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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Good evening!!! Lynette it was so great to hear from you. Congrats on your loss. You are doing wonderful. Hope to hear from you soon again.

Well don't know how the hell it happened but I am elated!!!! I am down 2 more pounds so 4 for the challenge. Can you believe it?!?! I am eating more the past couple of days and NOW the scale moved? UGGGHH I am happy about the loss but I am still eating to much and need a tweek. I am setting here tonight and thinking about that Halloween candy that I HONESTLY HAVE NOT touched yet. I bought that stuff 3-4 weeks ago and had forgotten all about it after we filled the pinata for the little kids.........until tonight. Now I hear it screaming 'Jackie we're over here!" LOL I haven't gave in yet. I am going to go drink a carnation instant Breakfast even though it is 9pm because that tastes like chocolate and I am hoping it will curb my chocolate craving. Holy bajeebas pray for me ladies!!!!

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Good evening!!!

I am down 2 more pounds so 4 for the challenge. Can you believe it?!?!. I am going to go drink a carnation instant breakfast even though it is 9pm because that tastes like chocolate and I am hoping it will curb my chocolate craving. Holy bajeebas pray for me ladies!!!!

Congrats Jackie :clap2::clap2: 4 lbs - that's Great :clap2::clap2:

I have sf choc pudding cups & healthy choice fudgecicles for my chocolate cravings - candy is all gone as I can't be trusted in the middle of the night even with my band - I have zip control at night... well really i do have some - but i am far from beings strong in the middle of the night as i am during the day - i know my weakness so that's why i save my snack from the day for night time.. IMHO Throw the stupid candy away.... it's evil....:)

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Hi Everyone

I've had one h#@& of a week (or two). Nov 1st my father was diagnosed with cancer in several places, originating in his lungs. The prognosis is very bad, and we expect he won't be with us for long. This is really hard to take, but what makes it worse is Nov. 1st was the 7th anniversary of my mom's death from Breast cancer. My dad just turned 65 and is a very strong man. Another thing that is hard it the fact that I'm a cabon copy of my dad. He has arthritis, diabetes, and has always been overweight.... ditto! The only difference is that he smoked and I never did. This has been a real wake up call for me, and has really made me focus on my diet.

My band is still really tight, but I think its really helping me retrain my brain. I simply can't have the food I used to enjoy... it just backs up in my throat and is really uncomfortable. food is still functional, not too enjoyable. I was thinking about having some taken out, but my band is a little looser today than it was last week, so I think I'll let it loosen on its own.

I've lost 7 lbs in 3 1/2 weeks since my last fill. I'm really happy with that, since it was pretty much stalled out prior to that.

One thing I really miss since my last fill... guzzling (or even just drinking) Water. I can only sip it (very small sips). Otherwise it gurgles and backs up. Funny how Water does that, but coffee doesn't.

I was too late to join the Thanksgiving Challenge, but will push myself to get down 6 more lbs by then.

I'm in Calgary all this week on business, so used my free time to work out in the hotel fitness room. Its helped jump start my exercise routine.

Goodnight everyone. I'll check back in tomorrow.

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Kathy--It's a rough time for you. I'm so sorry. Please keep in touch with us--we are here to walk through this with you and help in any way we can.

I had a tight fill too, and looking back now, I'd say that it was about 6 weeks (or 20 pounds) before I was able to eat any significant amount of solid food without vomiting. I figured that as long as I could keep Water down, I'd be OK eventually. I still have a problem with reflux, but I take Pepcid every day which pretty much does the trick. Right now, I'd say that the restriction is just about right.

Janet--you are conquering the night time deamons! You are doing so well. All of a sudden that scale will do what you want it to do. Just have faith!!!

Today's a full one for me, so bye for now. Wishing my friends all the best!

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Hi Everyone

I've had one h#@& of a week (or two). Nov 1st my father was diagnosed with cancer in several places, originating in his lungs.

Kathy we are here for you !!! - I know how hard this is for you - I lost my stepmom & Dad within 1 month of each other and my Mom had lung cancer too - My prayers to you and your family - we are here for you anytime.. xoxo Janet

Janet--you are conquering the night time deamons! You are doing so well. All of a sudden that scale will do what you want it to do. Just have faith!!!

Thanks Linda - last night raid - pudding cup and got little golf ball (i'm tight) - love my band !!

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Kathy I am so sorry to hear about your father. I fortunately have not gone through any major illnesses or losses with either of my parents. My prayers are with you. Good for you for keeping up with the exercise while away from home. I am struggling right now with not enough restriction. I am hungry all the time and fighting those demons. I am setting at home right now eating a SMart Ones. I was supposed to be in town about 20minutes ago but I thought I better eat before I went shopping because otherwise I would be amoungst the 'bad' stuff and end up over eating and eating all the wrong things today. Being a little pro active today.

Janet I gave in last night and had 2 of the mini Peanut Butter cups. There were only 9 of them left and I ate 2 and then thought I can't eat these and threw the rest away. We still have a lot of bubble gum and some tootsie pops here but I never eat those anyway. Congrats on hitting back with the night demons. I like you get hungrier at night. Since the time change I go to sleep earlier though so that helps. I have sugar free frozen strawberries and yogurt here so once in a while I while have a little of that. Hanging on and can't wait til next week.

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am struggling right now with not enough restriction. I am hungry all the time and fighting those demons. I am setting at home right now eating a SMart Ones. I was supposed to be in town about 20minutes ago but I thought I better eat before I went shopping because otherwise I would be amoungst the 'bad' stuff and end up over eating and eating all the wrong things today. Being a little pro active today.

Janet I gave in last night and had 2 of the mini Peanut Butter cups. There were only 9 of them left and I ate 2 and then thought I can't eat these and threw the rest away. We still have a lot of bubble gum and some tootsie pops here but I never eat those anyway. Congrats on hitting back with the night demons. I like you get hungrier at night. Since the time change I go to sleep earlier though so that helps. I have sugar free frozen strawberries and yogurt here so once in a while I while have a little of that. Hanging on and can't wait til next week.

Jackie :clap2::clap2: YA for throwing them away :clap2::clap2:- i threw my Peanut Butter away too cuz i kept eating a spoonfull here and there - I am very anxouise (SP) right now - don't want to exercise - but just like on biggest loser this is my last change before weigh in tomorrow so i will.

Jackie even with restriction i still want to eat - head hunger - i hate it...

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Hello Lucky#7s! I'm in need of some Bandster support as I feel like I'm in a downward spiral at the moment. It started right after Halloween with the leftover chocolate (my weakness) ... then my youngest son's birthday was a few days ago, out of habit I ordered my favorite kind of cake (white cake, buttercream frosting, custard filling) ... so here 4 Reese's PBC's, 3 snack size M&M packs and 3 pieces of cake later I have gained 3 lbs. I feel absolutely horrible and so ashamed of myself. I was doing so good for the 3+ months since my banding and now I find myself binging. I figured I definitely need another fill and am going back down to TJ to get one this weekend. The Halloween candy is hidden somewhere, my oldest son finished off the cake this afternoon (thank God!) so hopefully now I can get my mind out of the sugar gutter and get back on track. Maybe I should throw away my Peanut Butter as I too have a habit of eating it by the spoonfuls :)

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Hello Lucky#7s! I'm in need of some Bandster support as I feel like I'm in a downward spiral at the moment. It started right after Halloween with the leftover chocolate (my weakness) ... then my youngest son's birthday was a few days ago, out of habit I ordered my favorite kind of cake (white cake, buttercream frosting, custard filling) ... so here 4 Reese's PBC's, 3 snack size M&M packs and 3 pieces of cake later I have gained 3 lbs. I feel absolutely horrible and so ashamed of myself. I was doing so good for the 3+ months since my banding and now I find myself binging. I figured I definitely need another fill and am going back down to TJ to get one this weekend. The Halloween candy is hidden somewhere, my oldest son finished off the cake this afternoon (thank God!) so hopefully now I can get my mind out of the sugar gutter and get back on track. Maybe I should throw away my Peanut Butter as I too have a habit of eating it by the spoonfuls :)

Blooeyez - You have lost 40 lbs :clap2::clap2: You are not a failure - you have just had a little lapse which is normal - even skinny people eat cake & candy - but just every now and then - it's not that 1st piece of cake that adds the weight but the 2nd & 3rd one.. - You are doing the right thing in getting another fill. You did the right thing by having your son hide the candy You have lived with out sugar for 3 months - Throw the Peanut Butter away now - and from now on don't buy your most fav cake - cuz you know you will eat too much - buy what the kid's like and you don't - for me that wouldn't work - cuz i love cakes - for my DIL I made her a cake and made her take it home with her - I kept just one piece for me... I eat sf double choc puddings & healthy choice fudgecicles almost nightly for my choc fix... If it's something that you can't control how much you eat - don't have it in the house - you wouldn't put a drink in front of an alcohalic - so don't put sugar in front of you.... Just pick yourself up by the boot straps - tomorrow is another day - eat healthy and add a bit more exercise and those 3 lbs will come off quickly...

Good Luck - you can do this - you are woman you are strong !!!

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P.S. - You might not know it but I am the food cop aka food angel for the Lucky #7's

So from now on - i am sitting on your shoulder - watching what you eat.:)

And when you want to eat something you shouldn't - I am there telling you not to....:tired:heh:

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1. Distant0098 168/158 -3 lb

2. Phyllser/Phyl 282/272 -1 lb

3. IndioGirl/Janet 210/200 -7 lb

4. forgve70x7/Nichole 235/225 -5 lb

5. cazulay/Cece 204/194

6. lindaa -2 lb

7. frustrated/Ruby 205/195

8. marcyinak/Marcy 236/226 -7 lb

9. Brandy 166/156 -2 lb

10. jackie506 218/208 -4 lb.

11. Stacymak 236/226

12. Mango24 202/192 -3 lb

13. SHAND Down -4 lb.

14. Chimboree

15. Kirajh/Kari - 5 lb

16. NewCC -2 lb

17. ribearty -4.5 lb

18. Car 187/177 -6lb

19. ssankaofa73 237/227

20. Dini 154/142 -4.6

21. Unruhlyhd 291/281

22. mikesmom

23. Peaches

24. lapedtolive

25. Kathybad - 4 lb

Hope these are right!! If I made any mistakes please PM me with correct figures. It's easier for me to record them all if they're all in one place. I don't have to scroll through all the posts then. Thanks!


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P.S. - You might not know it but I am the food cop aka food angel for the Lucky #7's

So from now on - i am sitting on your shoulder - watching what you eat.:)

And when you want to eat something you shouldn't - I am there telling you not to....:tired:heh:

Sounds great! I was selected to be a member of a jury on Monday and today the stress of it got to me. I had pizza and donuts and Cookies and chocolate and pie. Yes, a lot of it and it all went down just fine, thank you very much. So, who thinks I need a fill? How about a band/fill in my d*** head? Why do I eat out of stress? I hate that. I don't want to do it, I tell it to myself,on my mind I research ways to avoid it, but when the time comes I fail. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help:

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Sounds great! I was selected to be a member of a jury on Monday and today the stress of it got to me. I had pizza and donuts and Cookies and chocolate and pie. Yes, a lot of it and it all went down just fine, thank you very much. So, who thinks I need a fill? How about a band/fill in my d*** head? Why do I eat out of stress? I hate that. I don't want to do it, I tell it to myself,on my mind I research ways to avoid it, but when the time comes I fail. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help:

Uh Oh!! Janet is going to be ON YOUR CASE!! :yell: :D :yell: :nono: :yell:

:decision: :decision: :decision: :decision:

Tomorrow is a NEW DAY!! Back to basics, girl! :)

:) :) :) :)

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Kathy and Lynette great to hear from you.

Kathy, so sorry about your Dad, I pray for him.

BlooEyez, I have had chocolate everyday since Halloween.

Tomorrow I'll find this protien ball recipe and post it. Maybe that will help the candy fix.

I just had a root canal today. I'm taking some of my left over pain med from the lapband surgery. So back to bed for now.

I think the spots where she gave me the shots might be hurtin the most.

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