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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I remember 'back in the day also'. I am 34 but I remember being 16-19 and wearing a size 3 Guess Jeans. My Z Cav's were a size 26 waist. My gosh wouldn't I love to be there again. Today the body images have changed so much though. We went to my sons wrestling meet and we sat behind the cheerleaders. When the girls stood to do their cheers I noticed that 1 of them was small but the others were pretty 'beefy' girls. When I was in high school that was NOT acceptable! Then as I was looking around at the other kids there really isn't a lot of 'skinny minny's" like when I went to school. My daughter and I were talking about it later that night and she said mom America is getting fatter and you are still stuck on being a skinny. LOL Think about that though. People really are ok with being bigger. It is like that is the 'norm' now. If we could all be fat and healthy that would be fine but I fear for the generations coming up. Alot of them are already 'beef' or 'big'. I know what the weight has done to my health in the past 13-14 years because I was at a healthy weight up until then. Some of these kdis are large and were large as little kids. What damage has this demon already done to their bodies?!

I am stuck at 205. Been here for about 1 week and a half. Restriction is still good though. 6 more lbs by Christmas to meet my mini goal!!

Weather here in Iowa is terrible. FREEZING!!!! We are covered in ice and they are talking more snow Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat and a chance on Sunday. I really wanted a white Christmas but come on!!! LOL We hunkered in for most of last weekend because of the storm. Sounds like Thursday is going to be bad too.

Hope everyone is doing fine!!

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I'm sorry but "skinny" seems almost too much to hope for! It seems like an impossible dream. But then I'm having a down day! I'm way too old for PMS, but that's what it's felt like today.

About the jeans, Marcy, I think on the Lands End website there is something that helps you figure out what style, etc. of jeans, pants, whatever, is right for you. Check it out.


Sorry you had a bad day ;):kiss2:;)

Hope tomorrow is better:)

I remember 'back in the day also'. I am 34 but I remember being 16-19 and wearing a size 3 Guess Jeans. My Z Cav's were a size 26 waist. My gosh wouldn't I love to be there again. Today the body images have changed so much though. We went to my sons wrestling meet and we sat behind the cheerleaders. When the girls stood to do their cheers I noticed that 1 of them was small but the others were pretty 'beefy' girls. When I was in high school that was NOT acceptable! Then as I was looking around at the other kids there really isn't a lot of 'skinny minny's" like when I went to school. My daughter and I were talking about it later that night and she said mom America is getting fatter and you are still stuck on being a skinny. LOL Think about that though. People really are ok with being bigger. It is like that is the 'norm' now. If we could all be fat and healthy that would be fine but I fear for the generations coming up. Alot of them are already 'beef' or 'big'. I know what the weight has done to my health in the past 13-14 years because I was at a healthy weight up until then. Some of these kdis are large and were large as little kids. What damage has this demon already done to their bodies?!

I am stuck at 205. Been here for about 1 week and a half. Restriction is still good though. 6 more lbs by Christmas to meet my mini goal!!

Weather here in Iowa is terrible. FREEZING!!!! We are covered in ice and they are talking more snow Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat and a chance on Sunday. I really wanted a white Christmas but come on!!! LOL We hunkered in for most of last weekend because of the storm. Sounds like Thursday is going to be bad too.

Hope everyone is doing fine!!

Jackie - yes Kids are alot bigger now then when I was younger - you always have had the big kids - but now when you walk in the mall there are alot of big girls in tight clothes - I just want to cry - heck today at the gym there was a girl in her 20's - bleach hair - weigh 280 white TIGHT capris - and a TGHT seafoam tank top - OMG every roll and dimple showed... How can someone walk out the door looking like that.. I know I should be kinder - she was at the gym - but - the rest of us had to look at her...

Well - I am off for the night - did 2.5 miles now gotta go cook my fish..

Talk to you all tomorrow - have a good night - sweet dreams...

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I checked the Lands End site and found what I was trying to tell you about. They will actually custom-make your clothes. I'm not sure what the cost is, but they claim they're competitive with off-the-rack clothes. Take a look, just for the heck of it. At the bottom of their site you'll see a list of options and one of them is "customize".

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I never remember being skinny when I was younger. I am only 28 now, but when I was in grade school I was already in larger size clothing. Working at a high school, I see everyday how big the kids are getting. I see them walking into class with a grande extra cream tons of sugar coffee drink, 2 egg mcmuffins and a candy bar and I just want to scream. This is what they are eating at 7:30 in the morning and for some it is their "snack". Our kids have open campus during lunch and the kids come back with all sorts of unhealthy foods and I just shake my head. Most of my kids know that I have had the surgery cause they have made comments about how little I have eaten. When I told them that I have not had McDonalds since before August 8 they were stunned and didn't actually think it was possible. One said he didn't believe me because no one can go that long without eat it. He told me that McDonalds should have its own food group. This story is running long but I just had to say that we went into a local sandwich shop the other day and there was this very very overweight kid that was probably in middle school. While we sat there eating, this kid consumed 2 foot long sandwiches and was begging for Soup, which the parent relented and dessert. The mother tried to put her foot down about the dessert but the kid pitched such a fit that she just threw the money at him and told him to get what he wanted. Well he didn't just go for one dessert but bought three. It made me really sad to see that because I know what a struggle he is going to go through when he gets even a little older. Of course the teacher in me wanted to go over and teach a lesson but I decided to mind my own business. Well this turned out much longer than I thought so I am going to head to bed now. State testing at school tomorrow! Should be fun!

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All, I was banded on July 31st and I am new to this thread. I have a question because I don't feel restricted enough. So I have a few questions.

1. I have only lost 37 lbs. and that seems like it is on the low side. Does that seem normal?

2. When I eat I feel like I can eat like I used to. I don't get full when I eat. Are you supposed to feel full when you are eating? Or just stop because you know you ate 4 oz?

3. Does anyone else have the large AP band? Mine is 14ccs. I am filled to 9.6 ccs. Is that a lot not a lot? I know everyone is different but I was wondering.

Thanks for all the help in advance!



Welcome to our friendly little group kcval.

I've lost 37lbs since being banded a week before you were. I lost a lot fast, and then I had a few weeks where I lost nothing at all. I don't consider it to be a small amount of weight. I started at 240.

I have fantastic days and I have bad days. I come here when I'm feeling both and I always log out feeling better. Either because someone knows my frustrations exactly on my bad days, or I've been able to help someone out on my good days.

I don't consider what you've lost so far to be slow. But what my doctor said was that if I went for 2 weeks without losing any weight (or gaining), then it was time for a fill.

I have a 4cc band and I *think* I have 2.25 in there. I can't remember. Like others said, that really isn't important. What is important is that this band, which you should consider a tool, is working the way it should be.

I don't remember the last time I felt "full" after a meal. But I do know what it feels like to eat more than I should or need to. I'm bent over the toilet sliming it up again until the excess and more has come back out. I don't like that. It stops me from pigging out.

I also made the realisation that during the times when my weight loss had stalled, it was because I wasn't eating enough. Not getting enough Protein and not drinking my requirement of Water.< /p>

I've also become a gum addict. I typically go through a pack a day of sugar free gum. Sometimes I just need to have something in my mouth moving and chewing to curb my appetite. I also find that I enjoy drinking my water more when I have gum in my mouth as it makes it taste fresher.

I think it's important to try to have protein with every meal you have. Typically I'll have a Protein Drink for Breakfast as my restriction is quite tight then and it's all I can manage. For lunch I'll try to have some cottage cheese or some bacon or something. dinner is hit and miss for me these days. I'm trying to get more leafy greens in and sometimes they'll go down and sometimes they just won't.

For Snacks I've started counting out 6 fish crackers or cheezits. I'm trying to get food into my body every 3 hours to keep my metabolism moving. I've started on banana or grapes for snacks as well now as I want some variety and healthier choices, but they don't always go down smoothly.

My advice would be to tweak your diet, call your doctor's office with your concerns and see if you're in need of a fill, or they may have diet advice to help you.

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Good Morning Gang

How is everyone this wonderful morning....

Just cking in to see what's up with everyone this morning..

Salsa - I don't envy you being a teacher - but give you props - a very difficult job now a days. Kids are so different today.. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has the urge to tell strangers what to do... But have to remind myself - it's not your business - Now if I saw someone smacking their kid inappropriately or something of that nature - I would butt in..

Marcy - QVC also has custom made jeans.. I am a big QVC shopper

But I am afraid of ordering cuz if you go by my waist size in ordering clothes by their chart - I would be like an 18 - I can fit a 14 have a tad muffin going on when I sit - but my blouse covers.

Well, Ladies - have a good day - make good choices and I will ck in later

:kiss2: Janet

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Phyl - Hope your feeling better today.

About back in the day - Back in the day when I wore a size 7, I was always complaining about being fat. If I looked like that today, and know what I know now, I'd be naked all the time. I'd walk in the door from work screaming honey I'm home as I'm throwing my clothes off.


Below 1000 calories........CHECK


1 day down..................CHECK

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Salsa - I don't envy you being a teacher - but give you props - a very difficult job now a days. Kids are so different today.. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has the urge to tell strangers what to do... But have to remind myself - it's not your business - Now if I saw someone smacking their kid inappropriately or something of that nature - I would butt in..

In the case of that I have a legal obligation to step in and report to child welfare services because I am a mandatory reporter. Hopefully this will be my last year as a teacher. I really don't like the job. It is thankless and I am noticing that I just don't have the patience that I used to. I don't want a job where I have 5-6 hours of "homework" after I am finished at my job. I would like to come home, workout (of course) and then just spend the rest of the evening with my BF doing whatever we want. I have had to give up our season tickets to the symphony and the theater because I just don't have time to go. Plus we just moved to the central oregon area in June and I DON'T LIKE IT HERE. The people are rude and the landscape looks like nothing can live over here. We are trying to find jobs so that we can move to Western Washington (even though right now they are under 8 feet of water!) because that is where my family lives. Only problem is this lap-band bill that I pay every month makes the income that I need very high. Oh well...it is worth it. Even if the dang scale isn't moving. Good NSV though...the last three shirts that I had in my closet this morning are all too big. The scale has not moved but I am losing size like there is no tomorrow. I will take that over the scale not moving any day!

Have a good day. My kids are state testing today so it is nice and easy for me!

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Where in the heck is everyone !!!!!!:roll::)

Phyl - you haven't posted today... Ihope today was a better day for you...

Dini - you haven't posted since you came back from NYC

Ruby - How's the boobies...

Nicole, Lynette, Kathybad, CeCe - CC - riiberty - chim - Jeannie - just to name a few that we havent heard from in a long time... I know I am missing a bunch of people - but you gotta forgive me i'm old - worked all day - walked 2,5 miles rod the bike for 2 miles - and am cooking dinner.< /span>

and as soon as i seen your name - I will say - OH Ya I love her - how could i forget her .... So shout out to all lucky #7...

Linda - Distant - Karri - Mango how are you girls today

Well, everyone must be hiding, shopping - asleep etc... I was just cking in - waiting for my salmon to defrost - drinking my Water tomorrow will be weight in day - hope for .5 to 1 lbs - but will be happy with staying the same...

Well, I am of to see what's on t.v.

Ck back later .....



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See I forgot Jackie :0)

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Where in the heck is everyone !!!!!!:roll::)

Phyl - you haven't posted today... Ihope today was a better day for you...


I'm here. Don't know what's going on. Feels like PMS, hormones, etc. and I'm too d_____ old for that. Just crying about nothing. Didn't help that we had a call from a bondsman in OK today... youngest son in jail for driving without a license.. AGAIN! Bail set at $50K!! For driving w/o a license???? She would bond him out if we co-signed for him! He's 35 yrs old!! We're tired of this!

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Janet, Congrats on onederland!

Distant, Nice pics!

I've been out of town for three days on business, did not eat smartly, but didn't get sick until today at lunch and ended up with sunflower seeds (they were on the salad) up my nose....yuck! Then again tonight my chicken didn't go down. Took forever to get it out and then I just drank a cold slimfast shake.....before that things had been working well.

Don't think I did any damage and should be still at 159 when I weigh in the a.m. Would sure love to be 155 by year-end if possible.

Night everyone!

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Phyll- Sorry to hear about your son. It has to be frustrating, I have a teacher that I work with that is going through the exact same thing, but I don't think that bond was quite that high. As for the crying, I have been the same way lately. Mine is mostly about hating my job, but I will see a sad commercial or show or hear a sad song and I get all choked up.

Here is a funny story that might get you to laugh a little bit. I just got done doing my workout routine with the exercise ball and weights. I was doing push ups and I go until my arms just won't lift me any further. Just as they gave out and I kind of ungracefully rolled off the ball, my boyfriend turned around to look at the tv and there I was sprawled out all over the floor. He said "when you claimed to be a beached whale in the past, I didn't think that you ever looked like one, but seeing you laying there all sweaty and flopped over, I think I finally see it." He was just kidding of course but I told him that I was going to have to post that he called me a beached whale. Then he said "well, more like a beached guppy, there is just not enough blubber left on ya." How sweet. I will take it as a compliment.

So here is an NSV for the day. I went in to the copy room this morning to make a few copies. Then I left and quickly remembered that I forgot to check my mailbox and turned around to go back in. I heard another teacher say "Holy crap she has lost a lot of weight". I knew that they really meant it, because there is a wall between where I was and where they were, so they weren't just saying it to make me feel good. :clap2: That makes me happy because the stinking scale went up a pound today. But that is okay because the jeans that I just bought 2 weeks or so ago are getting loose!!!!!!

I am starting to think that I will be really happy when I get my fill on the 21st. I am still staying at the same amount of calories, but I am having to eat a lot of salads to even get satisfied anymore. I found this great new caesar Salad Dressing spritz that has 2 calories per spray so that helps with my wanting to eat. I have wanted to eat, eat, eat in the last few days. My will power is being tested. So far I would give it an A, and since I am a certified, legitimate teacher, that should be an accurate grade.

Good night all, chat with you tomorrow.

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I'm going in for my 3rd fill tomorrow and I am really hoping for some restriction! Just wanted to say hello to everyone... i am a lurker.... i read on this page every single day but never really talk to much. Hope everyone is doing well!

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I'm here, Janet. I usually check in everyday, but like Kristin, I just lurk. I really don't have a whole lot to say.

Phyl - sorry about your son. You would think these kids would grow up... but they don't. Maybe you should let him sit there for a while.

Salsa - Beached whale....funny. That's what I call myself. It's a real boost to hear compliments. Makes it all worth it.

Just got done doing another round on my bike tonight. Pedaled a total of 36 miles today. I go for my fill Friday and weigh - in. Sure do hope that scale is moving downward. I am feeling really optimistic that this fill will work this time. Say a prayer.

Guess I sould go hit the sheets. It's getting late. sleep tight and I will see all of you tomorrow.


banded 7-16-07

Dr. Ortiz TJ

at last official weigh-in, down 52 pounds.

Hoping for 5-10 more.

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