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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Hello All,

I got my first fill last week and it went great. 1.8 cc and feels just right. I eat about 1 cup of food per meal.

NSVs - Took three large garbage bags of "large" clothes to GoodWill. Got off of that CPAP machine and I have eliminated my blood presssure meds. Feeling great.

UNTIL TODAY - I got a bill from the hospital today for $12,849.00 for the surgery. It seems that even after jumping thru hoops from Jan to July and getting a pre-approval letter from Blue Cross Blue Shield they denied my claim anyway. I MAY HAVE TO GET BACK ON MY BLOOD PRESSURE MEDS UNTIL THIS IS RESOLVED.

Thanks for allowing me to vent.

Kathy - Congrats on the adoption!

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Hello All,

I got my first fill last week and it went great. 1.8 cc and feels just right. I eat about 1 cup of food per meal.

NSVs - Took three large garbage bags of "large" clothes to GoodWill. Got off of that CPAP machine and I have eliminated my blood presssure meds. Feeling great.

UNTIL TODAY - I got a bill from the hospital today for $12,849.00 for the surgery. It seems that even after jumping thru hoops from Jan to July and getting a pre-approval letter from Blue Cross Blue Shield they denied my claim anyway. I MAY HAVE TO GET BACK ON MY BLOOD PRESSURE MEDS UNTIL THIS IS RESOLVED.

Thanks for allowing me to vent.

Kathy - Congrats on the adoption!


Congrats on the great progress you have made. As for the insurance, I used to be a Pre-cert nurse for one of the large health insurance companies and I always tell people..... APPEAL, APPEAL, APPEAL!! Get support from your doctor, submit progress report, try again!

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Wow! I was the last one on last night and the first one this morning?! Where is everyone?? I guess I better get a life!

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Ruby, you should be able to take regular pills now. You are at two months. That's what my doctor allows. Your doctor may be different. Even though you ate the candy bar, I bet in the past you would have eaten more than one so it is a victory and a change in lifestyle.

Thanks for the info ribearty. I'm going to ask my doc on Friday when I go for my second fill. I thought I'd be on the liquid stuff forever, lol.

I'm so glad I'm part of this group. I think I've learned more here than anywhere else. Not necessarily following all the advice, but giving me questions to ask my doctor for my own situation.

Thanks again. :biggrin1:

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Well just dropping in to say GOOD MORNING to all before I begin my day

NSV - I bought a pair of white linen pants back in Feb - didn't try them on until i got home - well they didn't fit - couldn't even close them - most likely like 2 -3 inches gap between one side and the other - Well guess what i am wearing to work today :):D:):):eyebrows:.

As to taking pills - I read somewhere on this board - not to take and NAISD (Advil - iburphon sp) etc - as there could be a contection with band erisions... Tylenol only.... and imho - pills vs liquid it's what ever works for you - I have the liquid and think it may work faster.

Chris :clap2::clap2: on you NSV :clap2:

Citygirl - My doc doesnt have the floruscope (sp) but he numbs you up first - I WOULD NEVER LET a doc stick me without it - it took my doc forever to find the fill spot in my port.

ssankofa73 - Exercise - at least you were moving and thats 100% better than sitting on the couch...:clap2:

Ruby - :clap2: only one tiny candy bar and not the bag :clap2:

Phyl - Are you having a good time???

Didn't get to they gym yesterday as my 3 yr old grandaughter wanted to come to her La La 's house (I'm LaLa instead of GM) (I pick up my 2 gd's 2 or 3 days a week when my DIL is working) So - she and I took the doggies for a walk - so did some in - but it was more important to me to spend the time with them - Memories... Gotta make room for life as tomorrow isn't promised...

Have a Great Day !!!!

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Well just dropping in to say GOOD MORNING to all before I begin my day

NSV - I bought a pair of white linen pants back in Feb - didn't try them on until i got home - well they didn't fit - couldn't even close them - most likely like 2 -3 inches gap between one side and the other - Well guess what i am wearing to work today :):D:):):eyebrows:.

As to taking pills - I read somewhere on this board - not to take and NAISD (Advil - iburphon sp) etc - as there could be a contection with band erisions... Tylenol only.... and imho - pills vs liquid it's what ever works for you - I have the liquid and think it may work faster.

Chris :clap2::clap2: on you NSV :clap2:

Citygirl - My doc doesnt have the floruscope (sp) but he numbs you up first - I WOULD NEVER LET a doc stick me without it - it took my doc forever to find the fill spot in my port.

ssankofa73 - Exercise - at least you were moving and thats 100% better than sitting on the couch...:clap2:

Ruby - :clap2: only one tiny candy bar and not the bag :clap2:

Phyl - Are you having a good time???

Didn't get to they gym yesterday as my 3 yr old grandaughter wanted to come to her La La 's house (I'm LaLa instead of GM) (I pick up my 2 gd's 2 or 3 days a week when my DIL is working) So - she and I took the doggies for a walk - so did some in - but it was more important to me to spend the time with them - Memories... Gotta make room for life as tomorrow isn't promised...

Have a Great Day !!!!


Way to go on getting into your white linen pants!!! That must be so exciting. I have a whole drawer full of pants, skirts, shirts that I have kept hoping to fit into someday. Can you believe I did a total of 3 injections without any numbing or use of flouroscope?!!?!? The first two wasn't bad at all. The third was painful. The fourth stick was without any numbing but with the flouroscope and that went without any pain really. I wish the radio adjustable band was already approved here-that would make adjustments so much easier!!!

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Hey everyone!! Hope you are all doing great. SOunds like there are quite a few NSV. Congrats!!! Doesn't it feel great to move on to SMALLER clothes and exspecially when they are clothes you couldn't fit before!!!!!!! I dont care much for shopping for clothes because I don't like a lot of the new styles but I love being able to drag out a 'new' box of my 'someday I hope to fit into these' clothes.

I have a question. I can't remember who mentioned the medication but my question is this. I was told to crush my pills and take them in apple sauce or something and if I can get something in liquid to do that. Does anyone else do this? Just wondered. I am afraid of getting a pill stuck if I try to just take them so I will continue to crush even though that is one taste I will NEVER get used to. LOL

The NSAIDS (ibuprofen, advil and etc.) I too was told absolutely NO NSAIDS. I was told tylenol and things with no ibuprofen in them. I was also told that they do not know for SURE but that there was a possibility of it being linked to erosion with the band.

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Not sure if this'll help you Jackie, but before I was banded my doctor told me that any pills I had that were bigger than the tip of my little finger would be too big for me to take.

I'm not sure what, if anything, has changed since my band has settled in and the swelling has gone, but it's something I'm going to ask about on Friday after the comments from some of the ladies here. You don't know until you ask, right? :biggrin1:

I really don't fancy being on liquid Tylenol indefinitely because it tastes so awful! I don't like cherry or grape and most often those are the only flavours available. I've been able to find a strawberry one that isn't quite so bad, but it still tastes like I'm swallowing liquid sugar. :)

So if I were you I'd call the doctor's office and ask them what they have to say about it for you. :)

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First, Congrats, Janet, on the white pants! That's great! I'm having a great time in Buffalo but not expecting to see that the scale went down while we were gone! I am trying to make good choices and eating small amounts, but too much eating out!! There were so many take-home boxes in my sister's refrigerator that last night I dumped several down the garbage disposal! Now there's another one from lunch today and going out to dinner with my Mom, sisters, etc tonight! Tomorrow we're going to Niagara Falls....to a casino! I probably won't see more of the Falls than the mist rising in to the sky! But I won't be eating much either! Just feeding the slots instead!

pills.... I took liquid Vitamins for the first month or so...terrible tasting stuff! The liquid Tylenol wasn't bad. Gradually I got brave enough to try my normal Vitamins and pills. I do have a chewable Silver Centrum that I take, and chewable Calcium. I plan to look for a liquid fish oil suplement, but right now still taking the huge capsules and they go down without a problem. I was a little nervous after the first fill, but so far okay. I may be a little more cautious after the 2nd fill (Oct.8th).

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Hey everyone!! Hope you are all doing great. SOunds like there are quite a few NSV. Congrats!!! Doesn't it feel great to move on to SMALLER clothes and exspecially when they are clothes you couldn't fit before!!!!!!! I dont care much for shopping for clothes because I don't like a lot of the new styles but I love being able to drag out a 'new' box of my 'someday I hope to fit into these' clothes.

I have a question. I can't remember who mentioned the medication but my question is this. I was told to crush my pills and take them in apple sauce or something and if I can get something in liquid to do that. Does anyone else do this? Just wondered. I am afraid of getting a pill stuck if I try to just take them so I will continue to crush even though that is one taste I will NEVER get used to. LOL

The NSAIDS (ibuprofen, advil and etc.) I too was told absolutely NO NSAIDS. I was told tylenol and things with no ibuprofen in them. I was also told that they do not know for SURE but that there was a possibility of it being linked to erosion with the band.

Jackie -Thanks for the props on smaller clothes - i have 2 bp meds 1 tiny tab - have alway just taken it as i did pre-banded - the other one is the size of a Vitamin - at first i chopped it up and put it in pudding - but after a few days tried to swallow it and have had no problems - even after 1st fill was able to swallow it - I think it depends on your restriction...

First, Congrats, Janet, on the white pants! That's great! I'm having a great time in Buffalo but not expecting to see that the scale went down while we were gone! I am trying to make good choices and eating small amounts, but too much eating out!! There were so many take-home boxes in my sister's refrigerator that last night I dumped several down the garbage disposal! Now there's another one from lunch today and going out to dinner with my Mom, sisters, etc tonight! Tomorrow we're going to Niagara Falls....to a casino! I probably won't see more of the Falls than the mist rising in to the sky! But I won't be eating much either! Just feeding the slots instead!

Pills.... I took liquid Vitamins for the first month or so...terrible tasting stuff! The liquid Tylenol wasn't bad. Gradually I got brave enough to try my normal Vitamins and pills. I do have a chewable Silver Centrum that I take, and chewable Calcium. I plan to look for a liquid fish oil suplement, but right now still taking the huge capsules and they go down without a problem. I was a little nervous after the first fill, but so far okay. I may be a little more cautious after the 2nd fill (Oct.8th).


OMG i don't know what i would do if I had to eat out all the time. Thats so hard... Today for lunch a gf called we went to quizonos (sp) and i had 1 cup chili and side ceaser salad - and I can't find the calories for the chili so used fitday 255 + salad - didn't eat the dressing (well dipped my fork into dressing 5 times - but didn't make a dent in amount left in container)- ate all the salad and chili... I think i need another fill. With all the fish you are eating why are you taking fish oil?? Thanks for the congrat on the white pants ...

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I've also noticed that if it takes longer than about 20 minutes to eat I can eat A LOT! It must start going down by then and then I can just re-fill the pouch? What do you think?

Marcy, my Fill Nurse gave me instructions to stop eating at 20 minutes for exactly the reason you mention. It takes about 20 minutes for the food to pass through the pouch. So if you eat slowly and continue to eat past the 20 min. you are just re-filling your pouch.

Congrats on the 238!!!

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Question... what is NSV? Is that someone's name or is it a short form for something... I'm clueless!

Non scale Victory. Measuring success on a scale is far too limiting. It's important to have victories in other areas, such as being able to fit in a chair, wear clothes that were previously too small and have people compliment you on how good you look, etc, etc, etc.

I love reading them all! :biggrin1:

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Kathy - thanks for the info and encouragement!

As for NSAIDS....when this came up before I contacted my surgeon and first he had never heard of this and then suggested it was because they can cause upset stomach and since our "stomach" is smaller it can lead to more discomfort and possible ulcers...so....he said it was ok to take on occassion (pill form too), but it wasn't something that I should be taking on a regular basis...but this rings true for unbanded folks as well. Really, I think it all comes down to different docs/different rules and we should follow our OWN doc's advise.

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Now...on a funny note...Andrew's been gone for a week and a half. Just got home today. Sidebar: when you live in the bush you utilize shopping and lugguage when you go into "town". AK Airlines gives us three bags at 50 lbs each and they are ALWAYS filled! We even keep a scale in our truck in Anchorage so we can fill our Rubbermaid buckets - Alaskan lugguage - to the brim! So, I start emptying buckets and we have the usual cleaning supplies, crystal lite, cheese, etc. And then I open the top to the big bucket and there it is....CEREAL! Now, this won't sound alarming to many of you, but this is my demise! I LOVE cereal! I can eat it all the time! So now comes a true test of wills....will I succum...will I retreat....story to finish at a later date!

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