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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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DH is rushing me to get off the computer. How is the weather on your side of the desert, Janet?? He's taking the coach for an oil change in Thousand Palms so I'm going to be homeless in about 20 minutes until he gets back. So I'm off to the pool in a few minutes and I think it could be a little unpleasant this morning.... chilly and intermittent winds. At least the sun is out. He says it was quite miserable an hour or so ago. I hope he's back by noon time!!

Good job with the Cookies, Janet. I had to do that when we were visiting our friends in Three Rivers. The goodies were all stacked up on one side of the kitchen and even though I knew they were there, they weren't bothering me because I couldn't really see them. Then someone brought a zip lock bag full of homemade Cookies and another of brownies and placed them on the china closet.... closer to where I usually sat in the kitchen and where they were clearly visible to me. I kept sneaking a crumb or two out of the bag. After about a day of nibbling away at them, I moved them over to where the rest of the goodies were! It worked. Not only that, but they disappeared quicker when they were with the other stuff. I was the only one paying any attention to them until I moved them.

It was a little cloudy when I came to work @ 7:15 this morning - didn't need my sunglasses - but yes now (8:30) seeing a little sun. I love the weather this week cuz it's cold (to me:)) and i get to wear sweathers and jackets.

Homeless ;) til noon - does your exercise last that long - can you at least change into some clothes:eek: - We don't have any wind - but DHS is always a little windy :) when we are calm and when we are windy DHS isn't :biggrin1:.

Isn't it funny that if the food isn't in our direct eyesight we can avoid it - but if it's in our face - OMG we pick - That's one reason if i do have left overs I try and put them up right away - cuz if I leave them on the stove - i will pick til there are gone:wacko:

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Okay I don't respond much but I read all the response daily. I am having a hard time with parties(christmas) does anyone have suggestions on nibbly stuff that will not totally blow this out of the Water? I have tried to focus on the Protein items but they are getting stuck. I ahve pb at the last two parties. I normally do not do that but I am talking and eating which does not work for me. Any thing that might go down smoother. Most people know about the surgery but pbing is unpleasant.




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Okay I don't respond much but I read all the response daily. I am having a hard time with parties(christmas) does anyone have suggestions on nibbly stuff that will not totally blow this out of the Water? I have tried to focus on the Protein items but they are getting stuck. I ahve pb at the last two parties. I normally do not do that but I am talking and eating which does not work for me. Any thing that might go down smoother. Most people know about the surgery but pbing is unpleasant.




Beth - Merry Christmas to you too..

Here is one suggestion - if you are going to drink (alcohal) limit your eating and if you don't drink that you can allow your self a treat and if you just have to do both - then you have to increase your exercise for the week to compensate for those extra calories and eat on the low side for the rest of the week - TRADE OFFS... As to pbing - you just have to remember to take tiny bites and remember you are banded - I forget all the time - not that I always pb but I go get the golf ball in the chest.

Enjoy yourself - just don't let it get out of control - don't stand by the tables loaded with food - get a little plate - sample a few things and move away. Drink your Water it flushes fat from your body.

You are doing good on the Protein first issue - just take smaller bite or get with someone who talks alot - so they are talking while you are eating and you can just nod your head:p

This is only once a year and if you do the trade offs it shouldn't affect you too bad

Good Luck - Janet

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"There are no secrets to success. Don't waste time looking for them. Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure...and persistence." Colin Powell

I just copied this from Dr. Watkins signature (he's on theard about new band - which we all have)

I just thought it was a great saying and wanted to share !!!!

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Homeless ;) til noon - does your exercise last that long - can you at least change into some clothes:eek:/quote]


Water aerobics lasts an hour, then 1/2 hr in the hot tub and another 1/2 hr for shower & get dressed. So I'm usually done by 11 a.m. Today I had a meeting to go to after that, so I got back to the RV at noon and DH had just gotten back so that was good timing. I was starving by then so we heated up some leftover chili. Now that the oil change is over, we've decorated for Christmas. Getting in the holiday mood now.

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Weighed this morning & finally passed the -50 lb mark!! Woo hoo! My BMI down 10 since I started the pre-op diet. Oh, happy days!

Congratulations, Phyl!!!!

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Okay I don't respond much but I read all the response daily. I am having a hard time with parties(christmas) does anyone have suggestions on nibbly stuff that will not totally blow this out of the Water? I have tried to focus on the Protein items but they are getting stuck. I ahve pb at the last two parties. I normally do not do that but I am talking and eating which does not work for me. Any thing that might go down smoother. Most people know about the surgery but pbing is unpleasant.




When I go to parties, I take grape tomatoes, baby carrots or sliced cucumber. Put it on a fancy little plate. THEN you'll have something to nibble on while others are nibbling on the bad stuff.

I think we just need to feel that we are 'doing' what everyone else is "doing" so just substitute a healthier nibbly...

What about Raw almonds?

At my work its terrible, Cookies, brownies everywhere... I pack my purse with Clementines this time of year...

Good luck:hungry:

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Weighed this morning & finally passed the -50 lb mark!! Woo hoo! My BMI down 10 since I started the pre-op diet. Oh, happy days!

Congratulations, Phyl!!!!

That is an awesome milestone - you ROCK on and inspire all of us!

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Trace W. Curry, M.D. Lap Band Surgeon :: Office and Financial Info :: Affordability :: Affordability Calculator

I found this site, very interesting to see how much Lap Band Surg. will save us in $$$$$

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Good morning 7s :wave:

We're in Austin this week. Another of my hubby's little surprises. He knows how much I love them! ;) He brought us along on his business trip, and although he's busy all day, our son and I have plenty to keep us occupied.

I got on the scales on Saturday morning and I hit 200 even. I was trying desperately to make it go down a little more. I lifted my little toe, let out all my breath, stepped off and on to try and make it move just an eensy weensy bit to 199.9. LOL. No such luck. Booooooo! lol

To make matters worse, I don't have my scales with me to climb on every morning. So I won't know until we get back on Saturday if I've hit Onderland or gained a little more weight. I don't know if that's good or bad, LOL.

Anyway, just stopping in to say hi. Hubby has to take his laptop off to work with him in a moment, so I best be off.


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Peaches - Love the new Picture !!!!

Brandy- You are doing great

Phyl- Let us know how your TOP meeting went since you are running the meeting this week

Ruby - It's a good thing not to get on the scales every day (imho)

Well, gang I was beat yesterday when I got off work - So I flaked on the gym and plus my lil bear (fur baby) is a little sick - he has bad hips - (puppy mills :angry long story but he's only 3 yrs old little blue black pomeraian) I gotta go get his meds refilled - since we got Angel (toy white poodle) he has been doing alot better - the vet said it's his tertesteron (sp) you know that guy thang = but I think the cold is getting to him - I am so afraid of the day that we have to put him down - hopefully once he gets back on his meds he will improve.

Doing good with food - I really think I am at my sweet spot - suppose to go back to dr b on the 19th but really don't think i need anymore in my band - I do eat more than 1/2 c per meal - more like 1 1/2 per meal - but I think thats a good amount and so far the weight is coming off.

I am going to the dentist today ;) haven't been in a couple of yrs and my bridge is loose.. I love my dentist - won't to to anyone else and have to pay more $$$ as he isn't an approved dentist - but he is well worth the extra $$$ - he give me GAS :).. Love all the women there too. But I just hate the dentist period...

Well, I gotta get to work - will ck in later - have a good day....



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Hey there gang, hope everyone is doing well..Sorry I havent been on in a few days, been a lil busy with Christmas just around the corner and I have had this awful head cold that seems to be going around here. Congrads Phyl, 50 pound mark already.... and look at everyone hitting ONEDERLAND before the new year!!!

The scales are starting to move again. Im down to 153. I am hoping to be under 150 by Christmas...I was trying on rings yesterday and I have dropped like 2 sizes in just fingers. From a 9 to a 7. Man, it will be so nice to buy a ring and not have it sized up from the average size 7....Guess that was a lil NSV for me....

Hope everyone has a great day......

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Hey there gang, hope everyone is doing well..Sorry I havent been on in a few days, been a lil busy with Christmas just around the corner and I have had this awful head cold that seems to be going around here. Congrads Phyl, 50 pound mark already.... and look at everyone hitting ONEDERLAND before the new year!!!

The scales are starting to move again. Im down to 153. I am hoping to be under 150 by Christmas...I was trying on rings yesterday and I have dropped like 2 sizes in just fingers. From a 9 to a 7. Man, it will be so nice to buy a ring and not have it sized up from the average size 7....Guess that was a lil NSV for me....

Hope everyone has a great day......

BIG NSV Distant..... Congrats on the 153 - You are dong GREAT:clap2:

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Doing good with food - I really think I am at my sweet spot - suppose to go back to dr b on the 19th but really don't think i need anymore in my band - I do eat more than 1/2 c per meal - more like 1 1/2 per meal - but I think thats a good amount and so far the weight is coming off.

I am going to the dentist today :eek: haven't been in a couple of yrs and my bridge is loose.. I love my dentist - won't to to anyone else and have to pay more $$$ as he isn't an approved dentist - but he is well worth the extra $$$ - he give me GAS :).. Love all the women there too. But I just hate the dentist period...

Well, I gotta get to work - will ck in later - have a good day....



I know I need to go to the dentist too, but I just don't want to. Right now I don't have the time with the whole house buying situation, but i am sure that i will come up with other excuse when I actually do have time.

So I am doing okay with food too, but I can eat way too much. I just make sure that I always eat salad first so that I can get full without wasting a lot of calories. I was proud of myself last night. My BF and I went out to eat and we split a Cobb Salad. Before I would have dumped the ENTIRE bowl of blue cheese dressing on my salad and then ask for more. Last night you could hardly tell that I even had any. I had just enough to give it some flavor, but not so much that I drenched a perfectly healthy salad in 1000s of calories! I am excited to get my fill, but a little apprehensive too. I live so far away from the doc (and across a mountain pass!) that I am always worried that I will be too tight. Fortunately we will be staying with my brother for 2 days after I get my fill, so perhaps I will be able to tell and go back in. I didn't really think the whole distance thing through when I decided to have my surgery. We had just moved to our location in Central Oregon right before I decided to do it, so I think I was still acting as if I lived on the other side of the mountains. :rolleyes

Well I should prepare for my next class. I like my new schedule. I teach 2 classes have prep period and lunch and then teach 2 more classes. I actually can get stuff done during my prep period now. Last trimester I had my prep period at the end of the day and :notagree:notagree I was dead by then so I didn't get a thing done, except surf around here! I am much more of a morning person than I am an afternoon person.

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Peaches - Love the new Picture !!!!

Brandy- You are doing great

Phyl- Let us know how your TOP meeting went since you are running the meeting this week

Ruby - It's a good thing not to get on the scales every day (imho)

Well, gang I was beat yesterday when I got off work - So I flaked on the gym and plus my lil bear (fur baby) is a little sick - he has bad hips - (puppy mills :angry long story but he's only 3 yrs old little blue black pomeraian) I gotta go get his meds refilled - since we got Angel (toy white poodle) he has been doing alot better - the vet said it's his tertesteron (sp) you know that guy thang = but I think the cold is getting to him - I am so afraid of the day that we have to put him down - hopefully once he gets back on his meds he will improve.

Doing good with food - I really think I am at my sweet spot - suppose to go back to dr b on the 19th but really don't think i need anymore in my band - I do eat more than 1/2 c per meal - more like 1 1/2 per meal - but I think thats a good amount and so far the weight is coming off.

I am going to the dentist today :) haven't been in a couple of yrs and my bridge is loose.. I love my dentist - won't to to anyone else and have to pay more $$$ as he isn't an approved dentist - but he is well worth the extra $$$ - he give me GAS :D.. Love all the women there too. But I just hate the dentist period...

Well, I gotta get to work - will ck in later - have a good day....




You're too kind. I didn't exactly "run" the meeting, but just did about a 15 minute lesson on social eating. I got lots of thank yous & compliments, so I guess it went pretty well. I really like that "THREE BITE RULE" thing I found so we talked about that, and I brought an issue of "Nutrition Action" newsletter that featured an article on the calories, sodium, etc. of menu items from Olive Garden and macaroni Grill. How many of us "fluffy" people consider Italian food our very favorite??!! Spaghetti and Meatballs from Olive Garden... the same calories,etc. as two Big Macs and a 21 oz. Coke! Yikes!!

Also, I was down 5.4 lb for the week!!! Woo Hoo!! I was very excited about that. The scale is moving again. DH was only down 1.8 lb.

How did the dental appt go?? Next time we need a dentist in the desert I will call you! DH had a dental emergency last winter and it went okay, but could've been better!! He ended up having to go to an orthodontic surgeon. No fun!

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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