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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I'm from Brisbane in Australia. And my surgeon was Dr George Hopkins. He is a really great guy, and was actually in my bosses year at Medical School. Weird but whatever.

Thanks for spelling Plateau correctly. I have always been a bad speller. hehehe! I know that everyone has them at some point. I just am getting stressed out about it. I know I should just relax but I really don't know.

I'm 23 years old, and before surgery weighed 128kgs. I have lost 6kgs so far. I'm sorry. I don't know pounds. I could look it up but I'm not well right now. Too lazy... :)!

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Sunny - Thanks for the encouragement! I really DO need some support out here. I know there are a ton of folks in Nome that have had WLS so I'm putting together an actual LIVE support group. It will be helpful to have "close" friends. I'm going to also suggest that we get our own "specialist" out here...a doc at the hospital that is "up on the info of WLS" just in case someone has an issue....maybe it can be dealt with here instead of flying to Anchorage!:)

Chimboree - At work already! I'm glad you're doing well! Yes, use the drugs! I know that when you're able to MOVE it helps heal, but you can't move if you hurt! Good luck sister!:clap2:

Tinkerbell - Yep, the excitement is gone and now I have to "get on with my life". I'm not getting depressed, but I was on a good high for a few months and now that's gone...gotta find a replacement for it....that's NOT food! LOL! :)

Brumbie - Wecome! You're a day ahead of me, but closer to my time zone! Yeah! Everyone goes to sleep too early around here and I end up missing out! I figured you weren't American since you had your surgery on July 4th (our Independence Day)...Good for you, hope your recovery is going well!:D

I'M HUNGRY PEOPLE! My husband asked if I was really hungry or I just wanted food...I had him listen to my stomach grumble to prove that I really AM hungry! I can't wait for the fill! I'm actually thinking to have him make me a little extra tight to get rid of the hungry feeling! Scary thing is...I'm eating more than the rest of you! HOW ON EARTH CAN I BE HUNGRY?!?! I KNOW the band is there because of last weeks' chicken "incident", but, man, I hope it gets better....ok, having a bad night. I'll get out of this funk tomorrow!:help:

I was just thinking, wouldn't it be great if we all could get that little ankle Bracelet (like Lindsey Lohan's alcohol bracelet) that measures how much we've eaten and if we eat too much our surgeon calls us and "talks us down"? Yes, it is a sad, sad life that I lead sometimes! Just gotta find the humor in retarded things like rich socialite girls....;)

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Marcy, I'm hungry too. Really, really hungry. I can gulp Water. I ate a full bowl of Soup. My stomache grumbles all the time. It's really driving me nuts. I'm still in the full Fluid stage, so I blame that on not being able to eat anything that stays with me, just passes right through.

I actually had a dream last night that I was eating ravenously... chicken I think... doesn't matter. I was just being a huge pig. I woke up feeling somewhat satisfied! LOL

As for the anklet idea... love it. But can we change it to having a really good looking guy with a smooth sultry voice call us. Using a video phone of course. Saying "Oh my dear... you really don't need that extra 20 calories. Stick to clear water instead. I believe in you!!" HAHAHAHA

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Now that I pulled off the retirement party for my staff member yesterday, I think I'm going to call in sick. After all, it was because of her that I went back to work so soon. And I did overdo it yesterday.

I'm feeling great this morning... and seems like my DH is in a much better mood than he has been since Sunday (and he's not working today). Hmmm, maybe I need a little more time to heal.

Yup, stayin home! See y'all later!

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I am relieved to hear that other people are feeling hungry besides me. I stop eating after a couple of bites b/c I don't want to stretch anything, but then 2-3 hours later all I can think about is finding something to eat. I am getting in between 40-50 grams of Protein, so I don't think that is the problem. I guess it's just my body fighting for me. I'm gonna have to tough it out.

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I've added a new Soup recipe to the Lucky 7's recipe thread: Curried pumpkin Soup.

I also noticed I made a mistake on my Butternut Squash Soup recipe, so I've edited the original post (page 1 on the thread) so it is correct now.


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Good Morning Lucky 7's!!

I spent all day yesterday downloading NEW antivirus, spyware, etc. Cost me $105 so it better be working,LOL.

Read up of a few posts. So here's what I've got:

Brunmie, welcome to our group. I was banded on July 2, so I'm 4 weeks post op too.

Marcy, OMG, love the idea of the anklet for our "food addiction". Better yet, I like Kathy's idea to have the suave hot guy calling us, no wait, how about we use my doc!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So speaking of my doc, I went and had my first fill yesterday, yes, exciting as I felt as if I was eating mysel out of house and home on Monday. I was nervous going in. After our little chatting session, drool in all, he layed me back in my chair (too bad th nurse was present,LOL) Anyway, he felt around for my port, cleaned it with alcohol, and then said I'd feel a stick. I'm not one for needles, and it hurt. The skin was tough as he had to go through the scar tissue from the surgery incision. It took about 10 seconds to get to where he neded to be, and he filled me with 1.4 cc of saline. He was done in less than 45 seconds, maybe shorter. As he finished I remember saying, OMG, and there are people out there doing these fills for themselves, are they freaking nuts!!!!!

I've heard that some people do their own, I don't know how, but I could never do this myself, and it is scary to think there are people out there doing this, but to each there own.

So, with the fill complete, I'm on liquids again for 2 days, until tomorrow night when I can go back to muhys and then onto solid foods on Friday. "Did I say solids", yes I did, and I'm scared of that too. Why do I think it's just to early still. I do feel restriction. I can still drink my Water without sipping, but only take about 3 mouthfulls and swallow and put the bottle down.

So I'm not sure how restricted I am yet, to soon to figure it out, but lastnight I made 2 scrambled eggs with a slice of cheese. My son helped me eat it so I'd say I had half of it, maybe a little more, but I was full.

Did it again thismorning, and again, only ate half, and I was full. So I think if I had to guess, it was 3 ozs. I did drink shakes yesterday and was able to get in 4 ozs, but it is liquids. The eggs are on my docs liquid diet if I puree them.

Then I saw the dietician too. This is where it gets interesting. She doesn't want me to log my calories, etc., on Fitday anymore. She doesn't want me to feel like I'm on a diet. She said as long as I stay within the oz guideline, there is no reason to count anything, not even carbs. So, I guess I don't have to log anymore, but will continue to journal and log activities. She said I was doing great on meals, getting in my water, but wanted to tweak my Snacks, as I have to incorporate potein into them some how, even though I'm getting in between the 60 and 70 recommended grams a day. So no more pudding or applesauce unless I put the powder in it. I told her that I had all this pudding and applesauce left from liquid phase left and I was just trying to get rid of them. Oh well, she was very pleased, and of course I had to tell her about the pancake incident. She just said to use it as a learning expeience.

So, I'm down 4 lbs since my last visit, so I'm at 214. Have to change my ticker now.

Sorry to ramble on. I missed everyone, and my fingers were longing to get to type on this keyboard!!!

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I am relieved to hear that other people are feeling hungry besides me. I stop eating after a couple of bites b/c I don't want to stretch anything, but then 2-3 hours later all I can think about is finding something to eat. I am getting in between 40-50 grams of Protein, so I don't think that is the problem. I guess it's just my body fighting for me. I'm gonna have to tough it out.

I'm so glad I found this site!! I had my surgery on July 18 & am having the same problems. I went to my Dr for my post op appt & he said for me to progress to baby food consistency food. I have to admit I have eaten some soft food already. It just seems like I am starving!! Like you I have only taken a few bites trying not to stretch anything. I am glad I am not abnormal. I think from reading others postings, when we get adjusted we will be able to tell a difference.

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NewCC Has anyone heard from her? She hasn't been on in a couple of days, or perhaps I've missed her. Just want to know if she's on the road to recovery after her port infection. :)

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I just spoke to my sister, and she said "No". She can't babysit my daughter while I'm in Palm Springs. I understand her reason, and really can't blame her, but bummed none the less. I really wish I had more people to call upon to babysit so that my DH could come with me.

I did tell her about the sugery though. She had showed up at my house on Sunday while I was resting, and caught me off guard. I gave her the story of having a hiatal hernia fixed, but since she's a nurse, I figured she didn't buy it.

So when I called her today, I decided to tell her. Surprisingly, she was very supportive and understood why I didn't tell her, but wanted me to know she was really happy for me.

I felt really good about that. But still bummed about needing a babysitter.

On another note, has anyone been overly emotional after their surgery. I can't stop crying. At a moments notice, not even when I'm really sad, I just lose control and start crying. I don't really understand it.

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Lynette, Congratulations on your fill!!! I hear you on the doc and all!!! Woo, what a hottie!!! Major stud!!! I love the idea of a hottie calling us with those ankle bracelets!!! Would that be inspiration or what???? Actually, might work in the opposite direction, lol, we may eat too much, just to get him to call, lol!!!!! Could be a detriment to our cause, lol!!!! Glad your computer is working!!! I am still waiting to get a call that my parts are in for my newer one!!!! I hate computer problems!!!!

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Hi Y'all. Sorry it's been so long. A big storm came through last night and knocked out my internet access. Just got it working.

Miami sounds great. I will have to wait until closer to Nov to say for sure. I have enought skymiles to fly there. Keep me in the loop so I know when and where. Who knows...maybe I will end up with a tatoo:)

The pool sounds great. Maybe in a couple of weeks I can be floating in one. It is hot as hell here and the humidity is unbelievable because of the rain last night.

I am doing well. Taking it easy today since I over did it yesterday. But, to be honest, I have very little soreness today. Much less than yesterday.

OK, I want food. I am tired of this liquid sh*t. I need flavor, texure, seasonings. Someone, tell me what I can fix liquid that at least is flavorful (not sweet), seasoned, tasty. I am desparate. I am feeling the first feeling of hunger today. This is unrelated to the need for flavor :)

I will try and walk on the treadmill later today. I have been using fitday to track food and weight. I weight 284.5 when I came home from the hospital. Weighed 273 today. I know part of that was Fluid loss from hospital but is sure is inspiring.:clap2::whoo::clap2::whoo::clap2:

Sunny - I made soupy mash potatos - also one day went to TOGO'S (don't know if you have them in Fl - its a sandwich shop and had their baked potato Soup - OMG it was GREAT... I also took tomatoe bisque soup and add parmesen cheese. Do you like pinto bean??? Well make a pot - take some of the Beans and smash them up and add the juice/stock and make a thick bean soup - I use a hamhock - cumins - garlic - ononion and throw in 1 jalapeno... Yummy.

If you have a Trader Joe's in Fl - I heard that the butternut soup was great... Janet

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I just spoke to my sister, and she said "No". She can't babysit my daughter while I'm in Palm Springs. I understand her reason, and really can't blame her, but bummed none the less. I really wish I had more people to call upon to babysit so that my DH could come with me.

I did tell her about the sugery though. She had showed up at my house on Sunday while I was resting, and caught me off guard. I gave her the story of having a hiatal hernia fixed, but since she's a nurse, I figured she didn't buy it.

So when I called her today, I decided to tell her. Surprisingly, she was very supportive and understood why I didn't tell her, but wanted me to know she was really happy for me.

I felt really good about that. But still bummed about needing a babysitter.

On another note, has anyone been overly emotional after their surgery. I can't stop crying. At a moments notice, not even when I'm really sad, I just lose control and start crying. I don't really understand it.

So sorry that your sister can't watch your kids! I wish I were closer, I would love to watch them!!! I love kids! I guess that is why I teach the 4 year olds!!! LOL!!! Nothing like children to brighten your day! They do wear you out, but in a good way!!!

The emotions are probably due to the anesthesia, the pressures that have been put back on you so quickly, and your mind and body adjusting to all the changes! I have been that way many times! LOL Ask my hubby, he will vouche for me!!! Actually, lately I am more either really up or really not happy! Go figure and doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason for it!!! I feel awful that I am like that, but it is, what it is!

Hey, I made that Soup and had to do a taste test! Didn't get out to get the seasoning due to time restraints today, but it is fabulous!!! I love it! I will keep looking for that seasoning ... next time I won't have to doctor it up with what I have on hand! It is sooo nice, because I would have never attempted making this without your advice! Not something I would typically make!!! Thanks again, Dear!!!

I hope your day is going well! I am going to Bible Study in about an hour, so everyone will be taste testing, lol! I am taking the soup and "my version" of the Squash Casserole! My mom said it was delicious and she wouldn't change a thing, lol! So this time, I did use black Beans and melted some cheese over them as well! I figured if I am doing my own thing, may as well, go all the way, lol!!!:)

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Sunny - I made soupy mash potatos - also one day went to TOGO'S (don't know if you have them in Fl - its a sandwich shop and had their baked potato Soup - OMG it was GREAT... I also took tomatoe bisque soup and add parmesen cheese. Do you like pinto bean??? Well make a pot - take some of the Beans and smash them up and add the juice/stock and make a thick bean soup - I use a hamhock - cumins - garlic - ononion and throw in 1 jalapeno... Yummy.

If you have a Trader Joe's in Fl - I heard that the butternut soup was great... Janet

Hey, you gals are getting me soooo motivated to cook! This sounds great too! Now what is the difference in Tomato Bisque and Regular old Tomato Soup? ??? See, my lack of culture is shining through!!!! :)

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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