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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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SSanka, go you on the walking! It gets easier!!! I've been doing really well w/my walking, too. I've been going to the gym. I feel great!

Sarujah, I wouldn't get another fill. If you're having problems getting things/keeping things down, you don't need any additional restriction. If you're still having problems after a few days, I'd consider getting a slight unfill. And like the others said, papaya enzyme helps w/digestion. My dietician gave me some, in case s'thing gets stuck.

Dini, my love!!!! We have missed you. Don't work too hard!!! Sent you a PM.

Icy, glad to hear from you, too!

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Hey Lynette, Car, IndioGirl, Auntie Phyl, Brandy, CC, Mango, and Frustrated!

Hope all is going well w/ya'll!!!!

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Hey everyone! I haven't been on in a while and I was reading back a couple pages. I saw that someone people were discussing the loud noises their stomachs make and possibly gas issues ... I just so happened to talk to my doctor about that today! Turns our the loud rumblings are just the digestion and they seem louder mostly because it's at the forefront of our minds. Also as far as the gas thing goes he told me I am having all the trouble because I am swallowing air. He said I need to concentrate on taking smaller sips. Just FYI and maybe TMI ;)

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Hey Lynette, Car, IndioGirl, Auntie Phyl, Brandy, CC, Mango, and Frustrated!

Hope all is going well w/ya'll!!!!

I'm hanging in there, eating a pretty good cross section of foods.

My surgeon hasn't even mentioned a fill to me yet, but with no real drive to eat, I'm not sure that I am ready yet.

Sunny, I've lost too many animal friends in recent years, cats, dogs and horses, and it doesn't get any easier. I still pine for Brittan Ruth who at the age of 13, passed on at least 4 years ago. It's ok to give in to the loss. I even get upset when one of our koi dies.

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Hey all,

Sunny, where you at girl, and how was your fill???

Chim, how you doing girlfriend?? Hanging in there until your fill?

On the preschool front, the ironic thing is that this is our public school system!!! This is a free preschool class for our children. Can you imagine what they would be asking him to do if I was paying for the schooling somewhere else!!!!!!!!!!

So tomorrow can't get here quick enough for me. I really just want it ovre with, and at this point have decided I wouldn't mind having him at home anothe year. It just opens up my mind to the things I can still teach him. Oh the possibilities!!

Dinne out was great tonight. I ate a 1/4 of a chicken club sandwich and 2 bites of coleslaw. I was satisfied, so I stopped. It's now about 2 1/2 hours post eating, and my tummy isn't even growling yet. I'm proud that I sit back and think before putting another bite into my mouth. I'm restricting my eating with out the bands help at this time. I think that's a great NSV for me!

Starting to get a little headache, so I think I'm going to head to bed early. G'night all, and have a wonderful evening.

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Goodevening everyone!!

I just got back from a dinner for my mom. She is 85 years old today. We went to a restaurant called John Harvards.......The food was great and both my sisters family and mine were there to Celebrate. I ordered a salad for the first time since the banding. It was so good. I missed salad (when I went for my pre-op, the PA said that I could try salad, but it might not agree with me, but this was HEAVEN!! I was able to eat it all (but it wasnt a big salad and it only had 4 thin slices of chicken breast on it. I estimate it to be around 2-3 oz. I was very satisfied with what I ordered. I think that my ranting and raving the other day was due to "Aunti Flo"--I am much calmer and more in control. I so crave salt when at that time......Feels better to be in control.

Hi--Chim, Lynette, Car, Indiogirl,Auntie Phyl, CC, Mango, Ssanskoffa, Frustrated, Dini---and everyone else I forgot......

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Hi all! Just online catching up on what I've missed as I didn't get to get completely caught up last night. I'm surprised that some people in July are already up to their 2nd fill. My first is this Friday and that's only because I moved it up from next Thursday, since I'm Vegas bound on Friday and don't want to be flying out if there are problems! I hope there won't be any. Still doing okay maintaining control on my own, but I have been more hungry the last few days, but of course, Flo is on her way this coming week, so maybe that's the problem. I keep losing slowly, but I can't complain. I'm really going through the clothes now and getting so many complements at work! And I haven't had any problem with burping, other than some very soft ones in the a.m. after my Breakfast shake. I'm real curious how things will feel after Friday....

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Yes, Lynette, I'm hanging in there. I'm trying to fend off this hunger the best way I know how. Congrats to you for listening to your body and stopping!!!! You are doing awesome! Keep up the great work.

Car, I'm glad you're doing so well. By 4 days post-op, my appetite returned...w/a vengeance! I can't wait till my first fill. I will find that out tomorrow at my 2nd post-op.

Only, How are you? That is too cool. My mom's b-day is today, too! Didn't get to spend time w/her b/c I'm here at work, but I will this weekend. Great job w/your meal, too!! Isn't awesome to be in control?

I am so proud of our group. Lucky 7's are the best!!!

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I went in for my first fill today. Man, I am a good eater, because I feel satisfied but not stuffed, and ceirtainly not sick.I got 7 ccs in my 10 cc band. I actually ate a plain roll for lunch today, I forgot that bread was supposed to make you sick, but not me. I felt just fine. So far I haven't come accross a single item that does not agree with my band( knock on wood). I will try steak tomorrow and see how that goes!

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I went in for my first fill today. Man, I am a good eater, because I feel satisfied but not stuffed, and ceirtainly not sick.I got 7 ccs in my 10 cc band. I actually ate a plain roll for lunch today, I forgot that bread was supposed to make you sick, but not me. I felt just fine. So far I haven't come accross a single item that does not agree with my band( knock on wood). I will try steak tomorrow and see how that goes!

Hey Caz! Congrats on your fill. That's awesome that your band isn't finicky! ;) Guess what? I can have steak tomorrow if I want, too! I'm getting moved to solids! YAY!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm back from fill #2! I now have a total of 1.8 cc's in my band. I am definitely feeling more restriction. Since it was a 6 hour drive back from the surgeon's office, we stopped at a restaurant in Memphis for lunch before heading back. I got a baked potato and cinnamon apples (supposed to be eating only soft foods for a couple of days). I ate the baked potato, but was only able to eat a few bites of the cinnamon apples before I was COMPLETELY full.

I have noticed that I have to eat really slowly, otherwise I am uncomfortable. I think the food displaces air in my stomach, and if I eat another bite before it comes up, it hurts. Soft bread is out of the question now, also. I tried to eat a roll with lunch, but only got a bite or two down before I decided that it wasn't worth the discomfort.

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Wow, I guess the group woke up!!! For the last few days, its been pretty slow on our thread. Then since I was on last night, I had 6 pages to go through. I love it!!!

Sunny, my deepest sympathies on the loss of your baby. I have a dog that I cannot imagine not being here, and 6 years ago my cat of 16 years died. It devastated me, and I still think of her all the time. Our pets are our children, especially when the house is less full. It must especially hurt given the unexpected and quick nature of her death. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Lynette, I've read the posts and discussions around the pre-school situation. I have to say I am horrified by your experience. At first I thought you had applied to an exclusive school, which would explain their selectionism style test. But for this to occur at a public school is just unbelievable. Public schools are supposed to be inclusionary, aka "all kids belong" type of attitude. Having said that, the main thing thing that bothers me is the expectations that they have for 3 year olds. As a mom of 2 speacial needs kids, my two have been tested up the ying yang. I know all about "age appropriate" skills. Believe me, printing your name, catching a ball, using scissors, etc. are not 3 year old skills. These are more appropriate for a 4-5 year old, but still not delayed prior to enterring grade 1. I know I'm in Canada, but our cirriculum is not that different. I know you will fret about this, but check the internet for age appropriate skills, and it will show you that Hunter is bang on normal. NOT delayed, and NOT a failure by anyones standards.

Jeanie, what's your take on Lynette's situation... as a teacher of 4 year olds, this is right up your alley. BTW, how did your fill go? And good luck tomorrow with school.

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Hey Lynette, Car, IndioGirl, Auntie Phyl, Brandy, CC, Mango, and Frustrated!

Hope all is going well w/ya'll!!!!

CHIM - doing GREAT today!!!!

13 miles walked & 2lbs gone since last Thrusday !!!!!

I have some restriction but could use a tad more - I am doing alot of this on my own - sometimes i am really hungry - but a BIG problem i am having at night is the HEAD HUNGER - I will be full from dinner but i still want to eat.... I think i use to spend alot of my time eating at night. Why do we want to eat/taste food when we are full?? I hate this... Some one really needs to develope a band for our heads !!!!! I really have to work at not eating after full - I know that once i have a fill that i will bp or slime - but i think i read that one of us did this without a fill.

I am REALLY happy today 2 lbs and 13 miles for a person who was a total couch potatoe/slug bug...

I'm hanging in there, eating a pretty good cross section of foods.

My surgeon hasn't even mentioned a fill to me yet, but with no real drive to eat, I'm not sure that I am ready yet.

Car - my Dr said as long as you are losing weight - why do a fill..

Hey all,

On the preschool front, the ironic thing is that this is our public school system!!! This is a free preschool class for our children. Can you imagine what they would be asking him to do if I was paying for the schooling somewhere else!!!!!!!!!! -

Dinne out was great tonight. I ate a 1/4 of a chicken club sandwich and 2 bites of coleslaw. I was satisfied, so I stopped. It's now about 2 1/2 hours post eating, and my tummy isn't even growling yet. I'm proud that I sit back and think before putting another bite into my mouth. I'm restricting my eating with out the bands help at this time. I think that's a great NSV for me!

Lynette - Saying it again this testing for pre-schoolers is ridiculous !!!

Congrats on this NSV :clap2:

Goodevening everyone!!

I just got back from a dinner for my mom. She is 85 years old today. We went to a restaurant called John Harvards.......The food was great and both my sisters family and mine were there to Celebrate. I ordered a salad for the first time since the banding. It was so good. I missed salad (when I went for my pre-op, the PA said that I could try salad, but it might not agree with me, but this was HEAVEN!! I was able to eat it all (but it wasnt a big salad and it only had 4 thin slices of chicken breast on it. I estimate it to be around 2-3 oz. I was very satisfied with what I ordered. I think that my ranting and raving the other day was due to "Aunti Flo"--I am much calmer and more in control. I so crave salt when at that time......Feels better to be in control.


ONLY - I am able to eat salads too but again - don't have a fill yet - I can eat everything - I have had english muffin but that's it in the bread dept. I have brown rice 1/2 for dinner w/my fish - no probs. I am lucky no more aunt flo's or cousins visit any more...

Sunny - How are you doing gf??? Just thinking about your loss makes me cry - I'm sending more hugs your way:girl_hug::).. I sincerely hope that you are doing better each day...

Shout Outs to Kathybad - Jeanie, Marcy - Dini - AuntiePhyl - Brandy- CC-Mango -Frustrated -cazulay - Laurend - silntwhispers

and all the lucky 7 gang

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Indio- I haven't tried rice yet, I am making fish for dinner for myself. Maybe I will attempt some brown rice also...thanks for the suggestion.

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Hello all.

Well, today went much better at Hunters evaluation. In fact, the lady told me today that his motor skills are just fine, and his social skills are out of this world. She scored the test and came back to tell me he was actually 2 points OVER for his age, which wouldn't qualify him??? But she said she would take another look at it, and change some things slightly because she thinks he's just awesome, and will help the other kids in the speech area since he talks a lot. And to think about a year and a half a go we thought he'd never talk!!!!!!!!!! So it looks like he'll be starting preschool in about a month. I'm so excited for him, and he's so anxious to ride the bus to school. I'll have to take some time off work so I don't miss the first day of school!!!!!!!!!

Cazulay, I'm so jealous, they told me not to try salads until week 8, so on Monday, I'll be eating salads!!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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