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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Good Morning Gang

Just got back from gym - 3 miles ... Last nite when to dinner & show with a friend - so was mia... Busy at work cuz we have a lot of renewals on 1/1..

Hi everyone! Just sitting here caching up on everyone's posts and watching 20/20, really scary shit about people hiding behind their computers. One woman who drove a 13 year old to suicide, people who make those horrible You Tube videos at others' costs., etc. etc.

I'm dealing with hunger as well. And I have even had some thoughts like what if I lose all this weight, give away all the old clothes, etc. etc., and then can't keep it off....

Hi Brandy - The computer is just like everything else - so much good and so much bad...

Have you read this thread http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/were-you-sure-wouldnt-work-46513/index4.html

As you will read in my post I still afraid that the weight will come back - it's not losing it but keeping it off - Read this thread - it's good..

Well here I am posting again... I did spark people all day ate 1,481 cals today. Not my goal of 1200 but its not too bad. And I am going to bed now... so no more eating.

Evenings are my challenge.. I had some Trail Mix which put me over by plan... but it wasn't chocolate or something with no nutritional value...

sleep tight everyone!

Peaches - sounds like you go to sleep and don't get up again until morning - you are lucky - i wake up in the middle of the night to eat - last nite had a few cashews & little o.j. - I totally understand the night time food challenge - how about trying 100 c snack popcorn instead of trail mix - lower fat - lower calories and you get the salty crunch...

Twas the night before Christmas-Dieters Version

Jackie - this is me to a T - omg love it... Dashing to the pantry in the middle of the night.... that's me !!!

lOVED THE POEM. Except for a couple days at Thanksgiving I have been doing pretty good. Trying really hard to keep those calories under 1000 and pedaling my exersize bike at least one hour everyday. Never missed one day. And the scale is stuck now.

This is what I have planned now. I am going to ride my (exersize) bike somewhere really great. Thinking it is going to be Cancun but I have yet to make up an itinerary. Need to plan some additional stops.

Kitajih - Sorry about the scale not moving - where are you tracking your calories?? are you 100% sure that you are going about 1000 a day..

You may want to switch it up -one day 1000 - next 1200 so on a so forth - How many miles are you riding daily and at what level??

Where do I want to go - I LOVE the islands - St Johns Turtle Bay or Barbados or St Martean or you could go visit Dini in Ireland...

how lucky to have a daughter as a travel agent. You are very lucky,,

Good Morning Lucky 7's!

Kirajh, what a great idea! Actually, we are going to the Grand Palladium on the Rivera Maya in May. This is going to be our last real family vacation because the last two kids will graduate from college this spring! We leave the day after the last graduation. I am battling the scale also. I know I was very naughty last Sunday when I made Christmas Cookies, but I was not THAT bad. The scale is telling me that I GAINED 1 1/2 pounds this week. Now that is crazy since I kept it at 1000 cal/day since Sunday. Yesterday was only 800 cal, for heaven's sake. But now I have more to go to get to Onederland. :P I should still make it by New Years, but I don't think it was fair to gain weight this week. Comeon!!!

Well, my oldest son, his wife and two cats are moving in today for 3 weeks while they are in between houses. DD comes home from college next week, and another son will be here with his dog sometime before Christmas too. I am going to have to really fight to stay in control. Besides the added stress, there will be more food around the place, and I will need to do more cooking/baking/entertaining. I must stay focused. I must stay calm. Repeat.

Linda - OMG it will be nice to have your family home - but i understand the stress of all those extra people - My sis was here for 4 days and I loved the visit - but was glad when they went home - I could get back to my routine..

OK if I remember correctly (which as you know being over 50 the brain is the 1st thing to go) you have choosen not to exercising during the winter cuz it's so cold outside. I am not being mean here but if you eat those extras - you have to pay with increasing your execise.. You will be moving more with all that family at home - do you have any indoor tracks or the mall in which you can go walk - or even just walk in front of the t.v. while you are watching it in the evening,...

I would assume that your family knows that you have been banded - maybe they will help you - just knowing that they will be noticing what you eat will be enough to keep you from popping those extra bites in your mouth..

I am feeling bad and don't want you to stop posting or comming here and I feel that maybe sometimes I am too ridged - but like Salsa - I am afaird that if I start eating too much - I will not stop (goes back to the thread I posted above "will this work") - yes the band will stop you to a degree (how is your fill level - do you have good restriction??) Maybe you might want to schedule one - that's why we were banded in the 1st place - so use the tool to help you not to over indulge... If you have a drink you can't eat that cookie - and if you eat that cookie - then you can't have that drink - That's how i am dealing with the holidays... it's all about trade offs....

Ok Gang - I dream about our Lucky #7 board - this morning I dreamt (is that a word) that Salsa who is a Crazy 8 but post here with us most of the time - posted that she loved our Lucky #7 so much that she wasn't going to be a Crazy 8 any more but only a Lucky #7 - How crazy am I:eek: That my dreams are about this board..:P

OK I will get off my soap box this morning - but I just want you all to know that I want us all to be successfull in this journey - I am not trying to be mean or judgemental - just trying to give a little help with tons of love - so please don't hate me or stop coming here and posting - but I know about all the little lies we tell ourselves - I know how hard it is to break our bad habits - I know how fearful it is to stop eating our comfort foods is - I know that we have to deal with feelings (just the simple feeling of being bored and for some others) that we use to cover up with food. I just want to give those who may have fallen off the band-wagon a hand - to help pull them back up on the wagon...



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Does anyone have trouble with oatmeal?

Kristin - Nope I had it for Breakfast the other day - I make it creamy ..

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Well, I guess i scared everyone away this morning being on my soap box - I guess the exercise did it.. I figure if i can do it so can everyone else - cuz I don't like doing it - but it's what makes the scales move downwards for me -

I havent' done much beside exercise this morning - be on the computer, make my bed and cleaned my bathroom - It's cold here 59 degrees right now - for us desert rats anything below 70 is cold... :P - I have sweats on and am about to turn the fire place on.. Went to the store and got stuff to make caldo res (beef soup) I don't speak spanish except for ordering food and a few cuss words:).

Well, guess I will ck back later ...

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Ok Gang - I dream about our Lucky #7 board - this morning I dreamt (is that a word) that Salsa who is a Crazy 8 but post here with us most of the time - posted that she loved our Lucky #7 so much that she wasn't going to be a Crazy 8 any more but only a Lucky #7 - How crazy am I:eek: That my dreams are about this board..:P

I starting laugh very hard, I don't think the crazy ates would like it if I just stopped posting over there. However, I do most of my posting here. It's nice, I have huge lap band support family! Actually I am the "IndioGirl, aka food cop" on the Crazy Ate board. I just say it like it is. I had to scold myself last night. We had an end of the trimester party last night with a group of teachers and I ate WAY too much. When I am restricted I don't have any desire to eat, but I am REALLLLLLLYYYYY feeling the unrestriction right now. Now I did make high Protein choices and didn't eat anywhere where I would have in the past, but more than I should have. I saved some calories throughout the day just in case I ate too much, but I was still dissapointed in myself:cry. Oh well, I woke up this morning and it was a new day:biggrin1:. Can't do anything about what I did last night, but I made my boyfriend take my shopping (snow on the roads and I don't like to drive in it!) and we walked for about 6 or so hours today. I was trying to find the Biggest Loser Workout DVD, but couldn't find it anywhere, so I came home and ordered it online. I will be making up for my eating mishap tonight with an extra long workout on the ball. And Janet, I hope you don't stop the straight talk anytime soon. It was actually the thought that "Oh crap, Janet would be chewing my butt out if she was standing here", that made me put down that wheat thin with bean dip!:angry(<-- what I figured you might be looking like!)

I am counting down the days until I can get my fill back. Up until about 3 days ago, I hadn't really been having a problem with actual hunger (just head hunger), but the real hunger has come roaring back. I am getting that light headed, nautious (sp?) feeling about every 2 hours now. I am eating a lot of salad with my very low cal caesar salad spritzer that I found. It helps, but couple that with head hunger and WATCH OUT! In a way, I think it will really help jumpstart my weight loss again once I do get the fill, because I will be even more thankful of the band. Since being banded I haven't felt intense hunger, so while frustrating it shows me even more that the decision to have this wonderful little tool is worth the $$ and the work.

Well I am off to have a very HEALTHY and SMALL dinner tonight. Will check back in later.

And Janet, if you keep dreaming about me, my BF might get jealous!:P

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I starting laugh very hard, I don't think the crazy ates would like it if I just stopped posting over there. However, I do most of my posting here. It's nice, I have huge lap band support family! Actually I am the "IndioGirl, aka food cop" on the Crazy Ate board. I just say it like it is. I saved some calories throughout the day just in case I ate too much, but I was still dissapointed in myself:cry. . And Janet, I hope you don't stop the straight talk anytime soon. It was actually the thought that "Oh crap, Janet would be chewing my butt out if she was standing here", that made me put down that wheat thin with bean dip!:angry(<-- what I figured you might be looking like!)

Well I am off to have a very HEALTHY and SMALL dinner tonight. Will check back in later. And Janet, if you keep dreaming about me, my BF might get jealous!:P

Salsa - OK I am deputizing (sp) you as my back up here on Lucky #7. and i won't stop my straight talking - it's who I am.... I get in trouble sometimes because of it - I forget that not everyone wants to hear the truth (well maybe my truth) - We have a girl at work who is diabetic and was eating Ice Cream on Friday- I told her you aren't suppose to be eating that - (she is a big girl too and told her she needed to ck into the lap bad) she said I know but i don't do it all the time (yes she does - she eats Pasta every day for lunch, i always see Cookies on her desk - chips etc) I want the same truth thrown back at me - Friends don't lie to Friends - If you ask me "do i look fat in this outfit" if you do I will tell you it's not the most flattering - try something else.. and I expect the same in return..

Also Salsa imho you did the right thing about saving some of your calories for your get together and all the exercise and now smaller meals

you are paying the piper for your treats - This is what I think will make us successful in our battle of the bulge. This is what skinny people do on a daily basis - they eat but they pay too..

I still get hungry - but it's usually at meal time and if I eat solid foods will stay full for about 4 hours - Night time is 95% head hunger for me - i use food to help me sleep... I haven't really noticed too much difference in my hunger level i don't think- and I am trying to think back pre-band - cant say i was hungry all the time but when i was I could put away the food just cuz it tastes good and now eat 1/3 of what i did before..

Well, tell you BF it's strictly platonic (sp?)

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Well, I guess i scared everyone away this morning being on my soap box - I guess the exercise did it.. I figure if i can do it so can everyone else - cuz I don't like doing it - but it's what makes the scales move downwards for me -

I havent' done much beside exercise this morning - be on the computer, make my bed and cleaned my bathroom - It's cold here 59 degrees right now - for us desert rats anything below 70 is cold... :P - I have sweats on and am about to turn the fire place on.. Went to the store and got stuff to make caldo res (beef soup) I don't speak spanish except for ordering food and a few cuss words:).

Well, guess I will ck back later ...

Nah, you didn't scare anyone away. We need your pep talks and prodding! Stay on your soap box, please!

I haven't done much today either... inside the RV almost all day! did go to a craft fair at a resort down the road.. our "sister" resort. It was pretty good and I bought a couple of things. I got there a little before noon, planning to have lunch there. They sell hot dogs w/or w/o chili, bratwurst, chips & pop combo for $3.50. So I got the chili dog without a roll, had them put my chili in a bowl. Then I cut up the hot dog & put it in the chili, added a little cheese & onions, saved the pop & chips for my DH. So I left feeling good about my choices. Hot dog not the best for lunch, but not too bad w/o the roll & chips. And one of my friends from our park was there having lunch, too, so I had a good visit with her as we ate.

Yeah, we get pretty spoiled with the weather down here. Today seemed so COLD, but it's much colder in most of the rest of the country!

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Nah, you didn't scare anyone away. We need your pep talks and prodding! Stay on your soap box, please!

. So I got the chili dog without a roll, had them put my chili in a bowl. Then I cut up the hot dog & put it in the chili, added a little cheese & onions, saved the pop & chips for my DH. So I left feeling good about my choices. Yeah, we get pretty spoiled with the weather down here. Today seemed so COLD, but it's much colder in most of the rest of the country!

Phyl - lunch was good choice - we have to be able to eat regular food sometime - we can't alway eat carrots & celery... Not eating the bread, chips and soda great nsv and saved ton's of calories ... and I see you are getting your exercise in :clap2::clap2:


You and I are the same starting weight... I just noticed... How tall are you - I'm 5 3 1/2 but say I am 5'4 - I see your goal is 150 - mine was 170 but changed it to 160 and have been thinking about changing again to 150 since as it stands now i have like 36 to goal and if i keep losing as i have that will be about another 3 1/2 months - so what's 10 more pounds and 150 would give me a better bmi - but I think 145 is what is optimal for my height to be considered normal.. You have age on your side as far as the skin issue goes - I think I will keep 160 and when i get there I can always change to 150... What a friggin cop out Janet - but I'm old :0) my skin might just be too ugly at 150 - little lies - see i am human too :P

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Linda - First off, we were both banded on the same day, same city just different locales. I was banded by Dr. Ortiz. We live in a small town northwest of Ann Arbor. My oldest daughter and son-in-law both live in Allendale and both graduated from Grand Valley.

Janet - I don't exactly count all the calories but I eat just about the same thing everyday. start with yogurt which is 110 calories. lunch is usually a two egg omelet made with egg beaters, 60 calories and add two pieces of low fat or no fat cheese. 150 calories. Then for dinner I usually have a lean cusine. I drink about 4 or 5 bottles of Water a day. Late afternoon and late evenings is when I cheat when I do cheat. Then it is something like a granola bar (180) Or a piece or two of rye bread and butter. I have to admit that this is probably my downfall but we've been out for a couple weeks and I have told my husband...NO MORE TRIPS TO THE JEWISH BAKERY. I also crunch on dill pickles off and on during the day. 5 calories each. Once or twice a week I make dinner to share with my husband. Also a place where the calories add up. And when I really screw up, I add at least a half hour of pedaling. As for my exersize bike, I ride it at least an hour a day....aim for 75 -90 minutes and end up with 2 hours or more at least once a week. I usually make at least 20 miles a day.

Now I will let that little angel cop say its piece. I need a swift kick in the butt. I really want to lose about 20 more pounds before I go in and have my knee replaced. Then I will be able to get out and walk.


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You and I are the same starting weight... I just noticed... How tall are you - I'm 5 3 1/2 but say I am 5'4 - I see your goal is 150 - mine was 170 but changed it to 160 and have been thinking about changing again to 150 since as it stands now i have like 36 to goal and if i keep losing as i have that will be about another 3 1/2 months - so what's 10 more pounds and 150 would give me a better bmi - but I think 145 is what is optimal for my height to be considered normal.. You have age on your side as far as the skin issue goes - I think I will keep 160 and when i get there I can always change to 150... What a friggin cop out Janet - but I'm old :0) my skin might just be too ugly at 150 - little lies - see i am human too :P

I am a little over 5'4 so we are very close in what they consider "ideal" for our goal weight. 150 was just a number that my nutritionist threw out when I was going through my consult. I just want to be in a size 10 or 12. I am very large on the top (though thankfully it is going down a little!) and pretty muscular, so I don't know if 150 is going to look healthy or make me look like I am sick! So far I don't think I am going to have the skin issues. The weight has come off pretty quickly and maybe it is a good thing that it has slowed down so that the skin can stay caught up. The scale has not been kind to me lately. Since I started this I never had a day that it went up over 0.5 pounds. This morning...up 5 pounds! I didn't eat THAT much food last night. If 25 wheat thin crackers, 1 strawberry with honey dip, 3 small meatballs, and 1/2 cup of bean dip caused me to gain 5 pounds, then we are sunk! I did get all messed up with my birth control pills when we were moving. They got packed and I couldn't remember what box, so I think my hormones since then have been off a little and could be causing some of the weight stalling. I did pretty well today. I had 2 eggs for Breakfast, about 1 cup of chicken at lunch, 1 Protein Bar, and 1 cup of shepherd's pie for dinner. However, in order to combat some of the hunger and maybe spur along some weightloss, I am going back on Atkins (with some low carb veggies) until I get my fill. I don't want to see the pounds creep back up. They are too hard to get off! Well I am off to bed. I have soooo much work to do for school tomorrow, and my Seahawks play at 1pm so I have to get up early to get things done. GOODNIGHT EVERYONE:notagree

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Well, I guess i scared everyone away this morning being on my soap box - I guess the exercise did it.. I figure if i can do it so can everyone else - cuz I don't like doing it - but it's what makes the scales move downwards for me -

I havent' done much beside exercise this morning - be on the computer, make my bed and cleaned my bathroom - It's cold here 59 degrees right now - for us desert rats anything below 70 is cold... :P - I have sweats on and am about to turn the fire place on.. Went to the store and got stuff to make caldo res (beef soup) I don't speak spanish except for ordering food and a few cuss words:).

Well, guess I will ck back later ...

Hi Janet;

I for one would never be scared off by ANY of your posts. You are the ROCK of the Lucky 7's board... You are always full of cheer and support.

I laughed when I read about getting up at night to eat, you are right I don't do that but I get up several times a night to 'p'...LOL Oh my but I digress.


Exercise, humm I am going to do some of that today... I promise.. right here yup you read right - I am making a committment and I'll check back on the site later and let you know what I did.:whoo:

59 degrees, sounds like heaven! It's dipping below zero here in Ontario... We have 1 foot ( I am usually a metric gal but I know most prefer US measurements) of soft white snow here and the downhill skiiers are very happy. Should be a good season for the resorts.

On a sadder note, my gas fireplace conked out yesterday so I am sitting at my computer with a quilt wrapped around me...

Up way too early today so I'm going back for some more :notagree

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[quote name=kirajh;647381

Janet - I don't exactly count all the calories but I eat just about the same thing everyday. start with yogurt which is 110 calories. lunch is usually a two egg omelet made with egg beaters' date=' 60 calories and add two pieces of low fat or no fat cheese. 150 calories. Then for dinner I usually have a lean cusine. I drink about 4 or 5 bottles of Water a day. Late afternoon and late evenings is when I cheat when I do cheat. Then it is something like a granola bar (180) Or a piece or two of rye bread and butter. I have to admit that this is probably my downfall but we've been out for a couple weeks and I have told my husband...NO MORE TRIPS TO THE JEWISH BAKERY. I also crunch on dill pickles off and on during the day. 5 calories each. Once or twice a week I make dinner to share with my husband. Also a place where the calories add up. And when I really screw up, I add at least a half hour of pedaling. As for my exersize bike, I ride it at least an hour a day....aim for 75 -90 minutes and end up with 2 hours or more at least once a week. I usually make at least 20 miles a day.

Now I will let that little angel cop say its piece. I need a swift kick in the butt. I really want to lose about 20 more pounds before I go in and have my knee replaced. Then I will be able to get out and walk.


Keri truely your food doesn't sound bad and cuz you do exercise after you over do it (you may want to add 45 min instead of 1/2) - lets quit calling it Cheating - cuz there is really no cheating - it's not that one piece of cake that puts on 5 lbs its the 2nd & 3rd one - and it's going to be 10 if its the whole cake:P You have to eat regular food so eating with DH really shouldn't be a problem unless it's really high in fat. The bread - ya good rye bread - My Dad was from NY and when they were sick and I was taking care of them I was doing the shopping - he had me buy some rye bread - I picked up some NY rye sour dough and- Liverwurst per his request- he made a sandwich with onion and a little mayo - Now this whole time I am makeing a face Liverwurst (but i do like liver) - he told me to try it - guess what I liked it !!! I could an be a bread and butter eater too.. but I just don't buy it cuz I am the only one who would eat it and I would eat it all... Suggestion here - change your yogurt to dannon lite and fit it's only 60 calories (you could eat 2 in place of your one).. The pickles aren't bad calorie wise but the soduim - Water retention.. and only eat the bread once a week -

We have to allow ourselves a little treat now and them - ok - the word cheating is gone and replaced with the word treat...

I am a little over 5'4 so we are very close in what they consider "ideal" for our goal weight. 150 was just a number that my nutritionist threw out when I was going through my consult. I just want to be in a size 10 or 12. I am very large on the top (though thankfully it is going down a little!) and pretty muscular, so I don't know if 150 is going to look healthy or make me look like I am sick! So far I don't think I am going to have the skin issues. The weight has come off pretty quickly and maybe it is a good thing that it has slowed down so that the skin can stay caught up. The scale has not been kind to me lately. Since I started this I never had a day that it went up over 0.5 pounds. This morning...up 5 pounds! I didn't eat THAT much food last night. If 25 wheat thin crackers, 1 strawberry with honey dip, 3 small meatballs, and 1/2 cup of bean dip caused me to gain 5 pounds, then we are sunk! I did get all messed up with my birth control pills when we were moving. They got packed and I couldn't remember what box, so I think my hormones since then have been off a little and could be causing some of the weight stalling. I did pretty well today. I had 2 eggs for breakfast, about 1 cup of chicken at lunch, 1 Protein bar, and 1 cup of shepherd's pie for dinner. However, in order to combat some of the hunger and maybe spur along some weightloss, I am going back on Atkins (with some low carb veggies) until I get my fill. I don't want to see the pounds creep back up. They are too hard to get off! Well I am off to bed. I have soooo much work to do for school tomorrow, and my Seahawks play at 1pm so I have to get up early to get things done. GOODNIGHT EVERYONE:notagree

Salsa - I'm not muscular at all - and my weight is pretty well distributed - but it's a funny thing - now that I have lost some weight i really see the fat hanging off my body - where before it seemed more dense. it was the extra salt in the food that you ate - it's not real pounds - I just read and article last nite that called it "False Fat" I liked that term.. The whole skin issue isn't about how fast or slow you lose weight - I really don't know where people come up with that it's all about your skin type and how long you have been fat. Some peoples skin is better than others it is more elastic - think of a trash bag - but 5 lbs in it - take it out after 1 minute - bag goes back in place - then put 100 lbs in it - leave it there for 10 minutes - take it out- the bag stays stretched out..

Enjoy your game today - you need the R&R...

Hi Janet;

I for one would never be scared off by ANY of your posts. You are the ROCK of the Lucky 7's board... You are always full of cheer and support.

Exercise, humm I am going to do some of that today... I promise.. right here yup you read right - I am making a committment and I'll check back on the site later and let you know what I did.:whoo:

59 degrees, sounds like heaven! It's dipping below zero here in Ontario... We have 1 foot ( I am usually a metric gal but I know most prefer US measurements) of soft white snow here and the downhill skiiers are very happy. Should be a good season for the resorts.

Up way too early today so I'm going back for some more :notagree

Peaches - I am up way too early for a Sunday - 6:24 i woke up - but went to bed around 10 - woke up to rain this morning.. We need it so i'm cool with it.. below zero - no thanks - snow - well just to visit not live in - I would kill myself trying to drive in/on it... Ice scares the hell out of me - last yr we had a little freeze - there was a little ice on the roads - made a turn did a little slip & slide.

OK Exercise - Good Girl!!! Ya gotta get a little in - I might go to the gym today - i ususally take sundays off - but I have been doing so much preaching here I figure I better go.. But again I need to do a little shopping so we will see.. It is Sunday after all..

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Weighed this morning & finally passed the -50 lb mark!! Woo hoo! My BMI down 10 since I started the pre-op diet. Oh, happy days!


Oh, Janet... I think I see the sun peeking out!! And the rain has stopped on this side of the desert. Don't know what the outside temp is because the sensor is under the RV and undoubtedly underwater because it's reading --!

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Weighed this morning & finally passed the -50 lb mark!! Woo hoo! My BMI down 10 since I started the pre-op diet. Oh, happy days!


Oh, Janet... I think I see the sun peeking out!! And the rain has stopped on this side of the desert. Don't know what the outside temp is because the sensor is under the RV and undoubtedly underwater because it's reading --!

Congratulation Phyl :clap2::clap2::bounce::whoo:

Yes it's not raining any longer and to the east it's clearing up - but look south - dark clouds - I don't know which way the storm is comming from and my thingie says it's 49... Love it.. Looks like all next week will be sweater weather for us desert rats - it's going to be in the 60 this coming week -

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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