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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Hey everyone!

I am a bit over 2 months post-surgery. I am down almost 25 lbs. Not bad for getting started, I guess. I have a couple questions for everyone.

First of all, does your doctor tell you how much he is putting in the band at each fill? I found out with my first fill that I have to ask if I want to know.

I am not sure how much my band will hold, but they told me they put in 2.5CC the first time and added .75CC the second. When I told my friend who got banded in December, she said that was a lot. I have felt restriction even with my first fill, and that doesn't seem to usually be the case with others. Yesterday I could hardly eat anything! I was having to eat one bite, wait 15 minutes, then eat another. I was getting full after the second or third bite, too! Is anyone else feeling restriction after only one or two fills?

Also, it seems with my friend and me, that each day is hit or miss. Some days it seems like I can eat pretty well, still not as much as I used to eat - not even close, but at a normal rate and such. Other days, I can barely eat anything. I don't see what is making the difference, either. I have been starting my days out with coffee a lot, but I still can't seem to eat until the afternoon.

I was just curious if this is a pretty normal experience.

Also, is there any way the port could get dislodged or anything? I am having sharp, shooting pains at the port site when I sit, bend a certain way, or stand up too quickly. I can feel the port very easily under the skin, too, which I haven't always been able to do. I have never heard any stories about the port becoming a problem. Just wondering if anyone has, or if any of you have experienced pain in the area like me. I am not sure that it is normal at 2 months post-op.

You guys are much more brave than I am with the carbonated beverages. I have avoided them like the plague. In fact I had gotten some tea for myself and a coke for my husband the other day from Whataburger. Later, I accidentally took a sip of his coke. As soon as I realized what I had done, I ran and spit it out!

Oh, and that reminds me of something else...are you guys not allowed to have anything but Clear Liquids on fill days? I am getting my fills around 4:00 P.M. and it really stinks to be on liquids only while am at work all day. Then, after the fill, I still am restricted to clear liquids only for 24 hours!!! I am starving by the time day 2 rolls around and I can have thicker liquids. Then I am restricted to those for another 24 hours! I am wondering if all doctors are this restrictive. I will say though, that fasting before my second fill was noticeably easier than with the first fill, but still rather miserable at times.

And now for an entertaining story: I went to my nephew's birthday party the other day at Chuck E. cheese. When we left and got to my car, somebody had busted out my window and stolen my purse and tote bag. (I know - not really entertaining yet, but keep reading.) So, my purse was an old purse that I don't even use anymore but I had it sitting in the floorboard of my passenger seat. It only had junk in it. My tote bag was a sad thing because I use it for work. They got nothing of real monetary value, but made my life more difficult because they got my wallet with my driver's license, insurance cards, important business cards with doctor's phone numbers, and my SS card. (I know I was stupid to leave it in my car...) It is kind of cool that they didn't get any money because I only have one credit card and it was in my pocket (where my wallet should have been). So here is the entertaining part: In my tote bag happened to be a CD. It is my CD that I record my weight loss pictures on. The horrible part is that I have only put my before pictures on it. And some pics are of me in just my bra and panties!!! YIKES!! My wallet also had my little weight loss tracker, so some low-life out there knows exactly how much I weigh now and how much I use to weigh!! I doubt they took a second glance at the CD or weight tracker, but it still creeps me out. Oh well, live and learn. I was a dummy for leaving my stuff in the car. :phanvan

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First of all, does your doctor tell you how much he is putting in the band at each fill?

Congrats on your weight loss so far! :grouphug: Yes, my doctor tells me how much he's putting in. I was told before my surgery what type of band I was getting. Mine is a 4cc band. Others in this thread have 10cc bands. My first fill was 1.75cc and my second was .75. You're well within your rights to know what type of band you have. I believe it's probably the 10cc size because if you had 4cc it would almost be to it's limit now and you'd barely be able to swallow anything.

I haven't experienced different days where I've been able to eat more than others. For me I feel more restricted in the morning. In the afternoon/evening I can eat a little more freely. But having said that, I'm still only limited to about 1/4 to 1/2 a cup since my second fill. Directly after it I was the same as you though. Could only manage a mouthful at a time and then had to wait 10-15 minutes before trying another. Anything quicker or more than that had me bent over the toilet for 15 minutes waiting for it to slime itself out. :D

Is anyone else feeling restriction after only one or two fills?

Some have, some haven't. My doctor told me it can take two or three fills to find the "sweet spot" whereas others are fortunate enough to get that with the very first fill. Remember that everyone is different. We're all on the same journey, but we can all react differently to the same treatment.

Also, is there any way the port could get dislodged or anything?

I've heard some in this thread mentioning "port flipping". Which is where (I think) the port turns over or moves from where it was positioned. There are times when I can feel it now more than before. I think it's because I've lost weight in my waist so it's more apparent. I also feel a bit of a sharp pain in the port site if I turn a certain way or bend a certain way. Again I think it's because there's not as much fat padding to buffer it. I'm not too worried about it, but if you are then for sure call your doctor and ask him or one of his assistants. That goes for any questions you may have. Don't feel like one of your questions may be silly. It's their job to keep you informed. The only silly question is the one that goes unasked.

are you guys not allowed to have anything but clear liquids on fill days?

I was told to go onto full liquids after each fill for a couple of days. He didn't say "clear" liquids. I was able take in Soups and my Protein shakes. I felt REALLY restricted after my second fill and it took me almost all day to get through the minimum requirements. I just made sure I was getting my Protein in, took my Vitamins and did as best as I could with my Water. Everything else was secondary. It took me almost a week before I could eat anything mushy. I hate a couple of nibbles of egg salad on day 3 after my second fill and half of a yoghurt on day 4. I still feel really really limited, but not as much as I did a week ago.

I'm not sure why you're fasting on the day of your fills unless you were told to do so. I don't really see any reason for it. It's not a surgical procedure and I don't think eating or drinking would have any impact on your fills. Again, ask them why it is so. Perhaps you've just assumed it's this way. I've discovered I've gotten things wrong either because I haven't listened to instructions properly or I've just assumed things.

BTW, I loved your story! :D I'd feel horrified if someone had a copy of my progress photos. Like you, I've had mine taken in my underwear and bra. I still haven't been able to bring myself to look at them. Hubby has them stored on his PC. I know I've done well with my weight loss. I'm just a little scared that if I see what I look like now, I'll still be disappointed with what I see. And if I look at what I used to look like, it'll send me into the depths of depression. :eek: Best I hold off until I'm ready I think. :D

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Hi Ruby!

Thanks for answering all of my questions. I may have to consult with my doctor about my port, I was just curious if anyone else might have experienced something similar.

When I mentioned fasting on the day of my fill, I mean with clear liquids only. No food or even full liquids. I am sure that is what they told me. I even called on the day of my first fill to verify. They said nothing but clear liquids.

I know what you mean about not wanting to get discouraged looking at the before pics yet. I tried to take progress pictures 6 weeks post op, but I forgot that nearly 10 pounds of my weight loss had happened prior to my "before" pics, taken the week of my surgery. I had lost 10 during my pre-op diet. So when I thought I was comparing pictures after a 20lb. loss, I was really only seeing pics covering a 10 lb. loss and it was EXTREMELY disheartening. Once I realized my mistake, I felt better. But either way, I realized I need to wait until my weight loss is more significant before doing another set of progress pics!

Thanks again for your post!

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Well, the scale hasn't been moving dramatically lately... moving, but so slowly! So I decided to update my measurements today. I hadn't taken them since not long after the start of my pre-op diet. It was encouraging! I've lost 6 inches in my hips, 12/ inch - neck, 2 inches - bicep, 3 1/2 inches - bust, 4 1/2 inches - waist.

Trying to remember the questions: I have an 11 cc band and my first fill, Sept. 24th, if I remember correctly, the doctor added 3 cc. I go back tomorrow morning and I'm hoping for another fill. I've lost about 4 lb. in the four weeks since the first one, so I don't think I have enough restriction. I can eat about 1 - 1 1/2 cups at a meal.

I have a hard time feeling where my port is and the doctor had some difficulty finding it at the first fill, even using fluoroscopy. He said it is very deep. I have very rare episodes of brief discomfort in that area. It was a little tender after the first fill from all the poking around.

It is a dark, dreary, cold and rainy Sunday afternoon here in the Pacific NW and the Seahawks got pummeled today, so I'm trying to keep my spirits UP!! :faint::doh:


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Phyl- It was a rainy day here too, and the Saints lost again. They haven't won a game yet. I don't know what the hell happened to them.

I go for my second fill tomorrow. I hope it helps a lot.

Christina - clear liquid only 2 hours before fill

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Phyl- It was a rainy day here too, and the Saints lost again. They haven't won a game yet. I don't know what the hell happened to them.

I go for my second fill tomorrow. I hope it helps a lot.

Christina - clear liquid only 2 hours before fill

OH, we're both having our 2nd fill on the same day. I don't have any dietary restriction before the fill, just full liquids for a day afterward and then a day of mushy.

The rain was not as bad as predicted, so I shouldn't complain. The football game... well, I'd hoped for better! The Seahawks have been doing so well this season... until today! I have a "Fantasy" team, too, in my grandson's Fantasy Football league! Seahawk Shaun Alexander is one of my players, so besides the Seahawks loss, he sure didn't get me any points today!! And my grandson tried to get me to trade him for another player last week. I wouldn't do it because they player he wanted to give me was injured! I probably would've done just as well with him as it turned out! Oh, well! Maybe next week will be better.

Hope all goes well for you tomorrow. We'll have to compare notes at the end of the day. I have either 3 or 4cc in my 11 cc band so far. My doctor uses fluoroscopy to do his fills and still had a hard time finding my port last month!

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Hey everyone. How's it going? Just wanted to pop in and say hello. All is going well on my end. I am finally kicking the bout of infections! I have a couple days of antibiotics left and it should be a done deal. YAY!

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Hi gang !!!! Just catching up before i start my day.

I have the new band I think it's 10cc - doc put in about 1.75 on my 1st fill I go 10/24 for my 2nd one.

I have no pre-fill diet - but after a fill 1 week full liquids - 1 week mushies - 1 week soft - then 4th week regular..

Truely my diet is pretty much soft/mushies as i eat fish 5 nites a week and since my bbq is out of gas - i haven't had any steak - I did make some lamb on Sat nite it was good...

Well, Happy Monday everyone - Hope everyone is doing well...

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Hi Everyone!

I ate very poorly this weekend. I was on a college tour with a bunch of high school kids for the last 3 days and all we ate was cafeteria food and Snacks. My only saving grace was that we walked and walked and walked across 7 college campuses so I'm hoping that all the walking helped to balance out all of the bad food. My legs hurt but I'm forcing myself to get dressed and do my 30 minute walk today.


Fuze is a drink that that claims to promote weightloss. It tastes good.


I've sworn of soda. I tried it a loooong time ago only about 2 weeks after surgery and I hated the feeling of it so I know I"m done with that.

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Just wanted to stop in and say Hi to everyone. Congrads to everyone on their weight loss. I have had 2 fills since my surgery 07/19/07. I seem to be at my sweet spot. Its such a weird feeling. I now realize that I was fat because I simply overate. No denying it. I went to Arbys the other day for lunch. Preband I could eat a Beef and Cheddar and nearly a whole 10 pc potatoe bite. So I ordered just a 5pc tater bite. I could only eat 3. I laugh because its just unbelievable how much I use to consume and not even realize it. I LOVE MY BAND! I am scheduled for another fill 10/17 but I think I am going to pass on this one. I want to be able to eat a little, so i dont feel deprived. People are really starting to notice my weight loss. Noone but my husband and mom even know I had the surgery. So when people ask me how I am losing it? I just smile and say "By watching EVERYTHING I eat" Boy, aint it the truth. I watch what I eat more now then ever.

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Good morning 7s :wave:

My restriction seems to have eased a bit. Not to the point where I'm able to eat plenty, but I'm no longer having to wait 5 mins between bites and am satisfied after 1/4 to 1/2 a cup.

Last night I treated myself to some potato chips. I ate 6 of them and was satisfied! It was a wonderful feeling. Not because I'd eaten something "bad", but because I was satisfied after so few of them. Normally I'd be able to make my way through a family sized bag. :embarassed:

We had a get-together here at our apartment complex to watch Monday night football, hence the potato chips. I was offered soda and the first thing I thought of was you guys here. :biggrin1: I politely declined and stuck to drinking my Water.< /p>

The game was great! Ugly, but great. Cowboys beat the Bills in the very last second after playing so poorly for most of the game. 5 intercepts? You could say Tony Romo had a bad day at the office. But we stole a victory we didn't deserve. Still, I'm more proud of the fact that I only ate 6 potato chips! WOOHOO! :whoo:

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Good morning 7s :wave:

My restriction seems to have eased a bit. Not to the point where I'm able to eat plenty, but I'm no longer having to wait 5 mins between bites and am satisfied after 1/4 to 1/2 a cup.

Last night I treated myself to some potato chips. I ate 6 of them and was satisfied! It was a wonderful feeling. Not because I'd eaten something "bad", but because I was satisfied after so few of them. Normally I'd be able to make my way through a family sized bag. :embarassed:

We had a get-together here at our apartment complex to watch Monday night football, hence the potato chips. I was offered soda and the first thing I thought of was you guys here. :biggrin1: I politely declined and stuck to drinking my Water.< /p>

The game was great! Ugly, but great. Cowboys beat the Bills in the very last second after playing so poorly for most of the game. 5 intercepts? You could say Tony Romo had a bad day at the office. But we stole a victory we didn't deserve. Still, I'm more proud of the fact that I only ate 6 potato chips! WOOHOO! :whoo:


Hence the greatness of the band when you do hit your sweet spot :rant:

6 chips aren't going to make you gain 10 lbs - but the bag full would have :omg:

Go Cowboys - My son's last name is PEARSON - He use to tell the staff at the Boys Club that Drew Pearson was his Dad - I said ya i wish he was cuz i would get a great child support check ;):fish::biggrin1: Also my GS was going to be a 4th - but I said we have enought of Joe Pearsons - we don't need a 4th - so one night i came home and was advised that Andrew Pearson was going to be the baby's name - reason nickname for Andrew - Drew - Last name Pearson - are we Cowboy fans or what :)

Exercise - 34 minutes treadmill 2 miles 289 calories - 30 mintues weights

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Good morning 7s :wave:Last night I treated myself to some potato chips. I ate 6 of them and was satisfied! It was a wonderful feeling. Not because I'd eaten something "bad", but because I was satisfied after so few of them. Normally I'd be able to make my way through a family sized bag. :embarassed:

We had a get-together here at our apartment complex to watch Monday night football, hence the potato chips. I was offered soda and the first thing I thought of was you guys here. :biggrin1: I politely declined and stuck to drinking my Water.< /p>

The game was great! Ugly, but great. Cowboys beat the Bills in the very last second after playing so poorly for most of the game. 5 intercepts? You could say Tony Romo had a bad day at the office. But we stole a victory we didn't deserve. Still, I'm more proud of the fact that I only ate 6 potato chips! WOOHOO! :whoo:

Congrats on the Chip victory!!

Yes, it was a sad loss for my home town Buffalo Bills. They were robbed again in the last few seconds after playing very well through four quarters! I was upset! At least it was a proud loss... not like the Seahawks blow out on Sunday!

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So...just got back from Anchorage...I didn't have good access to the internet and I don't have the time/patience to read everything that I've missed...I hope nothing BIG, but if there was something big I expect that someone will fill me in.

So I had my second fill on Wed. afternoon. Put another 1.0 cc in = 2.5cc. I didn't feel any restriction and that afternoon I was able to eat a baked potato and small salad (Wendy's has internet access so I was there for a few minutes checking some email.) :huytsaoI called him and said that I'd like more so I went back in on Fri. and got another .5 cc put in. he did a check and pulled it all out to make sure there wasn't a leak and it all looked good. :)So now I HAVE RESTRICTION! And GOOD restriction at that!

I was getting a little jealous that everyone was only eating a little bit and I could eat...well, more than that. So now I've been cut off! Now, I just have to get over the "head hunger"! :hungry:I had lunch with a friend the other day and we had chicken legs and salad. I got through the salad, had two bites of chicken and got stopped up! I had a real hard time with having food still on my plate and I hadn't eaten that much! I even picked at it for about 15 minutes, but just got more and more uncomfortable so finally I stopped. Carbonation doesn't bother me though (tried a diet Coke yesterday and was fine, but I didn't drink it fast either).

So, maybe I'm on my way? We'll see. I head off for my cruise in a few weeks and I definitely won't feel all sexy, but definitely better about myself.:biggrin1:

OH.....NSV! I went to get some jeans (mine are FALLING off of me) and I had to go down TWO sizes! It was AMAZING! I felt good having to go back to the racks for a SMALLER size!:clap2::whoo:

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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