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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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hi Lynette617.

Eventhough I'm only 2 days out, I have a feeling that I'm gonna end up not being able to finish my food as well. Today I was stuffed off of a bomb pop...you know the skinny red, white and blue popscicles? Hey, at least food won't be so expensive anymore, lol

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I'm back home and I am Banded:clap2:

Everything went very smooth. I am sore and have some shoulder pain but not too bad. I find moving around often is important to mitigate the soreness and stiffness.

The only problem I had was urinating after surgery. Apparently after I was asleep a catheter was installed and removed before I woke up. It left the urinary track swollen and sore. I kept trying to go and it was like passing razor blades. The nurse gave me a time limit to empty my bladder after which if it was not empty she would have to insert a catheter. Now if it is swollen so tight it would not pass urine and felt full of razer blades ...well it got my blood pressure up. Luckily just as my time was up things began to flow - very painfully - but flow non the less. I have never been so happy to pee. So was the nurse. Had it not worked out I think even as sore as I was I could have out run that nurse:car:

Speaking of the nurses, they were OUTSTANDING at Centennial. I felt so well cared for. It was obvious nursing was their calling and not just a job.

I was amazed that after 1/2 my broth (with Protein mix) I felt full.

Keep those recipes coming. I can't wait to try some when I am ready. My DW (gastric bypass 2002) has been so helpful, she is a saint.

Glade to read everyone seems to be doing so well not withstanding over doing it a bit.

Thanks to all for your shared experiences which allow me to go through this with much more confidence.

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Hi! I got my band in Mexico with Dr, Zapata on the 27th of July. I am real glad to be home and i am doing fine. Have lost seven pounds so far. I am a little weak still. Donna

Congrats Donna, on both your banding and your wt loss! Just take it easy and it gets better day by day. Sip, walk, and rest. That's the name of the game!

Good afternoon! Today is post-op day 1 and I'm sore, but feeling ok, the gas buildup in my shoulders is almost gone, it was unconfortable, but after doing a lot of walking it was nice to not have it be so evident!!


Welcome to all the new bansters......


Caolin, sounds like you're doing really well! Yes, the walking works wonders. And yes, the Tomato Soup was my first glorious moment post-op! LOL! It tasted sooooo good!


I did soupy mash potatoes (make them the same as your cream of wheat) - i just made the instant more like a Soup than mash consistancy.. I used just all skim milk and no Water to bring up the Protein and added 1/2 tespn of butter lots of pepper and salt.

Try it - you will like it and I have beed allowed sf pudding since day one. I don't like Jello so I can't do that.


IndioGirl, of course you're doing well! No question about that. I want some of those mashed potatoes, but don't have any at home. I'm doing my mushy shopping tomorrow. I, too, hate jello, pudding, and yogurt, so I'm pretty limited on this liquids deal. I don't care for Cream of Wheat, either, but I have to eat s'thing, right???

Mushies are getting closer and closer!!!

I'm back home and I am Banded:clap2:

Everything went very smooth. I am sore and have some shoulder pain but not too bad. I find moving around often is important to mitigate the soreness and stiffness.


Chris, we are so glad you're back!!! You are on the Loser's Bench w/us now! Sorry 'bout that catheter bit. Sounds a bit painful. :cry And yes, the moving definitely helps ward off more pain. Weird, huh?

Sounds like you had a wonderful hospital experience, too. That makes a huge difference, as well!

We are so happy that we were able to help make your journey a little easier!

Hey to Lynette, Dini, Sunny, Jeannie, Kathy, Marcy, and everyone else that I can't think of right now!

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Glad to hear everybody is doing great.

As I was dreading, DH called me from work today all sweet and asking me to cook dinner for him. Ah! It was painful, cooking food that smelled soooooo good and not being able to taste it. I can't wait to get to solid foods, I know I am repeating myself here, but typing it is the only way to keep me sane during these moments of extreme temptation! Thanks you all for "listening."

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Hi all! I'm just sitting here on the couch with my DH catching up on everyone's posts. I've also been on a plateau for five days, but the scale finally moved, a little, today. Weight loss slowed down when I went to the mushy stage, although I still haven't consumed over 800 calories a day so far. I'm not really very hungry.

I'm eating three meals, but just a shake for Breakfast. No snacks! And drinking all my fluids. I think during this stage we just have to control ourselves. My Dr believes in three small meals, with no Snacks in between. And no fluids with meals or 1/2 hour before or after.

I'm also exercising, either walking or riding an exercise bike regularly. And of course working all day long.

My port site is still very sore, not from the incision, but from the fact that the port is sewed into the muscle wall and so it feels like it is being pulled when you move, etc.

I'm eating minced meats (instead of mushy pureed meats), but I'm chewing well and it seems to be working fine. Only eating a few ounces of meat. Have also been eating mashed potatoes, probably more than I should, but there aren't many mushy type foods I like. And certainly none without carbs.

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hi Lynette617.

Eventhough I'm only 2 days out, I have a feeling that I'm gonna end up not being able to finish my food as well. Today I was stuffed off of a bomb pop...you know the skinny red, white and blue popscicles? Hey, at least food won't be so expensive anymore, lol

ssankofa73- great to hear you are doing so well. Don't you love that full feeling?

I'm back home and I am Banded:clap2:

Everything went very smooth. I am sore and have some shoulder pain but not too bad. I find moving around often is important to mitigate the soreness and stiffness.

The only problem I had was urinating after surgery. Apparently after I was asleep a catheter was installed and removed before I woke up. It left the urinary track swollen and sore. I kept trying to go and it was like passing razor blades. The nurse gave me a time limit to empty my bladder after which if it was not empty she would have to insert a catheter. Now if it is swollen so tight it would not pass urine and felt full of razer blades ...well it got my blood pressure up. Luckily just as my time was up things began to flow - very painfully - but flow non the less. I have never been so happy to pee. So was the nurse. Had it not worked out I think even as sore as I was I could have out run that nurse:car:

Speaking of the nurses, they were OUTSTANDING at Centennial. I felt so well cared for. It was obvious nursing was their calling and not just a job.

I was amazed that after 1/2 my broth (with Protein mix) I felt full.

Keep those recipes coming. I can't wait to try some when I am ready. My DW (gastric bypass 2002) has been so helpful, she is a saint.

Glade to read everyone seems to be doing so well not withstanding over doing it a bit.

Thanks to all for your shared experiences which allow me to go through this with much more confidence.

chris- wonderful to hear you are doing so well. Sorry to hear about your painful catheter experience. I had a catheter inserted after I ws asleep but they kept mine in until the next day right before I came home. Not a comfortable thing.

Glad to hear everybody is doing great.

As I was dreading, DH called me from work today all sweet and asking me to cook dinner for him. Ah! It was painful, cooking food that smelled soooooo good and not being able to taste it. I can't wait to get to solid foods, I know I am repeating myself here, but typing it is the only way to keep me sane during these moments of extreme temptation! Thanks you all for "listening."

cazulay- I know what you mean. I didn't cook for my family tonight. I took my daughter to subway to get the three of them food and that was a mistake. I was sooooo hungry. I have been on Clear Liquids since July 9 and while we were there I bought a childs size sauce cup full of tuna. I brought it home and took 2 tablesppons out and added fat free mayo to that and then ate a couple VERY small bites. I was so afraid to swallow it!! This is my second 'cheat ' in a month. :faint: I ate a small square of Ms Gordons fish 4 days into the liquids before surgery and now tonight. I want food. Not this damn liquid stuff. I understand there reasoning for the whole liquid diet thing but my gosh a month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, I just got a 'taste' and I was fine. The craving was over. Didn't even finish the 2 tablespoons because I am so afraid of hurting my band. I know every doctor is different I just can't wait to start the mushy stage.

chim- I am soooooo jealous of you!!! you get to start mushies already tomorrow and I was banded before and still can't start them until Monday. LOL Eat something for me PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha

Jeanie-hope you enjoyed the motorcycle ride. My DH always wants me to ride with him also but I have this fear that I am to heavy and will make his bike 'bottom out' over bumps. LOL Maybe when I lose some of this I will get back on again. Used to ride all the time.

I made my 10,000 steps according to my pedometer and I burned 438 calories. That is wonderful considering I only took in 380 calories. I have not been getting much over 400-500 calories a day. I still feel great though but having a hard time getting my protein in. I was drinking the boost breeze but I just can't stand that stuff since surgery. It is just WAY to sweet for me now. I am mixing my beneprotein in with my drinks and getting protein that way.

To everyone else that I did not forget but did not mention hope you are doing well.

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hi Lynette617.

Eventhough I'm only 2 days out, I have a feeling that I'm gonna end up not being able to finish my food as well. Today I was stuffed off of a bomb pop...you know the skinny red, white and blue popscicles? Hey, at least food won't be so expensive anymore, lol

Welcome SSankofa73! Welcome to Bandland and the Lucky 7's! How are you doing so far? And yes, I can't wait to buy new clothes w/the $ I save from food! LOL!

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Jeanie: Hi sis. Hope your evening's going well. I signed on and missed you :).

Chris: Congrats and welcome to bandland. Glad your stay in the hospital was good (except the cath exp.). Hope your next few days at home go well. I'm day 6 post op and feel great now.

Chim: Mushies tomorrow!!! Lucky you!

Ssankofa73: Welcome to the lucky 7's. Glad to have you here.

Sunny: I keep missing you today!

Lynette: Now that your computer's fixed, I still haven't seen you much. I know, you're all healed, filled and not :ranger: anymore! You've got a life! LOL. Take care!

Dini: Where oh where is our Dini girl?

Everyone else, hope you're well. Any questions of the day circulating?

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Jackie, sorry I forgot you in my note above. CONGRATULATIONS!!! 10,000 steps today. You did it!:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

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Ok, I thought of a question for today. This is a bit recycled, but when it was asked a few weeks ago, many of our newest members weren't here and most of us weren't banded. So, for those of us suffering with REAL HUNGER, and those of you who have plateaued waiting for your first fill... let's restate what we are looking forward to as we and when we lose weight... could be motivational.

My list

Fitting into an airplane seat comfortably

Not always so concerned about food when at a party

Shopping in a normal sized clothing store

Running & catching my kids

Climbing up & down stairs without pain in my knees

Wearing shorts that don't ride up while walking

sleeping better


How about the rest of you?

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Ok, I thought of a question for today. This is a bit recycled, but when it was asked a few weeks ago, many of our newest members weren't here and most of us weren't banded. So, for those of us suffering with REAL HUNGER, and those of you who have plateaued waiting for your first fill... let's restate what we are looking forward to as we and when we lose weight... could be motivational.

My list

Fitting into an airplane seat comfortably

Not always so concerned about food when at a party

Shopping in a normal sized clothing store

Running & catching my kids

Climbing up & down stairs without pain in my knees

Wearing shorts that don't ride up while walking

sleeping better


How about the rest of you?

Thank you Kathy!!!!!!!! I need some motivation.

Here is my list:

- sleep better

- Have more energy for my kids at school

- To fit in airplane comfortably

- To shop at normal stores and take advantage of all those fabulous discounts

- Not be embrassed to look in the mirror

- Not be so self-concious all the time

- When I go somewhere, not having to worry if there is somebody fatter than me ( and saying silently Thank God I am not the fattest person here)

- Cross my legs

- Be able to exercise longer/harder

- Being happy with whom I am and the choices I make

- Better sex

- More energy overall

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Hey y'all. Sorry to be MIA this evening. My docs support group met tonight. A dietician talked about portions and reminded us bandsters that we should be only eating 1/2 to 1 cup food total per meal 3 times day. If you can eat more than that and get hungry between meals, you need a fill. Nice to know since my doc won't do the first fill until at least 4 weeks post op.

Everyone is doing so well with what they are eating and exercising. This is such a great group for support. All of the bandsters in the support group tonight had done really well with weight loss. They all said the loss slowed down with intro of mushies but they have maintained a 1-2 lb loss ongoing. That's inspiring to me. I mean, 2 lb week is 100 lb year.

I am glad everyone is healing without problems. I won't go into names now cause I can't remember who wrote what on the messages I just read. Welcome to the newbies. This is a wonderful group. I have a doc appt early tomorrow so I will go to bed early.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Congrats on the surgery!

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      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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