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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I started my pre op last Monday... it is Opti Fast. It is really horrible too. The ready to drink strawberry is about all I can get down. I have two boxes of Opti Fast Protein Bars that aren't too bad, but the powder vanilla and chocolate shakes are terrible along with the Soups. I still have another 9 days left to go also. I will make it, but I am sure I will be very hungry along the way. Good Luck!


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I started my pre op last Monday... it is Opti Fast. It is really horrible too. The ready to drink strawberry is about all I can get down. I have two boxes of Opti Fast Protein Bars that aren't too bad, but the powder vanilla and chocolate shakes are terrible along with the Soups. I still have another 9 days left to go also. I will make it, but I am sure I will be very hungry along the way. Good Luck!


Mine is calling for Protein Shakes (slim fast lowcarb or the like) fruit twice a day and Water, water and more water. I have decided to start my pre-op Sunday July 1. I have a busy week at the 2 week until surgery so I might as well get into the swing of things so I can go full force at the 2 week mark. That gives me a little more than a week to make mistakes (hope I don't but!) and correct them. Plus I am sure it will make me start feeling better and get more energy.

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I started my pre op diet yesterday, it consist of Protein Shakes, unlimted non starchy vegetables and sugar fee beverages. The first day was ok but today I feel bloated and like I am retaining Water. I was not told how much weight I have to lose prior to surgery, but I am starting to worry that I may not be able to lose any weight on this diet.


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<p>You might feel bloated for a few days, but your body is holding liquid then it will release it. Keep it up!!!</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>+++ Idea +++ what if we all started a thread with our user name as the title and kept everyone up to date of the progress so we could check on each others progress and post up stuff. This way each person would have their own progress to look back on as the coming year passes. You could make it a diary of sorts so maybe when having a bad day you could go back and read your own posts of good days to help you get by. Anyway, just an idea. I think I will start mine as long as no one objects. I would kinda like the diary to look back on</p>

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Hi MsPris. We all certainly know how some family members can be. Just remember, this is a decision that you are making for you...and eventually, the naysayers may see the light...or maybe they won't. Either way, it's all good. You are making a change for the better. You will be so much healthier, feel better about yourself, and have a lot more energy. How can anyone argue against that???

We all know that just getting up from the table doesn't work...we just take the food w/us and eat it from the couch!!! :heh: LOL.

Just stay positive about your decision and keep coming here for additional support and encouragement.

Greetings Everyone:

Thanks for the Welcome to the Lucky 7's club and to Chimboree for being the keeper of the calendar and adding me to it. (I printed it out)

I haven't bought anything yet. I have a small group meeting next Thursday evening with the Psych, and Dietitian. They will tell us what they want us to get in the way of Vitamins and the rest.

I've never had a Protein Shake. I know when I attended the seminar at the hospital, they said that at St. Raphael's in New Haven, they use "Carnation," as in Instant Breakfast - I wonder?

I'm 53 and just got off the phone with my 78 year old dad who for the most part is sharp as a tack and still works part time. Anyway, of course I had to get the, "What the hell do you have to have surgery to lose weight for? You know what to do - you just walk away from the table." Know all that. "This is just a money making scheme for the Dr's.," he said when I told him the surgeon said I was a good candidate. "Of course he said that, they're in it for the money."

I told him I loved and respected him and his opinion, which he had every right to be entitiled to - though I didn't agree. The only other thing I said basically was, my surgeons a female and I phoned her for an appt. she didn't solicit me. I love my dad to death, but he has his beliefs and one is that psychologists and psychology are/is not a real science but rather "is for the birds."

It's rather amusing that my brother's PhD. is in Psychology, and it was my minor. Okay....moving along....

Thanks for listening.

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Hey LyssaRene,

Not sure if you're aware of the journal feature here at LBT. You can go on there and journal your whole LapBand journey. Just look up on the toolbar and you'll see Home, UserCP, Gallery, and Journal. Just click there and get started.

I love your idea, though. Just thought this might be a little easier.

<p>You might feel bloated for a few days, but your body is holding liquid then it will release it. Keep it up!!!</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>+++ Idea +++ what if we all started a thread with our user name as the title and kept everyone up to date of the progress so we could check on each others progress and post up stuff. This way each person would have their own progress to look back on as the coming year passes. You could make it a diary of sorts so maybe when having a bad day you could go back and read your own posts of good days to help you get by. Anyway, just an idea. I think I will start mine as long as no one objects. I would kinda like the diary to look back on</p>

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Here's the rest of my goal list:

6. To wear a bra without the sides rolling up and cutting into my sides.

7. To actually wear matching bra and panty sets!!:heh:

8. To pick up my 3 year old without any pain in my back.:omg:

9. To fit into the rides with my son at Kings Island.

10. Last, but not least, to gain the confidence and self esteem I wish I had in my early teen years. So much in my life would be different now if I had these things earlier in life. I'm not complaining about how my life turned out, but now, I can do something about it and hold my head high.

Who knows, maybe I'll actually make it to my 20 year high school reunion. I haven't been to one yet!:faint:

I feel like the only one out there with out a pre op diet. I'm not gaining, but I'm still enjoying a few things here and there. OMG, I'm getting banded in less than 4 days. It seems unreal.

Good luck to all those who do have the pre op. It just means you'll have less to lose after surgery.:clap2:

Dini, where are you??? Can you come out to play yet?? I really hope you're doing better and taking it easy. You've had such a rough way to go. We're all still thinking o you.

Welcome again to all the new Lucky 7's. Just a few more days and then there will be postings galore. We'll need to take vacation time just to keep up with everyone and read everything. I can't wait. Our whole world is about to change drastically.

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Hey LyssaRene,

Not sure if you're aware of the journal feature here at LBT. You can go on there and journal your whole LapBand journey. Just look up on the toolbar and you'll see Home, UserCP, Gallery, and Journal. Just click there and get started.

I love your idea, though. Just thought this might be a little easier.

Thanks! Didn't notice it up there. I am not sure I want to be turned out into the wild and get lost. Those that band together (no pun intended) stay together. We all will be going through similar things at the same time... you put me into the wild (everyone else) and I might get lost and so might you!

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Thanks! Didn't notice it up there. I am not sure I want to be turned out into the wild and get lost. Those that band together (no pun intended) stay together. We all will be going through similar things at the same time... you put me into the wild (everyone else) and I might get lost and so might you!

LyssaRene No problem. I know what you mean about being turned loose, but the journal is just your thing and others can view it if they want to. But we still want you to post here whatever your heart desires! We'll be right there w/you. The beauty of this site.

Lynette, I don't have a pre-op diet, either. Did you feel like you should do one anyway??? I'm wondering if I should...and I love your goals, too. The bra thing is one of mine, too...and can you believe I had a breast reduction and they're still pretty big???

Dini and Breadlady, is there anything that has happened that you weren't prepared for (Dini, aside from the fall)?

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My Dear Lynette - You already CAN have a bra that doesn't twist, ride up, or dig in....it'll cost you though. Last year I went to Nordstroms in Anchorage and got a "fitting"...thought I was due. The scrawny cute thing put me into a WACOAL bra. It was $60, but I LOVE them, yep, them, I bought THREE! (NO, we do not make THAT much money here! Just a little indulgence.) This was the first time since kids that I've been able to wear an underwire. The girls are where they belong and I NEVER have shoulder pain. I cannot recommend enought getting a good fitting - it's free so there's no excuse for ANY of the ladies here on Lucky #7s to be riding low. For the men that join us...don't be dismayed, now we'll all look sweeter for you! ;-)

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Goals are a great idea. I will most likely add more but these are things I want to achieve:

Flying: I've avoided flying because it's difficult to fit into the seats and I know uncomfortable for someone if I sit by them. I one time had a guy get up and move to another seat and it was embarrassing.

Sitting in a chair w/arm support. I want to fit into a normal size chair. I want to not have to put the arm up in a movie theater.

Center console in my jeep. I want to put a center console in my jeep wrangler but I can't because I'm too big and I don't want to be squished.

Walk up my stairs without being winded.

Restroom: going into the regular stalls and not the handicap stalls that are bigger. I know it sounds silly but those regular stalls are small and hard to move around in.

That is it for now.

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Wrangler, great goals. I think we all have a thing for seats, and how we wished we fit better into them. Soon, real soon.

Chimboree, I noticed something when you posted about the Hope medical ID Bracelet. On the thirl line it reads No blind NG Tube. What is this? Would it be for all band patients, or something personal you had added for yourself? I've been looking on line and the bracelets you found are very stylish, and a good price range. I can't believe how expensive they can be. I saw some up to $300. The $60 ones will work just fine.

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The NG is for nasogastric tube. It's what they use when they need to access your stomach via tube (i.e. pumping your stomach, etc.). If the try to insert one blindly (w/o a scope), then they will end up forcing it (b/c of the resistance from the band) and they could tear your stomach. AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!:omg:

I found that out on another thread on here. I think it's a poll started by Laurend called Medical Alert ID or Not...

Wrangler, great goals. I think we all have a thing for seats, and how we wished we fit better into them. Soon, real soon.

Chimboree, I noticed something when you posted about the Hope medical ID Bracelet. On the thirl line it reads No blind NG Tube. What is this? Would it be for all band patients, or something personal you had added for yourself? I've been looking on line and the bracelets you found are very stylish, and a good price range. I can't believe how expensive they can be. I saw some up to $300. The $60 ones will work just fine.

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Oh I know the feeling about the seats. I'm not to the point yet, where I can't fit in a movie theater seat, but it's starting to get a little uncomfortable, especially if someone is next to me.

Goals are a great idea. I will most likely add more but these are things I want to achieve:

Flying: I've avoided flying because it's difficult to fit into the seats and I know uncomfortable for someone if I sit by them. I one time had a guy get up and move to another seat and it was embarrassing.

Sitting in a chair w/arm support. I want to fit into a normal size chair. I want to not have to put the arm up in a movie theater.

Center console in my jeep. I want to put a center console in my jeep wrangler but I can't because I'm too big and I don't want to be squished.

Walk up my stairs without being winded.

Restroom: going into the regular stalls and not the handicap stalls that are bigger. I know it sounds silly but those regular stalls are small and hard to move around in.

That is it for now.

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It's taken me and hour just to catch up on the post...:)

Welcome to an the newbies.....:clap2:

I have OFFICIAL approval from BlueCross CA today :whoo:

5 days and no CIGGYS !!!! Doing ok - I am a bit edgy and sick of chewing nicorette gum... But it does help the cravings.. I get up at 5 a.m. and usually drink my 2 cups of coffee and a couple cigs before i get in the shower and this morning i got dresses and took my doggies for a walk instead almost a mile just a tad short.

I can't remember my last update - but went to the pulmanarey dr on Tues.. Don't have lung cancer.. :eek: He has passed me for surgery. Then had to go pick up my cpap (sp) machine - I have slep:notagreet with it for 2 nights, I think i feel more rested.

I have my nuclear stress test in the a.m. and can't have caffene 12 hrs before hand and guess what i just made

Brownies.... All of a sudden it hit me Stupid you can't eat those tonite... Well lets see i have 45 mins before 8 pm but i don't think i will start cuz once i do that's it... I will wrap them up and give them to my Grandson to hide from me cuz I am not responsible for what i eat in the middle of the night.. :cry I am eating from now until 7/7 when i will have to start that pre-op... This next week will be my farewell to bad eating... :hungry: and since i can't smoke I do want to eat more and that's not good...

I still have the colon doctor - mamogram - pap and blood work that all as to be done prior to 7/17...


I have my pre-op with my Dr on 7/6 and that's when i will get my 11 day preop diet.

Breadlady you sound like you are doing great - you are even off on holiday (like that dini - i have a tad of your lingo - I have a cousin who lives in UK and my Family is from the UK - Ireland & France)

Dini - Hope you are doing better..

I am single so I don't really have anyone to take care of me full time. Except my - My Daughter in Law who is a RN (i will have my own private nurse :o) has taken the 17 & 18 off to take me & pick me up and my 16yr grandson lives with me so that should be enought.. i don't have a recliner and i have read where that's where most people sleep for the first few days. How long until you can drive??

Well this week has been VERY hectic with all the doctors work etc... I will be so glad when this is all over and i can start living my new life.

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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