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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Dini, where are you my little band buddy? Is the car gone?? Did Adam have to go get it today? That would be funny if he had to 'walk' to get it. Let us know!!

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Laurend, I can't believe what they gave you in the hospital and that if you're hungry in a few days to start mushies or solids!! I'd be scared to. I thought the whole liquid diet was to give your stomach time to heal, where they stitched the band to it. Having these foods will make the stomach work to digest the foods, possibly moving the band and stitches. This is what I heard anyway. I wonder what their reasoning behind it is?? Let us know if you hear anything.

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Hello everyone! Just been catching up. Well, for the question of the day...what's my screen name mean. Well, my real name is Cherea (pronounced Sheree) and in school, some folks used to call me Chimboree, so tada. Sorry it's nothing really creative. Lol

It was either that or Chipmunk...another school nickname b/c I have fat cheeks and they said I always looked like I had food stored in there.

And the 26 is for my birthday - 10/26

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Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! I'm trying to keep up with the board, but wow - you are an active group! I work full-time and am a single mom, so I tend to fall behind in pretty much everything. I apologize in advance!

It's amazing to me to read the stories of what some people have had to go through just to get approved for banding. I feel fortunate that I had a relatively easy time. My BMI was slightly under 40, but I guess close enough that I didn't have to jump through too many hoops. Had to do blood tests, have 1 appointment with a dietician, and then do a psych eval. I don't have any health issues other than being overweight, so wasn't sure i would get approved. I had my insurance approval within a few weeks of my first visit to the doc. I think that's why I'm freaking out a little. Even though I've been looking into this for about 5 years, it all seems to be moving very quickly now.

Curious to know from those who have already had the surgery, how has recovery been? I'm having surgery Tuesday and have been told that I can expect to be back to work Monday (desk job). I'm wondering about the days in between whether or not I'll be able to drive my kids to camp etc.

Sorry such a long post. Thanks! :confused:

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janiee, welcome and congrats on the date!

Aww thanks, I thought it would never get here and now it's two weeks away!!:faint: I am starting to get really anxious, but very excited!!

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Laurend, I can't believe what they gave you in the hospital and that if you're hungry in a few days to start mushies or solids!! I'd be scared to. I thought the whole liquid diet was to give your stomach time to heal, where they stitched the band to it. Having these foods will make the stomach work to digest the foods, possibly moving the band and stitches. This is what I heard anyway. I wonder what their reasoning behind it is?? Let us know if you hear anything.
Well, my surgeon said that the stitches aren't really all that necessary, that they do it more out of convention and habit than it being an actual benefit to the patient. Apparently, there are a lot of foreign doctors that don't place any stitches at all. Post-surgery diets really depend on the surgeon, also. Some surgeon keep their patients on liquids for several weeks after surgery, and some put their patients on solids immediately following surgery. Mine's kind-of in the middle, I guess.

I am planning on sticking to soft foods for as long as I can, though, just to allow for healing. Believe me, I don't want to have another surgery just because I started on very firm foods too early.

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3 more days , and a new journey begins. I am so up for the challenge!!

You guys posted a question about 20 pages ago. Why are you fat and our you embarrassed? Yes I am embarassed, I hate going out in public, I always dress baggy, trying to hide my body, it even makes guys self consious. Asking for a table( I like Booths, just don't fit), My wife loves me, my family loves me, my friends love me. That should be enough(maybe for some), My whole life whats up big guy? You must of played football, I hate to feed you! It seems like I here this daily, I wish one time someone would say, whats up normal guy! I have not always been fat(Husky), I'm 6'0 305lbs actually gained 20lbs in the last two months, I don't believe I have stopped eating since I knew I was getting banded(Not to smart, but it sure tasted good). I graduated high school in 1991 from a small town I weighed 225, just a little belly 32 levis, now I'm in 42 levis, looks like one of thos big ole beer bellys, I promise you it is not beer(don't care for the taste), I got married in 2001 was about 270 for the last 6 years been on every diet, and been pretty faithful to the gym. I just love to eat that good ole fried southern food, including all those homade deserts. I'm one of those clean the plate club members, then I'll clean my wifes, daugters, etc., That desire of eating everything is so strong. It seems like when I'm full I have to strech it. Well all of these desires are going to stop. Because I'm taking charge of my life, My little girl(Callie), my wife(Leila) and our future baby(Feb 17,2008), just found out this morning, mean so much to me, that I am going to get healthy for them. Sorry for ranting and raving, I wish all of you Lucky#7s" the best of luck, Evrybody take care, Danny

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Thanks to all of you who liked my post about the easy way out. I've never even dealt w/that attitude, it just pisses me off.

Cherrybomb--Wow--4 hours! impressive. I had a lap surgery to remove a cyst on one of my tubes so I could get pregnant w/my second boy, and they threatened to keep me overnight until I peed. I have to admit I lied to get out--it's not like they watch you.

Lynette-- My screen name is a mix of mine and my husband's names and our anniversary: Ron + Nikki + the 26th (of June.) I always use that name for everything because we set up our first email account together, and I can't possibly remember more than one screen name!! As for the stepdaughter, I'm a stepmom of a teenage girl too, but I wasn't privvy to her "change." I agree, though, that some people hate it to be a big deal and others don't mind. You can broach the subject by focusing on her need for supplies to feel her out on it.

Gladster--just a word about clothes--if you do choose to donate to an official charity, don't forget to get a receipt if you itemize your taxes. I always blew that off until my tax guy gave me a list of what all this old stuff might be claimed for--needless to say, we've now got hundreds (almost a thousand) of dollars worth of deductions that we used to overlook every year!

Frustrated--I would have told the insurance guy, "Look Skinny Boy, I gained that kind of weight on my last diet, and it didn't take me nearly as long as it would probably take you to get a clue!" Not really, but the idea that I couldn't gain that kind of weight really is laughable!!

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Laurend, great information. I know all Dr.s are different and you should always follow your own Dr.'s orders. (But today I want to follow your Dr. hehehe, but I won't)

Icy, I'd check with your Dr on the driving thing. Mine said I can't drive until I go back for my 2 week post op appointment.:confused: I'm going to call next week and ask if I can. I need to get out of this house, even just to go to the park or something. I'm going to ruin my eyes sitting in front of this computer all day!!:ranger:

As far as going back to work, if I had a desk job, I think I'd be good to go on Monday. I've felt great all week long, except gas pains here and there. Just make sure to pack your food.< /p>

So I just ordered my Id Bracelet from AmericanMedicalId.com. I picked the 10k gold. I didn't think the $200 was a bad price for the gold when the other sites are charging upwards of $50 to $75 for the beaded ones.

I love the beaded ones, but I really wanted something I didn't have to take off when I shower, or swim, etc. All my jewelry is gold, so I'm not in the habit of taking anything off when I get into Water. I'm afraid I'd forget one day and ruin the beaded one. So 10k it is. I'll get it Tuesday. I'm excited.:clap2: I'd try to post a pic of it, but I'm not sure how to do it.

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Danny, best of luck to you, and congrats on baby #2. Just think of all the energy you're going to have to play with them.

Have a good flight, and let us know how it goes.

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OMG, I finally caught up with all the posts I missed in 5 days of not being online. My butt actually is feeling a bit sore and my son is whining that he wants his chance on the computer! I love this site, I'm 6 days and counting until surgery and am going through a bit of "oh my god I can't believe I'm actually doing this." I'm excited though and even more motivated today because I checked my blood sugar (my mom's diabetic and has a glucometer) and it was above normal, and I checked my blood pressure which was also borderline high.

Several dozen pages ago there was a question posed, Are you embarassed by your weight? Well, I am. But I'm even more SCARED of my weight. I'm a ICU nurse and see on a daily basis people who have ruined their bodies with food, alcohol, smoking, etc. I have a major family history of heart disease and cancer so for me, losing weight means no longer living in daily fear that I will drop dead tomorrow of a heart attack. What a weight off my mind in addition to my body!

Icebreeze: I see you're getting your surgery in San Jose. I live 30 miles

away. How about you?

Cherrybomb: Love your term "head hunger". It's my main enemy.

LindaAA: I'm getting my surgery done at Hospital Angeles in Tijuana

also. Who's your doctor?

To everyone else, I think you are all awesome and I am so glad to have found this online support. Dini, Lynette, maryinak, breadylady, chimboree-I feel like you're the "mama's" of this group and feel like I really know each of you personally. Thanks for the Love!:kiss2:

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Hi - I'm being banded on July 10, only 5 days away. I am very excited and cannot wait until the day.

Just found this site and then the Lucky#7 thread --- too cool.

Nice to meet all of you.

The clear liquid diet seems to be the most daunting thing for me, I am half way there and really would like a COOKIE!!

I enjoy reading everyones posting, you all seem like a great bunch to hang out with.

Until next time --- Princess :confused:

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OMG, I finally caught up with all the posts I missed in 5 days of not being online. My butt actually is feeling a bit sore and my son is whining that he wants his chance on the computer! I love this site, I'm 6 days and counting until surgery and am going through a bit of "oh my god I can't believe I'm actually doing this." I'm excited though and even more motivated today because I checked my blood sugar (my mom's diabetic and has a glucometer) and it was above normal, and I checked my blood pressure which was also borderline high.

Several dozen pages ago there was a question posed, Are you embarassed by your weight? Well, I am. But I'm even more SCARED of my weight. I'm a ICU nurse and see on a daily basis people who have ruined their bodies with food, alcohol, smoking, etc. I have a major family history of heart disease and cancer so for me, losing weight means no longer living in daily fear that I will drop dead tomorrow of a heart attack. What a weight off my mind in addition to my body!

Icebreeze: I see you're getting your surgery in San Jose. I live 30 miles

away. How about you?

Cherrybomb: Love your term "head hunger". It's my main enemy.

LindaAA: I'm getting my surgery done at Hospital Angeles in Tijuana

also. Who's your doctor?

To everyone else, I think you are all awesome and I am so glad to have found this online support. Dini, Lynette, maryinak, breadylady, chimboree-I feel like you're the "mama's" of this group and feel like I really know each of you personally. Thanks for the Love!:kiss2:

dieka32: Nice to meet you. I am a nurse too, and totally agree. Until now, I always knew the physicians who were treating me and my family. It's really unsettling to think about going so far away and having no idea, but at this point, the benefit outweighs the risk. I understand that it will be Dr Lopez Cardova who will be dong the surgery. I'm glad to hear from you, and about your 1-month success. I'll be looking for your posts from now on!

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Dieka - I live in San Jose, a couple miles from the doc's office. Where do you live?

Princess - I'm scheduled for July 10th too! woohoo!!!

I got a call from my doc's office today and looks like I go in at 8:30 in the morning! I'm relieved about that - no waiting. I had my daughter by scheduled c-section and it wasn't until noon. the waiting was torture!

Is it weird that I'm thinking about all the foods I won't be able to eat anymore and trying to figure out which ones I want to eat before Monday (when I have to switch to liquid diet)? I am totally food obsessed right now and I feel soooo guilty about that. Feels counterproductive.

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hello everyone.

sorry only getting on now! my brother has gone to italy for 2 weeks so i'm working like crazy...

regarding the car we got it sorted out but i was left stranded. ii left my phone at my moms and i was around a mile away. so i just walked but it was at midnight so i was a little crepted out. thanks to everyone who asked

my user name is what my family call me, when were on good terms!! my name is Denisa.

Lynette about your-step daughter what ever you so make sure its clear that your there for her. When i told my mom all she did was say.'' you'll have to shower every-day now and handed me pads for teenagers'' i iwhs she could have said more, but i supose i'm not suprised, this is comming from the person that used to put me on a scales every monday when i was 7 year old to check my weight. she used to taut me saying if your fat you'll never have friend or boyfriend. also i'll never be able to get nice clothes etc... not a great upbringing. I've banned her from talking to my daughter about weight.

We got lots of new comers WELCOME great to have you on board.

my closet is a total tip. but its only like that when i share with someone when i'm on my own its just normal and tidy. so that means when i single its tidy when i'm with someone its a mess. i'd love to be single right now

Snaggletooth, how you doing?

Sunny Sunshine how the Sun doing? !

The beautiful Chimboree how are you?

Lnyette my little sausage let us all know how things go with your step-daughter?

And everyone else let me know how you are. ALL OF YOU

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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