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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Raising the minimum wage does nothing to combat poverty. All it does is raise prices on everything and does nothing to increase purchasing power.

Thank you!! I just wanted to hear someone agree with me.

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Have you tried Quakes? They are small puffed rice patties and one serving is I think it is 30 calories, (might be 60) 0g fat and a serving consists of around 7 quakes. I've trie the carmel corn and the chocolate ones. The chocolate ones are really yummy and helps that sugar (chocolate) craving.

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See Phyll you are not alone in your sadness. I am right there with you. Too bad I can't cry in front of my classes, cause I could really use a good crying session right now.

There was a time in my life when I went through a very depressive and stressful stage. I don't do psychologists/counsellors too well because a lot of the time I feel they're patronising me or telling me things I already know.

So I took to self healing. I allowed myself to have a pity party every night from 8pm - 9pm. I would cry. I'd scream. I'd tell myself everything that was wrong with me and the world. I'd let it all out! When it came to 9pm though, I had to stop thinking those self-pity and destructive thoughts. My allocated time was up. So I'd do something else like clean house (boy was my home spotless at that time, lol) or watch TV or read a book.

I felt so much better allowing myself time each evening to feel sorry for myself and hateful at the world. The stresses were always there waiting for me in the morning, but my appointment time for venting wasn't until 8pm, so it was put on hold.

At the time I was single and alone, so I didn't have to worry about concerning a partner and child with my outbursts and tantrums. But if you could find some alone time during the day, I think you should allow your negative feelings and emotions their time in the sun. During that time I discovered that suppressing your feelings very rarely works. I just put them on hold so I could function through the rest of the day because I knew I had my pity party to look forward to in the evening.

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Thanks for all the great replies. As for battling the head hunger I haven't tried any foods. I have just not allowed myself to eat. Like I mentioned earlier I am afraid that I will start out doing very well with low cal and healthy items and then slip up and head right back down the road that I was on before. For right now, I am just going to add an additional mid morning snack (like low cal string cheese, or half a Protein Bar, or some of the other suggestions made here) and see if that will help. When you all eat Snacks throughout the day, how does that affect your Water intake? I have been terrible at this for the last week, and I can feel it. I normally get a gallon of Water a day but barely got 20 oz yesterday.

As for the venting and frustration, I literally don't have a moment to myself. My boyfriend and I work the exact same hours, though I rarely get to go home right after I am done with work. Most high school teachers don't work 7:00-3:00 as the public may think. Yesterday I got to work at 5:25 AM and left the building at 7:45 pm. Another reason I want a different job. I was back here this morning at 6:00am (late for me, but it is a work day without kids). Anyways when I get home, my boyfriend is home and then we hang out together. He really is a great guy and I can talk to him (he has a degree in psychology), but I don't want to burden him with everything.

I am feeling better today. Most teachers get frustrated at the end of the term because there is soooooo much work to do. At our school we have to accept late work, but we are on strict deadlines for when our grades have to be turned in, so it causes us to work very long hours to get everything done. The kids get a little unruly at this time of year too, because they worry about grades AND winter break is just around the corner. Top all of that with trying to buy my brother's house and that the stinking scale WOULD NOT MOVE (but it did today!:clap2:) and I just have had a bad few weeks. I start with a new bunch of kids on Monday and a new program that we are going to try at the school that I am very excited about and things are starting to look better. Thanks for all of the support. I truly don't think I would be a successful if it wasn't for everyone here (and my BF, he really is great!).

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Morning everyone... I have a question. After a fill do you guys feel it right away or does it take a few days to tighten up? If it does take a few days what is the reason behind this? Just wanted to get everyones opinion. Off to work! Hope everyone has a nice day!

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Well I finally got all of my exercise in and then some. I just don't feel Christmasy this year. That is soooo different for me. Even the kids don't seem to be into it like they usually are. Is anyone else having this problem this year?

Jackie:clap2::clap2: for getting your exercise in - As for feeling Christmasy - I have found as I get older I don't feel the excitment that I use to - it has become such a chore. I think it's cuz they bring out all the xmas stuff right after Halloween and all the commercials - they stuff this crap down our throats.. Back in the old days it was diff - It's like is last just too long - maybe thats it.

Janet, I want that recipe for the sf pumpkin dessert that you made for Thanksgiving!/quote]

Salsa - I used lite cream cheese - splenda instead of sugar - sf cool whip and sf pudding - and you can use a reduce fat crust - I didn't take the time to figure calories - too much work - but i cut all the sugar so it should have been a lot less... If I were you I might use a little more of the lite cream cheese and I thought the taste was too mild - the bottom layer it's suppose to be cheesecakey tasting.

Double Layer pumpkin Pie

4 oz. (1/2 of 8 oz. pkg.) Lite PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese, softened

1 Tbsp. milk (skim milk)

1 Tbsp. sugar (splenda)

1-1/2 cups thawed COOL WHIP Whipped Topping (sugar free)

1 HONEY MAID Graham Cracker Pie Crust (6 oz.) (reduced fat)

1 cup cold milk (skim milk

1 can (16 oz.) pumpkin

2 pkg. (4-serving size each) SF JELL-O vanilla Flavor Instant pudding and Pie Filling

1 tsp. ground cinnamon

1/2 tsp. ground ginger

1/4 tsp. ground cloves

MIX cream cheese, 1 Tbsp. milk and sugar in large bowl with wire whisk until well blended. Gently stir in whipped topping. Spread onto bottom of crust.

POUR 1 cup cold milk into large bowl. Add pumpkin, pudding mixes and spices. Beat with wire whisk until well blended. (Mixture will be thick.) Spread over cream cheese layer.

REFRIGERATE 4 hours or until set. Store leftover pie in refrigerator.

So I took to self healing. I allowed myself to have a pity party every night from 8pm - 9pm.

Ruby - I think is a great way to handle our pity parties - cuz we all have them - we all get sad and depressed - this is normal - sometimes life can just weigh us down..

Thanks for all the great replies. As for battling the head hunger I haven't tried any foods. I have just not allowed myself to eat. Like I mentioned earlier I am afraid that I will start out doing very well with low cal and healthy items and then slip up and head right back down the road that I was on before.

Salsa - I understand 1 cookie is too much 20 not enough - Glad the scales moved:) - I can understand not wanting a job that had so many hours - I could have had my own insurance agency - but i didn't want the headach - its some much easier working for someone else...

Morning everyone... I have a question. After a fill do you guys feel it right away or does it take a few days to tighten up? If it does take a few days what is the reason behind this? Just wanted to get everyones opinion. Off to work! Hope everyone has a nice day!

Kristin - My 1st fill felt it right away - the 2nd fill didn't feel it for a couple of days - what i have come to realize (from reading on this site)- the band is a fickled thing some days tight some days tight - it has it's own mind

Well Gang - TGIF !!!! We are suppose to have rain & wind today - I will take the rain as we need it here in the desert - but dislike the wind.

Gotta finish my Xmas shopping this weekend - just a few things to get... Well not much to report this morning - I gotta get to work - ck with you all later..

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Salsa - HOLY CRAP!! 24%!?!?!?! That's outrageous! Can't you put it on a lower credit card or something...at that rate you'll never be able to pay it off. If you're in the position to buy a house, you're in the position to have a lower interest rate...PM me and I'd be happy to give you some pointers! There's no reason you should be paying that kind of rate...even if your credit sucks! I'm sure there are others here that feel the same way - I hate to see people get into situations like these!

Snowing here...I actually HELPED the kids build snow forts last night. I shovelled and scooped snow for about 2 hours last night! It was great! Now...I need some snowpants!

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That is one of the reasons that I am buying my brother's house (the other is that he has one of those jumbo adjustable rates and hasn't been paying on time!) I am buying the house for more than he owes on it so that we can get cash out. Then he is going to pay of the surgery and I am going to pay him back by paying the mortgage at 5.5%. I know the % is outrageous, but I was at a desperate point when I decided to have the surgery. I couldn't fit into any clothes and was starting a brand new job. I do have terrible credit caused by my now deceased mother racking up tens of thousands of dollars on cards that I didn't even know existed. So instead of spending thousands of dollars on legal expenses I just declared bankruptcy, so I have that going against me. However, once the houes closes and the medical loan gets paid off, the money situation will be better. Right now I only have 1 credit card with a 300 dollar limit, so it won't really work right now. I don't have to put a down payment on the house because my brother is going to do a "gift of equity" of 25000 from the house instead so that is the ONLY reason that I can buy the house. However, if things fall through with the houes, I will definetly pm you and get some advice. I am currently paying 667$/month for 3 years. :faint:;) I got the loan through Capital One Healthcare Finance, so they do have it set up so that you actually do pay it off.

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Kerry - well that just is the pits for you! And you're so young! At least you have time to clean/clear up your credit and get back on track. Sadly, I have always felt that if I were to lose weight I'd earn more money (of course, I'm an at-home mom now, but when I was working and I weill be going back to work someday). Maybe this will work for you? :-)

So, I have a plan...my daughter will be able to go to preschool next year so I've decided to try to find a job next year and work (part-time). I figure I can save money and put it aside for my tummy-tuck (which is becoming more obviously needed now more than ever)...I "announced" this to my husband and he thought that was an ok idea...then I explained that the next thing "my" money would pay for is a plane for him...he was TOTALLY all for it. Haha! Swell guy I've got. Maybe I'll add a boob job just for him?

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Hi everyone! Just sitting here caching up on everyone's posts and watching 20/20, really scary shit about people hiding behind their computers. One woman who drove a 13 year old to suicide, people who make those horrible You Tube videos at others' costs., etc. etc.

I'm dealing with hunger as well. And I have even had some thoughts like what if I lose all this weight, give away all the old clothes, etc. etc., and then can't keep it off....

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Well here I am posting again... I did spark people all day ate 1,481 cals today. Not my goal of 1200 but its not too bad.

And I am going to bed now... so no more eating.

Evenings are my challenge.. I had some Trail Mix which put me over by plan... but it wasn't chocolate or something with no nutritional value...

sleep tight everyone!

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Twas the night before Christmas-Dieters Version

Twas the night before Christmas and all round my hips

Were Fanny May candies that sneaked past my lips.

Fudge brownies were stored in the freezer with care

In hopes that my thighs would forget they were there.

While Mama in her girdle and I in my chin straps

Had just settled down to sugar-borne naps.

When out in the pantry there arose such a clatter

I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.

Away to the kitchen I flew in a flash

Tore open the icebox then threw up the sash.

The marshmellow look of the new-fallen snow

Sent thought of a binge to my body below.

When what to my wandering eyes should appear;

A marzipan Santa with eight chocolate reindeer!

That huge chunk of candy so luscious and slick

I knew in a second that I'd wind up sick.

The sweet-coated santa, those sugared reindeer

I closed my eyes tightly but still I could hear;

Oh Pritzker, on Stillman, on weak one, on TOPS

A Weight Watchers dropout from sugar detox.

From the top of the scales to the top of the hall

Now dash away pounds now dash away all.

Dressed up in Lane Bryant from head to nightdress

My clothes were all bulging from too much excess.

My droll little mouth and my round little belly

They shook when I laughed like a bowl full of jelly.

I spoke not a word but went straight to my work

Ate all of the candy then turned with a jerk.

And laying a finger beside my heartburn

I gave a quick nod toward the bedroom I turned.

I eased into bed, to the heavens I cry

If temptation's removed I'll get thin by and by.

And I mumbled again as I turned for the light

In the morning I'll starve...'til I take that first bite!

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lOVED THE POEM. I've been gone all day. went for my monthly fill today and then went shopping and now it's the middle of the night. I now have 7.8cc in my 10 or 11 VG band. Still not much restriction. And, oh yes, I didn't lose a pound this month. BOO HOO I couldn't believe it!! Except for a couple days at Thanksgiving I have been doing pretty good. Trying really hard to keep those calories under 1000 and pedaling my exersize bike at least one hour everyday. Never missed one day. And the scale is stuck now.

This is what I have planned now. I am going to ride my (exersize) bike somewhere really great. Thinking it is going to be Cancun but I have yet to make up an itinerary. Need to plan some additional stops. Anyway, my daughter who is a travel agent said that when I finish pedaling and reach the Riviera Maya, she will book me air fare and hotel. Anyone out there have any special spots I can pedal to?? So far, since I started a couple days ago, I've gone about 70 miles. I haven't done my figures yet, but I may have left Michigan already. I think this is going to take me a while.

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Good Morning Lucky 7's!

Kirajh, what a great idea! Actually, we are going to the Grand Palladium on the Rivera Maya in May. This is going to be our last real family vacation because the last two kids will graduate from college this spring! We leave the day after the last graduation. So I recommend that you join us there--you can do it! BTW, where in Mi are you? I live in Wisconsin, but my son lives in Grand Rapids (goes to school at Grand Valley) and when I was a kid, I lived there too.

Thanks for sharing the poem, Jackie. Great way to start my day! It's sure looking alot like Christmas here--it snowed last night, and now the sun is brilliant--makes everything look pristine. Too bad that by noon it will all be dirty and slushy from everyone going Christmas shopping.

I am battling the scale also. I know I was very naughty last Sunday when I made Christmas Cookies, but I was not THAT bad. The scale is telling me that I GAINED 1 1/2 pounds this week. Now that is crazy since I kept it at 1000 cal/day since Sunday. Yesterday was only 800 cal, for heaven's sake. But now I have more to go to get to Onederland. :P I should still make it by New Years, but I don't think it was fair to gain weight this week. Comeon!!!

Well, my oldest son, his wife and two cats are moving in today for 3 weeks while they are in between houses. DD comes home from college next week, and another son will be here with his dog sometime before Christmas too. I am going to have to really fight to stay in control. Besides the added stress, there will be more food around the place, and I will need to do more cooking/baking/entertaining. I must stay focused. I must stay calm. Repeat.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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