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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Kathy, I am glad your sister was sooo supportive of your surgery! She should be, you are moving your health into a positive direction! Hey, I am officially off of my blood pressure meds! I have been like 100/50 for the past few days and so light headed and dizzy! So don't need them anymore either!!!! This just keeps getting better and better! Plus, I dropped nearly 4 pounds as of today! Total of 18!!! WooHoo!!!!!

Jeanie - CONGRATS!!! on no more hb meds... I just refilled my yesterday - I gotta ck w/my pp as i am on atentoal (sp) and you just can't stop taking it. My bp has been low but i don't keep the machine with me at work - only ck it at night. I think I may have a few more pounds to drop and i have gained 1.5 since moving to mushies :)

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Hello everyone i am new and a July Banster (16th2007), My surgeon was Prof. Fried in Prague. I am still alittle sore were the port is and i find i am Burping alot is anyone else?, I have just started pureed foods but have no special diet.My surgeon gave me a book to follow food wise , first two weeks liquids and yogurts and second 2 weeks puree foods do i burp alot because i am eating to fast i really try to eat slowly. I think i have a lot to learn can anyone help?help.gif

thanks jeannie.

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dmbjet- wow! Amazing what 18 lbs. can do! Congrats!

Kathy- I am sorry your sister won't babysit. Here in the US they provide babysitters for foster parents to have 1-1 time every once in a while, does Canada have something like that?

Lynette- thanks for sharing your experiences with us. As Lindaa said, it will make it easier for us.

OK, you know how cigarette ads were baned? I think we need to ban food ads from tv. Man, these Olive Garden commercials are killing me. I went to bed last night with my mouth watering so badly...I may lock mysef in the closet and not come out until all the wieight is off. Temptation everywhere, it can get frustrating.

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Hello everyone! Many of you probably don't know me. Those of you who do. I miss you all terribly. I will be back online on a regular basis after Labor day! I look forward to catching up. I had to drive in to town from camp and am at Starbucks just to download my e-mail.

It's not as bad as it sounds. I love the simplicity of my summer life :)

Everyone should have had their surgery by now. I hope everyone had a good experience.

Update on me (if you are interested):

I am down 25lbs. Pretty good. I feel better.

Sadly:rolleyes, I can eat anything I want. bread, chicken, salad. All those things they say can be hard to get down. No problem here! I have my first fill in 2 days (Friday). I can't wait - seriously. It's crazy how much I can eat. Not as much as before but pretty darn close! I hope the fill cuts down on the quantity I can eat.

My weight loss has slowed down and I sure hope that the fill helps with this.

I PB'd a few weeks ago. Never want to experience that again! It was not pleasant!

Going to California next week. Hopefully the hotel will have wireless internet and I can catch up here. Otherwise I won't be back on until probably after Labor day.

To everyone - I hope the rest of your summer is GREAT!!!!

All the best to everyone.

BreadLady ;)

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Breadlady, we miss you too, but thanks so much for the update. We'l; hopefully being hearing from you soon!!

dmtjet, just think of all the money you'll be saving on the meds you don't have to take anymore. That is wonderful.

jeanniepenini, welcome to the Lucky 7's. This is the best support group, and we're happy to have you join us.

Kathy, so sorry to hear you sis can't watch the kids for you, but she sounds excited for the changes you are making in your life. That has to feel good in itself!!

On the fill side, I hope being on these liquids again for 2 days will give my system a rest and a jump start before my solids on Friday. The head hunger is killing me right now, but managable. I have all these mushy foods around that I can't eat.

Has anybody realized that they are throwing away foods more often than before. I'll open something up, and eat some of it for about 3 days, maybe 3 meals out it and then I'm throwing it away. I hate throwing it away so I've started freezing things. I'm getting close to being out of containes, and freezer room!!

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Evening everyone, haven't posted in a couple of days. Wow did I miss a lot. It has taken me forever to read all the pages of posts and I am still not caught up.

Haven't been on as I have been a little down the past couple of days and don't know quite why. I think maybe it is just settling from all the excitment and stuff of the past two weeks with surgery and everything. Just kinda coming back down to earth maybe. Anyone else having these feelings? :)

The weight loss as kind of tapered off and right now I am at a plateau. IT actually started when I began to eat mashed potatoes, so I am not too surprised. Today I was allowed to eat strawberries (YUM) and also eggs (Scrambled or hard boiled) baked potatoe, and canned fruit in lite or sugar free Syrup. So far I had strawberries, boy was that a treat and for dinner I made egg salad with the hard boiled eggs, fat free mayo that is low carb and a drop of mustard. YUMMMMM!!!! I didn't think I'd ever be so happy to eat eggs.

So I go to the doctor tomorrow for my two week post op and he will decided when my first fill will be. He will also hopefully take off the steri-strips as they are peeling and driving me nuts. I am curious as to where my port actually is.

Heidi - You were banded a day after me = I was moved to mushies last Thursday (7/26) at my 1st post op visit and at that time i did have restriction - ate 1/2 cup of potato Soup and was FULL. Now that's not the way it is - I think i still have some restriction, but not a whole heck of a lot.. I too have stopped losing weight - that 1st week i was losing a pound a day.. I think i am just going to put the scale away - cuz i keep getting on it. I don't go back to the Dr's until 9/5 - so i guess if i need it i will get filled then.

Sunny & Chim - My port site still hurts some 2 wks later... Yesterday I was sitting close to my desk and coughed - OMG the site of my port hit the desk and HURT...

It is so hard to catch up on this board if you aren't here hourly ;)

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Hello everyone! Many of you probably don't know me. Those of you who do. I miss you all terribly. I will be back online on a regular basis after Labor day! I look forward to catching up. I had to drive in to town from camp and am at Starbucks just to download my e-mail.

It's not as bad as it sounds. I love the simplicity of my summer life :)

Everyone should have had their surgery by now. I hope everyone had a good experience.


BreadLady ;)

OMG!!!! BREADLADY LIVES!!!!! We have been missing you and wondering about you. We remember the last time we heard from you, you were camping.

Glad to hear you're doing well!!! I'm starving now! I want to chew something. The liquids...I am sooooo over them!

Keep in touch w/us a much as you can.

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I was just thinking, wouldn't it be great if we all could get that little ankle Bracelet (like Lindsey Lohan's alcohol bracelet) that measures how much we've eaten and if we eat too much our surgeon calls us and "talks us down"? Yes, it is a sad, sad life that I lead sometimes! Just gotta find the humor in retarded things like rich socialite girls....wink.gif

Marcy - I think the is the MOST FANTASTIC IDEA..

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Sunny & Chim - My port site still hurts some 2 wks later... Yesterday I was sitting close to my desk and coughed - OMG the site of my port hit the desk and HURT...

It is so hard to catch up on this board if you aren't here hourly :)

IndioGirl, I hear you about the port site. I have my little blanket folded up in b/w me and my desk. I'm afraid I'll bump s'thing. I'm sure that is the incision that will take the longest to heal b/c the port was attached/stitched on the underside.

I am freaking starving right now. I can't wait until my follow-up tomorrow. They're gonna move me to mushies. THANK YOU JESUS!!! I need to chew.

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Hey, you gals are getting me soooo motivated to cook! This sounds great too! Now what is the difference in Tomato Bisque and Regular old Tomato Soup? ??? See, my lack of culture is shining through!!!! :)

Campbells has a Soup called Tomato Bisque - I think it's just a little sweeter in taste - It's great to cook pork chop in and pour over white rice.. I know the old way of eating ;) (instead of mushroom soup)

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Lynette, glad you're fill/appt went well. You are too funny w/the hottie doctor! I understand what your dietician is saying about the diet mentality, but like Sunny, I too like to see what I'm eating right now. Maybe I'll change my mind, but for now, I like doing Fitday.

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Hello everyone!! Just wanted to say hey and see how everyone is doing today.

I just got back from a 3 mile walk. I have been walking 2 miles but yesterday and today I kicked it up to 3 miles. I have been wearing my pedometer and trying to do the 10,000 steps a day. MAN!!!!! I can't believe how much walking is involved in 10,000 steps. LOL Yesterday I only got 8,759 steps in but I didn't put it on right away in the morning either. Today I got up and put it on right away and have worn it all day and I have already gone 8,369 steps so I think I might just make it to the 10,000 steps today.

Got my first compliment today. My father in law (who knows nothing of the band just htat I had hernia surgery) said to me when he saw me walking. 'you're really dropping the weight aren't you girl' I said some. He said 'I could tell when I seen you the other day.' I know I have lots to go but it sure felt good for someone who doesn't know anything about the band to notice.

Ok enough tooting of my own horn. Don't mean to monopolize. I just love sharing everything with you all!!

Kathy so sorry to hear about your sister not being able to babysit for you. Maybe something will come up and it will work out for her.

Lynnette- glad your fill went great. Your doc is a Mcsteamy. Mine isn't too bad either. Pretty easy on the eyes:heh:

dmtjet- Not in the pool today? I would love to get in mine now and cool off

sunny- glad you are feeling better after over doing it the other night.

dini oh dini where have you gone. I have seen a post from you today. Miss reading your posts. You always make me smile.

chim- sounds like you are doing really well as well. I am happy. Congrats to you for going back to work right away.

Everyone else hello all my fellow Lucky # 7's. We are all complete now. We sure have a wonderful group of people and our losers bench in the dug out is full. So glad to have such a great bunch of people to hang out with. :whoo::whoo:

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.........My surgeon gave me a book to follow food wise , first two weeks liquids and yogurts and second 2 weeks puree foods do i burp alot because i am eating to fast i really try to eat slowly. I think i have a lot to learn can anyone help?help.gif

thanks jeannie.

Jeanniepenini-I was having a problem eating too fast too so I broke down and bought me some baby sized spoons. OK...hubby raised eyebrows and poked a little fun at first but it has REALLY helped. Anything I use a spoon on, I use the baby spoon. As far as hubby goes, just wait till I'm on regular food and we go out to eat. I WILL take my baby spoon with me and use it in public just to embarass him ;)

......On another note, has anyone been overly emotional after their surgery. I can't stop crying. At a moments notice, not even when I'm really sad, I just lose control and start crying. I don't really understand it.

Kathy-Now that you mention it... Moods are affected by hormones....."Aunt Flo" is also affected by hormones....With so many ppl having different mood swings and strange "cycles", I am beginning to wonder if this surgery somehow affects your hormones. It is possible. As the RN Educator for the local hospital, I have a penchant for doing Research....I feel a research urge coming on...and since I have several researchers available to me at work, I may make some calls and get them on this and the Protein limit thing...hmmmm.....

.........OK, you know how cigarette ads were baned? I think we need to ban food ads from tv. Man, these Olive Garden commercials are killing me. I went to bed last night with my mouth watering so badly...I may lock mysef in the closet and not come out until all the wieight is off. Temptation everywhere, it can get frustrating.

Cazulay-I totally agree. It's hard enough to sit and watch DH eating the most wonderful meals (he is an awesome cook) but add to it all the commercials on TV....Not fair :)

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I wanted to tell you ... my doc said he will do the fills under a fluoroscope ... he said that way, he isn't guessing and he can get the fill close to "perfect" the first time! He will do it with the light and while I am drinking, so he can monitor how much is going down and how quickly! So he can make the most of each adjustment! Just something to be aware of, if you have a choice!:)

Jeanie - I asked my doc about this on my first visit - he doesn't have the equipment in his office - he has you drink Water as he is filling you and once you cant swallow then he takes some out. Now don't quote me on this but that's how it was explained to me..

It seems like all of us are getting hungry and are able to eat more. Since i am still on mushy (have had some soft foods hamburger patty)

The question is - is it real hunger or might be our old head hunger..

Last week when i had the 1/2 cup bake potato Soup I was full and felt satistfied the whole afternoon. Now i am eating a full cup and am able to eat within and hour or 2. But for the most part I am making good food choices and before I eat I really try to figure out which it is. My "hunger" spikes at night - Boredom - time filler etc.

Also, I have not tested my band. I haven't tried eating steak or bread - anything chewy.. I haven't had any cake Cookies or candy bars or real ice cream.

I know that I'm not eating as much as I use to and I think that comes into play with the head hunger OMG i am starving i only had 1/2 cup of refired Beans for lunch or I only had 6 oz yogurt for a snack.< /p>

This band isn't going to take away our hunger (imho) I think it will just make us eat less and again it is up to us to make the good food choices.

Also, someone's nurtritionst said not to record our food so that it doesn't seem like we are on a diet - I think that's great and I love the idea - but until I have better habits - I think I will record my food.. Those 3 containers of sf pudding do add up 60 x 3 = 180 calories x 7 days a week that 1260 (almost 1/2 weight loss or gain depending it you ate them or not)

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I'm glad everyone likes my Bracelet idea...I really do think it would work...for me anyway....I just ate some chocolate. Bad, Bad, Marcy!:bandit It was goooood!

Hey, all this talk about Dini going to Miami in November....wouldn't you know...I'm going on a cruise in Nov. and will be in Miami 11/18 - 11/22! LOL! Maybe we could just have a little group get-together? Haha! I like the tattoo idea. I had an UGLY tattoo from college and just got it "covered up" last year while I was in Vegas. I covered it with my children...Connor "Bug", Owen "Bear", Stormy "Ray"...I'll try to attach it so you can see...it ended up being quite cool (compared to the ball of fire that was underneath!)

Rainy day in Nome...at least we went to the gym and I got some excersize in...does that cancel out the chocolate? Hmmm....maybe I'll have to have some crazy monkey jungle love tonight to burn some calories?!:kiss2::heh:


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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