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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Well grandson didn't past his driving test - didn't look over his shoulder :think i feel so sorry for him - I remember what it's like to get you drivers license - he has to wait 2 weeks - 11/27 ....

My son didn't pass the written test for his permit earlier this week ... part of me was relieved! :) The thought of my baby boy driving scares the bejeebers outta me ... I just don't wanna let him grow up! But I remember back when I was his age and how getting a permit/license was a big deal so then I felt sorry for him because he was so bummed ... He's going back to try again next week :P

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Anyone got anything fun going this weekend?

Tomorrow I am making my way down to TJ for my 3rd fill ... Last time I went was Oct. 20th and after driving an hour and a half down there, waiting an hour or so for the fill and doing some shopping on El Revolucion (all on an empty stomach by the way) it took over 3 hours to get back across the border because customs was so slow. Boy my tummy was growlin' like mad! All that trouble and I paid $100 for a measley .5cc fill :) ... now I'm goin' back to do it all again :P

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:help::help::help::help: I WANT TO EAT!!!!!!:hungry: I feel terrible. The family wanted to order Casey's pizza tonight and I ordered for them. I haven't eaten any bread since before surgery until this past Monday morning when I ate 2 slices of diet toast for Breakfast. We have ordered pizza a lot and it never bothers me, I have never been a pizza pizza eater............UNTIL TONIGHT!!!!!! I ate 2 pieces of pizza. They were the smallest ones in the box but I ATE 2!!!!!!! I feel like I am failing this band. I should have gone in this week for a fill like they offered instead of waiting. Honestly I am getting hungrier each day. I feel myself slipping and thinking about food alot throughout the day. I even caught myself thinking about where I wanted to go eat lunch BEFORE WE HAD EVEN LEFT THIS MORNING to go shopping today. I was supposed to be going shopping and I wasn't really thinking about what I was going to buy it was where will we eat lunch. :faint: We did eat out for lunch but I did well I felt. I ate 2 different salads and only a TBL of each and 2 small meatballs. I could have eaten more but I wouldn't let myself. Man Monday can not come soon enough. I can not wait for this fill. Thank GOD it will be before Thanksgiving!!!!!! Fortunately I have not gained anything more than the 2 pounds lost back (knock on wood!!!!!) I am so worried saying that outloud because I am a little superstitious that way. If you say it out loud it will happen. Man I hope not. Janet jump on my shoulder and give me HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Just wanted to verify............I did not eat 2 Tables of salads as I typed above. LOL It was supposed to say 2 tablespoons. HAHA Going to bed now. Maybe I should try sleeping until Monday? I will be moving around alot tomorrow because we are putting up our outside Christmas decorations as we have so many and it takes a while and we turn them on Thanksgiving night. At least I won't be in the house raiding the damn cupboards all day!!!!!!!!

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Pizza sounds yummy! :hungry: Don't be so hard on yourself Jackie! I had 2 pieces of birthday cake on Monday, and another on Tuesday ... like you I was beating myself up over it. I was feelin' guilty and ashamed of the fact that the cake (along with some Halloween candy) made me gain. :P But the wonderful thing about the band is we can still enjoy the foods we like, just in moderation. If the pizza went down with no problems I wouldn't worry too much ... at least you didn't PB and damage your band. You know and recognize the fact that you're due for a fill and you're getting it Monday ... You are not failing! We're all entitled to some food outbursts once in awhile. :)

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I scheduled my 4th fill for the day before Thanksgiving - just Clear Liquids for me I suppose - didn't even do it intentionally, but decided it was a good thing.

Hi Luckys,

Janet, I think we need your policing cause I want to discuss Thanksgiving strategies and menus. I know that I'm not alone with choking on chicken. Have we given any thoughts to attempting turkey? Smothered in gravy? Swimming in grease in order to get it down? It's not hard to plan a healthy menu...roasted veggies, mashed potatoes made with 1% milk, light pumpkin pie, but the turkey!! PB city!!

Any thoughts, you-all....

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Hi Jan and company,Broke into the 170s (178.5).

It's unfair on how easy chocolate goes down. To beat this problem I make chocolate dipped rice cakes like I had in Italy, and can only handle 1/2 per feeding. Very chocolate and very filling.

Take care gang.

Car - CONGRATULATIONS :clap2: and those choc rice cakes sound good Do you make them yourself ??


..I lost 8 pounds. YIPEE!!!!! I am down 49 pounds total. As for restriction?? Not yet. Want to hear something funny. I was in Meijers,(like Walmart) and reached up to get something off the top shelf.......Caught my pants just as they were slipping past my butt. I don't think anyone saw though.so I went to the old standby...a spoon full of chunky Peanut Butter. OOPS. 3 of them. Then I checked the calories. OOPS again. quote]

Kirajh - :clap2:CONGRATS ON THE 8LBS - That GREAT - Now go throw the peanut butter away NOW.. 190 cal for 1 tblspoon - That just to friggin many calories... - Did you have on cute bloomers at least :P:Banane20: -

My son didn't pass the written test for his permit earlier this week ... part of me was relieved! :P The thought of my baby boy driving scares the bejeebers outta me ... I just don't wanna let him grow up! But I remember back when I was his age and how getting a permit/license was a big deal so then I felt sorry for him because he was so bummed ... He's going back to try again next week :)

BlooEyez - You are a young Mom like me :P i have you beat by a couple of year - cuz at 1st i looked at your age and said how does she have a 15 yr old - then I realize I was 31 with a 15 yr old :omg:

:help::help::help::help: I WANT TO EAT!!!!!!:hungry: I feel terrible. The family wanted to order Casey's pizza tonight and I ordered for them. I haven't eaten any bread since before surgery until this past Monday morning when I ate 2 slices of diet toast for breakfast. We have ordered pizza a lot and it never bothers me, I have never been a pizza pizza eater............UNTIL TONIGHT!!!!!! I ate 2 pieces of pizza. They were the smallest ones in the box but I ATE 2!!!!!!! I feel like I am failing this band. I should have gone in this week for a fill like they offered instead of waiting. Honestly I am getting hungrier each day. I feel myself slipping and thinking about food alot throughout the day. I even caught myself thinking about where I wanted to go eat lunch BEFORE WE HAD EVEN LEFT THIS MORNING to go shopping today. I was supposed to be going shopping and I wasn't really thinking about what I was going to buy it was where will we eat lunch. :faint: We did eat out for lunch but I did well I felt. I ate 2 different salads and only a TBL of each and 2 small meatballs. I could have eaten more but I wouldn't let myself. Man Monday can not come soon enough. I can not wait for this fill. Thank GOD it will be before Thanksgiving!!!!!! Fortunately I have not gained anything more than the 2 pounds lost back (knock on wood!!!!!) I am so worried saying that outloud because I am a little superstitious that way. If you say it out loud it will happen. Man I hope not. Janet jump on my shoulder and give me HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jackie - First & foremost you are not a failure - Pizza is a food it is eaten for dinner or lunch - OMG you only had 2 small pieces - not 2 whole small pizza's. or 2 bags of candy.(sweets is what i really am going to give you all hell for - cuz it's not food - it's junk plan and simple and you don't need it to survive - we do need food - sweets - cakes, Cookies pies candy are foods from the devil). You guys - we can eat regular food sometimes and 2 pieces of pizza isn't bad - I did it on halloween - but it was thin curst and had 2 pieces - where as before it was a pan pizza with the works and could eat a whole med all by myself!! It would be my dinner midnite snack and maybe a piece left for breakfast the next day...

You did very good for lunch - and I agree if you could have gotten a fill sooner maybe you should have.. As in my little blog about will power the band is the motivation that helps gives us the will power. You gotta use the tool for it to work - that's why i will alway disagree with anyone who doesn't want a fill before the holidays - cruise etc - it you didn't want the restriction from the band then why in the hell did you get it. We can still eat with restriction - just not as much... ie lose weight be healthier - feel better... Life is not about pigging out (yes i miss it but am getting over it) I want to look at food to keep me a live (eat to live and not to live for (live to eat)....

My only concern when we eat fattening foods it's going to hurt our weight loss and that in turn will make us want to give up... So your penance - more exercise tomorrow - which it sounds like you are going to be doing anyway - and it will keep you busy and out of the kitchen - but before you start - think about food and what you are going to eat for lunch and dinner - you are going to be tried from all that work and that's when we just grab something easy to eat - ie pizza :P cuz it's so much easier than fixing a meal... So before you start your day - plan what you are going to eat when you break for lunch and what will be easy to fix/eat for dinner when you are pooped...

Ok I got a good one for all of you - you know how everyone says their band is tighter in the morning - well mine is tighter at night - but i love it cuz nites are the hardest for me..

I bought a precooked rotisserie (sp) chicken & stuff for a salad for dinner ate 1 chick thigh (and it did get a little stuck and it was very moist) and salad for dinner - ate a litte too fast - big problem for me when I let myself get too hungry- Ate a whole bowl of salad and the one ck thigh (skin and all- so see I'm not perfect:eek:) But i am full and not looking to eat ....

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Kathy, Hugs and Prayers for you and your dad.

Indio - keep telling us to "just throw it away!" That is the right answer. I have been buying things I shouldn't and I need to throw them away. Thanks for being tough when it's the honest truth!


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Kathy, Hugs and Prayers for you and your dad.

Indio - keep telling us to "just throw it away!" That is the right answer. I have been buying things I shouldn't and I need to throw them away. Thanks for being tough when it's the honest truth!


Thanks CC - 1st realization to addiiction is that you have one - so go throw the stuff away - it is impowering..... Try it... see if i am telling the truth... - but maybe i am scaring people away - our thread hasn't been too active anymore - remember when it first started - you would be gone for 1 day and would have 20 pages to catch up on - now if it were for me being here 24/7 (one day i took up half a page with all my replies :omg:) - but wait for Phyl - once she gets here to the Desert and has access - she will be here like me 24/7 -

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and me 24/7. I NEED this thread, even if I don't post as much and Janet and Phyl, :) I don't miss much!

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Well, I just got back from my 3 miles in 50 minutes on the treadmill at the gym.. Trying to cool off - I am a BIG head sweater... My pony tail is dripping with sweat (tmi)

I pb'd on pudding last nite - midnite raid - ate too fast - laid down - half way went to sleep and woke up running to toilet - just a little came up but - love my band - it deters my night eating. A girl friend told me i really needed to stop this habit - and she says that's all it is - who knows - my whole family does it - i say my mom never weaned us of the bottle at night - but heck my Dad did it too - not to the extent that i use to eat but we all get up at night.. But I am NOT going to beat myself up about it - I am making changes - I am not eating MEALS during the night as I use to - i have a pudding or fudgecicle (sf)

Well, just cking in for the day - gotta shower and go shopping..

Will ck in later - everyone have a good day - healthy food choices ...

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Jackie - I'm not a big pizza lover either. However I've discovered since being banded that I'm quite fond of melted cheese. :) On the rare occasions that we've ordered pizza I've just eaten the toppings off them. Something I would reprimand my son for doing previously. :embarassed: So I've told him there's been a rule change. You don't HAVE to eat the entire slice including the crust, you only have to eat what you want.

And as a matter of fact, yes I am allowed to change the rules whenever it suits me! Why? Because I'm the mom. :)

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Kathy- sorry about your dad. I will keep your family on my prayers.

Indio- thanks for the 'talk'. I closed my mouth the rest of the week and am down another pond. I have 1 1/2 lbs. left to lose for Thanksgiving challenge. I am due to get another fill the day before Turkey Day, thank goodness.

And ladies, remember: we are all winners. We all had this surgery and took control of our lives. We are all losing weight and becoming healthier evry day. We rock!

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Janet--I used to get up night to eat too. It did help me get back to sleep, otherwise I would just lie there awake for hours. I guess as long as you plan for it, and keep it under control, it's OK. I mean after all, your weight loss certanily is consistent--to say the least.

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pb'd on pudding last nite - midnite raid - ate too fast - laid down - half way went to sleep and woke up running to toilet - just a little came up but - love my band - it deters my night eating. A girl friend told me i really needed to stop this habit - and she says that's all it is - who knows - my whole family does it - i say my mom never weaned us of the bottle at night - but heck my Dad did it too - not to the extent that i use to eat but we all get up at night.. But I am NOT going to beat myself up about it - I am making changes - I am not eating MEALS during the night as I use to - i have a pudding or fudgecicle (sf)

Well, just cking in for the day - gotta shower and go shopping..

Will ck in later - everyone have a good day - healthy food choices ...

I can't believe it!! I'm playing "where'd my post go" again!!! I had this long reply composed and I don't know what happened but all of a sudden it was gone!! Now I have to start all over and it was SO GOOD!!

So... I was giggling reading the morning posts... Janet, your night time eating... midnight raids, give me a chuckle! I'm so stingy about my sleep, I hate to even get up to go to the bathroom for fear I won't be able to get back to sleep! I LOVE my sleep too much to get up to eat, but I understand. Our youngest son used to do that sometimes.

Food addiction is a real bitch! I had this intersting encounter with myself today... the angel/devil thing. Our son lives on what used to be Moffett Field. No more military base.... NASA/Ames Research. But, there is government housing, and there is still a BX, commissary, BX annex, McDonald's and a few other amentities for us military folks. So today, after riding my scooter off base to granddaughter's soccer game, when I got back, I decided I'd go to the commissary and pick up a few things. I wanted some sharp cheddar cheese to go with that wonderful smoked salmon/tuna I bought in OR earlier in the week. So, on the way over there I'm having this conversation with myself...

wonder what I can buy (sneak) at the commissary that I can eat on the way home.

NO, what are you thinking?? You're not even hungry!! You just ate two hours ago.

Hmmm, maybe I could stop at McDonald's on the way back.. get myself one of those chicken wrap Snacks.


I mean, I wasn't even hungry and I'm plotting and planning what I can buy to eat on the way back because I'm alone and no one will know! How stupid!! Why do we do these things??? :P :faint::P FOOD ADDICTION, that's why!! How disgusting! How annoying! We want to eat when we're not even hungry! So I got over that and came home and when it was THREE hours, I had some beef Jerky and a string cheese and one rye krisp cracker!

I did sneak something, though. My DH and I have this "deal". He's the food cop, but I get to say when he can have a cigarette. So he decides to pour me a little (and I DO mean a LITTLE) wine before he goes out for an agreed upon afternoon smoke. So as soon as he's out the door, I'm on my way to the kitchen to fill up my glass!! It IS a VERY SMALL glass that probably holds only 4 ounces, so I don't feel too guilty about it, but I did sneak it!

And>>> I AM back online for a few days because our son has cable internet and he gave us his network key so we both could get our laptops online on his network. Heeheehee... I'm hangin' out here for a few days! At least, when we're not busy with our son and his family. He & DH went flying this morning while we were gone to the soccer game. Son has a 1947 Cessna that he's trying to sell. He's been building a small plane for about 12 years now, I think, and it's almost done, so time to sell the old Cessna. They had a great time.

Oh, friends we were caravanning with down to Palm Springs chickened out and headed back north!! We thought we slowed down the pace enough for them... only 120-140 miles per day, stopping early, taking time for sightseeing. But, the husband is almost 80 and just too tense for driving an RV on the freeway. They decided to bail out about 50 miles north of San Francisco and head back to WA. We will miss them. It was fun having company as we traveled.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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