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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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So I guess I have been looking at head hunger wrong. All of the suggestions (with the exception of gum chewing) on both the boards that I post on. It seems that people actually eat (low calorie only) when they have head hunger. I have just battled it by not eating at all. I literally only eat 4 times per day and don't allow myself to snack at all. Maybe I am setting myself up for misery! I am just afraid that if I start giving to my head hunger that I will end up on a very slipper slope and go from low cal/sugar free to high cal/ sugarful! I am hoping that the head war calms down this weekend. It is funny.. I do much better on the weekend than I do when I am at work and supposedly distracted. As you can tell from all of my posts lately, I absolutely hate my job. I had this surgery for physical and mental health. Now I need to find a new job to help the mental health. Last year by this time I was on some high powered anti-depressants because of my job (a different school) and I refuse to go back on them. I went through terrible withdrawls when they were weaning me off of them and I won't go through that again. I am going to try to make an appointment with a psychologist/therapist to help with some of the issues. See Phyll you are not alone in your sadness. I am right there with you. Too bad I can't cry in front of my classes, cause I could really use a good crying session right now.

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Jackie - I understand your feelings - but employers and the corps with the big bucks are not going to decrease their salarys for the increase cost of doing business - heck my office just laid 5 people off 11/1 - do you think the owners cut back - nope - it's on the backs of the little guy. The cost of gas - minimum wage - insurance all going up - chain of life - I don't see how people (families) on minimum wage make in anyhow.

Does the whole family use the Y or just you??? $127 = $10.58 a month.

I pay 20 just for me at power of fitness...



Janet you are right. It just frustrates me!! I just don't get it. I feel sorry for those that are trying to make it on minimum. There is no way in hell we could do it. When minimum increased a few months ago there was a segment on TV that was talking about how the increase actually hurt others because some people get assistance for head start schooling for pre schoolers and day care assistance. The increase sent them just above the income guideline so that meant that they lost that assistace and had to pay for those services. That means that they were paying more out than what their increases were. So really what help was that. NONE. I know I know it is part of life. Just frustrating. UUGGHHH Sorry for all the ranting. I just had to get it out of my system. I am past it. I will be getting my membership. I will be getting the family one because the kids go sometimes so I want the option there. I actually told my son that if he wants he HAS TOO use it. No excuses. LOL DD hasn't been home to hear that yet. My son is home sick so we have already discussed it. I know that if I don't get my membership I won'y exercise as muc hand I CAN NOT AND WILL NOT fall back into that. Thanks everyone for letting me vent. :)

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So I guess I have been looking at head hunger wrong. All of the suggestions (with the exception of gum chewing) on both the boards that I post on. It seems that people actually eat (low calorie only) when they have head hunger. I have just battled it by not eating at all. I literally only eat 4 times per day and don't allow myself to snack at all. Maybe I am setting myself up for misery! .

Salsa - I don't know if you are doing it wrong or if we are - I try and fight it - but sometimes it just won't go away - my problems is nights as you all know - so at 9 p.m. 12 a.m I am not going to get on the computer or clean out a drawer for distraction - so I eat low calories - I am allowed 3 meals and 2 healthy Snacks - I save my Snacks for night.

I am opposite of you - It's when I am home and doing nothing I want to eat - as long as i am involved in whatever I don't think about food - that was the bad part of being on vacation - i was go go go and didn't stop for Breakfast or lunch - where as at work i do... like right now - am in a big project (we could lose an account) and it makes me want to snack .

but I have nothing to snack on so I just don't... Don't you teach teenagers - how about teaching 1st graders - I think I wouldn't mind the younger ones as much - not so mouthy....

But it in the end whatever works for you... That's what you have to do..

and if you do like me - i don't have stuff that i am going to over do it on - 1 or 2 sf pudding are enought - now if it was brownies - they would be gone - i get stuff i like but don't LOVE - that's the difference - if i LOVE its gone - but if i just like it I can leave it alone pretty much.

Janet you are right. It just frustrates me!! I just don't get it. I feel sorry for those that are trying to make it on minimum. There is no way in hell we could do it. When minimum increased a few months ago there was a segment on TV that was talking about how the increase actually hurt others because some people get assistance for head start schooling for pre schoolers and day care assistance. The increase sent them just above the income guideline so that meant that they lost that assistace and had to pay for those services. That means that they were paying more out than what their increases were. So really what help was that. NONE. I know I know it is part of life. Just frustrating. UUGGHHH Sorry for all the ranting. I just had to get it out of my system. I am past it. I will be getting my membership. I will be getting the family one because the kids go sometimes so I want the option there. I actually told my son that if he wants he HAS TOO use it. No excuses. LOL DD hasn't been home to hear that yet. My son is home sick so we have already discussed it. I know that if I don't get my membership I won'y exercise as muc hand I CAN NOT AND WILL NOT fall back into that. Thanks everyone for letting me vent. :)

Jackie you can rant and rave all you want - and yes you gotta keep the exercise up - we will not fail...

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Salsa - I find that when I'm having a head hunger moment I just eat...eat something I KNOW will get stuck! Yeah, it's a little sadomasochistic, but it works, every time! It gets stuck, I feel like crap, and then I just stay away from food for a couple more hours. Yes, this can go on all day for me. You really just have to listen to what everyone says and choose what's right for YOU!

Now, on to bigger and better things: ATTENTION - I asked my doc to send me a letter stating my medical necessity for the Lap-Band (short and sweet, about 2 sentences long). This I can use to deduct the expenses for the Lap-Band...ALL expenses including travel and hotel...I encourage all of you to get this same letter. As much as we all paid for it, we should be able to receive the deduction if we itemize...it's actually easier than it sounds. Good luck!

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Well guys I finally figured out how to work this website on my blackberry (cellphone with internet) yay! Now I will post more often. I always feel like everyone is sleeping by the time I get on line at night. (I'm in California) okay I'm in the waiting room waiting to go in for my 3rd fill. Wish me luck!

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Well guys I finally figured out how to work this website on my blackberry (cellphone with internet) yay! Now I will post more often. I always feel like everyone is sleeping by the time I get on line at night. (I'm in California) okay I'm in the waiting room waiting to go in for my 3rd fill. Wish me luck!

Kristin - Where in California??? Anywhere close to me & Phyl - we are here in the Desert - Palm Springs - Indio - Palm Desert. Most of the gang is in a diff time zone than us - Dini is Ireland ...

How did the fill go...

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Salsa - I find that when I'm having a head hunger moment I just eat...eat something I KNOW will get stuck! Yeah, it's a little sadomasochistic, but it works, every time! It gets stuck, I feel like crap, and then I just stay away from food for a couple more hours. Yes, this can go on all day for me. You really just have to listen to what everyone says and choose what's right for YOU!

Marcy - I have never done it on purpose - but when i have pb'd on 1/2 container of pudding - ya - I quit too..

I am going to check w/my accountant - I was covered by insurance but all the copays and program fees added up to a pretty penny - but I don't know if it's going to be more that 7.5% of my adjusted income -

Can't hurt to try...

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Ok Gang

I saw an underwriter who hasn't seen me in a couple months - Oh you look so good - don't you feel different No - I'm still Janet... I feel different cuz I have more energy. But I am still me - fat or not as fat - I still see the same person in the mirror just less than 4 months ago...

It like i am suppose to be a different person cuz i have lost some weight.. I don't know how to explain it - It was a great compliment and i took it at that - but - it was like I'm suppose to be diff now - and i'm not - I was trying to explain to this thin person that even at 250 i didn't see myself as fat as I was - saw myself at about the weight i am now - it's like jackie said - oh size 18 isn't that much bigger than 16 - I know that i am looking pretty good - But I do beleive we are the same person fat or skinny - ya we might be a little more self conifident thinner but I was/am a cocky - and sometime over confident person fat too.. I am me.. Are you guys understanding what i am trying to say..

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Hey Indio I am in Sacramento to bad we arent closer! The fill went really really well my Dr. felt bad because i told her i had NO restriction what so ever so instead of giving me .50cc like she had said was her rule on the 3rd fill she gave me 1. cc!!! I was so happy. She said I would DEFF feel restriction now. I had Soup for dinner so that isnt a very good judge but am hoping for the best! yay! im excited now!

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Hey Indio I am in Sacramento to bad we arent closer! The fill went really really well my Dr. felt bad because i told her i had NO restriction what so ever so instead of giving me .50cc like she had said was her rule on the 3rd fill she gave me 1. cc!!! I was so happy. She said I would DEFF feel restriction now. I had Soup for dinner so that isnt a very good judge but am hoping for the best! yay! im excited now!

My Sis lives in Ceres - about 100 miles from you...

My second fill took a day or 2 to get tight - I am suppose to be on full liquids for 1 week then 1 week mushie then 1 week soft - but i usually do abour 4 days liquid and then very soft - but i eat very soft food 99% of the time.. Hope you got to your sweet spot...

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Wow, what a nice "newsy" day

Great, everybodies on board and IndioGirl, you are a great ring-leader!!!

Well, its 10.38pm where I live and I only have to NOT EAT for another 1/2 hr unitl I go to bed.

Day off tomorrow, so I am going to put up the Christmas tree and wrap some gifties.

1215 cals today... pretty good for me!!!

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Wow, what a nice "newsy" day

Great, everybodies on board and IndioGirl, you are a great ring-leader!!!

Well, its 10.38pm where I live and I only have to NOT EAT for another 1/2 hr unitl I go to bed.

Day off tomorrow, so I am going to put up the Christmas tree and wrap some gifties.

1215 cals today... pretty good for me!!!

Thanks Peaches - This board is my salvation... It is my distraction when I want to eat .... We are all in the same boat - some days i'm strong and you lean on me - then there are the days where i am weak and need to lean on you., This is the BEST SUPPORT GROUP IN THE WORLD..... Good day - Good food choice 1200.... :clap2::clap2:

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Well I finally got all of my exercise in and then some. It is snowing terrible here in Iowa but I still went out and walked (DH thinks I am nuts! LOL) and then I shoveled snow. It honestly isn't that cold outside it was just 'annoying' because the flying snow kept spotting up my glasses. I should have put my contacts back in before going out but I didn't. Oh well. I walked and then I shoveled for an hour and 45 minutes total time. I feel really good. We are really having winter here in Iowa this year. I am fine with that though we have been really lucky the past few years.

I was talking to a friend on the cell while walking and I jsut realised Christmas is only 2 and 1/2 weeks away!! I am usually sooooo into it and I just can't get there this year. I don't know why. I mean I have my shopping done just this and thats if I see something but I am really done but I just don't feel Christmasy this year. That is soooo different for me. Even the kids don't seem to be into it like they usually are. Is anyone else having this problem this year?

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Yeah I just don't feel into Christmas this year either. I think it is because I am so far away from my family and we have to cross mountain passes to go visit. We are going over to see them on the 21st since that is where my doc is, but we won't be staying for Christmas since my BF has to work on the 24th. Plus I think that Christmas has been so much about food and we can't/aren't going to gorge ourselves (RIGHT?!) so it just doesn't have the same appeal. I totally skipped Thanksgiving because we moved, but even that didn't seem to be all that interesting. I just told my BF when we were at the store tonight that I feel like the grinch because I don't want to spend money this year. Things are really tight with my monthly surgery payments (24% interest is killing me!) and that fact that I am trying to buy my brother's house so that it is not forclosed upon (my Christmas gift to him!) But I am excited that for the first time I am not going to GAIN weight at Christmas time. I may splurge a little and Janet, I want that recipe for the sf pumpkin dessert that you made for Thanksgiving!

Well I am off to bed. No kids at school tomorrow! Just a work day.:clap2:

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Raising the minimum wage does nothing to combat poverty. All it does is raise prices on everything and does nothing to increase purchasing power.

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