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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Hello to all,

I have had a crazy busy day. Just stopped in to say Hello to all. I will catch up tomorrow evening, as I will be running around tomorrow also. I think I am comming down with something, my throat is hurting and my ear is crackling!! I hope I just have some Water in my ear!

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Hi, Everyone! Seems everyone is sooo busy and doing all the right things! That is awesome! I am feeling really good, not noticing a lot with restriction, but like I said haven't really tested it either, lol! Just kind of going with the flow, but I did have a chicken breast for supper and ate about 1/3 of it dipped in ranch dressing, had 1/4 pierogi, and a teaspoon of potato salad and felt tightening, so I quit! Then I burp!!! Hate that, but seems to be my cue to quit!!! Noticed the burps are louder and more pronounced since my fill!!! I guess they won't be silent anymore, yikes!!!!:huggie:

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Hi y'all. I have been out of town and know I have missed alot. If I get a chance I will go back and read messages. Let me know if there is anything I should know about.

I have had the most sh*tty day today. First, I went to the doc for my first fill. He does them in the office and has never had any problems accessing a port....until today. He could not access mine. He numbed me up so it didn't hurt but he stuck and stuck and could not access it. I am a little sore tonight. He scheduled me to do it under fluro tomorrow.

Then the most awful thing happend. I am so upset. The guys came today and are putting in my new flooring...Pergo. I go back to work after being a human pin cushion and get a call from the installer. My mom gets on the phone (she's 82) and tells me Daisy, my chihauhau was very sick looking and breathing funny. I talk to Ryan, the installer and he said she was lying her side. She could not walk. When she tried she was dragging her back legs. So I made arrangements to go home. I called back 2 minutes later and he said she was looking very bad and he felt she way dying. I got out to my car and call to let them know I was on my way and he said she was dead. He said she had some frothy blood around her mouth. The whole thing took like 10 minutes.

Its very hot here and I had her out on the deck. I thought I had killed her with heat. I called my brother, who is a veterinarian in Greenville and told him the symptoms. He said it sounded like a pulmonary embolus, blood clot to the lungs. He said it just happens sometimes and there is nothing you can do. I asked if the heat had killed her. He reassured me that she did not overheat on my deck in the shade. He said from the symptoms of back leg paralyis and frothy bloody sputum it was classic pulmonary embolism and there was nothing even he could have done even if she had been in his office. That made me feel slightly better, at least not like a murderer.

You have to understand with my kids out and on their own, Daisy was my baby. She even had her own pillow she slept on my bed. I have another dog, Rocky, a shitzu that was my daughter's and she left him here when she moved out so he would not be lonely without Daisy. He is a lot of comfort.

I know this may sound ridiculous to some but my Daisy was like a member of my family. I am so depressed.

Sunny, I just read back over your post and I wanted to say how sorry I am about Daisy! I know how difficult it is to lose a pet and they become so much a part of the family! It is so difficult! I extend my prayers and well wishes to you and your family! :think

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ribearty- I do the same thing. I can tell when my band is 'ready to stop eating' and I am drinking to fast because just like you I get a hiccup. If I ignore it and eat a couple more bites HOLY COW the hiccups are terrible and very loud. I have never had that before!! My family has gotten so as soon as they hear me hiccup my kids will say 'you've had enough' LOL

kathybad- Thanks so much for the words of encouragement. I used to not like cottage cheese either and would eat it maybe 1-2 times a year but now I eat a little EVERY TIME I eat a meal. I feel like I just can't get enough. LOL

I haven't had the sweets cravings. I don't think I was ever a big one on sweets though. The only time I was was when aunt flo called (1 week prior) and let me know she was on her way and then WATCH OUT!!! I was on the hunt for anything chocolately. I am happy to report though that this month it is different. I am not even craving the sweets. THANK GOD!!! Hope that continues because it used to be like I had NO CONTROL during hat week. DQ about every night for that whole week. LOL

Kathybad- I am soooo happy for you and your hubby. You two will have so much fun together. Great time to get reacquainted with one another' if ya know what I mean. :huggie:

Indiogirl- You are all so wonderful!!! You make me feel so 'understood'. This forum and all of you are what keeps me focused. I love knowing that no matter what it seems like I am experiencing I can come on hear and others know exactly how I am feeling.

dmtjet- I have a almost 16 (9 more days until her birthday) and a 14 year old. I am telling you somedays (more than I care to admit) I think I will go bonkers before they are 18. LOL They know EVERYTHING and just don't like me at this age. Doesn't matter what I say or do it just isn't right. Guess that is the teenage years. My mom and I were talking on the phone earlier today and I was talking about the attitudes and she said to me 'you kids did the same thing when you were that age.' I said there is no way I was this mouthy and hateful at times' She said 'oh yes you were and don't you remember me telling you someday I hope you have kids that act just like you are right now so you know how it feels.' Before we hung up I told my mom 'mom I am sorry about the way that I was during those teen years and I love you.' She said 'and Courtney and Austin will say the same to you someday when they move out and are on their own.'

A very wise women I met a couple of years ago asked me how old my kids were. I told her 12 and 14 (at the time). She said 'not many more years and they will be grown and gone' I said 'yeah and I dread that day. When I think of it I already miss them and that isn't even for a few years. I don't want them to leave home.' She said 'I have raised 4 kids and they are all over 18. There is a reason why GOD saves the teen years for the last stretch while they live at home. It is to help parents get over that I dont want them to go faze. After going through the teen years the day will come for them to move out and you will be more than glad to help them pack and be on their way.' LOL

At the time I didn't think a whole lot of what she said. Now sometimes today I think of that when the kids are mouthing or what not and I think 'man she was a very wise women.!!!!!!!!!!!!!' LOL

Love these kids to pieces but I tell you somedays at certain times it can be questionable. LOL

Jackie, Hang in there, Lady! Better days are coming!!! LOL!!!! I am sure anyone that has had kids has been in your shoes, just a few times, lol!:faint:

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Well, Kathy, Lynette, Chim, Sunny, Dini, Laurend, Indiogirl, Jackie, Cazulay, and the list goes on ... gotta get some shut eye here and once again, no one is on here anyway, lol! Just wanted to give a shout out to you all and tell you I am thinking of you and hoping all is going well! :huggie::notagree

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Just stopping by the join and say hello to fellow July banders. I was banded July 31st...doing and feeling great so far. My port incision is still healing, can't wait til the scab falls off already! I am scheduled to have my first fill Sept. 10th. I'm so excited...and a little nervous but I'm ready to tighten 'er down!

Welcome Citygirl. You will do wonderful. If you have any ??? we are all here to help.

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OK, just got caught up on all the posts...

Sunny- so sorry about your loss! Pets are totally part of the family, very sad to lose them.

Lynette- way to go with Hunter!

Dmjet- I am with you on back to school, that paperwork is killing me!

Only4Me- I hope you won't get sick.

Dini- have fun in Italy! What a great place for a vacation.

Chim- good weight loss. Way to go!

Brandy- you are doing great too. Count your blessings!

As for me...I had yet another dinner party tonight and was able to control myself a little better. Had a small amount of rice with creamy chicken. For dessert everybody had 3-layered chocolate cake and a had a few pieces of fruit. They were very tasty. Everything went down fine, and I am actually hungry again right now after only 5 hours. Maybe I should have had more but was afraid to overdo it. Oh well, Breakfast will come soon enough.

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Good mornin all.

Tenille, that's funny about your pants falling down when your were dancing. I'm sure we'll all have those NSV's vey soon, just when we least expect it!!

Sunny, I'm still at only 4 to 5 oz meals, although I know I've went over this week a few times. I think it's just my way of knowing I ned a fill again, whick is on Thursday, but what your doing sounds right. The meal you had was probably 6 to 7 ozs, depending on how small the baked potato was, but if your felt restriction and stopped, then it's working!!

Citygirlnks, welcome to the Lucky 7s. We have a great group here and we're excited to have you join us!!

Brandy, sounds like you are doing awesome. The solids should make you feel fuller faster, just because you actually have to chew and it takes longer to eat, so you'll feel full and stop eating before you would on liquids or mushys.

dmtjet, I've been doing the burping too. I guess it's a cue that we are full.

only4me, take care of yourself. Hope it is just Water in your ear.

Well, I'm headed out to eat lunch with my mom today, so I ned to get going into the shower. I'll check back in later. Hope everyone has a great Sunday!!!

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As for me...I had yet another dinner party tonight and was able to control myself a little better. Had a small amount of rice with creamy chicken. For dessert everybody had 3-layered chocolate cake and a had a few pieces of fruit. They were very tasty. Everything went down fine, and I am actually hungry again right now after only 5 hours. Maybe I should have had more but was afraid to overdo it. Oh well, breakfast will come soon enough.

caz, FYI, my doc says to not go more than 5 hrs between meals. So I would think being hungry after 5 hours is normal.

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Hello everyone! Today is a great day! Today is my baby girl's 21st birthday :happybday:

We are cooking out at her house tonight. I will not be on much today.

I bought her a beautiful string of pearls for her birthday. I sure hope she likes them.

citygirlnks :welcomeB:

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OK, just got caught up on all the posts...

Sunny- so sorry about your loss! Pets are totally part of the family, very sad to lose them.

Lynette- way to go with Hunter!

Dmjet- I am with you on back to school, that paperwork is killing me!

Only4Me- I hope you won't get sick.

Dini- have fun in Italy! What a great place for a vacation.

Chim- good weight loss. Way to go!

Brandy- you are doing great too. Count your blessings!

As for me...I had yet another dinner party tonight and was able to control myself a little better. Had a small amount of rice with creamy chicken. For dessert everybody had 3-layered chocolate cake and a had a few pieces of fruit. They were very tasty. Everything went down fine, and I am actually hungry again right now after only 5 hours. Maybe I should have had more but was afraid to overdo it. Oh well, breakfast will come soon enough.

You are doing great! Good luck with back to school! :confused:

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Good mornin all.

Tenille, that's funny about your pants falling down when your were dancing. I'm sure we'll all have those NSV's vey soon, just when we least expect it!!

Sunny, I'm still at only 4 to 5 oz meals, although I know I've went over this week a few times. I think it's just my way of knowing I ned a fill again, whick is on Thursday, but what your doing sounds right. The meal you had was probably 6 to 7 ozs, depending on how small the baked potato was, but if your felt restriction and stopped, then it's working!!

Citygirlnks, welcome to the Lucky 7s. We have a great group here and we're excited to have you join us!!

Brandy, sounds like you are doing awesome. The solids should make you feel fuller faster, just because you actually have to chew and it takes longer to eat, so you'll feel full and stop eating before you would on liquids or mushys.

dmtjet, I've been doing the burping too. I guess it's a cue that we are full.

only4me, take care of yourself. Hope it is just Water in your ear.

Well, I'm headed out to eat lunch with my mom today, so I ned to get going into the shower. I'll check back in later. Hope everyone has a great Sunday!!!

Lynette, I hope you had a nice lunch with your mom! DH and I went to another fair today on the bike. Was a beautiful day! Really enjoyed myself and get in lots of walking, lol!:confused:

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Hello everyone! Today is a great day! Today is my baby girl's 21st birthday :happybday:

We are cooking out at her house tonight. I will not be on much today.

I bought her a beautiful string of pearls for her birthday. I sure hope she likes them.

citygirlnks :welcomeB:

Sunny, Happy Birthday to your baby!!! Enjoy the cookout!!! :confused:

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WOW, slow day around here. Everyone seems to be back to their pre bandster life, which is a very good thing indeed.

lunch was good, we went to Perkins. My mom and I split an omlet, well she had more, but at least I didn't have to bring any home. Anyway, we went back to her house for a bit and then came home.

Did anyone see the Georgia/Japan Little League World Series game. It was great game, and went into 2 extra innings.

Sunny, your baby girl is 21 today. How great is that. Hope you have a great day and a fun cookout.

Dmtjet, isn't your butt hurting from the motorcycle yet, LOL!!! You love to ride don't you. Sounds like you go everywhere on it, just like I use to.

Well, I'm heading to watch Big Brother, and then off to bed, so everyone enjoy their evening, and I'll check in tomorrow.

G'nite all.

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Hey guys. I haven't posted here in awhile. I'm having a hard time keeping up! It's such a long thread and since I haven't been around since the beginning, I don't know who everybody is.

Is there a list somewhere of everyone here that was banded in July?

Tomorrow is my 4 week Bandaversary and I'm down 21 pounds! I went to the pool today and my bathing suit was too big!! :whoo:

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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