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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Aunty Phyl and Fustrated thank you for the warm welcome back.

its good to be back you guys (this whole site) are the only ones that know how i'm feeling and understand me. i'm finding it hard everyone asking me how i'm loosing so much weight cos i dont like lying.

i take it i took a bad time to go to NYC !!! i'll check out the sites you listed

have you guys got any gossip for me ?? x

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Hi Dini sorry you aren't feeling well and omg all those hours!!!

CONGRATS ON 157 !!!!! That just GREAT... Heck that would be below my goal weight...

No gossip that i am aware of - board doesn't get as much action as it did back in July & August,....

Well gotta get back to work - 11/22 is our Thanksgiving and I would imagine that NY would be a mad house... Never been as a grown up - only as a child - but a couple of my gf want to do a girls only week there....

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Hello all!

Just checking in. It's been a busy semester but it's finally Fall Break!!! Today's the last day of class and I'll be off until Monday. My bf and I are planning on going on a fishing trip or a trip to Branson. I need to get away badly.

I got my 3rd fill Monday! I can't believe I've had my 3rd fill already, the whole process has flown by so fast. I can tell I'm restricted and so I'm hopeful I'll start losing more than before. It's also nice to be eating smaller portions and getting full faster, finally! It won't be another four weeks until my next fill...so, I sure hope this restriction stays.

Hope everyone is doing well!

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Hi Dini sorry you aren't feeling well and omg all those hours!!!

CONGRATS ON 157 !!!!! That just GREAT... Heck that would be below my goal weight...

No gossip that i am aware of - board doesn't get as much action as it did back in July & August,....

Well gotta get back to work - 11/22 is our Thanksgiving and I would imagine that NY would be a mad house... Never been as a grown up - only as a child - but a couple of my gf want to do a girls only week there....

why is thanksgiving on a different day for you?

a girly week in nyc sounds amazing i'd bet you'd have a ball. i myself am going over with a very good friend of mine couldn't think of going with anyone else. so i can't wait! hope your not working too hard! x

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why is thanksgiving on a different day for you?

a girly week in nyc sounds amazing i'd bet you'd have a ball. i myself am going over with a very good friend of mine couldn't think of going with anyone else. so i can't wait! hope your not working too hard! x

Thanksgiving is 11/22 for everyone in the states - Ruby made a typo when she typed Oct s/b Nov..

Well, gotta split have jury duty - do you guys have that in ireland???

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Thanksgiving is 11/22 for everyone in the states - Ruby made a typo when she typed Oct s/b Nov..

Well, gotta split have jury duty - do you guys have that in ireland???

we sure do. i myself have never been on it but more and more of my friends have been doing it. one friend got a very high profile case not so long ago poor girls still stress about it!!


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Hi Everyone, Sounds like everyone is doing so great with weight loss.

I am looking for yummy Protein Drink receipes. Does anyone have one they would like to share. I have been using this one for awhile and am looking for an easy one to try. Here is the one I do currently, 3/4c. skim milk, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter, 1 bannana, 1 scoop whey Protein, ice and blend until smooth in blender. I like it and it goes down good in the morning when I have the most difficult time getting food down.

Any ideas of what others are doing for Breakfast? - Thanks in advance -

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Dini--So good to hear from you again! 157? That is amazing!! Good for you girl! How much more do you want to loose? My DH and I were in NYC a couple of months before 9/11. We stayed across the street from the towers and our windows looked out into them. Nice hotel and reasonable for NYC, but I wouldn't want to go back there today. Too sad.

We had a blast in the city--went to the theater, and of course lots of shopping. You'll be there for the famous Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Bring lots and lots of money when you come!

Is anyone creative enough to come up with a Spiced pumpkin Protein Shake? I broke down tonight and just had the real thing when my DH and I went out for hamburgers (no hamburger for me--only the shake). It tasted sooooo good, but I bet it was close to 500 calories (made with frozen custard!) No more of that!! Where is Lynette these days--she was so good with the recipies. Do any of you IM or PM her?

Well, I need to put together a presentation on special needs kids to give to an adoptive parent group on Saturday, so I better get my PowerPoint up and get busy. I'll check in later.

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Thanks everybody for the congrats. My next goal is onederland by Thanksgiving, but I will be happy if it happens by Xmas. Heck, I will be happy whenever it happens. I never though I would be there again.

Dini- NYC is just fabulous. And the food is the greatest you will ever have. I have been there a couple of times, one before and one after 9/11, and both times I stayed at the New Yorker, it's not at all fancy, but in a good location by the Madison Square Garden and not far from the Empire State Building. I booked it on hotwire.com

I am jealous, you will have lots of fun!

Lindaa- I think you should blend FF milk, canned pumpkin, splenda and pumpkin spice. Of course it won't taste as rich/creamy as the real thing but it might be enough to kill the craving.

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Hi Everyone, Sounds like everyone is doing so great with weight loss.

I am looking for yummy Protein drink receipes. Does anyone have one they would like to share. I have been using this one for awhile and am looking for an easy one to try. Here is the one I do currently, 3/4c. skim milk, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter, 1 bannana, 1 scoop whey protein, ice and blend until smooth in blender. I like it and it goes down good in the morning when I have the most difficult time getting food down.

Any ideas of what others are doing for breakfast? - Thanks in advance -

Your shake sounds good - My uncle had me taste his this weekend (teeth issues not weight) and it was really good-

rasberries - backberries - red seedless grapes - strawberries - plaln yogurt - pt powder

it was great - it was the grapes that really made it I would have never thought to put grapes in - but gave it a great taste - amounts would vary cuz he used a whole box of each berries as he makes a big batch of it and drinks it up in 3 days...

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MY GOSH I MISS YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Life has been so hectic lately. LOl Seems I don't have time for anything. I have lots to catch up on but I cheated and read just this page and I want to congratulate you all. You are all doing wonderful with weight loss!!!! Dini, hey girl, what a wonderful surprise to come on and see you had posted. Miss seeing you.................HECK I MISS ALL OF YOU!!!

The body bugg and I are wonderful friends now. I don't go no place without it. (Except the shower because it is not Water proof) I wear it at ALL other times. I burn about 700 calories sleeping at night. LOL

I got another fill today. Number 4. Seems like a whole lot to me but the doc told me that is because I had lots of fat on the inside around my stomach and that is shrinking so my band is loosening. I am still really hoping to be at my mini goal of 210 by Halloween. I am at 221 now so I have 11 more pounds to go. I have been on a platea losing 2-3 lbs and then regaining them for about 2 weeks now so I am hoping the new fill will get me off this platea.

I better get. I need to go watch private practice. I admit I am a tv junky at night during the fall and winter. I have most of my shows tivo'ed so that I can fast forward through the comercials. I am like clock work though from the beginning of the seasons to the end of the seasons on my favorite shows.

I promise I will read ALL the posts that I missed and catch up on everyone's news. G-nite all!!!

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MY GOSH I MISS YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Life has been so hectic lately. LOl Seems I don't have time for anything. I have lots to catch up on but I cheated and read just this page and I want to congratulate you all. You are all doing wonderful with weight loss!!!! Dini, hey girl, what a wonderful surprise to come on and see you had posted. Miss seeing you.................HECK I MISS ALL OF YOU!!!

The body bugg and I are wonderful friends now. I don't go no place without it. (Except the shower because it is not Water proof) I wear it at ALL other times. I burn about 700 calories sleeping at night. LOL

I got another fill today. Number 4. Seems like a whole lot to me but the doc told me that is because I had lots of fat on the inside around my stomach and that is shrinking so my band is loosening. I am still really hoping to be at my mini goal of 210 by Halloween. I am at 221 now so I have 11 more pounds to go. I have been on a platea losing 2-3 lbs and then regaining them for about 2 weeks now so I am hoping the new fill will get me off this platea.

I better get. I need to go watch private practice. I admit I am a tv junky at night during the fall and winter. I have most of my shows tivo'ed so that I can fast forward through the comercials. I am like clock work though from the beginning of the seasons to the end of the seasons on my favorite shows.

I promise I will read ALL the posts that I missed and catch up on everyone's news. G-nite all!!!

Hi Jackie - good to hear from you too... You are doing going on your weight loss - and I love the 700 while sleeping :0) that's too funny..

I to am a tv junkie - in fact i am still trying to catch up on last weeks shows as i was out and about this weekend so didn't catch up,...

OMG 4 fills - he must not put a lot in - I go for my 2nd on the 24th and i can't wait...

Well, its almost 7 here in cali - and i am tired tonite...

Catch ya'll later...

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OnMyWay07;584254]Hi Ruby!

Thanks for answering all of my questions. I may have to consult with my doctor about my port, I was just curious if anyone else might have experienced something similar.

When I mentioned fasting on the day of my fill, I mean with Clear Liquids only. No food or even full liquids. I am sure that is what they told me. I even called on the day of my first fill to verify. They said nothing but clear liquids.

I know what you mean about not wanting to get discouraged looking at the before pics yet. I tried to take progress pictures 6 weeks post op, but I forgot that nearly 10 pounds of my weight loss had happened prior to my "before" pics, taken the week of my surgery. I had lost 10 during my pre-op diet. So when I thought I was comparing pictures after a 20lb. loss, I was really only seeing pics covering a 10 lb. loss and it was EXTREMELY disheartening. Once I realized my mistake, I felt better. But either way, I realized I need to wait until my weight loss is more significant before doing another set of progress pics!

Thanks again for your post!

onmyway- I just had another fill today and I asked my doc about pain that I get every now and then in my port sight. It is not a constant but sometimes just a zing of pain and she told me that was normal. She said the port is sewn into our abdominal wall and if we twist alot or bend alot at the waist, or even wear jeans that hit right there it can cause discomfort. I was pretty worried too but now I am ok with it. Besides she does my fills in fluro so she seen my band today and everything was ok.

The day of my fills I can not eat 4 hours before the fill or drink anything 2 hours before my fill and once the fill is done I am on clear liquids the rest of the day and the next day and then 2 days of mushies and then move to normal as tolerated.


Well, the scale hasn't been moving dramatically lately... moving, but so slowly! So I decided to update my measurements today. I hadn't taken them since not long after the start of my pre-op diet. It was encouraging! I've lost 6 inches in my hips, 12/ inch - neck, 2 inches - bicep, 3 1/2 inches - bust, 4 1/2 inches - waist.

Trying to remember the questions: I have an 11 cc band and my first fill, Sept. 24th, if I remember correctly, the doctor added 3 cc. I go back tomorrow morning and I'm hoping for another fill. I've lost about 4 lb. in the four weeks since the first one, so I don't think I have enough restriction. I can eat about 1 - 1 1/2 cups at a meal.

I have a hard time feeling where my port is and the doctor had some difficulty finding it at the first fill, even using fluoroscopy. He said it is very deep. I have very rare episodes of brief discomfort in that area. It was a little tender after the first fill from all the poking around.

It is a dark, dreary, cold and rainy Sunday afternoon here in the Pacific NW and the Seahawks got pummeled today, so I'm trying to keep my spirits UP!! :faint::doh:


auntie phyl- congrats on the lost inches. I hate it when the scale doesn't move also. Then I have to remind myself that the scale is not the only way I can measure success. :)

Hey everyone. How's it going? Just wanted to pop in and say hello. All is going well on my end. I am finally kicking the bout of infections! I have a couple days of antibiotics left and it should be a done deal. YAY!

Chim- how was your fill? Do you have good restriction? So glad to hear you are over the infections!

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Got my second fill today. Turns out my first fill was a big fat 0! She said the new bands are filled to 3.8 at surgery. My Dr. added 1 at my first fill. I couldn't swallow Water (slimed big) so they "took out half." It was no where to be seen today (5 weeks later). I got 1 so I am at 4.8. This was at a fill center. I was reluctant to go here instead of my Dr., but after I am thrilled with the place - finally someone cares!! Everything was right about this visit.

I finally learned to make my next appt. immediately! I have had a lot going on and haven't made the phone calls to get timely fills. Since I paid cash, I figure I better get on the ball and get as much out of this first year as possible.

My dearest friends daughter died last Monday of complications from her bone marrow transplant. These are strange times, but God is good, very very good. This was a long hard road and I don't know how anybody could do it without a true understanding of God and having what he offers believers. Whew. Hard days but beautiful comfort and peace!

Most of our Lucky Sevens are doing excitingly well. I am back on track.


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Got my second fill today. Turns out my first fill was a big fat 0! She said the new bands are filled to 3.8 at surgery. My Dr. added 1 at my first fill. I couldn't swallow Water (slimed big) so they "took out half." It was no where to be seen today (5 weeks later). I got 1 so I am at 4.8. This was at a fill center. I was reluctant to go here instead of my Dr., but after I am thrilled with the place - finally someone cares!! Everything was right about this visit.

I finally learned to make my next appt. immediately! I have had a lot going on and haven't made the phone calls to get timely fills. Since I paid cash, I figure I better get on the ball and get as much out of this first year as possible.

My dearest friends daughter died last Monday of complications from her bone marrow transplant. These are strange times, but God is good, very very good. This was a long hard road and I don't know how anybody could do it without a true understanding of God and having what he offers believers. Whew. Hard days but beautiful comfort and peace!

Most of our Lucky Sevens are doing excitingly well. I am back on track.


So sorry to hear about your friend's daughter. You posted her web site once, didn't you? Or was that someone else? I remember looking at one and being really touched. Such a young girl. We do have to trust God in these situation, don't we? We were devastated when our son lost an eye to cancer last year, but he's a career Navy officer and guess what? It kept him from going to Iraq this summer. So, who knows?? Only God can see the "big picture".

So are you saying that you lost some of the Fluid that was in your band? My doctor said he put in 3cc last month but when he withdrew it this week there was only 2cc. His explanation was "air bubbles", but I don't really understand how that would account for the missing 1cc?? anyway, he put back the 2cc and added one more, so I am again at 3cc. But I definitely see a difference in the amount of restriction since Monday.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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