Kathybad 0 Posted August 21, 2007 Welcome Imfine and Car. Anna, I love the Fall too. It's my favourite season. I really like the cold, crisp days and wood fires at night. The only thing I don't like is knowing winter follows Fall. Anna, as for your new addiction, Sex, count me in. That's the best replacement addiction around. I can also personally say that it gets better as the weight comes off. Spring of 2006 I weighed 75 lbs less than I do now (yes, I know... lost it fast, gained it back faster). And believe me, as the pounds dropped the sex drive went up and the enjoyment was amazing. I'm looking forward to that . Lynette, I bet you'll have more success training Hunter than I will training Sarah. She wants to go on the potty... every freeking second, but just doesn't do much... kind of hit and miss. Drives me insane. I'm just about ready to say "NO PEE" and let her go in the diaper. I don't remember Jesse being this difficult! I had a really good day today. I went back to work after being off for two weeks. My co-workers missed me, and better yet, my boss missed me. She looked pretty run down and told me that she knew I did a lot for her, but she didn't realize how much until the last few weeks. It's nice to know the place doesn't function as well without you (job security). I also had a few people say I look really good "well rested" "have you lost weight". That was fun!!! Remember, I've only told 2 people at work and they are sworn to secrecy (one is my boss and the other is my employee). I said many times the last little while that I have no restriction. But I think I actually do. Although I've had no trouble with lots of different foods, and haven't had any sliming or PB expriences, I do notice I'm eating about 1/3 to 1/2 what I was before. I know I'm still eating more than I should because it's no where near 1/2 cup (lots more), but it is certainly less than pre-op. So I'm feeling better about that. My weight is also creeping downwards. I've read where a lot of us are following the drs diet suggestions, which is great. But I think we should be questioning the information over the long term. Certainly right now its best to follow their instructions, as it is a healing diet. But unless the diet is coming from a dietician, and can be modified to you, the surgeons are really not trained in weight loss nutrition. They are experts at surgery, not nutrition. I just caution everyone on this thought. I know my dr's office has a dietician, who I will be consulting, but I also plan to consult other dietary specialists for nutrition advice. Since I've got Type 2 diabetes, I want to follow the GI Diet methodology, which is really healthy. This is something that can be followed for life and will give slow & steady weight loss. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lynette617 0 Posted August 21, 2007 Kathy, I know what you mean on the potty thing. About 3 months ago, all of a sudden Hunter started going on the potty, EVERY 5 MINUTES. I was sure my Water bill would double just from him flushing. It got old after a few days, and he reveted back to the diaper on his own. I was just so excited to see him on the potty, I let him go hoping that was going to be it, but alas, we're still working on it. Glad to hear you had a great day back at work. Only4me, hang in there. This too shall pass. G'nite all, it's my bed time!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
janiee 0 Posted August 21, 2007 Hi Lucky # Sevens!! I am so excited because I am getting my first fill thursday!! I really need to feel some restriction. Excited but a little scared because I hate needles:faint: I will let you all know how it went:) XOXO Janie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marcyinak 0 Posted August 21, 2007 janiee - my doc used a pretty small needle and I swear I didn't feel it at all! Heck, you went through surgery, you can deal with a little stick! only4me - of course you're hungry...that Soup just fills the whole stomach, not just the pouch - runs right through it. Try adding some Protein Powder to the soup to thicken it up a bit. You should be moving into regular food soon...my opinion is that we should be eating normally for at least a week before a fill...have some green tea - it will help with the appetite. Good luck, sister! It's been 9 hrs and I'm still full from the quasadilla from lunch! This is goooood! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
peaches9 3 Posted August 21, 2007 Hi everyone; I've been away on vacation up north(Canada) and have been trying to read the last 2 wks worth of posts.... EXHAUSTING... Do you guys ever sleep>????? LOL Iread about the 'poopy' problem. Oh yeah, at the beginning(liquid) stages it was aweful, didn't think I'd ever be 'normal' again. But as I introduced solids everything started to work out fine... :-D Eating almost like a horse right now! I hate it!!! My fill is in 6 days and I am REALLY looking forward to restriction. My Volumes of food have probably not been Pre-op high, but definetly I have not made all the best food choices... I had french fries and Fish while up at the lake ... but those days will be over shortly right? Otherwise I feel really good. Question: does any one notice that their Stomach is making a lot more "noise" than it ever did before??? A couple hours after a meal, although I am not feeling hunger pangs yet, I get this RUMBLING like I havn't eaten food in days???? I don't have the burping problem some speak of. Weird? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lynette617 0 Posted August 21, 2007 peaches, I get the rumbling too. I use it to signal my meals. Hope you had a great vacation. So I took Hunte to his preschool evalution today. He passed in social skills, but failed in Motor skills. So we go back on Thursday to re-test. I'm feeling kind of down over it, so we have 2 days to work on it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kristin07 0 Posted August 21, 2007 Does anyone know why we get the burping thing? It gets annoying! LoL And yes... the rumbling in the tummy is very loud! LoL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lynette617 0 Posted August 21, 2007 Can anyone tell we're all back to work!!! Slow day around here. Kristin, maybe from drinking too fast, or eating too fast. Not for sure, but I do it too, but not often. Maybe the food isn't getting through, and when we burp it releases an air pocket that has formed, and then the food can go down. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lindaa 1 Posted August 21, 2007 Lynette, I'm sorry about Hunter "failing" at motor skills? I never heard of such a thing! I guess I'm getting really old because my kids didn't have to take tests to get into preschool! Did they give you any suggestions or tell you what he needed to be able to do to pass the "test." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kathybad 0 Posted August 21, 2007 Yes, I get the rumbling too and the burping. It's funny, I know when my stomach rumbles I am hungry, but for how loud it is, I would expect to be ravenous, but I'm usually just starting to be hungry. I guess it will be my little trainer to help me recognize hunger. The burping usually happens when I've finished eating. I kind of welcome it, as it makes room in my stomach. It certainly provides good entertainment for the family! They are loud and long! LOL. Lynette, you really can tell people are now back to work and getting on with their lives. Now that we're all banded and over the initial fright of the surgery, the misery of the pre and post op diets, we are just rolling with the punches so to say. Peaches, 6 days to your first fill!!! That means 20 days until mine!!! Hope your holiday was good. Today was NOT a Jellyfish day!!:biggrin1: Talk to everyone later. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lynette617 0 Posted August 21, 2007 lindaa, they didn't really give me any sugestions, although they told me they sould check to see if he can go up and down stairs with alternating feet, or if he could kick a ball. This was the moror skills he failed. Cutting with scissors- My child is 3 and he has never held a pair of scissors, so he doesn't know how to cut. They tossed him a bean bag, and he didn't catch it. We've always rolled balls inside the hose, and he throws then outside, but he's not able to catch yet. He didn't know how to twiddle his thumbs. I've not taught him that. But what mother would, and would let their son play with scissors. He has to sort blocks with shapes on them into piles and then stack them. He just stated stacking them and pushed them over. He couldn't draw the shapes although he new them, and he could not write his name. To me, if he can't do these things, wouldn't you think these would be things he could learn in preschool. DUH!!!!!!!! What's school for, to learn. I'm beginning to feel like we failed him. I've concentrated so much on the ABC, and 123 of learning, that I forgot to teach him how to cut with scissore and catch a bean bag. I can say he did very good at social skills, getting dressed by himself, brushing his teeth, washing his hands by himself. I don't know what difference Thursday will make for him, because I'm sure they give him different tests, so we'll see. I just hate fo him to fall behind this early. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sarujah 0 Posted August 21, 2007 Hi there,... I had my first fill this Saturday, they filled 1.75cc... I don't know how wise was that... I still can't manage to eat or drink... the pain is driving me crazy.... I tried to eat a slice of peach now, and I tell you I am waiting desperatly for the burp, it might loosen the pain in my stomach... pls. help me, today I even had the idea of going back to liquids, but the problem is that you can't drink liquid as we could before the fill..... it is TUFF.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lynette617 0 Posted August 21, 2007 Maria, don't wait too long. You may need a slight unfill. You need to get things passed for nutrition. I'd give it another day, but no longer if you're in pain I'd go. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sunshine6855 0 Posted August 21, 2007 Hi y'all. I have been out of town and know I have missed alot. If I get a chance I will go back and read messages. Let me know if there is anything I should know about. I have had the most sh*tty day today. First, I went to the doc for my first fill. He does them in the office and has never had any problems accessing a port....until today. He could not access mine. He numbed me up so it didn't hurt but he stuck and stuck and could not access it. I am a little sore tonight. He scheduled me to do it under fluro tomorrow. Then the most awful thing happend. I am so upset. The guys came today and are putting in my new flooring...Pergo. I go back to work after being a human pin cushion and get a call from the installer. My mom gets on the phone (she's 82) and tells me Daisy, my chihauhau was very sick looking and breathing funny. I talk to Ryan, the installer and he said she was lying her side. She could not walk. When she tried she was dragging her back legs. So I made arrangements to go home. I called back 2 minutes later and he said she was looking very bad and he felt she way dying. I got out to my car and call to let them know I was on my way and he said she was dead. He said she had some frothy blood around her mouth. The whole thing took like 10 minutes. Its very hot here and I had her out on the deck. I thought I had killed her with heat. I called my brother, who is a veterinarian in Greenville and told him the symptoms. He said it sounded like a pulmonary embolus, blood clot to the lungs. He said it just happens sometimes and there is nothing you can do. I asked if the heat had killed her. He reassured me that she did not overheat on my deck in the shade. He said from the symptoms of back leg paralyis and frothy bloody sputum it was classic pulmonary embolism and there was nothing even he could have done even if she had been in his office. That made me feel slightly better, at least not like a murderer. You have to understand with my kids out and on their own, Daisy was my baby. She even had her own pillow she slept on my bed. I have another dog, Rocky, a shitzu that was my daughter's and she left him here when she moved out so he would not be lonely without Daisy. He is a lot of comfort. I know this may sound ridiculous to some but my Daisy was like a member of my family. I am so depressed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IMFine 0 Posted August 21, 2007 Yes, Sunny, you did have a sh*tty day. And the bad fill at the doc's office was just a bump in the road. I'm so sorry to hear about Daisy. I know how pets are members of the family, and you mourn their loss as you would a human. Accept that you will grieve and find comfort in your family, including Rocky. Time will pass and you will move on. Daisy will always be with you. Happy memories of her will make you smile at the oddest moments. I like to think of those moments as times when our departed family members are thinking of us too. Strange, but it helps me. Cherish those memories. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites