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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Hey guys, just checking in. I've been reading every post, but haven't had much to post.

I'm feeling ok, but my shoulders are KILLING me, my dad went and got me some Gas-X today, but so far it's not kicking in...

I've been going for nightly walks, trying to work things out, anyone have any other suggestions?


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Hey guys!

I am only 10 days away from my surgery. In my preop directions it says I should quit smoking but I am having some trouble doing that. I have been sticking to my high protein/veggie diet and I have lost 5.5 lbs already! However, I am worried about the smoking. I am down to about 5 cigarettes per day, and I am aiming to get down to 2. Do you think they will try to postpone or deny my surgery until I quit? If so, I will just quit and do what I have to do. I am just really struggling. I have not been a heavy smoker. I am a teacher and during the school year I often only smoke about 3 per day and don't have my first until around 6 PM. During the summer I range from about 3 - 5/day. Any advice, shared experiences, or support would be great! Thanks!

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:angryNah, unfortunately not, there isn't much you can do but take GasX and walk!!!! It just seems to have to work its way out, but I can tell you, I had my surgery Monday and today I only had a few pinges in my shoulder ~ mostly right after I eat or drink. Hang in there, it will get better!:clap2:

:)Hey, did anybody see on Entertainment Tonight, where LuLu from Hee Haw had the Lapband done too! She is down to 170 something or another. Looks good and says she's happy! See, this is for the Rich and Famous!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL:whoo:

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Wrangler504--Don't think it's only Verizon. TMobile promised us a special price on our new phones last year AND a dollar amount off our phone bill if we would not quit them. We agreed, but they later said that they never offer a discounted phone & bill. We had the person's name with whom we spoke, but they said they couldn't "find" her???!!! It's a cell phone thing. We have learned never, ever get a phone on the Internet(TMobile sent us 5 wrong phones in the space of 2 months last year!!) And never, ever agree to anything not in writing. You are lucky you have a receipt!!

I had my surgery on the 11th and have only occasional (though intense) gas pain. I am bummed, because I assume I am the only person in the history of banding to have gained 10 pounds from my weigh-in the day before surgery to getting home 2 days later. I did have a "last meal" after the weigh in and before surgery, but I have not eaten anything since that cannot be described as a mighty clear flipping liquid. I am hoping it is just a discrepancy between the doctor's scale and mine. Even now my home scale is telling me I weigh 6 pounds more than I weighed on the 10th at the clinic. BTW, I did get a little card to use at restaurants, but it has my weight on it!!!!!!!!!!!! As if I plan on letting Buddy down at the local Diner have a good laugh at the fat girl to save $3.00 on chicken stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH MY GOD!!! LOL That is so funny!!! But, quit as it hurts to laugh. Thank you for brightening up what has been a sort of teary day. It comes and goes, but you made me laugh. I too go the little cards that let me have a kiddy meal. Yeah! I also got a card to let me go through airline security without having to strip search when the band sets off the detectors. How about you?

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Onmyway, By the way, love your screen name!!!! I don't know anything about smoking, but I would imagine the more you could stop, the better you will be. I am sure the doctors just want you in the best health possible. I do know breathing is a chore right after surgery! It hurts to breath and you feel like you have a huge weight on your chest, luckily that doesn't last too long!!!!!! I know, not much help, but wanted to answer your post! Good luck with everything! It is sooooo worth it! I teach also and am looking forward to the new me that can go back at the end of August!!!!!!

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Prairielover, I didn't get the airline one, but did get the one for restaurants! .... thank goodness, my weight wasn't on it!!!!! Yikes, can't imagine that one!!!! Hope you are doing well, since we had our surgery the same day ... I am feeling quite chipper, lol!!!!!

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Hi guys!

July 07 Banders have some great posts. I had my band on 7/9 and I have just joined the site. So I'm not sure about how to post or where...I just turned 50 and felt that something had to be done.

Is anyone working with Diabetis? My main goal was to decrease my blood sugars and keep the weight off. But, my sugars are still running over 150 - any ideas? The doctor put me on a new medicine Riomet since it is a liquid.

Hi GeGe,

I'm 47 and found out in March that I have diabetes, taking Metform 2 times a day. I try to keep my carbs below 20 at any meal. as long as I do my sugar stay below 120. Have not told my doctor here what I'm doing yet. She was not supportive when I told her I wanted done. I may be looking for a new doctor when I get back.

Renee, I'm sure everyone is different. I'm 12 days pot op but can still tell a little in my clothes that I'm bloated, may not be helping that Aunt Flo is visiting, so I'm going to try my capris on again on Monday.

I keep waling and walking try to get the bloating out, and I'm drinking Water about as fast as I can because I know it helps too.

Thanks Lynette,

about the water, I think I read some where that I have to sip the water too. How much can you all drink at once. I usually drink 3-4 32oz cups a day. Is it going to be hard to get all that in?

I almost forgot! Here's this week's updated spreadsheet!

Thanks laurend. That is really cool!

BTW, someone asked about multi-quoting. Just click the Multi-Quote button on the posts you want to respond to, when you're done, click on New Reply. In your reply, you will see each post that you multi-quoted. Hope that helps.

Talk to ya soon. :o

Thanks chimboree! It sure makes it eaiser. Thanks for doing the calander. My date is listed wrong, My sister Debbie and I are having our surgery on the 24th. I have been raving about this site to her, hopefully she will come check it out for herself soon.

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ReneeMarie, It is soooo nice that you can share this experience with your sister! I don't have any sisters, but wish I did! It should really help the both of you! My mom is hoping to get banded in a few months. She is at the beginning of her journey. I am sure we will be able to help and encourage each other!

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Onmyway and dmtjet,

I'm a former teacher as well and isn't it every chubby teacher's dream to go back to school a skinny person? My husband was banded in April and is so excited to go back to work in September...they saw him lose a good chunk before summer, but he'll be a whole new guy come Sept.

Since I'm a stay at home mom, I'm going to have to live vicariously through him...Although I suppose I could always go back to my old school for a visit.

Onmyway, I am not a smoker, but I do recall my surgeon stating clearly that he refuses to operate on anyone who has not fully quit for a month. Just my thought (for what it is worth) is that if you are making this amazing life change for yourself and your loved ones, why not just go full stop? I know, from watching my parents quit, that it is so difficult...but it is so worth it. My parents both quit when they were individually diagnosed with lung cancer...as soon as they heard the news they never smoked again.

Sorry to be preachy.

Best of luck with quitting...I give you credit for doing as well as you are!


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Hey guys!

I am only 10 days away from my surgery. In my preop directions it says I should quit smoking but I am having some trouble doing that. I have been sticking to my high protein/veggie diet and I have lost 5.5 lbs already! However, I am worried about the smoking. I am down to about 5 cigarettes per day, and I am aiming to get down to 2. Do you think they will try to postpone or deny my surgery until I quit? If so, I will just quit and do what I have to do. I am just really struggling. I have not been a heavy smoker. I am a teacher and during the school year I often only smoke about 3 per day and don't have my first until around 6 PM. During the summer I range from about 3 - 5/day. Any advice, shared experiences, or support would be great! Thanks!

I have been trying to quit for almost a month. Some days I do good others I want to bite someones head off. I set a new quit totally date of Monday. I am going to get one of those things you breath in to after surgery and start doing some deep breathing exercise and try to get my lungs cleared out. They want you to quit because you will heal faster. I quit last year before surgery and was glad. Coughing when your gut hurts is no fun. Good luck. Pm me if you want and we can give each other pep talks and vent!

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Thanks dmtjet. It doesn't seem as being the 6th day does it? Time flies when we are having a ball.

Anyhow...Remember you all, how I told you I didnt' have a scale in the house for several years? Well, it is official. I bought a SCALE:omg:!!!. I immediately set it up and put myself on top of the thing and whala...it said "ERROR". That was scary. I couldn't figure out if I was over the maximum limit or what. I kept trying it over and over with no luck except that stupid "ERROR" code. So, when all else fails, read the directions right? Well, I did and guess what? I was not doing it right. I had to tap the left-side with my foot and then step on. Now for the good news...I lost another 5 pounds since Monday:clap2:

That really helps because this over focus on food is really starting to get tiresome. Have I had enough fluids? Have I had enough Protein? Have I had enough whatever?

Now no more bit__ing and here are the good things, besides the weight. No more runs! I notice peaches9 you have been struggling, but I went through the same thing and it too shall pass. Of course, always check with doctor if you have any concern. I am just saying I spent a lot of time up until yesterday on the john. Now its over.

So all in all, I guess the little crying spell was just a fluke. I took my pain meds (as of course I wasn't paying attention and port is really sore), took a shower and now I am all better. Thanks guys. Your replies have helped bunches.


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I am very excited about having her along for the journey! She on the other hand is worried that I will get to competitive about our weight loss. So I'm going to have to watch it. I do get very motived when she is losing and I'm not. She's afraid I'll be mad if she looses faster. I don't get mad I just work harder. I just never wanted to be the only fat sister, she said she has always been the fat sister so it doesn't matter to her. I can hardly wait till neither of us is fat anymore!

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I'm feeling really well. A little sore and weak from, well... not eating. I've found that I can't really stomach "fake" food and started making my own chicken Soup broth, Protein Shakes, etc. I even had a few crackers and also chewed on some grapes but didn't swallow anything but the juice. What a difference all that made, I felt satisfied. Before I felt full (like I swallowed a whole turkey) but not satisfied. Adding some real food made all the difference. The other interesting thing I noticed is that feeling this full always made be feel bad and mad at myself, not I have to remember, I only had about 600 calories and still felt that way. There's definitely and mind and emotional shift that goes along with this. But I am Psyched.

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It is nice to see so many teachers on this sight. You suppose a lot of our weight gain is the staff room and STRESS? I will be looping with my last year's class. They will be sixth graders and I am excited to show off the new me on the first day. Our school has set up one of our school improvement goals as staff wellness. I feel I am really steppin' up to the plate and will be asking students to participate in a wellness program with me. I think we may take a walk for 15 mins. just to jumpstart our day. I may not get to do all the time, but it really helps those Monday sleepers. I have been thinking with all the obesity issues in children, maybe it is time I model better eating and exercising habits. Hope I am up for the task.

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Marcyinak feeling my port is so strange and now that my swelling has almost gone down totally i can really feel it. my moms felt it and thinks its kinda strange. i can not only feel the round part i can feel it going up to my ribs. MADNESS!

about the accent mine is kinda funny cos one minute i have an Irish accent (Dublin)

then like a flick it changes to an Italian one (Southern). it still amuses the customers in the shop! they like the Italian one more when i'm throwing my hands all over the place!!

Danny would you mind skipping over here and building me a house trying to find a good builder is like impossible over here.

Nurse76, i know well what your talking about. i am hungry probably more so than you. basicly i'm always hungry. its killing me! also when i do eat i get pains in my back. also nothing fills me up. i'm also having problems gettung used to not drinking with my food! ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. you sound like your coping reallly well. keep up the great work

Sunny Sunshine, i'm looking out for you hope your on b4 i head to bed. when you comming to visit your little sausage in ireland.

Lynette, hiya! what were you told to do about drinking. is it none 30 mins b4 and meal and 1hr after??

Chimboree, how are you girlfriend ?

NDPrairieLover congratulations on loosing another 5lb wish i was up there with you. i've not lost anymore. we also have almost the same name mine is change your last E to an A and we the same. I'm Denisa! Dini for short

dmtjet, i love reading your advice. A+

MsPris. your going to do wonderful. we all well most of us were nervous and stuff. can't wait to read how well your doing!!! best of luck.

sorry if i left anyone out. xx

oh by the way if anyone steps foot in Ireland i'm hoping you'll all come visit me!!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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