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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Hi everybody, you all have been busy on here!

I also teach motorcycle saftey classes and ride my Harley Roadking, (thats my fun job!)


How fun! I have a Heritage Softail - 2003 - love it. I took a class about 5 years ago - I'm wanting to take the advanced course they offer around here.

It's cool that you and your sister are being banded together - my good friend and I planned on that, but her insurance is making her jump through too many hoops so she's behind me a ways.

Good Luck!

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Hey Danny... thanks for the advice! I am leaving at 5:45 am. I have been told I need to be at the airport 2 hours in advance and I have also been told 3 hours in advance. That means I have to leave either at 3:00am or 2:00 am to get to DFW airport from where I live. Did you have to arrive 2 or 3 hours before your flight!!


I am in on the cruise!! Please add me to the list! I would love to meet you all in person!

Frustrated- Hello my fello Frisco friend!! This place is growing so fast it can't keep up with itself!! I do like it! We should have a DFW area get together!


You are very wise! Thanks for keeping us updated on what is to come!!


Will you please send me the Powerpoint. I PMd you my email address.


Everyone Take care!

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OK, I am feeling a little bit retarted right now...first I can't get my connection right and now I am finally here on LBT and can't figure out how to multi-quote my responses....HELP!

ReneeMarie- I wanted to say it is the coolest thing you and your sis are getting banded together!

Mango24- what brand scale did you buy? I have been looking for a good scale and would gladly take recommendations.

Wow, I am so jealous of all of you who are already banded/losing weight! I can't wait for the 27th. I can't wait until I no longer feel hunger, be like of those people who get offered cake and say "No, thank you" like is the most normal thing to do in the universe.

I went out with my "fat" friend today and she wanted to stop by Sonic so we did, it was hard sitting in the car with all those smells and not have anything! I am proud of myself because I did not, but sad because she knows I am on this diet, and I have been encouraging her to eat a little better but nothing. I really think our relationship won't be the same after I lose weight, and that's a shame. Hopefully I am wrong.

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Hey Danny... thanks for the advice! I am leaving at 5:45 am. I have been told I need to be at the airport 2 hours in advance and I have also been told 3 hours in advance. That means I have to leave either at 3:00am or 2:00 am to get to DFW airport from where I live. Did you have to arrive 2 or 3 hours before your flight!!


I am in on the cruise!! Please add me to the list! I would love to meet you all in person!

Frustrated- Hello my fello Frisco friend!! This place is growing so fast it can't keep up with itself!! I do like it! We should have a DFW area get together!


You are very wise! Thanks for keeping us updated on what is to come!!


Will you please send me the Powerpoint. I PMd you my email address.


Everyone Take care!

I have been flying quite a bit this summer and would definitely get there 3 hours in advance. I have had nothing but bad experiences: long lines, delays, rude staff... I was flying first class on American and it was horrible, terrible, no good. I do hope you have a much better experince and a relaxing flight. :)But get there 3 hours in advance just to be sure.

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Hi everybody, you all have been busy on here!

Introduction: I am 47 years old. My husband Dwayne and I have been together for most of the last 28 years (thats another story) We have three beautiful kids, our oldest son Adrian is 19, back home again after a short stint on his own. our daughter Aurora, 17, is the preformer in the family. Keeps me running. Our youngest is Austin. He is 13. My baby! We live in Perkins Okla. just south of Stillwater. OSU country. We have a plumbing bussiness, I have driven a school bus for the last few years. I also teach motorcycle saftey classes and ride my Harley Roadking, (thats my fun job!) When I have free time I like to make stain class projects. Don't really have much time for that with all the teenagers hanging out at the house. I'm Mom to about 6 extra kids!

I had great news today! My sister's loan came through and she is going to be banded the same day I am. I'm really excited about the 2 of us getting to start this together.

Pre-op diet sucks. I have been failing terribly. Looks like now I'm going to have to do 1 week of nothing but liquids since I have been eating like there is no tomorrow! I am so ready for this to be over! I have no self control.....

anyway I'll quit rambling on and go back to reading. Take care everybody.

I truly understand the feeling guilty for cheating. I must have "fallen" umpteen times. I was in denial that I had to start, so I kept cheating until about 7 days before. Part of problem was 4th of July, company, too many social events. It was very hard. Do not beat yourself up because it causes you to want to eat more. Just keep busy and do your very best. I found working in yard, cleaning house, wallpapering, almost to the point of being overzealous really worked. I almost looked at it as if I was having a baby and I needed to get everything in order so I would not need to focus on anything else. The busier I was, the less I thought about food. In fact, I had to stop a couple of times and remember to make my SLIMfast shakes. Now as I recuperate, my house is clean and I do not have anything that is necessary to be done but to work on healing. I am doing my best to enjoy this quiet time and I have given myself permission to read as many trashy love novels as I want. Just do your very best and have fun planning for your recuperating time. It will be worth it!

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Has any one posted a pic of their scars or even looked at the posts of the stages of scars? Search scar stages if you are interested.... quite interesting.... :lol:

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Renee - Don't get down on yourself for "failing" at the pre-op. Keep in mind that the diet is not to torture you, it's to make the surgery safer and therefore, your recovery quicker. Just dust yourself off and get back on! Go sister! My husband and I started dating the day he got his motorcycle...not a Harley...Magna 1100cc...NICE bike, then we got too fat to ride together...this would be a goal for us!

Nicole - HALLELUJAH! I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I've started burping, but the pressure is still there. I have not done enough resting and I think I'm feeling the consequenses of it.

Dini - I've tried feeling my port, but can't. That's gotta be one of the most strange things - asside from feeling a baby kick you in the gut the first time! I wish we could insert your accent in here...us Alaskans don't have one so we pick up others' pretty quickly.

Today is my worst day...3 days post-op. I was good this morning, but now I'm so bloated that I look pregnant! I'm a little nauseated too, but I've been controlling that. I've taken some walks around the neighborhood and gone driving with my dad (they bought a corvette while I was in Denver so we took it for a spin..it takes some effort to get in and out of it!). I'm trying to stay active, but taking naps when I'm tired...which I am now so I'm off to sleep! I think maybe I'm just over-doing it. I'm headed to bed early...

Some advise for those travelling for the surgery: liquid medication can be carried on (in a ziploc bag) as long as it's a prescription - there is no amount limit (I had a big bottle of liq. vicodin and some antibiotics). I was given some compression stockings (TED hose) for the surgery. Keep them and wear them in the car/plane home...this will help with swelling and circulation (VERY important because of DVT). I did not use a heat pad, but found my ice pack to be quite a relief. (this is different for everyone, so maybe have both on hand.)

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Wrangler504--Don't think it's only Verizon. TMobile promised us a special price on our new phones last year AND a dollar amount off our phone bill if we would not quit them. We agreed, but they later said that they never offer a discounted phone & bill. We had the person's name with whom we spoke, but they said they couldn't "find" her???!!! It's a cell phone thing. We have learned never, ever get a phone on the Internet(TMobile sent us 5 wrong phones in the space of 2 months last year!!) And never, ever agree to anything not in writing. You are lucky you have a receipt!!

I had my surgery on the 11th and have only occasional (though intense) gas pain. I am bummed, because I assume I am the only person in the history of banding to have gained 10 pounds from my weigh-in the day before surgery to getting home 2 days later. I did have a "last meal" after the weigh in and before surgery, but I have not eaten anything since that cannot be described as a mighty clear flipping liquid. I am hoping it is just a discrepancy between the doctor's scale and mine. Even now my home scale is telling me I weigh 6 pounds more than I weighed on the 10th at the clinic. BTW, I did get a little card to use at restaurants, but it has my weight on it!!!!!!!!!!!! As if I plan on letting Buddy down at the local Diner have a good laugh at the fat girl to save $3.00 on chicken stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hello, my name is Celeste and I once lived in Alaska for most of my life, but now reside in Bremerton, Washington. I also met my husband online about 9 years ago, except he was in Scotland and I was in Alaska, I'm not sure in the beginning we thought we would ever meet, but we spent months talking on the phone and he finally came to Alaska to meet me and my family....and I've hardly been able to get rid of him since!! He is a math professor at the local community college and I have returned to school to get my BS in Business Admin. (finance). Yipeee...I have one year to go!:whoo:

Having come out of my shell in my 40's has been liberating and given me a new lease on life, now I want my outside to be a reflection of my inside; confident, capable and most of all healthy!!

We don't have kids, as we started married life a little on the late side, but it has served us well as we only grow stronger together each year and I couldn't have asked for a more supportive mate than my husband! We do have two dogs though; Mac is a 5 yr. old Westie and MaggieMay is our 1 yr. old Rat terrier.

I truly enjoy reading everyone's posts, but find it difficult to post myself, as my surgery date is the last day of the month and I've not started my pre-op diet yet, so I don't have much to offer to the mix just yet. I did have my sleep test done last weekend and hated every long hour of it. I'm sure I didn't get more than a few hours sleep....but it's over and I will use the CPap only as long as I have too, hopefully with the weight loss I won't need it!

Sorry to ramble on....just wanted to say "thank you" to all the wonderful ideas and thoughts that flow through this site!

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Only 6 days until surgery. I have my moments where I get hungry. I either eat a popsicle, Jello or broth. I go to day for my chest x-ray which is my last preop test. At least next week my new boss is coming into our office and we will be learning a lot of new procedures that will keep me busy and my mind off food. Trying to get 2 1/2 days of work into 4 1/2.

Glad to hear everyone is doing well. Good luck to the people having surgery next week earlier in the week.

I know Phyl and I have the same date.

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I am now officially a bandster. Was in the hospital for about 13 hours yeaterday. all went well. I have been struggling with some naseau (sp?), but am improving. Getting out of bed this morning was tough, but I am feeling better each hour. I have been out walking (5-10 minutes, nice and slow) 3 times today. Once again thank you all for your kindness, advica and support. I am so thrilled to be part of this group.:biggrin1:

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Good morning Trystelle, and congratulations on making it to the other side! Looks like you've come a long way already--Good for you!! Keep us posted on your progress.

My adventure begins in a couple of hours. Don't know how much access I'll have during the next week, but I will get back to you all and let you know when ever I can.

Thanks again everyone! Your postings have ment so much to me. I looking forward to keeping in touch with all of you.

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Good luck Lindaa. Please let us know how you are doing as soon as you can. You'll be in our thoughts and prayers.


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:)Lindaa, Hang in there, it will be over soon! You will feel soooo relieved! I know I did!

:embarassed:ronik, don't kick yourself! I weighed myself before going in for surgery and again when I got home from the hospital and was up 6 lbs.! Then yesterday, I had to go to the ER to have an ultrasound for my legs swelling, to rule out blood clots and I was down 7! I asked my doctor about that and the nurse said that is why they don't have the post-op visits for a week, everyone gains from the IV's, the gasses they use, and the surgery!!!! So we are normal!!!! LOL

:confused:Nichole and Marcy, the "burp" thing, yeah, I have it too, but feels more like pressure in the center of my chest. Also, right after I drink or "eat" (my liquid diet), I get pinges and pressure. Is that what you are getting?

:whoo:chickb13, unruhlyhd, marcy, the bike thing must go hand-in-hand with this surgery, lol! Maybe the motorcycle industry took some stock out, lol! My husband just bought a "bigger" bike so we could ride. He had a Harley Sportster and said it was too "small" for two people. Now he has a Custom Dyna Glide, only about a week old! He can't wait to get me on it! I hope I am there before too long! Marcy, You WILL get back on a bike!!! But I know what you mean, that is why I didn't ride before, I didn't want to look like a big blob on the back. I certainly didn't want anyone looking at my big butt!!!!! My husband is about 170 and not that big, so I would really stand out like a sore thumb!!!!!

:sickTrystelle, congrats on your surgery! Sorry to hear you are nauseated! I didn't have that, but I am sure it isn't fun! It does get better each day!!!! :o

:whoo:Linda, Good luck! It will be over soon! Let us know how it goes!

Well, not sure what I am up to today, but definitely need to "eat" something, lol! Then should go for a walk! Looks to be a beautiful day, so will be nice to be outside! Leave some "good" reading for my return!!!!

:pHello, Dini, Chimboree, Lynette, Laurend????, Sunshine!!!!!!!! We must be hitting different times!!!!! Have a great day! Check in later!;)

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Best of luck to you lindaa-hope your adventure goes smoothly! My naseau is gone now and I am feeling pretty good. I was up 6 pounds today too. Glad to know that this is how it works for everybody. That way I don't feel worried or upset. As far as the burps go, I have been brewing tea with chunks of ginger. I strain them out of course, but it does bring some comfort.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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