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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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QUESTION: Have you discovered what your overeating trigger(s) is (are)?

Could it be emotions/feelings, holidays/special occasions, media - like commercials, ads..., boredom, the clock (it's 12:00 noon, time to eat - even though you're not hungry)...etc.

Chim - Thanks for missing me :) I was busy buying car for grandson - taking care of 2 grandaughters - taxing around 16 yr grandson -

DIL B-day - but now back to work - so back to normal.

My triggers - being tired, love the taste of food, time filler = boredom, and it helps me sleep at night (self medication) I need a full tummy to sleep - I say my Mother never weaned us off the bottle as all my family members are night time eaters (we are talking 2 a.m.)

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The first fill totally helps. I was having a major case of bandster's hell and now I hardly ever feel any hunger. Fills are the way to go.

For me stress is my trigger. But now I have tried to eat while stressed and just couldn't, it was physically painful. Man, I have said this a million times but here it comes again: I LOVE MY BAND!

Phyl- I would not go to that restaurant if they paid me to. How rude.

Chim- exercise is a good stress reliever, that's probably why you miss it. Horray!

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Got my first fill today! He put in 1cc and said that filled me to 3 (I have the prefilled band, but didn't know it was that filled!?!) I tried to drink Water and started sliming on water. Major slime. lots of gurgling and bubbles. He decided to take out 1/2cc. If feels a whole lot better. I am supposed to set appointments with the fill center every 3 or 4 weeks for 6ish months. They will slowly up my fill until I get to my sweet spot. He said they will provide help with making sure we change our habits - that sounds like a bonus I didn't count on. He said with the new bands, patients are finding that they need to do liquid for 3 days after a fill. That should get my weight loss kick-started again! CC

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Hey Ruby, We must be twins. The effects of the anesthesia have worn off (it takes a while for me) and I could eat a whole Big Mac without breathing hard. I'm hoping that I get a fill on 9/13 when I next see the dr.

laurend- where are you going to school? I did my masters online, and A.B.Ded. before I wore out. I am A LOT older than you http://www.lapbandtalk.com/images/smilies/omg.gif

:omg:, and was done-in by major surgery. As a former microbiologist, I totally understand the chemistry in the biology class. One of the things that prevented me from attempting GRE in biology was the amount of chemistry included. Being a byte jock is much more fun, anyway. So instead of the Phd, I'm going to attempt the CISSP, an advanced certification in computer security.

Hopefully, banding is coming up soon, or those cows in the pasture by our house are in trouble.


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Hi Everyone,

sorry I've been MIA for awhile, but was busy with work and getting ready for school, etc. Also, since I was kind of in a holding pattern, I didn't really have anything much to say other than... still hungry, no restriction, etc.

Well, good news... I was able to change my 1st fill date from next Mon to this Friday!!! Hey, when you have to wait 6 weeks post-op, 3 days is a huge bonus. :bounce:It also works much better with my schedule since I am now in Toronto until Friday for work, and this way I don't have to take the day off on Monday to drive back here. At first the centre didn't want to do it because they have this mandatory seminar I'm supposed to attend. But I explained I just couldn't make it back in that day. So they were able to accomodate me.

Peaches, maybe you can let me know what I missed in the seminar. Email me if you get a chance. Thanks.

So as I mentioned before, we have the official adoption date for our daughter... its set for Sept 14th. I'm so excited. We are also going to have a party in the evening to Celebrate, with our family, some close friends. Today I also invited my boss and my VP (her boss). They both were really supportive during the full adoption process, letting me take Fridays off (paid, but not vacation), allowing me all the time I needed for extra appointments, etc. I could tell my VP was really touched to be considered and invited, and my boss teared up at being included.

Now all I have to do is pull off the party. Going to be hard to do since I'm now out of town until Sat, and my DH is working all weekend. Oh well... no stress!

I'm now sitting in a hotel room, enjoying the peace and quiet without kids or the DH needing me. I like these little breaks even though I love my family... its me time!

Since I've been out of touch... is there a question floating around?

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Shout outs to Lindaa, Cazulay, Cate, Peaches, Brandy, and Appleblossom!

How are you guys doing???

Hi there! I'm doing fine! Lost a pound yesterday, so now I'm down to 180, very excited about getting into the 170's again. Haven't been there in three years.

As to triggers, I used to eat mostly from boredom at work, for comfort, for the taste, when angry, and when sad, to Celebrate, etc. I didn't eat too much, never binged, never purged, etc., just ate the wrong things. Now, I only eat when I'm physically hungry. Three meals and no Snacks. I try to make smarter choices. I'm still eating too fast and not chewing enough as I feel the restriction in my chest at least once a day, but I'm trying.

I do miss going out to eat with my DH. He misses it too. In Vegas, it was kind of sad that I couldn't eat more at the buffets like I used to. Oh well.....will enjoy getting back my body more than that.

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My triggers: Hmmmm...I hate to be a blamer, but when someone makes me mad I just eat to "spite" them. I also eat - more like graze - when I'm bored, but I'm getting better at not doing that.

I haven't lost any weight lately, I'm going to have my fill doc tighten me hard core when I go to Anchorage in a couple of weeks. I figure since I'll be there for several days I can always have him re-adjust before I come home...sound reasonable?

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...I meant to post here but somehow my post made it's own thread-oopsy!

I was banded 7/31/07 (I just barely made it into the July 07 Bandsters group!). I am having my first fill this upcoming Monday. I can't wait because I have noticed that I can eat a little more as each day passes.

The thing that is a total bummer is that my port incision is still healing! Yep, it's been almost 6 weeks and half of the incision is still slowly trying to heal. I have called the dr's office over the past several weeks asking about it and the nurse has been telling me that it's normal and I shouldn't worry. She said it's due to a "spitting stitch"...I've never heard of that before but I looked it up online and I guess it's common.

Over the Labor day weekend my scab fell off by accident and I freaked out by the sight of a open wound. It looked like a fish's mouth...gross. So anyway, I called again over the holiday weekend because I was worried about it and the nurse on call said to not worry...again. Today, the nurse talked to my doctor and he said although he was pretty sure there isn't an infection he's having me take some antibiotics just in case.

So, I'm hoping with the antibiotics the incision will heal up by the time Monday comes around. Otherwise, I guess the doctor will be able to look at it when he gives me my fill.

Is anyone else healing? My other incisions healed up within a week or two so I was curious how everyone else is doing.

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Hey Citygirl - I was banded 7/24. The ends of my port incision took a long time to heal. It had scabs and then white threads popped out on each end. I pulled out the threads with a tweezer. It was two about 3/4 of an inch long. Then it finally healed. I read that the inside stiches coming out is common, they are supposed to dissolve.

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I started to wonder why we needed to stop drinking 30 minutes before a meal. I think someone else on this site asked about it too. If Water or other thin liquids go straight thru the banded area of the stomach then stopping a 1/2 hour before eating is waaaaay too long. I haven't been too good with the drinking situation so now I don't feel so bad that I end up drinking only 10 to 15 minutes before I eat. Granted this is only my opinion and the opinion of someone else's doctor but the shorter time period between drink 1st then eating a meal afterwards makes sense to me.

As for drinking after the meal, I totally understand why we have to wait an hour. To be honest, thats tough for me too so I've taken just enpugh small sips of Water to soothe my dry mouth and throat. I don't want to wash the food I eat thru the band but I need a little water after a meal or my mouth doesn't feel right.

Bottom line is....I'm not getting in enough hydration and I need to make "Ruby's Water Rules" a way of life so that I don't sabotage my band. (How do u like that phrase I just coined?? lol) If I was properly hydrated during the day, I wouldn't need the small sips of water after my meals.

ssankofa73- I just seen my doc today and we talked about the 30 before and 45 minutes after meals. The PA told me that the 30 before is really not as important as making sure that I wait at least 45 minutes after and if I am able 1 hour. Everyone's doctors orders are so different.

Jeanie, I need your night time restriction! I feel it great in the morning less in the day, hardly at night - so the last too days I know I have eaten too much.

Weight loss is stalled. It is nice to have had some of you go through this (and come back out the other side!). I realize it is temporary (unless I keep eating like I have been at night!) I have worked out Fri, Mon, Tues, and plan to make it again today. Maybe my muscle coming back is weighing more. Have a great day everyone! CC

NewCC- I have the same problem with the night time. I am hungry. I am not hungry all day and MAKE myself eat and then night time comes and I can't get enough. Hopefully the fill I got today will help with that.

Chim and Laurend- I find that with chrystal light, I just add a small amount to my H2O just to flavor it a tad. If I make it into the 1/2 gal, its much to sweet and certain flavors have a metalic taste. The lemonade is good, and so is Raspberry ice. But I just add a tiny bit to the water. I like that better than the flavored waters, now those I cannot drink at all.......they taste so fake to me. But I like just plain water the best.

Hi Lynnette, Jeanie, Ruby, Kathy, Ssanskoffa, Marcy,CC- and if I forgot anyone....Sorry!!

only4me- I do the same thing. I can't stand it if I mix it the way the packages say to. It is just to strong for me. I like my water with a 'hint' of crystal light pink lemonaid.

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AppleBlossom - I have enjoyed crab cakes in the past, but nothing is better than just boiling the legs (in ocean Water preferred) and killing your hands to get at the meat! Makes it all worth it. I don't like Dungeness that much, I stick to King, but Snow Crab can be good too.

It's been a LONG couple of days. I've started watching a little girl and this is just NOT the job for me! I informed my friend today that this just cannot be permanent...two little ones is just to hard! I don't know how folks with twins do it!

Here are some pictures from the slaughter this past weekend. My 7-year old was my photographer and wanted me to "pose"....notice how my clothes are just hangin' on me! Also, here's a picture of one of my zucchini that I found in my greenhouse when I returned from my trip - imagine if it had been watered for the week I was gone! I'm grilling it tonight! YUM!:hungry:

Marcy- YOUR HILARIOUS!!! Your right your clothes are BAGGY!!!! Doesn't it feel great?!?!?! Congrats on the weight loss. Funny pic with the chicken. WHEWWW I am sorry I just couldn't do it. LOL Your sqash and the little one are both beautiful.

Has anybody eaten out much since banding? We went to a local buffet a couple weeks ago and the Restauranteer card we got when banded was great for a discount. I was thinking it might be a problem since in my mind it was uncommon. I've found that restaurants are familiar with the card and I've had no problem getting childrens meals or discounts. It's money back on the investment :).

What is this restranteer card your talking about? I have never heard of it?

Tenille- I tried to use my card one time and that was at Bonanza. They told me they don't honor those cards and I had to pay full price!!! On most occassions I would have been fine with that but this time in perticular I REALLY WASN'T HUNGRY!!!! I was just going in because my family was hungry and I thought that I would eat a little of cottage cheese because it was dinner time. What a crock huh?

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Thanks, Chim! I guess I KNOW that in my head, but still scares me that I can't seem to lose anything right now. I've been stalled pretty much this whole month!!

auntie phyl- I went through the same thing a couple of weeks ago. I gained bac k4 lbs and just couldn't get them off no matter what I did. Finally I got up one morning and they were gone on the scale.< /span>

Where did you get a Restaurant Card? I didnt get one!!!!!!!!!

only4me- My surgeon's office gave it to me. They actually gave me 2 just in case I loose one and told me if I ever loose both that all I have to do is ca;; and they will get me another.

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Hi, All,

Kathy.... yes, three days IS a BIG DEAL!! I had a frustrating development today. :update: Late this afternoon I discovered a message on my phone telling me to call my dr's office. When I did, I was told NOT to come in for my fill appt tomorrow!! :) Seems they've been having some "problems" with fills and have decided on a new policy... all fills done under fluoroscopy! AND... they are no longer doing them on Thursdays and Fridays but ONLY on Mondays. AND... the "girls" that do the scheduling for fills were gone for the day by the time I called in so I'm supposed to wait for a phone call regarding a new appointment! I cried!!:think :hurt I am hoping its not too late to get in on Monday. On Friday it will be seven weeks since my surgery and I am more than READY for this fill!!

A friend directed me to another lapband site and I found some GREAT recipes to try. Here is the URL: http://lapbandtransformation.com/threstaurant.htm

Now.... who was it that posted that question for the day?? Chim?? Eating Triggers: boredom, for sure. How about just plain food addiction? If I know something is available.... say, chocolate, it will "talk" to me until I go get some.

Also, when I need some comforting. Like when all that happened this afternoon about my fill, my DH didn't understand why I was crying. Like, no big deal, they can probably get you in Monday. What's THREE MORE DAYS?? Yeah, three days in the WRONG direction... not like Kathy's THREE MORE DAYS!! So, I got on my Blue Bomb... my handicap scooter, and took off for the shopping center across the street where I got myself a latte... sugar free, fat free milk, probably 100 cal, but I "needed" a treat! (And I could scoff at the HOT Iron MONGOLIAN GRILL as I went by!!)

Oh, that reminds me... I asked the young gal making my latte if she had eaten at the new restaurant yet... the afore mentioned GRILL!! She said she had and it wasn't that great. So I told her I was pissed off at them and of course she wanted to know why. So I told her my sordid story, that they refused (by email) to allow me to order a child's portion AND told me I couldn't have a take home box. SO this gal says, "I can't believe that! I took my leftovers home when I ate there!!" How about that!!?? So now here's my plan: we're going to go eat lunch there one day :hungry: and we're going to take our own plastic container (which I can hide nicely in my scooter basket). Then when I've eaten what I can, I will ask for a take out box. If they don't have any, I'll use the container I brought with me... when no one is looking, and put it back in the bottom of my basket!! Sound like a plan??


Well, I guess that's enough of my rambling for now!! I enjoy each and every post and thank you all for your willingness to share!!

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Lynette617;555079]TMI coming up, but I've had the worst case of Constipation the last day and a half. Never had to use anything in that area, ever, but imodium to stop things up so this was all new to me. Wonder if the fill had anything to do with it cause I had to go on liquids for 2 days after, don't know, but it was bad. Had to send my DH out twice for two different things to try. Finally I have relief today, but I hurt so bad I was crying. Hope to never feel this again, so I need to know what others do to prevent this. Do you take something daily? I've always been a regular person, so maybe I just need to take something around fill time?

Oh well, any info would be appreciated!!

Lynette- I had the same problem and my doc had told me in advance to use Benefiber. It is the best thing for this. Let me tell you it works!!!! Gives releaf rather quickly too. You can mix it into anything you are drinking or food. I put it into my ice Water and there is absolutely no flavor or color. It doesn't clump up either. Mixes in so well you would never know there was anything in what ever you put it in. It is awsome if you need it!!! Give it a try!!

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Phyl: I am so sorry about the delay on your fill date. I went to the office today and they told me I was only in to have my "hematoma" sp? checked. I insisted that I had asked for a fill appt. I thought I was going to start bawling right there. They were really nice and did the fill, but I understand the crying!! When you are ready-you're ready!!

I am not following my after fill rules tonight. I promise to shape it up and follow them tomorrow. I will not beat myself up - I will just start again! CC

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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