am down 54 pounds. One of my diabetes pills have been deleted from my stash and my lasix has been halved. I also only have to test my blood sugars once a week now. WOOHOO

I hate doing that.

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Oh, you are so good Janet. I don't think I would be able to pass those up. I haven't figured out yet if I am craving something sweet or just a cigarette.

I went to the doctors this morning, slushing through all that snow we got, and this is my NSV. First, I am down 54 pounds. One of my diabetes pills have been deleted from my stash and my lasix has been halved. I also only have to test my blood sugars once a week now. WOOHOO

I hate doing that.

Congratuations 54 lbs :clap2: That's so Great...

1 pill gone :clap2:

Keep up the good work:first:

You are doing better than me if you quit smoking - I only lasted 10 days..;)

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i'm so glad you guys didn;t forget me.

ok so about new york where do i start oh lord. the girl i went it was all wrong. she is the sweetest girl in the world and i love her dearly but lord did i want to choke her and i mean choke her hard. she was so so so slow. things that took 5 mins would take her 35 mins and so on. she made the trip very dificullt for me as i'm a go go gooooo type of girl you know go into a shop get what you want and leave. but not this girl.

them th hotel we were in were total sons of bitches. hope i dont offend anyone. it was as if they didn;t want 2 girls staying there. kept asking me where my father brother or husband was, at one stage after the 3rd day i told them to go FUCK THEMSELVES HARD again sorry if i offfend.

i kept getting chatted up by guys that were either old enought to be my father (mind you they were good looking but stil come on) i'm 24 but while i was there i was asked for ID everywhere (which i dont mind) i hear i look about 20 so these men were trying to chat up someone young nought to be there grand-daughter. them there were the guys that i taught would sout me if i didn't talk to them. never did one 30 year old talk to me or chat me up. no no no they didn't




NOW MAKE SURE HE'S GOOD LOOKING AND HAS SOME SORT OF A JOB. NO BUMS PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mind you one older guy sittingl at a table opposite us with 2 other older guys all hot i've got to add. the type that prob have affairs with there PA there secretary and there daughter friends to add. paid for our dinner and drinks..he sais to his friends look at the A&F 's popping out of her. emm emm! i was wearing an abcrombie and finch t-shirt at the time. can yuo believe that.

and finally i found the city to be boring and full of people up there own asses.

sorry if i've been going on too long. i'll be arounf for a while if anyone is here if not ladies i'll talk to you tomorrow night xxxxxxxx

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i'm so glad you guys didn;t forget me.

ok so about new york where do i start oh lord. the girl i went it was all wrong. she is the sweetest girl in the world and i love her dearly but lord did i want to choke her and i mean choke her hard. she was so so so slow. things that took 5 mins would take her 35 mins and so on. she made the trip very dificullt for me as i'm a go go gooooo type of girl you know go into a shop get what you want and leave. but not this girl.

them th hotel we were in were total sons of bitches. hope i dont offend anyone. it was as if they didn;t want 2 girls staying there. kept asking me where my father brother or husband was, at one stage after the 3rd day i told them to go FUCK THEMSELVES HARD again sorry if i offfend.

i kept getting chatted up by guys that were either old enought to be my father (mind you they were good looking but stil come on) i'm 24 but while i was there i was asked for ID everywhere (which i dont mind) i hear i look about 20 so these men were trying to chat up someone young nought to be there grand-daughter. them there were the guys that i taught would sout me if i didn't talk to them. never did one 30 year old talk to me or chat me up. no no no they didn't




NOW MAKE SURE HE'S GOOD LOOKING AND HAS SOME SORT OF A JOB. NO BUMS PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mind you one older guy sittingl at a table opposite us with 2 other older guys all hot i've got to add. the type that prob have affairs with there PA there secretary and there daughter friends to add. paid for our dinner and drinks..he sais to his friends look at the A&F 's popping out of her. emm emm! i was wearing an abcrombie and finch t-shirt at the time. can yuo believe that.

and finally i found the city to be boring and full of people up there own asses.

sorry if i've been going on too long. i'll be arounf for a while if anyone is here if not ladies i'll talk to you tomorrow night xxxxxxxx

Dini we would never forget you...

OMG dirty old men... They say New Yorkers are rude - I have never been but want to go - see ground zero (did you go there?) see a show (i think they were still on strike when you went) I want to ride the subways - and I understand what take you 5 takes someone else 35 that can be very aggervating... Was the hotel afraid you were gay WTF girls can't go places together without everyone assuming they are gay.

Since i am divorce I am always going places with my gf's some married some aren't ... Do people assume that 2 girls together are gay - that's messed up.. What did they say after you told them off...

Whats A&F (ass & ??) i don't the we will offend the others we are all grown up here..

Did you go to central park - time square - 5th avenue - all those places

It seems very active when I watch Good Morning America or the Today Show - this are morning news show in NY...

Whats up with Adam if you are looking for a new beau....

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hey there indigo,

ok so i went around and aw th ave ground zero etc only cos Anna wanted to i was there to shop and have fun and that was it.

the A&F was.....

A&F stand for the clothes ABCROMBIE AND FINCH you ever hear of them. and on my t-shirt where my boobs were was there logo A&F so th cheeky old man said look at the A&F's poping out on her. meaning look at her boobs sticking out. GET IT??

sweety things with me and adam are going well but this girl is always on the look out. i've got to say i'm liking the new me. a few hotties have asked me out. I LOVE IT !!!!

i know what is it with thinking about us being gay. i dont think this particular place taught we were gay but it was run by Indains and i never taught Indians were protective over there girls but they could not believe we were there on our own.

when i told them what to do with them selfs there jaws dropped and were still dropped the next day where i saw them. i also said if they dont leave us alone and stop harassing us i was going to call the Police and i was serious. they stopped them but that was the 5th day and we were leaving the following day!!!

so how are you? anything strange or exciting? all set for xmas??


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