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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I have had that tightness and I think it is because I don't chew as well as I should and eat faster than I should. My doctor only allows 3 meals a day no Snacks. I have noticed too that if I drink or eat too fast sometimes I get hiccups. I am ready for a fill. I have felt that this past week my appetite has returned. I am still having pain at my port incision and attachment area so want to make sure it is healed before he sticks a needle in that area. Only 11 days till my first fill. Monday will be one month post surgery.

Yeah, I get those hiccups too! Actually, they aren't anything anyone would notice, but a small one and I KNOW I am done! Kind of strange! Wondering if that will be more pronounced once I get my fill!! Probably will be, huh?;)

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Yes, I told him a week ago. He was thrilled. I created a powerpoint presentation using photos from the resorts website. The presentation took him through the itinerary and snapshots of the resort. The final slide told him how I had arranged for babysitting.

I then reminded him that I had 3 other business trips this fall that I had to go on. He said "Yeah, I know... but I'm going to Palm Springs Baby!"

Kathy, How cute!!!! Awesome! You two will have a wonderful trip!!! I am sooooo happy for you!!!:whoo:

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Hi everyone, I caught up on the posts - Lynette, congrats!! So many other thughts- was it Auntie Phil that has the Soup stealing husband? so sorry!! It is kind of a funny story (when I picture it, the husband thinking he's so sneaky, slurping away at hot soup) except that I would have burst into tears at the time!! Don't let it get you down! I think our husbands really just want us to succeed and they don't mean harm, maybe....?

I have to excercise! All of you are so diligent and I will get it together on that front. I usually have a trainer I see twice a week. It kills me not to go in but I was supposed to wait 30 (now that seems long???) days to do more than walking. I will probably get more motivated to excercise on my own when I restart with him.

My good news: We have been traveling. East Coast, Midwest and Colorado mountains with only a day or so in between at home. I was SOOOOOOO afraid to get on the scale, but decided to be honest with myself so I won't let anything get out of hand. I thought I would have gained at least 5 lbs. (eating out, etc.) I am about the same!!!!! I weighed tonight and I ususally weigh in the morning, so I may even end up down a half pound or so. Amazing!! I guess I really didn't eat too much, although in Colorado it sure felt like it. I do think the altitude change made my band (the new one that comes with a bit of a fill when they put it in) a bit tighter and I would almost feel sick stuffed when I ate...which leads to a question:

Question: I have a fear! I don't want to need to "feel full" and I don't want to "be stuffed." Thats how I got overweight. I want that "need" to go away! I want to truly only eat enough to get by, but now the band gets me to eat less BUT gives me the full feeling that actually fills an unhealthy need for me!!! A friend who had Gastric by-pass a few years ago told me that at about 9 months she felt that her "demons" (food issues) went mostly away. Do you all think this is possible??

Thanks, CC

I don't know if it's true or not, but it would be great if the food demons DID fade away!!!! There in full force now!


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We sure do - :clap2:

I could never to caluicis (can't even spell it)

I am like you Jeannie the psychology & sociology intrigues me.. I want to take classes when I retire.

IndioGirl, Nah, none of that for me! Not sure who else posted that, but I am much more of an "Everyday, Common Knowledge" Person, lol! Hence, teaching the 4 year olds, even they stump me sometimes, lol!!!! ;)

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Jeanie--You have given me hope, because there are some days where I feel like it is nothing but disagreements, and an soon as I am finished with one, I turn around and someone else is coming at me with something else. I have always let them speak their mind, because when I was a child, I was never allowed to have an opinion. But sometimes I wonder if I have created my own situation, but I do know that they will always speak up for what they feel is their rights.

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Not sure, NewCC, but certainly hope we lose those "food demons!" I like how food "tastes!" I don't eat to survive, but rather for enjoyment and pleasure! I so have to lose that mindset!!!! WE are all in that one together!

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Jeanie--You have given me hope, because there are some days where I feel like it is nothing but disagreements, and an soon as I am finished with one, I turn around and someone else is coming at me with something else. I have always let them speak their mind, because when I was a child, I was never allowed to have an opinion. But sometimes I wonder if I have created my own situation, but I do know that they will always speak up for what they feel is their rights.

I am sure you did a wonderful job! Loving them is tough, but full of rewards! Some day they will understand just how difficult it was all those years and look back and "admire" the way we handled it!!! At least, that is what I am hoping for, lol! It is a shame that there are soooo many things in the world that we have to anticipate and prepare them for! It's a shame that the world can be such a nasty place to grow up in!;)

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Good morning Lucky 7's!!

dmtjet, other than the pancake incident, I've had no other problems with food getting stuck. I'm supposed to eat every 3 hours, and I do for the most part. Sometimes I can go longer and do, but my stomache growls about 2 1/2 hours after eating. If it doesn't, then I don't eat again. I'm trying to get used to listening to my body, and giving it what it wants, when it wants it, and not before.

On another note, Hunter has his preschool evaluation on Tuesday. I really hope he decides to start going on the potty. He can do it, he just doesn't want to. I'm about ready to let him run naked in the house today so he has to run into the bathroom,LOL.

Kathy, I bet he was suprised about the presentation you gave him. I love his remark!! Palm Springs, Baby!!!

NewCC, sounds like you did well with traveling and eating. Way to go.

Only4me, how you doing? Sounds like you have your hands full.

lornajh, I'm with you on the food demons. It will be great not to think about food all the time anymore.

Well, I got on my insurance website yesterday, and they've already sent the payment to the hospital for my bill, so my refund should be coming this week, hopefully!!!

I go to the physicologist tomorrow for my post op appointment. Anyone else seeing the physicologist post surgery? I think it good to stay on track. I've already seen the dietician, and she told me I didn't have to see her again, unless I wanted to, but if it helps keep me on track, then I think it's great to utilize them. Besides, they are free with my program fee I've already paid.

Seems my food demons are starting to subside for me. I don't crave sweets like I used to, and I'm trying to stay away from carbs, but still adding a few each day. I'm getting tired of scrambled eggs for Breakfast. Anyone else having a high Protein Breakfast that is not a shake or have a lot of carbs in it??? I've been eating turkey bacon with my eggs. I'm still eating the bacon, minus the eggs. This morning I had it with a SF pudding. Maybe I'll make the breakfast casserole.

Excercising is ok, not where I want it to be, but I'm getting there. Can't wait for the fall weather to begin. So much nicer to walk outside.

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Question: I have a fear! I don't want to need to "feel full" and I don't want to "be stuffed." Thats how I got overweight. I want that "need" to go away! I want to truly only eat enough to get by, but now the band gets me to eat less BUT gives me the full feeling that actually fills an unhealthy need for me!!! A friend who had Gastric by-pass a few years ago told me that at about 9 months she felt that her "demons" (food issues) went mostly away. Do you all think this is possible??

Thanks, CC

I think I have the same fear. At the moment I'm eating a cup to a cup and a half. I don't get that full feeling. I'm not even sure I have that satisfied feeling very often. But I've experienced sliming once and I know that comes from overeating. I don't want to experience that again. I can see now why this band is described as a tool. I know if I eat too much, it will trigger a sliming incident and that alone stops me.

I think I'm close to bandster hell at times. I'll eat my measured amount and sometimes wish I could eat more because I've enjoyed it so much. Old (and bad) habits resurface and I think I trick my mind into believing I'm still hungry because I'd still like more. Wanting more is different to being hungry. Just because I want more, doesn't mean I should have more. It makes total sense when I say it or type it out, but my old brain hasn't gotten with the program yet! Stoooopid brain! lol

But yes, I think with time our old demons will get tired of us if we ignore their bad messages and go away.

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Lynette-on a good day I have my hands full, on a bad day, I'm up to my neck.....But my faith really helps me through the bad days. I really shouldn't say "Bad Days"- having kids at any age I have found very challenging. When they are younger its more physical when their older its more mental. But when you see them start to make good choices and go in the right direction, you cant help but feel that all of the struggles are worth it.>>>>>>>>>>I think its great that you have post ops with the dietitian and physcologist. I don't have that. That would be great to bring up changing our relationship with food. By the way....I have been eating eggs all week long. But after the chocolate shake for so many weeks, I am loving the eggs still.......but I am sure I will get sick of them soon.

Kathy- very creative with the power point presentation- I would love to get away with just me and my husband. We are trying to look into something in the fall....FALL IS MY FAVORITE SEASON!!!!!

I went to a Birthday party yesterday for a good friend. It was catered, and I have to tell you, there were so many dishes, but I was so limited to what I could eat. Im still on mushies, but there really wasnt anything to fit into that categorie, I had to pick what I thought was soft and that I could handle. I ended up with roasted potatoes, a stuffed mushroom, and one chicken nugget, and melon. I didnt want to push it, so I stopped at that......The desert came.......I broke down and had 2 fork fulls of death by chocolate (I weeded out the cake parts and ate mostly the pudding and whipped cream). I have to say- it was probably my most un-nutritious day thus far. But I did feel good that I didnt go crazy.....Because I could have. I definatly was hungry and didnt feel I ate enough, but the quality of what I had made me stop.

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On the food demon thing - thanks! When I read that we all want them to go away and then take in your entire posts - I can see it in others - they will start to go away. Maybe they are already going, a little with the decision to go ahead with the surgery, a little with the surgery, a little more as we did liquids, mushies..., We've proven to ourselves that we really want to be healthier and that alone should start to reshape our thinking. Off to Church! Thanks again girls~ CC

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As far as food demons for me...I know that eating until I am satisfied is a hard concept. Im not really sure what that feels like. I really have to sit there and think....Am I satisfied yet?... I am really having a hard time judging that...To me satisfied was when I was full. This new satisfied is a very grey area for me. I am just eating what a serving size is for me right now (between a 1/2 and one Cup)--but I really feel like I could still eat. So if I feel like I could still eat, does that mean I am satisified?

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IndioGirl, Nah, none of that for me! Not sure who else posted that, but I am much more of an "Everyday, Common Knowledge" Person, lol! Hence, teaching the 4 year olds, even they stump me sometimes, lol!!!! ;)

Jeanie - Teaching takes a specia talent even if its 4 yr olds. We all have that one teacher or if we are lucky a few that made a difference in our lives - I remember my nursery school teacher (that's what they use to call it in the old days:o) Kindergarden, 1st grade (got my had slapped with a ruler for kissing a boy - who is now gay :) - wonder if that kiss did it :lol:) 7th grade & High School - I was very lucky to have some great teachers in my life. But I do love to think of all the possibilities - my gf hubby and i have great debates -

Good morning Lucky 7's!!

On another note, Hunter has his preschool evaluation on Tuesday. I really hope he decides to start going on the potty. He can do it, he just doesn't want to. I'm about ready to let him run naked in the house today so he has to run into the bathroom,LOL.

Lynette - this is how I got my son potty train - had the potty chair in the family room and the minute he started to pee i put the chair under him and after that no problems - he was 2. i also had him sit on the grown up toliet backwards - facing the wall - it helped with the not falling in part - and that's they way boys face anyway. Good Luck !!!

I......I broke down and had 2 fork fulls of death by chocolate (I weeded out the cake parts and ate mostly the pudding and whipped cream). I.

Only - 2 bites of cake :clap2: - just think in the old days you would have had the whole piece if not more :biggrin1:. I went to a wedding a couple of weeks ago and had 2 bites of the cake - lemon w/frosting - oh it was good.

On the subject - food DEMONS

IMHO - I don't think that those demons ever go away, i think the band helps control them - but they will always be lurking in the background of our brains - and will spring up at anytime.

I have read post from some oldtime banders and they seem to still have to work on making the right decisions. Heck even skinny people eat too much sometimes also they eat cake, ice cream, Cookies, chips just a little not like we do - they stop at 1 or 2 where with me it was 6 - 8.

I find that once you are off sugar you don't crave it as much. I have been happy w/my sf puddings - the only thing i really have been wanting is a brownie or piece of cake - I have an ice cream cake in the outside freezer - i think about it - but as long as i don't take that 1st bite - i am ok - if i take that 1st bite then i will be a goner -

Also, I can be full but still want to eat cuz it taste good - that's always been my problem.. Now I get full on a sandwich plate size meal instead of 2 large dinner plates - but sometimes i still want to eat... This is the food demon i am battleing -

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Oh my gosh I am so excited I have lost another 1lb that puts me at 15 lbs lost. Yeah!! We had our 1st annual block party last night. There were Desserts and chips and dips everywhere. I was suprised I was not the least interested in any of it. I could barely finish my hamburger patty. Afterwards we went over to my next door neighbors house to check out there new nintindo Wii and oh my was it fun. We did tennis and boxing and oh what a workout it was like going to an aerobics class. We are definetly getting one it is fun and Great exercise. The only thing is I have asthma and I will probably be needing my inhalor before because it did aggravate it a little. ha ha

PS: I accidently posted ( is that a word) this to the wrong thread so I had to copy and paste it back to this one. HE HE

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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