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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Phyll- Sorry to hear about your son. It has to be frustrating, I have a teacher that I work with that is going through the exact same thing, but I don't think that bond was quite that high. As for the crying, I have been the same way lately. Mine is mostly about hating my job, but I will see a sad commercial or show or hear a sad song and I get all choked up.

Here is a funny story that might get you to laugh a little bit. I just got done doing my workout routine with the exercise ball and weights. I was doing push ups and I go until my arms just won't lift me any further. Just as they gave out and I kind of ungracefully rolled off the ball, my boyfriend turned around to look at the tv and there I was sprawled out all over the floor. He said "when you claimed to be a beached whale in the past, I didn't think that you ever looked like one, but seeing you laying there all sweaty and flopped over, I think I finally see it." He was just kidding of course but I told him that I was going to have to post that he called me a beached whale. Then he said "well, more like a beached guppy, there is just not enough blubber left on ya." How sweet. I will take it as a compliment.

So here is an NSV for the day. I went in to the copy room this morning to make a few copies. Then I left and quickly remembered that I forgot to check my mailbox and turned around to go back in. I heard another teacher say "Holy crap she has lost a lot of weight". I knew that they really meant it, because there is a wall between where I was and where they were, so they weren't just saying it to make me feel good. :clap2: That makes me happy because the stinking scale went up a pound today. But that is okay because the jeans that I just bought 2 weeks or so ago are getting loose!!!!!!

I am starting to think that I will be really happy when I get my fill on the 21st. I am still staying at the same amount of calories, but I am having to eat a lot of salads to even get satisfied anymore. I found this great new caesar salad dressing spritz that has 2 calories per spray so that helps with my wanting to eat. I have wanted to eat, eat, eat in the last few days. My will power is being tested. So far I would give it an A, and since I am a certified, legitimate teacher, that should be an accurate grade.

Good night all, chat with you tomorrow.

Beached guppy! That IS cute!! Thanks for the encouraging words. Ya think when your kids grow up they ought to be able to take care of themselves! Not! Oh well, everything has been frustrating me this week. But I am getting outside and enjoying the wonderful sunshine as much as possible. That helps!

You are doing great!! You, too, Kristin!! Welcome!! Don't be so quiet! You two are so young!! I'm an old grandma who wishes this surgery had been available when I was your age!!

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I'm here. Don't know what's going on. Feels like PMS, hormones, etc. and I'm too d_____ old for that. Just crying about nothing. Didn't help that we had a call from a bondsman in OK today... youngest son in jail for driving without a license.. AGAIN! Bail set at $50K!! For driving w/o a license???? She would bond him out if we co-signed for him! He's 35 yrs old!! We're tired of this!

Phyl - I am sorry about your son - as you know I have some of the same issues with mine, so I totally understand.... The sadness - could be hormonal as we don't eat all the junk we use to and our bodies still want all those feel good chemicals from all the sugar we us to eat... That's Dr. Janets answer anyway - IMHO it's cuz it's xmas time and we know that we can't eat all that junk and everyone else is.. I look at these people with disgust - all that bad sugar that they are putting in their bodies along with chips - fat fat fat - I watch people eat in our lunch room - sort of makes me sick - they lose weight and go back to eating a big bag of chips with their lunch - a girl who has diabietes (sp) was going for the carmel/choc popcorn at lunch yesterday - I told her don't do it - it has sugar... See gang I just not the food cop/angel here but at work too.

Janet, Congrats on onederland!

I've been out of town for three days on business, did not eat smartly, but didn't get sick until today at lunch and ended up with sunflower seeds (they were on the salad) up my nose....yuck! Then again tonight my chicken didn't go down. Took forever to get it out and then I just drank a cold slimfast shake.....before that things had been working well.

Don't think I did any damage and should be still at 159 when I weigh in the a.m. Would sure love to be 155 by year-end if possible.

Night everyone!

Thanks Brandy - I have pb'd on pudding from eating too fast - Don't worry I think our band and tougher than we think

Salsa - Love the Guppy & Holy Crap - too cute - how neat to over hear such a great compliment...

Just wanted to say hello to everyone... i am a lurker.... i read on this page every single day but never really talk to much. Hope everyone is doing well!

Kristin - Hi - when you are looking - just drop a shout out to us - let us know how you are doing.

I'm here, Janet. I usually check in everyday, but like Kristin, I just lurk. I really don't have a whole lot to say.

Just got done doing another round on my bike tonight. Pedaled a total of 36 miles today. I go for my fill Friday and weigh - in. Sure do hope that scale is moving downward. I am feeling really optimistic that this fill will work this time. Say a prayer.Guess I sould go hit the sheets. It's getting late. sleep tight and I will see all of you tomorrow.Kari

Kari - We all have a lot to say - we all have important info to share - even if it's just - OMG i wanted a chip today - or I threw away those chip and OMG 36 miles in one day - I bet the scales are going to move downward - Good luck on the fill.

Well gotta jump in the shower - just wanted to update my ticker since today is my weigh in day... 2 lbs even with eating cake, Cookies and cheese cake last week with my sister... See my paying back works - I did 3 miles every day last week and my other food calories were low and i didn't drink - I would say my little tricks work... I am a happy camper today... :)

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Sorry I've been lurking , but not posting.

I love keeping up to date on everyone's journey in Lap=land.

I guess I havn't posted mluch as I am a bit discouraged at present.

7 fills now, yest another .75CC and now have 9.75 cc's in my 10 cc band(am told it holds 12-13cc's?)

anyways, my W/L has stalled and even gained a few...now with Xmas coming .... well you can see why I feel I may have wasted my $16,000

BUT, today I am back on my SparkPeople.com and am going to TRACK every cal that goes into my mouth... even if it is a wee cheat...

I am making that COMMITTMENT here as I KNOW you will all keep me honest and accountable.

Have a great SUNNY Day today whereever you are.

Just Peachy

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Ruby - How's the boobies...

They're doing well. They're starting to itch, so that's a sure sign of healing.

Yesterday I went Christmas shopping. The mall is about three quarters of a mile away, so I walked there. Then I did plenty of walking inside the mall. I was exhausted but had to make the trek back again. GAH!!!

As a result I flopped on the couch and napped for an hour. I woke this morning feeling sore all over and could barely find the energy to walk my son to the bus stop. He told me to go back to bed, that he'd walk up with his friend. Bless him. I did and got another 2 hours sleep. I'm feeling better now and am anxious to go to the gym and do my 30 minute workout on there, but I don't want to overdo it again. I'll see if I'm still feeling perky in an hour or so.

The December challenge is good inspiration. Normally I would say "I'm just going to skip it today" but I always take Sunday off and every other Saturday and I don't want to fall too far behind. I've forgotten who started the challenge, but thank you for helping me something to keep focused on my exercise. It stops me from being lazy. I think I'll do this every month. :biggrin1:

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I'm here. Don't know what's going on. Feels like PMS, hormones, etc. and I'm too d_____ old for that. Just crying about nothing. Didn't help that we had a call from a bondsman in OK today... youngest son in jail for driving without a license.. AGAIN! Bail set at $50K!! For driving w/o a license???? She would bond him out if we co-signed for him! He's 35 yrs old!! We're tired of this!

Oh no! :) I think the bond was set high because it wasn't his first time. It could be time to show some tough love and tell him to spend a little time in there to think bout what he's done to get where he is. At 35 he should know better. Having said that, I don't think I could practice what I preach. I'd bail mine out too. :rolleyes

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Ok I promise to post more. =) Now its off to work and then to get my 3rd fill from my VERY conservative dr. boo! Keep your fingers crossed that the 3rd time is the charm! Thanks guys!

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[quote name='peaches9;644754 am going to TRACK every cal that goes into my mouth... even if it is a wee cheat...I am making that COMMITTMENT here as I KNOW you will all keep me honest and accountable.

Have a great SUNNY Day today whereever you are.Just Peachy

Peaches - Good to hear from you... You didn't waste the $$$ - I just don't think you are there mentally with making good food choice - it can take awhile sometimes - you are doing the right thing by tracking your food - I still keep my food log - 4 1/2 months - I too put down the bad stuff. Can't remember (I know you understand) but can you exercise? I think that's what gave me 2 lbs this week - while I was on vacation I went to the gym every morning and walked 3 miles - i find I can only get about 2 or 2.5 now that i am back to work and going in the evenings. I really don't miss what I at before - but for me it was more about quanity that what I ate - I guess I am a lucky on cuz after my 2nd fill i had good restriction - I still have pretty good restriction go back to dr on the 19th - don't know if i will get another one or not - maybe just a tad.. Good food choicies even if you don't have proper restriction... You can do it - just look at all the weight you lost prior to surgery - go back to that eating plan

Yesterday I went Christmas shopping. The mall is about three quarters of a mile away' date=' so I walked there. Then I did plenty of walking inside the mall. I was exhausted but had to make the trek back again. GAH!!! The December challenge is good inspiration. Normally I would say "I'm just going to skip it today" but I always take Sunday off and every other Saturday and I don't want to fall too far behind. I've forgotten who started the challenge, but thank you for helping me something to keep focused on my exercise. It stops me from being lazy. I think I'll do this every month. :biggrin1:[/quote']

Ruby - I don't know if I would have walked just cuz i knew i would have to walk back with all those bags - ugh too much for me :Banane48:

Nicole aka fox (something) started our exercise challenge and I agree I usually do 4-5 days a week - but this challenge is keeping me on it - cuz i am real good at skipping sometime - I usually don't exercise on Thursday's - but will tonite cuz I am going out to dinner tomorrow so can exercise and I usually exercise on Fridays... Yep we should have this challenge every month... Glad to hear that you are on the mend...

You gotta post a pic...

Oh no! :) I think the bond was set high because it wasn't his first time. It could be time to show some tough love and tell him to spend a little time in there to think bout what he's done to get where he is. At 35 he should know better. Having said that, I don't think I could practice what I preach. I'd bail mine out too. :rolleyes

I to have a problem Son - as you must have guessed cuz I have my GS.. I have told him I will pay for rehab - but not to bail him out of Jail - so it's his choice - Yes it hurts and it's so very hard to give tough love (why does it have to hurt us so much when we are doing the right thing?) I'm not the best in being a Disciplinarian - and to think of your kid in jail is really tough...

Ok I promise to post more. =) Now its off to work and then to get my 3rd fill from my VERY conservative dr. boo! Keep your fingers crossed that the 3rd time is the charm! Thanks guys!

Kristin - fingers crossed...

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Aaaaaaaagh! I need some major motivation. All I want to do is eat. It is seriously consuming all of my thoughts. I can't concentrate at work and it is just head hunger. I am not actually hungry. FRUSTRATING!!!!!! I have not given in so far and I don't plan on it, but I just can't get the thought of eating out of my head. I think it is because of the stress at work. We are at the end of the trimester so I have all these kids turning in work from September and trying to calculate all the grades, but I have not had this much problem with wanting to eat since before surgery. I would think that it would have something to do with being unfilled, except that I AM NOT ACTUALLY HUNGRY!. So besides venting, I am asking what you guys do to battle MAJOR head hunger.:help:

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So besides venting, I am asking what you guys do to battle MAJOR head hunger.:help:

I chew gum and drink more Water. I've become a gum addict. Orbit Spearmint to be exact, although I do have some Peppermint as well for a change.

Usually my problem time is in the afternoon and I can go through a pack of 14 gum sticks until dinnertime. Once the flavor has disappeared I need to pop in another piece. Drinking Water at the same time for me makes it taste refreshing. It's how I get through head hunger most times. It doesn't work 100% of the time, but I'll only have a weak moment once in a while.

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am asking what you guys do to battle MAJOR head hunger.:help:

Salsa - When I get this way i try to find the lowest calorie food to eat

I will eat single serving 100 cal popcorn, sf yogurts 60 cal - sf puddings 60 cal - I can eat bread and I buy lite (40 c a slice) and will have toast with glass of o.j. - If i were you I would buy those 100 c snack packs but only bring a couple to school with you and nosh on those very slowly when you are hungry - and there always are the standards - carrots & celery. Graham Cackers too I think they are low in calories add a little Peanut Butter and eat slowly... Drink Water or crystal light... I get hungry at work -but I don't have anything to really snack on - so I don't - my prob is nights and that's when i do the above - plus I will eat extra veggies that i made for dinner and have as leftovers.. How about sf hot choc... that's good too..

Good luck GF - Head Hunger is the worst - too bad they can't band our heads:p

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Aaaaaaaagh! I need some major motivation. All I want to do is eat. It is seriously consuming all of my thoughts. I can't concentrate at work and it is just head hunger. I am not actually hungry. FRUSTRATING!!!!!! I have not given in so far and I don't plan on it, but I just can't get the thought of eating out of my head. I think it is because of the stress at work. We are at the end of the trimester so I have all these kids turning in work from September and trying to calculate all the grades, but I have not had this much problem with wanting to eat since before surgery. I would think that it would have something to do with being unfilled, except that I AM NOT ACTUALLY HUNGRY!. So besides venting, I am asking what you guys do to battle MAJOR head hunger.:help:

I don't recommend this, but here's a funny story related to hunger! Last week DH & I were in Wal-Mart and I was REALLY hungry... legitimately hungry. Once we got inside all I could think about was going to have a chicken snack wrap at McDonald's just inside the door. I knew I'd give in if I didn't distract myself somehow. So I went to the hair salon... yes, the Wal-Mart hair salon, and I got my hair cut... really short... spiked it!! By the time I was done, DH was finished shopping and it was time to leave. I had a couple of pieces of beef Jerky on the way home instead of the snack wrap.

So.... don't necessarily go get a hair cut, but find something to distract yourself from the voices in your head!!

I like the new hair cut, by the way! The poor girl kept saying, this is going to be really short. I just told her not to worry about it. If I didn't like it, it would grow back!!

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Hey gang...Im here....Not much going on with me. Still staying the same...I cant wait for my adj in Jan...Boy do i need one..I am hungry...Its like my band just untightened itself...For a while I was so tight and couldnt eat and now I can eat almost anything I want...:hungry:

And once again I have realized why I had this surgery because I have absolutely no willpower....So its cold here and I am starving....What a sucky day!!!

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Hey everyone...Just checking in. I'm still around, but I'm in the final two weeks of the semester, so I'm trying to get all my back assignments done and in before this next week. I should be able to be on more (during winter break). I've also been working on computer problems yet again, and really think that HP tech support SUCKS!!! Anyways, talk to you all again soon.


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Hello everyone. I am sorry I haven't been on much lately. Don't know why I have been so busy because not a lot has been going on but I haven't been home much.

Ok I have to vent. I got a letter from our local YMCA yesterday because my membership is coming due in January. Anyway, in this letter they say that since minimum wage is going up in January they are being forced to increase membership fees. I figured they would be increasing anyway because they redone the bottom of the pool this year and the gym floor. So I wasn't surprised but then as I read on they increased it by $127.00 a year for a family. I will be paying a little over $500 a year for my family to belong to this!! Maybe that doesn't seem like alot compared to other gyms but to me that IS a lot for what we use the Y for. I am sooooo angry!! I read this to my hubby and then I told him they give the increase in minimum wage and then they take it away. Sadly this is just the begining and it is the Y!!! Ok so I am already fuming over this and then my son asks me to stop at MCD's (I know not a good place for him either) so I stop and ordered an ice coffee. She gives me the total and I said that is more than it usually is. She says all our meals and everything has gone up due to wage increases. WHAT THE HELL?!?!?! Why are they giving this to people and then turn around and take it away. My gosh it is even in the fast food restaurants. Can't wait to see what it will do in the grocery stores, heating, and electric!!! Sorry I jsut had to rant because I am sooo damn mad!

About the gym membership....I have to figure something out because I really want my memebership. I will prob keep it but I WON'T be happy.

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Hello everyone. I am sorry I haven't been on much lately. Don't know why I have been so busy because not a lot has been going on but I haven't been home much. Ok I have to vent. So I wasn't surprised but then as I read on they increased it by $127.00 a year for a family. I will be paying a little over $500 a year for my family to belong to . My gosh it is even in the fast food restaurants. Can't wait to see what it will do in the grocery stores, heating, and electric!!! Sorry I jsut had to rant because I am sooo damn mad! About the gym membership....I have to figure something out because I really want my memebership. I will prob keep it but I WON'T be happy.

Jackie - I understand your feelings - but employers and the corps with the big bucks are not going to decrease their salarys for the increase cost of doing business - heck my office just laid 5 people off 11/1 - do you think the owners cut back - nope - it's on the backs of the little guy. The cost of gas - minimum wage - insurance all going up - chain of life - I don't see how people (families) on minimum wage make in anyhow.

Does the whole family use the Y or just you??? $127 = $10.58 a month.

I pay 20 just for me at power of fitness...



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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

        Compassion goes a long way :)

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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