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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Marci, talk about blood shed, you'll have to hear this one.

I went to the hospital this morning to do my pre admitting testing, and everything went fine, and then they told me they need blood. I knew it was coming, and I prepared myself. I sat down and the nurse said are you ready, and I said yes. She said we have a lot to do. I asked how many vials, and she said "10".:omg: I said I think I'm going to faint (not even having started anything with the needle yet mind you) and she said, are you serious?:faint:

I said yes, I am. So they put me in a chair where I could recline and put my feet up where I couldn't fall out of it.

Seriously, 10 vials, I've never had that many. I get queasy after 3 to 4, so at this point I was scared. Another nurse came in to assist in case I did faint, but then we got stated, and before I knew it, I was done. They only took 3 whole vials, and then divided it into the 10 they had laying there. So all that for nothing. They never needed 10 full vials, and they scared the crap out me for nothing. That was my morning.

Now here's my afternoon for you. I get home and there is a call from the hospital to call them. I do and they tell me my portion for the hospital is $291 and some odd change.:mad: I said what do you mean. She says this is how much I owe after insurance pays the rest. Keep in mind, I've was told in March that insurance didn't pay, I went and got a $15,000 second mortgage to cover the surgery costs before I even could start this process, and I just paid the hospital $9,600.00 last Friday.:D I explained all this to her, and told her if the insurance is paying will I get a $9,600 refund? She said yes. So I had har charge my credit card for the $291, and said we'd let it go and see if insurance pays for it. It would be a mistake, but hey, I'd love to have my $15,000 back in my pocket.:heh: If it comes down to them catching the mistake then they will refund my $291, but what a day I've had.

So I have to be at the hospital on Monday morning at 8am:whoo:, and surgery was moved up to 9:30 am. They gave me these toweletts to wipe all over myself. Something about killing bacteria for up to 6 hours after using, and then I have to dress and go. The natural look will be on that day. No nothing, nail polish, fake nails, jewelry, I can't even have mousse or gel in my hair. Can you say FRIZZY. Oh well, I'm going to try to leave a little conditioner in it after my shower that morning.

I still need to get a robe. Going to go shopping tonight :car:and then I can start packing my bag for the hospital.:clap2:

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So I have to be at the hospital on Monday morning at 8am:whoo:, and surgery was moved up to 9:30 am. They gave me these toweletts to wipe all over myself. Something about killing bacteria for up to 6 hours after using, and then I have to dress and go. The natural look will be on that day. No nothing, nail polish, fake nails, jewelry, I can't even have mousse or gel in my hair. Can you say FRIZZY. Oh well, I'm going to try to leave a little conditioner in it after my shower that morning.

I have never heard of this. I have had an acrylic overlay on my nails for the past 6 years... am I going to have to remove them? Is that common?


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Getting concerned about not hearing from Dini. I haven't missed her post, have I??


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Hi Everyone. This is just my second post... still new at this. I've been reading the posts over the last few days.

A little about myself... I am married with 2 kids. I'm very lucky. My husband is wonderful: supportive of my career, a great father, cook, housekeeper etc. We have a special needs son, Jesse, who is hearing impaired, intellectually challenged, has epilepsy, ADHD and OCD (to name a few things). Beyond his labels... he is our pride and joy. We have a little girl, Sarah, who we are in the process of adopting. She has some issues as well due to prematurity. Hopefully she will grow up with no problems, but the jury's out still. She stole our heart the day we met her 1-1/2 years ago. The adoption should be final in September, but she is already ours in our hearts.

I've always been overweight, but as all of you probably too... I've been successful losing a lot of weight, just not keeping it off. Last year, I lost 80 lbs in 6 months... just to gain it all back in 5 months once my son was diagnosed with yet another issue. That was the deciding factor for me. I knew I couldn't do it again without the safety net to make sure I don't gain it back. Too much stress in my life to believe I won't stuff myself back to a size 26.

So here's my input into some recent discussions...

Goals I have:

* To not have to put the driver's seat all the way back when I get in the car... my butt is so big that I have to sit way back in order to fit.

* To fit in an airplane seat without feeling embarrased that whoever sits beside me is being crowded.

* To sit in an airplane seat and be able to put the food tray out to sit flat

* To not have my thighs rub together

* To go down the stairs without pain in my knees

* To run after my kids

* To play golf without getting winded

* To wear cloths from a "normal" store

Ohhhh the list keeps going... not to mention to feel proud of myself !!!

One thing I don't have to wait for is the look of passion in my husbands eye... he thinks I'm amazing whatever I look like.

Pre-op Diet:

I start my diet two weeks before surgery, so it will be July 12th for me. I have to eat low or non-fat yogurt and low fat cottage cheese and one boneless, skinless chicken breast daily. That's it !!!! Lucky me, I can eat as much fat free yogurt and cottage cheese that I want, but nothing else. Too bad I absolutely hate cottage cheese. I'll probably lose 20 lbs just doing the pre-op diet.

Post-op Diet:

I have to do 4 days of clear fluids, then 10 days of full fluids, then 14 days of pureed or mashed food. What do other people have to follow?

That's all I have for now. Take care,


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I have been gone a week and look at all the new people...WOW!! Hello and welcome to all.

Dini, my little Irish friend, How are you doing? I was so sorry to read you had problems and you haven't posted since. I am getting so very worried. Hope you feel better soon and can check in with us...{{HUGS}}

BreadLady, nice to see you are doing so well. 14 lbs!!! that's amazing. enjoy the camping and come back soon.

Lynette, just 3 more days...are you ready? I know you will do well.

Indiogirl and Snaggletooth, congrats on the date.

Marcy, I loved the pictures. Your family is beautiful. The fish weren't bad either.

Chimboree, love your goals. I can really relate to the towel one. That is one of mine. Another is fitting in airline seats. I was thinking about that today while flying across country. I was thinking the lady next to me probably wished I had my surgery months ago...

Now for the big news....I have been APPROVED and my surgery date is JULY 26....WWWOOOOWWWWWWOOOOWWWWOOO!!!!!!!

It took me forever to read all the posts and I know I have missed answering or responding to many messages. I will have to start from now.

Again, Dini, my thoughts are with you....


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Tons of nervousness going on out there!!

Remember --- we made this choice to better ourselves, keep your chin up! No nervousness, we are entering to the month that will determine the rest of our lives and it is going to fabulous!!!!

Last night I read through the June 2006 band group in the monthly area, great inspiration going on over there.

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I'm all set to go. I paid up (gulp) and received my instructions. My surgery is next Thursday at 11:30 pacific time. I should be home after four hours or so. For the first two weeks post-op I can have anything that I can suck through a straw. The following two weeks, I can have "baby food" consistency food. I toured the facility, which made it all very real. Doctor wants me to lose five more pound if I can, so cross your fingers for me. I'm going to amp up the exercise this weekend.

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Hey everyone! Wow...so much going on here. I've been trying to keep track w/my lil notebook...

Newbies, CKBW, welcome!!! You've got a date! Let the journey begin.

Dini Bini, where are you? Are you okay?

Breadlady, how 'bout you? You are doing so well. 14lbs already!!! Good for you.

AshRae, I'm not sure if they'll make you take them off, but I know they usually ask that you remove the polish. Just ask at your pre-op interview at the hospital.

Lynette, goodness gracious. What a day, what a day! Now, just relax and just enjoy getting prepared this weekend for your big day! Can you believe it is here???

LyssaRene, yes, we are all going to fabulous "Hottie Jalotties" come New Year's 2008.

Marcy, lol. More bloodshed than Normandy. You're about right. I had my pre-op date moved up to 7/11. I'm not looking forward to the poking and prodding. I've gotta do an EKG, upper GI series, chest x-ray, and bloodwork. But I know it's all for my good.

Kathy, thanks for the intro. We are glad to have you and look forward to getting to know you. I loved your goals, but I really loved the comment about your hubby. ("One thing I don't have to wait for is the look of passion in my husbands eye... he thinks I'm amazing whatever I look like.") That was so sweet! As for a pre-op diet, I don't have one. YIPPEEEEE!!! Post-op, I will be on full liquids for 7-10 days, mushies for 4 weeks, then solids.

Sunshine, it's official. 7/26! Yay!! I will update our calendar.

WOW. We are certainly growing and an active group. Gotta love it!!!!!! And don't forget to snag other Lucky 7's if you see them out on other threads. Just let them know that we're here. :biggrin1:

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hey everyone!

i've just wrote the longest post ever. included everyone in it and now its all gone the page just closed down. i'm so annoyed!

because i do not have the patience to do it all over again i'll do a short version.

welcome all newbies (there are lots of you its great)!

I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone prayers and well wishes.

I've not been great the past fews days but since around 2 pm today i've been getting better.

i've had terrible headaches and after crying for 2 hours i rang the hospital and they called me back hours later and told me i had to eat. and they were right i was not eating or drinking enough.

someone asked it there was anything i was not expecting and that was being so cold. i was freezing after the opp i was also very dizzy, this was before i fainted.

i'm not trying to scare anyone but i think you should hear the bad as well as the good.

oh if you can manipulate your period i would defo do that. it was horrible having them aswell as being in pain.

with the band in me i feel like it moves like if i'm standing its in a different spot than if i'm sitting. also it sometimes feels like there's a baby in me kicking me crazy huh?

any questions ask away i'm back now no more hiding.

again sorry i havn't mentions any names but thanks for all your taughts


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Hi All,

I went yesterday for my consult with Dr. Olsen in Nashville and he scheduled me for July 16. I have my pre-op testing on July 11. Of course I'm self pay so don't have to jump through any hoops for that. I'm scared, yet excited. He didn't mention any pre-op diet.

Dr. Olsen is my doc too!! My surgery is July 18th. I'm self pay as well.

I'm doing the pre-op diet and start it on the 8th. I just finished ordering all the Protein drinks for it.

Have you gone to any support group meetings yet?

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Yeah Dini! You're back. Good to know you're doing well.

My pre-op appt w/the hospital has been changed. It's been moved from 7/19 to 7/11 instead. I'll be glad when all this preop stuff is over. I just want to be banded soooo bad!

As well as the goals we've been posted (which I think are great...ya'll are giving me ideas, too.), I think we should post what type of exercise we're gonna be doing.

I will be doing a lot of walking. I love to walk and it has always helped me to lose wt. I got a couple DVDs of Walk Away the Pounds. I've heard it's s'posed to be great. I've watch one of them and like it so far. We'll see. As I lose more wt, I'll be able to do other things, but I know walking will be my primary form of exercise.

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How is it getting stuff down? Does it hurt or feel funny? Have you pb'd yet? How are your incisions? Did your docs use stitches, glue, staples...???

Questions are starting to come to me.

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hey chimboree,

ask away if i can help i totally will!!

i got stitches but i can't see them cos i've got plasters over them? also i can't really feel anything going down but thats cos i'm drinking little little bits at a time. i have not poo'd yet but i've peed lots! anymore questions?? keep em comming

oh indigolady where in ireland is your family from and does anyone else have family in ireland??

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Hello everyone,

I am a Lucky 7 too. My surgery is on July 16 and I am very excited. I really enjoy this website and have learned so much from everyone. The support is fantastic.

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We are SOOOO glad to hear from you. Our thoughts and prayers have been with you! We can take the bad with the good... that's okay. We need to know. And everyone's experience is different. So sorry about the headaches, your fall, badly timed period, etc.!! Hopefully, things will be looking up from here on!


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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