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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I got great news today. In Oct. my DH started full time at the hospital. He has been working there for 5+ years part time. It's very hard to actually get a full time job. So when he was offered the 3-11 shift he jumped at it. But 3-11 is horrible for us. I travel a fair bit, so he had to do a lot of switching of shifts. Also, 3-11 doesn't give him much of a chance to see the kids. So he was pretty depressed about it. Today, his boss told him that in January he will be moving to the 10-6 shift... this is perfect!!!!

We it's 23 degrees F here and clear sky. We put up all our Christmas decorations on the weekend (I know it's early for you guys, but not here in Canada) and the front of the house looks so good. Then yesterday we had a pretty good snow storm... very festive. Going on Sunday to cut down our tree! I love Christmas!!!


Kathy - Great News on your DH getting better hours :)

Even here in the States we start decorating the weekend after Thanksgiving - I even saw some decortation up Thanksgiving Nite when I left my friends house...

Greetings Everyone:

It's been quite a while since I've been here and posted, but I thought I'd come on to see how everyone is doing.

CONGRAT'S AGAIN !!!!Priscilla

Priscilla - Yes I remember you !!! I know that you had your heart set on a lapband - but since you can't I think I would go for bypass or VGS (gastric sleave) .. The weight loss is so liberating... I have so much more energy... Good Luck and keep up posted....

Hello all my band mates. I have been shopping all day and came home about 2 hours ago and put things away and showered and now have been setting trying to relax. I am now down to 206. Feeling great!!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE MY FILL RIGHT NOW!!! . Most of all I am thankful for my family and my health again. And I am thankful for all of you. You all keep me focused. For that I thank you.

. I went and guess what.......SIZE LARGE PETITE!!!!! I actually bought 2 in hopes that the size large will become TOO large and I will need the medium. He came in the house after I got home and when he seen me he said 'wow you look HOT.' LOL First off you have to know my DH.......very quiet and reserved so it was funny to hear him say this.

Jackie Congrats on the Large Leather Jacket that's so great and yes you will be in that medium before you know it... I bet that felt so good when you DH commented on you being Hot

Jackie--I, too, have a goal of 199, but I am giving myself till Jan 1 to make it. That will be 9 1/2 pounds for me, but I can do it! I have sooooooo much to be thankful for!
I'm BaaaaAAAACK!

It's good to be home with my Protein shakes...can you believe I said that??

Welcome back Marcy - You did very good on your cruise... Hope you had a great time and enjoyed the warm weather and can't wait to see pics

I got a fill on Wednesday, and lost a pound on Turkey Day. I could barely eat anything, it was great!!!

Now next week I am going to DisneyWorld and am hoping to lose 3 lbs. while there (1 week). That will put me in for a 70lbs. loss. I can't believe I have lost this much weight. It's like surreal. Before the band even 5 lbs. seemed impossible. When I reach 185 lbs. I will have lost 2/3 of my excess weight. I hope to achieve that by x-mas. What a great x-mas present!

CeCe you are doing super - what's your secert 70 lbs :clap2:

Hey can I join in with you guys? I just found this thread. I was banded July 20th 2007, had one fill and am only down 30. Going for my 2nd Wednesday. Down about not losing much, eating poorly now. PB only when I eat too fast or dont chew a lot. I hope 2nd fill will help. I know I need to get on the exercise thing. I did well for about a month. Any suggestions would be great. What are the challenges about? are you just tally-ing in your monthly weight loss? Tammy

Tammy - Welcome - of course you can join in - you were banded in July - we do have 2 people who were banded in June and one from August - We have a great group - support everywhere you turn - just be careful of me - I am the food cop aka angel.... I am on your shoulder telling you to eat healthy and put those sweets down - you don't need them - throw them away :P

Has anyone had a problem with corn? Figured my band might not like the little corn skins ... who knows! Back to liquids for the next day or so and no more corn for me ... :(

Blooeyez - I have had corn in Soups and never had a problem - did you just eat too fast..

Hi everyone....... did anyone do the black friday shopping? I had a feeling it wouldn't go down so I didn't chance it. Hope you guys enjoyed your day.

Felicia - No black friday shoppping for me - can't stand the crowds and that kind of stuff with all the shoving and pushing - I would have to knock someone out for trampling anyone. Ya it's great to save $$ but at the cost of someone's life or injury - Not me...

I has 2nd turkey day w/my DIL yesterday - turkey got stuck once but i found out if you take a small bite of turkey with mashed potatoes it went down really easy..

Ok gang - last nite I was really missing food !!!! I missed being able to sit down and just eat eat eat.. Don't ask me why - Yesterday walked to the gym (about 1 mile round trip) then did 2 miles on the treadmill- worked a little weights walked home and started pulling our xmas decorations- got the tree up (not decorated yet) all the other decorations in place - as stated before went to DIL and had turkey with her & my DGD's.. Ate a piece of Chocloate cake and talked about making Xmas Cookies & tamales.. I think it was the xmas cookies that got me to missing food cuz i LOVE THEM.. Yes I can eat them I know this and I bet you $$ i can eat they in the quanity that I use too. Why is it that bad stuff goes down easy.. But I can't - I just can't go back to that mindset.

This is what I mean about just don't start - I think that cuz in the last 2 days i have had sweet (real sweets not sf sweet) that it's the drug that just makes me want more and more.... I go back to the doc's on 12/19 and will most likely get a small fill - last night took 2 chewable vitimans and a few vit c's and forgot about the band and took them like i didn't have a band - swallowed 5 pills with Water and had no problems..

Well - my fur babies woke me up at 6:30 a.m (went to bed at 10) gotta finish the tree - go to the store and clean up - next week is my last week of vacation - gotta get my xmas shoppping done - GS takes driving test again on Tuesday - hope to meet up with Phyl (aren't you guys so jealous - I get to really meet another Lucky #7:p) my Sister will be here Friday (she lives in Central CA - Modesto area) - have a 13th bday for GD, 2 parties on Saturday and back to work on Monday - OMG I get more rest when I am working:rolleyes: But I do like being able to go to the gym 1st thing in the morning while you are fresh...

I will ck in later - Have a Great Sunday !!!!

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No shopping for me! Except for a latte at Starbucks on the way to visit my Dad in the hospital. Our closest Starbucks is an hour away, so I value those brief excursions into civilization. I live in a very small town so at least those fast-food temptations, or Outback, Red Lobster, etc. are far away. We only have 3 restaurants in our town right now - usually more of a pain to go than to cook at home.

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Phyll - I've lost a total of 7 lbs. for the Thanksgiving Challenge...still not beating myself up about not losing 10...there WAS a lot of dessert involved after all!

Everyone....here are some pictures from the trip. I'll try not to post a gazillion, but you have to realize that we are not picture taking people and we actually took pictures this time..and *gasp* I'm in some of them! So here you are...I included a picture of the Grand Buffet from the cruise...it's a midnight buffet (as if you haven't eaten enough during the day already) that showcases the best that their chefs have to offer...and it tasted oh so good! I managed to have a "small taste/lick" of plenty!





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OK, you asked for it! Really, this was a GREAT trip!

There was a family in Isla Roatan, Honduras that had some "pet" monkeys - they charge you a buck to take a picture...it was very cool and I even realized I was risking fleas and lice, but it was worth it! I took my son back there later that day!

We went to the Turtle Farm in Grand Caymen...very cool stuff! Later went swimming with the stingrays!



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Hey can I join in with you guys? I just found this thread. I was banded July 20th 2007, had one fill and am only down 30. Going for my 2nd Wednesday. Down about not losing much, eating poorly now. PB only when I eat too fast or dont chew a lot. I hope 2nd fill will help. I know I need to get on the exercise thing. I did well for about a month. Any suggestions would be great. What are the challenges about? are you just tally-ing in your monthly weight loss? Tammy


Hi, Tammy,

"The More the Merrier" here! Welcome! I was banded the same day as you. I've had three fills but I think I need another. My last was Oct 29th and I didn't notice a lot more restriction than I already had. I definitely need to be a little tighter. I have never PB'd, slimed, nothing like that except a lot of burping after I eat! We are "Snowbirds" on our way south for the winter, so I'm hoping I can find a doctor who will do a fill for me. Otherwise, I'll be winging back home for a few days!!

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OMG! That looks like so much fun! My DH and I are taking a cruise in July - those deserts look killer! Thanks for sharing!

Phyll - I've lost a total of 7 lbs. for the Thanksgiving Challenge...still not beating myself up about not losing 10...there WAS a lot of dessert involved after all!

Everyone....here are some pictures from the trip. I'll try not to post a gazillion, but you have to realize that we are not picture taking people and we actually took pictures this time..and *gasp* I'm in some of them! So here you are...I included a picture of the Grand Buffet from the cruise...it's a midnight buffet (as if you haven't eaten enough during the day already) that showcases the best that their chefs have to offer...and it tasted oh so good! I managed to have a "small taste/lick" of plenty!

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Well I am glad that all you U.S. gals had a great Thanksgiving... now on to Xmas preparations eh?

Kathybad; congrats on your DH job... that is wonderful news. Will I still see you both on the 30th of Nov at the TLBC Bash??? I hope so, the only reason I'll not be there is if we have BAD weather that makes the driving from up north tricky.

I am not doing as well with the weight loss as others who have posted here. Since my last fill I have had NO restriction and can eat everything, even pizza and bread... don't know what's happened. It's like my band has lost FLUID...

I am going to the clinic to see the fill nurse Tues. so hopefully she can fil me up agian. I am really hoping that she didn't 'nick' the band tubing the last time she tried to fill... On the first Poke she didn't hit the port, so on the second try she did.. but now I am worrying that her 1st poke may have nicked the tubing hence a slow leak and no restriction.

If anyone has any suggestions for me I'm all ears.


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Peaches: Yes, we are planning to go to the TLBC party. I'm looking forward to this. I was in there last week to have a slight defill. I was opposite you, where I was way too tight. Nancy was off sick so Camilla (?) did it for me. She said that my port had rolled so she had to stick me a few times before she got the front. Didn't hurt though. She took out 0.25 cc. It was just the right amount. I still have really good restriction, but can actually eat some food and drink Water, etc. I really don't think you should worry about her sticking your tubing and causing a slow leak. If anything, the port could have come disconnected from the tubing. My GF's port has come disconnected 2 times in the last few years (old lapband).

Marcy: Love the pictures... those monkeys are so cute!!! It must have been an amazing vacation. You must feel great knowing you enjoyed yourself and didn't gain!!!

Cazulay... WOW what amazing success you're having!!! Congrats.

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I had the same problem with NO restriction after my 3rd fill (2.5cc in 4cc band). I didn't have anything getting stuck - didn't have to overchew - no PB'ing (had in the past) - the PA doing the fill didn't seem too concerned, she reminded me that I wasn't fully restricted. After this fill (3cc total) I do feel full a little faster and definately longer - however still no problems with things "sticking"...let me know what you find out! :rolleyes

I am not doing as well with the weight loss as others who have posted here. Since my last fill I have had NO restriction and can eat everything, even pizza and bread... don't know what's happened. It's like my band has lost FLUID...

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Happy Birthday Phyl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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Happy Birthday Phyl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! Had a great day, but I ate too much!! I need another fill!!

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Hey Everyone...Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Mine was good, my mom was diagnosed with Lung Cancer this past January so she wasnt able to do the cooking as she normally does, so my sister and I pitched in and it turned out great...I ended up losing 11 pounds total for the Thanksgiving Challenge. I am now out of the 160's...Seemed like I was 160 something forever...I now weigh 158. Looks like most everyone did great on the challenge. Its starting to seem like my band is getting loose or something, I can eat a lot more then I could. :help: I am sceduled for a fill on Jan 7th. So I guess I will just have to rely on willpower this month more so the usual.

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Phyl - Happy Belated Birthday!!!!!

:Banane11: :Banane53::Banane53::Banane53::Banane11::Banane42::Banane42::Banane42::D:bananapartyhat:;):bananapartyhat:

Peaches - My weight loss is slow too. I basically feel no restriction.

I only have to chew well in the morning. Other than that, I can eat anything with no problem. I go for another fill next Mon.

I am trying to do only liquids today. Slimfast only, I freakin starving.

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Ok gang - last nite I was really missing food !!!! I missed being able to sit down and just eat eat eat.. Don't ask me why - Yesterday walked to the gym (about 1 mile round trip) then did 2 miles on the treadmill- worked a little weights walked home and started pulling our xmas decorations- got the tree up (not decorated yet) all the other decorations in place - as stated before went to DIL and had turkey with her & my DGD's.. Ate a piece of Chocloate cake and talked about making Xmas Cookies & tamales.. I think it was the xmas cookies that got me to missing food cuz i LOVE THEM.. Yes I can eat them I know this and I bet you $$ i can eat they in the quanity that I use too. Why is it that bad stuff goes down easy.. But I can't - I just can't go back to that mindset.

This is what I mean about just don't start - I think that cuz in the last 2 days i have had sweet (real sweets not sf sweet) that it's the drug that just makes me want more and more.... I go back to the doc's on 12/19 and will most likely get a small fill - last night took 2 chewable vitimans and a few vit c's and forgot about the band and took them like i didn't have a band - swallowed 5 pills with Water and had no problems..

Janet I totally understand, but I think part of mine is for the opposite reason...I didn't eat anything for Thanksgiving so I totally feel like I got jipped. Yesterday I made a pledge that I would only eat when I was truly hungry and not just on my normal rigid schedule just to see what would happen. Well by 6:30PM I had only eat 380 calories so I had to force myself to eat so I realize that all the wanting of food is coming from my head and it is starting to scream loudly. Plus, I know that I could eat a lot of food right now if I wanted to. The unfill didn't cause me to become hungry it just allows me to eat more food that I normally could. Plus, I am missing the full feeling. I don't know about anyone else, but because I RARELY get a hunger feeling in my stomach anymore when I start eating I don't feel anything and when I finish eating I don't feel anything, so the only satisfaction I get is from the taste of food. I don't know if that makes sense. However, it is dangerous for me that the only satisfaction comes from taste, especially now that I know I can eat more. I told my BF tonight that I sometimes I just want to forget the band for 1 day and just eat whatever I want, forgetting the Protein and the calories...but I would feel SOOOOO guilty. I made the committment to the band (and my pocketbook!) so I just keep on what I am doing. Part of my problem right now is that we just moved and so we haven't been cooking any of our meals, so I don't have any leftovers for lunch. So instead I am eating frozen meals that I can zap in the microwave and there are not very many out there that are high enough in protein and low enough in calories. My BF gets frustrated because we will look around the store for a half hour looking for something for me to eat for lunch and then I just give up in frustration because I am so picky on how I spend my calories. Well it is now time for dinner. We are having homemade fettucini alfredo. Sitting in front of me is about 1 cup of chicken and 4 rotini noodles. I refuse to give up a food group so I just have few so that I don't feel deprived.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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