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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Denise - I'm self pay too and my surgeon "guarantees" his work for a year...port slips, band slips, etc. My surgeon is in Denver though and I live in Alaska. My fill doc is in Anchorage. He was able to find my port in one shot, just lifted my legs a little and out it popped! He also did not numb me and used a small syringe (usually they use a huge "hubert" needle), he said it just works better that way. He filled me to 1.5cc which was a "good starting fill" as he put it. I need more restriction.

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I have been keeping up with my exercising. I have boosted a little. I walk the treadmill at 3.4 with an incline of 4 for 60 minutes and then ride the stair master exercise bike for 30 minutes. After this then I do the nautilus to help tone. I am burning about 550-600 calories on the treadmill and the bike daily. The only day that I skip is Sunday and that is because the Y is closed on Sundays until Oct. Sundays I just go for a 3 1/2 mile walk outside. I am really dedicated to sticking to this exercising thing!!;)

OMG Jackie :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: You go girl on that exercising :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

I can only do 40-60 minutes 3.0 on intervals 2 of flat 2 on 3.. and i am DEAD after that - I couldn't do anything else...

Congrats on the weight loss too... You are doing ficking fantastic....:bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:

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Phyl - Sorry you have to wait, but lets look at this from "things happen for a reason." If they are having trouble not using flouro that could mean they have been sticking people's bands. My fill is Tues. and I don't know if they use flouro, but I have been obsessing. I think.... if they don't use it and they stick my band, then it's ruined. Who pays to fix it?

Cause I paid cash. The nurse does the fills at my office.

I know it sucks to wait but at least it gonna be done right.

I don't know if anyone else had this experience with their doctor. I saw mine at the initial lapband conference. Then I saw him at my preop. and that's it. I will probably never see him again. I didn't see him on surgery day. I was last. He didn't even tell my husband I was done. And he doesn't do fills. Take the money and Run!

Denise - Sorry to hear that you have such a sh*tty doctor - I love mine - i saw him my consult - pre-op - the morning of surgery - he talked to my son & dil and told them everything went find - saw him in the hospital - I have his cell phone # - he did my fill yesterday - he doesn't have the fluor - had a hard time finding the soft spot in my port - but finally did - hand me drink Water as he filled the band - I don't know how they could stick your band as your port is just under the skin and your stomach is a way in there and the outside of the band is hard plastic it's the inside that is the soft plastic... Don't worry they aren't going to ruin your band... and if they did they would have to fix i would think - but i really don't think they can imho...

Good luck on your fill -

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Okay, so I "deserved" a treat because my fill appointment got cancelled, so it seemed an appropriate day to go to the Mongolian grill for lunch.. the "no doggie bags, no sharing" place. We took a tupperware container inside a grocery bag and put it in my scooter basket under my purse. My DH filled his bowl to overflowing, mine was about 3/4 full... we saw a big guy almost 7 ft tall fill TWO bowls to overflowing!! The meat is frozen, shaved so thin you can see through it and those rolls look like a lot more meat than they cook down to so I didn't take enough meat but I had a lot of great veggies... cabbage, broccoli, onions, carrots, celery, etc. and a few noodles... which swell up a LOT when they cook them. My DH took our bowls over to the grill to be stir fried. When its done, they servie it on plastic trays. I ate until I could tell it was time to stop.... maybe 1/2 of what I had.. probably about a cup or cup and a half. Then when both of the waitresses were otherwise occupied with their backs to us, we whipped out the Tupperware and slid the rest of my lunch into the container,snapped the lid shut and put it back in the basket under my purse!! SUCCESS!! I successfully ripped off MY food which I paid for but which I was specifically told I COULD NOT TAKE HOME!! TA DA!!


I called my surgeon's office to reschedule my fill appointment this morning. Yesterday it was "the girls" who do the scheduling were gone for the day. Today I was told that Steve, the Dr's right hand man, RN who manages his patients, had to make the appointment and he was "BUSY" working on that. He's supposed to call me back later today. Every time they tell me Steve will call me later in the day its more like three days later before he calls me!! ;)

Hope everyone is having a GREAT day!!

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Okay, so I "deserved" a treat because my fill appointment got cancelled,

!! SUCCESS!! I successfully ripped off MY food which I paid for but which I was specifically told I COULD NOT TAKE HOME!! TA DA!!


Every time they tell me Steve will call me later in the day its more like three days later before he calls me!! :mad:

Hope everyone is having a GREAT day!!


CONGRATULATIONS :clap2::clap2: on your rip off :heh::heh::heh::heh::eyebrows:

I love it:cool:;):cool::P and yes you deserved the treat...

Keep calling Steve - bug the sh*t out of him.... But i gotta say you still aren't eating as much as i was - Last Thrus had 2 slices of pizza then later on and slice & 1/2 - I don't know your doc's rules for eating after a fill - but i should have eaten a good lunch yesterday cuz i am on full liquids for 1 week - then pureed & soft for 2 weeks and not til week 4 reg food - I can say I am not hungry right now and all i have had today is 1 clear Protein Drink - Protein Soup 6 oz and i am sipping on another clear protein drink (love them peach mango a.m and grape right now - get them from dr bobbies office) ..

Hope you get that fill soon....



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Phyll - this totally sucks for you...you could always play the "ditzy blonde spouse thing" that I do sometimes and it works EVERYTIME. Here's what you do...have your DH call and act like HE was supposed to call because you are otherwise busy. Make sure he sounds a little stupid, doesn't know what he's talking about, but needs to get it done...a southern accent may even help since he's a guy and chicks dig it. Have him say something like, "I need to schedule a fill, is that what you call it?, for my wife who's just soooo busy today. She made it sound so important and I really need to do this for her. Can you maybe help me out? ..... no, no, I'll wait for whomever schedules the appointments, I'm out and about today and I promised my little peach that I'd get this done for her". Sounds silly, but works EVERY TIME!

Good luck sister!

BTW - you're so funny with the tupperware in your scooter!!! I actually have this vision of you...especially your face with the "I'm going to get you back for this" look! Live it up! I, on the other hand, would've set up my grill on the back of my pickup in their parking lot and had myself some grilled halibut, shrimp, crab, etc. !!

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I think u should have boycotted that restaurant. Why would you want to give them your money when they didn't want to accomodate you in your situation? You ended up putting money in the pockets of people who aren't compassionate about your medical needs.

Walking record

I didn't walk today. I had no time. I gotta get some control because now that I'm back at work, my life is no longer my own and I can't have that. I have a wake to go to tonite and after i get home, i need to do some step aerobics in front of the TV. Even if its 20 minutes it will be better than nothing.

My weight has stalled out and I'm very scared I'm going to start to gain it back. My fill is at the end of next week and I'm nervous.

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I'm sorry to hear that your fill was delayed. Definitely keep bothering them so you get taken care of. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. But I did enjoy the restaurant story. I got a good chuckle out of it. You made my day.

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Hello all,

Glad to see everyone is getting a fill. I was banded on July 31 and I'm also going be among the last to get a fill, except for Chim. Chim what are we to do?

I was making it ok averaging about 850-950 calories per day (my doctor wants 600-800 per day) eating chicken, fish, turkey and a few vegies.

Until two weeks ago when I had to go out of town for a family medical emergency with only about one hours notice. No time to plan or shop. I did pick up some Peanut Butter and crackers and munched on them during the 9 hour drive and two days later on the drive back (I also did not get in all of my water). My average calorie intake per day went to 1200-1300 per day that week. The odd thing is the week prior to my trip (at 850-950 calories) my weight loss was "0". When my calories went to 1200-1300 I lost 4 pounds that week. I do not understand this so I have stoped trying to understand it. I just get up every morning and "ride my mule" one day at a time. But my "mule" is getting difficult. I think when I increased my carbs it made me crave more carbs and I cannot break the cycle. I NEED MY FILL.:help:

Question - What is onderland?

What causes me to eat? Stress and munching associated with some activities such as watching TV.

Speaking of stress, my 11 year old daughter was asked out for a date today ;)(where are the oreos?). I was proud of her as she told the booooooy she was not ready to date yet.

Phy - My dr does the fluor(sp) fill and says it is much better and gets you to the sweet spot much quicker. I hope you get your apt and things go well.

Good luck all

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I was making it ok averaging about 850-950 calories per day (my doctor wants 600-800 per day) eating chicken, fish, turkey and a few vegies.

Until two weeks ago when I had to go out of town for a family medical emergency with only about one hours notice. No time to plan or shop. I did pick up some Peanut Butter and crackers and munched on them during the 9 hour drive and two days later on the drive back (I also did not get in all of my water). My average calorie intake per day went to 1200-1300 per day that week. The odd thing is the week prior to my trip (at 850-950 calories) my weight loss was "0". When my calories went to 1200-1300 I lost 4 pounds that week. I do not understand this so I have stoped trying to understand it. I just get up every morning and "ride my mule" one day at a time. But my "mule" is getting difficult. I think when I increased my carbs it made me crave more carbs and I cannot break the cycle. I NEED MY FILL.help.gif

Sometimes, people will find that their bodies actually need more calories than they're taking in. If you don't eat enough calories, your body will think it's starving, so it tries to conserve them. If that happens, say goodbye to weightloss! What a lot of people recommend is to vary your calorie intake a little. Eat 900 calories for a few days, then maybe 1200 for a few days, then 900 again, just so that your body doesn't get used to one routine.

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Phyl - Sorry you have to wait, but lets look at this from "things happen for a reason." If they are having trouble not using flouro that could mean they have been sticking people's bands. My fill is Tues. and I don't know if they use flouro, but I have been obsessing. I think.... if they don't use it and they stick my band, then it's ruined. Who pays to fix it?

Cause I paid cash. The nurse does the fills at my office.

I know it sucks to wait but at least it gonna be done right.

I don't know if anyone else had this experience with their doctor. I saw mine at the initial lapband conference. Then I saw him at my preop. and that's it. I will probably never see him again. I didn't see him on surgery day. I was last. He didn't even tell my husband I was done. And he doesn't do fills. Take the money and Run!

Denise, I've had a very similar experience. I didn't meet my surgeon at the consultation, just his nurse. Then I met him very briefly before the surgery, but since my contact lens were out, I couldn't even see him very well. So I spoke to him for 2 minutes tops, and will never see him again unless I have a problem. The centre has other staff to handle fills, dietary questions, etc. Take the money and run far and fast!!! BTW, he drives a mercedes convertable!!

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Hi everyone! I'm absolutely thrilled! I lost a pound and a half yesterday, so I'm at 178.5!!!!! I'm so happy!

Also, since my surgeon doesn't have any of the cards, I called my contact at the bariatric center. She said she had a few and would get them laminated and send them to me so I could keep them in different purses, etc. How nice is that?!!!

I'm still feeling quite a bit of restriction and can't eat too much before I know it is time to stop, so I may not need anything added at my 2nd fill appt scheduled for next Thursday. I let him decide based on my progress.

He does the fill himself, no fluroscope, no drinking, etc. Just has me lay down and keep my legs straight and raise them slightly. Needle looks bad, but you just barely feel it. So, I can't complain!

Congratulations to everyone on their success and their exercise programs. I'm impressed!

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Jackie... amazing success. What is your motivation? In fact, that's a really good "Question of the Day"

What is motivating everyone to lose weight?

In the past I would mostly be motivated by appearance, but now its health reasons. I want to live to a ripe old age, but to do so healthily. I want to be there for my kids when they grow up. I want to live many years with my husband, and I want to enjoy life without aches and pains and poor health.

Ok, I'm all set. Tomorrow I get my first fill. I'm so excited. Then this weekend I'm going to completely tear apart my pantry and freezer to make sure all of the not so good stuff is gone. I'll keep a bit of yummy stuff around for the family, but they really don't need it either.

I know psychologically I haven't started my diet because I haven't had any restriction. So I was content not dieting or really trying. Now that will change and the big push is on.

I had good news today. My husband just landed a full time job at the hospital. He has been working there for 5+ years as a part time porter. It takes forever to go full time, and many people never get there. He would average about 6-8 shifts per two weeks, but was always on call and we never knew from one pay period to the next what he would be working. He found out today he was successful in getting a full time position starting in Oct. The only downfall is the shift is 3-11. Since I work 9-5, it means we really won't see much of each other during the week and I will have the kids by myself every evening. However, his boss told him that he will likely get to switch to days within a few months (lets hope).

Take care everyone.

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Hi Gang

Kathy - that's great that your hubby is full time

Chris54 - Onelander - is when you get back being in the 100's (ie 199 you are a onelander)

I have been keeping my calories around 1000 - 1200 and have been doing either 1 or 2 lbs a week - I am excercising a lot too - most weeks get 13 miles in 5 day. I am pretty much staying away from carbs - will have 1/2 cup rice, Pasta etc w/dinner but that's about it. I did buy some lite bread 45 calories a slice and had a couple of sandwichs - but since i got my fill yesterday I am back on the diet i had after surgery - 1 wk full liquid - 1 wk pureed- 1 wk soft - wk 4 regular

Brandy = Congrats on the weight loss:clap2:

ssankofa73 - don't be afarid of your fill - Mine is GREAT - I haven't been hungry all day -

Marcy - Your DH calls and pulls that for you - is it cuz he's a man that you get the results. I know that and underwriter will tell me know but when my producer talks to him/her they say yes (I work insurance)

I HATE that people give men preferrial (sp) treatment.. Congrats on 10 yrs:clap2:

Well it after 8 - time to go eat and watch a little t.v. talk to ya'll tomorrow..

Where are our ring leaders - Chim & Dini - When we 1st started they were here 24/7... Love Dini's stories and Chim you are so positivie

and Breadlady I remember she was like one of the 1st banders along with dini if i remember right

I know they have lives... ;)

nighty night

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