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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I probably should get all those female tests, it has been 2 years since I had a mammogram. Last time I had Calcium deposits and had to go back for a 2nd test. I don't have a cervix anymore (I know TMI) so the pap isn't as critical, but they still like to test it. I have had treatment for irregular cells. That was fun. But it has been about 5 years since I had a pap.

Steph, I hope you unfill went all went well. Half the time I think I am at my 'sweet spot', half the time I am starving, and lately I have been sticking. I figure I am still going to the doc on Friday to establish myself as his patient. I'll visit with him about whether he thinks I need a fill. I know once school starts I will be hungry all the time.

Got the quilt room cleaned and organized today. I will not be shopping for a while, I have enough projects and new patterns for the next 10 years.

Candice, slap the man. He is being a TOTAL MAN!!! However...if he is good in bed, then keep him.

Kari, I am so proud of you, I have a stack of work to do in the next 3 weeks. Tomorrow is the start day.

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Hi Guys

Janet - tell Karla about the plaque Linda and I found for you in Canada.

Karla and Candice- Brad and I went to a tractor show Friday and one of our friends there was telling us how excited his wife was over a quilt she made. I guess it was a large queen and it was appliqued. She decided she wanted it hand quilted so she hired an Amish lady to do it and from what I heard it was gorgeous. A work of art. And she only paid $155.00 to have it done. No way would I do that for that price.

Maybe we should head out to Montana or Wyoming next summer. Got room for all of us Karla? Or we could head farther west to Wash. or Oregon. Or even Vancouver.

Next week, DD and grandbabies are heading for Florida to visit my mom. Only be gone a week but I won't be on between the 11th and the 19th.

Female tests? I haven't had a pap in at least 15 years. But then the only thing in there are my overies.

You'll notice that I haven't mentioned food. That's cause it is taboo. No, not the food. Just talking about it. There's a reason for that and it's not a good one.

Okay, this is long enough. Talk to you all tomorrow. Love you guys. HUGS!!!

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Hi Everyone, Getting up for work is hell. I HATE mornings!

Distant- You have had a really hard year. Losing your Mom when she was only 49, that's very very hard. So sorry for you and your family. Good luck with having a new baby. Wishing you the best!

Karla and Candice ever made a yo yo quilt?

Going to bed hungry, that's a good thing for me. OMG this work crap is hard!

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Janet, hugs to you GF... all these female tests... yuk... well the trans vag ultrasound isn't too bad. I found the worst part was drinking all that liquid first... I can't hold my 'water' for very long at all.

YOu'll bb fine, I am possitive that ALL your tests will come back clean... so don't you worry your pretty little head about it o.k????

Think of it as routine maintenance on a Ford Chasis!!! oops I meant Chrysler!!!

At work today, I want to quit... havn't got the guts... there is never a good time to do it... but I think I've made up my mind.... then I think about all my patients that I will miss..

:-( They are the ones I really go in for... most of them, like 98% are super people and I do get attached...

Now Peter is having second thoughts about the RV... OMWord what will I do with him? WE put a deposit down on one yesterday... and today he is saying "we were hasty, I hope the offer dosn't go thru!" ARGH!!! :)

Candice - When I went today - she said maybe I had sex before the pap and that's why - I said oh hell no - it's been 7 yrs since I have sex... lol.... I don't remember having to drink Water before my test last time - but that was 2 yrs ago. I can't drink alot at one time so - I guess I will just have to do a lot of sipping - Girl test really don't bother me but I just hate going to the doctor period... Ya tuning up the old Chrysler lol..

Why does Peter think you were to hasty - how much researching does he want to do - enough so that you lose the one you love.. Men...

I probably should get all those female tests, it has been 2 years since I had a mammogram. Last time I had Calcium deposits and had to go back for a 2nd test. I don't have a cervix anymore (I know TMI) so the pap isn't as critical, but they still like to test it. I have had treatment for irregular cells. That was fun. But it has been about 5 years since I had a pap.

Steph, I hope you unfill went all went well. Half the time I think I am at my 'sweet spot', half the time I am starving, and lately I have been sticking. I figure I am still going to the doc on Friday to establish myself as his patient. I'll visit with him about whether he thinks I need a fill. I know once school starts I will be hungry all the time.

Got the quilt room cleaned and organized today. I will not be shopping for a while, I have enough projects and new patterns for the next 10 years.

Candice, slap the man. He is being a TOTAL MAN!!! However...if he is good in bed, then keep him.

Kari, I am so proud of you, I have a stack of work to do in the next 3 weeks. Tomorrow is the start day.

Karla... Oh ya the sign - "A woman who's looking for a husband -- Never had one " They came and told me about it - I just had to buy it - it's in my living room...

Prior to banding I never went to the doctor - but my doc made me have all these test before he would band me - colon - heart -lungs - pap - mamo - shrink - and the mamo came back with califications - then next time a lump - and I know I have 2 fibroids - one was the size of an orange - but since I haven't had a period in 1 yr - hopefully it's shrunk.

Hi Guys

Janet - tell Karla about the plaque Linda and I found for you in Canada.

Karla and Candice- Brad and I went to a tractor show Friday and one of our friends there was telling us how excited his wife was over a quilt she made. I guess it was a large queen and it was appliqued. She decided she wanted it hand quilted so she hired an Amish lady to do it and from what I heard it was gorgeous. A work of art. And she only paid $155.00 to have it done. No way would I do that for that price.

Maybe we should head out to Montana or Wyoming next summer. Got room for all of us Karla? Or we could head farther west to Wash. or Oregon. Or even Vancouver.

Next week, DD and grandbabies are heading for Florida to visit my mom. Only be gone a week but I won't be on between the 11th and the 19th.

Female tests? I haven't had a pap in at least 15 years. But then the only thing in there are my overies.

You'll notice that I haven't mentioned food. That's cause it is taboo. No, not the food. Just talking about it. There's a reason for that and it's not a good one.

Okay, this is long enough. Talk to you all tomorrow. Love you guys. HUGS!!!

Karri - If you aren't careful you are going to gain all you weight back !!! Now girlfriend this is being said with love - but you are on a very slippery slope here... It's so easy to go back... Please Please be mindful - Please don't go back you worked to hard to get your weight off..

Tonite I really really didn't want to go to the gym - I'm sore still from Saturday and pooped then the stress of all these stupid doctor appointments - the work that's piling up on my desk - then spending the day yesterday at the hosiptial .. I am just to darn tired.. We all know what happens when we are tired - we tend to eat more and skip the exercise.

Well, those are all excuses and I won't allow myself to make them -I took my ass to the gym - 3.5 mile burned 400 calories and then went and bought some fresh veggies and fish. I am not going back to what I was - I don't care how tired I am or how stressed I am... I am going to practice my new lifestyle 100%..

Hi Everyone, Getting up for work is hell. I HATE mornings!

Distant- You have had a really hard year. Losing your Mom when she was only 49, that's very very hard. So sorry for you and your family. Good luck with having a new baby. Wishing you the best!

Karla and Candice ever made a yo yo quilt?

Going to bed hungry, that's a good thing for me. OMG this work crap is hard!

Denise - Ya getting back into the swing of things has to be hard.. How's your Mom doing??

Phyl should be home tonite.... I think she said she was going home on Tuesday - I bet Earl is going to be happy..

I haven't ck'd Facebook - heck I barely have time to keep up with LBT -

Ok gotta feed me... and finish my book and I think Big Brother is on tonite....

Linda, Karri, Steph - Hugs

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Denise, I've never been too much into yoyo's, i will use them for applique, but not to make a whole quilt. I do hand piece and quilt baby quilts. Putting lots of circles into smaller circles is just not my idea of fun.

Janet all will go well!!! I can't imagine the ultrasound is too fun.

Distant, I'm a newbie, but you are in my prayers. My father has lung cancer also. Best case scenario we have about 25 months, but since the chemo & radiation damaged his heart, the time will be less. Dad is in a study for a new treatment, so hopefully he is getting the test drug and that it works. He is 74.

Unfortunately my house is small, but I would love to have you out here. But I really would love to go to Vancouver and Victoria Island. I understand it is beautiful.

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Hi ladies. I'm back from Bismarck. All was successful.

PA wanted to take out 1cc. She put in .6 last time. I asked if we could just take that out and she was reluctant but agreed. She told me to come back if it wasn't enough. That I didn't need an appointment, to just come back. She is so nice.

She told me to stay on liquids for 48 hours but I have to admit I went to mushies. After a month of mushies I couldn't go back to liquids. Everything seems fine. I'm being gentle.

I'm very tired. Michael and I argued more today than yesterday. I told him that just because we had a good day doesn't mean he has to prove he's still a tough guy and pick fights. He just rolled his eyes but still keeps pushing buttons. I'm trying my damnedest not to snap. Some days I think he just wants me to prove I love him by not giving in. At least that's my arm chair psychology. Okay...waiting for Jeff to come home from the farm. Should be soon. Then I'm going straight to bed.

Talk to you all later. One more full page and we'll be at 1000! Imagine that!

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Maybe the Best Blonde Joke Ever!

Two blonde girls were working for the city public works department One would dig a hole and the other would follow behind her and fill the hole in. They worked up one side of the street, then down the other, then moved on to the next street, working furiously all day without rest, one girl digging a hole, the other girl filling it in again.

An onlooker was amazed at their hard work, but couldn't understand what they were doing. So he asked the hole digger, 'I'm impressed by the effort you two are putting in to your work, but I don't get it -- why do you dig a hole, only to have your partner follow behind and fill it up again?'

The hole digger wiped her brow and sighed, 'Well, I suppose it probably looks odd because we're normally a three-person team. But today the girl who plants the trees called in sick.'

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Hi Everyone, Getting up for work is hell. I HATE mornings!

Distant- You have had a really hard year. Losing your Mom when she was only 49, that's very very hard. So sorry for you and your family. Good luck with having a new baby. Wishing you the best!

Karla and Candice ever made a yo yo quilt?

Going to bed hungry, that's a good thing for me. OMG this work crap is hard!

No I have never made a Yo Yo quilt.. Making all those little donuts circles would drive me crazy!!! But I have seen them and they are beautiful in their own way.

food yest. not too good, so I'm not posting it... don't want to give anyone else IDEAS :)

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Home, sweet home!

Have three pages to catch up on but have to get in the shower and get out of here! Earl made date with his new "girlfriend"! Have to go pick her up for Primetimers in an hour!

Please keep Tracy in your prayers today... was called back after mammogram and has to go in this morning for another test... I imagine ultrasound, and then has to wait around for results and consult with doctor. She's pretty nervous about it. Hope DH decided to go with her.

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Home, sweet home!

Have three pages to catch up on but have to get in the shower and get out of here! Earl made date with his new "girlfriend"! Have to go pick her up for Primetimers in an hour!

Please keep Tracy in your prayers today... was called back after mammogram and has to go in this morning for another test... I imagine ultrasound, and then has to wait around for results and consult with doctor. She's pretty nervous about it. Hope DH decided to go with her.

For Sure we'll all keep positive thoughts for Tracy. She is such a doll, you are blessed to have such a nice daughter.

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Home, sweet home!

Have three pages to catch up on but have to get in the shower and get out of here! Earl made date with his new "girlfriend"! Have to go pick her up for Primetimers in an hour!

Please keep Tracy in your prayers today... was called back after mammogram and has to go in this morning for another test... I imagine ultrasound, and then has to wait around for results and consult with doctor. She's pretty nervous about it. Hope DH decided to go with her.


Glad you are home safe & sound... Send Tracy my Hugs & Prayers - I know how never wracking this is....

Girlfriend lol and you are going out with her :0)... Tell us more...


Denise - ya don't need any idea's I am STARVING got a whole hour til lunch - and Water just ain't cutting it...

If I thought that a fill would help with the hunger I would go in - but imho it doesn't so - I guess it just must be hormones or stress..

----------------------------------------------------------Candice - cute joke...

well thought I would ck in and maybe my hunger would go away - but it's not working - I am pooped - I wish I could sleep for about 24 hrs straight - I am taking my vitimans thinking that's it - but still not helping much...

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WEll, I just did it.... I called another RV lady and offered her a low ball $$$ for her van...

She didn't say no immmediately.... she wants to sleep on it.. and call me in the morning!

Now I have to go and tell Peter!!!

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Good Evening Gang...

Back from the gym - did my hr of arms - feeling better after my exercise... Can't believe how those endorphins moving around really do make you feel better..

Not much to report..

Steph - Glad you got your unfill and will be able to eat.. How's it going.. I read a parenting book and it says our problem is that we argue and try and reason with our kids and that's what we need to stop... I know it's hard - kid's can push those button and we go ballistic.. Once you said no - quit trying to explain why over and over - when he keeps pushing those button you just stay quite... Almost like super nanny does with putting the 2 yr old back in the time out chair - you explain once why then after that you just keep putting them back and not talking about why - you just do it.. I have been able to do it with Andrew a few time (I am far from the perfect parent) but once they know you aren't going to give in - they will quit bugging you...

Candice - What did Peter say :0)...

Linda - Isnt Wed Cora day...

Denise - how many kids have you suspended so far -

Karla - Whats up how are you feeling - are you going to that new doc tomorrow.

Phyl - So what's Earl's new girlfriend like ...

Kari - are you doing better with food today - how's the biking..

Who am I missing - Well off to feed the dogs CBL

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New "girlfriend" is 83 yrs old and lives in an assisted living facility near us, in the "memory impaired" building. She and her husband used to have a double wide mobile at Sky Valley, but sold it last year. They couldn't continue to come down there when her husband's Alzhiemer's got too bad and she could no longer manage him. He died last year. Another friend from Sky Valley either called or emailed last week to see if we could pick her up and bring her to the WA state reunion picnic which was this past Monday. So Earl took her and jokingly told a few people that since I was out of town, Lorene was his "date". So now she's all paranoid about people "gossiping" about them!! LOL!! We picked her up and took her to Primetimers with us this morning and she was still going on and on about people gossiping about them and I couldn't seem to persuade her that they were just teasing her. She told me several times that she and her husband had pledged to each other many years ago that they would never remarry if one died! So I guess I don't have to worry about her stealing my husband!

Tracy's repeat mammo was fine. Nothing showed up this time. She's all tired and dragged out today... we didn't get home until 1 a.m. but I've been bouncing around like the energizer bunny. And I"m really psyched because my bathroom scale says I'm down a couple of pounds!! I know.. stupid scale is unstable... but... I get on & off about 6X until I get a range and then I assume the highest weight is right. And the highest weight it registered was at least two pounds down from two weeks ago.

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New "girlfriend" is 83 yrs old and lives in an assisted living facility near us, in the "memory impaired" building. She and her husband used to have a double wide mobile at Sky Valley, but sold it last year. They couldn't continue to come down there when her husband's Alzhiemer's got too bad and she could no longer manage him. He died last year. Another friend from Sky Valley either called or emailed last week to see if we could pick her up and bring her to the WA state reunion picnic which was this past Monday. So Earl took her and jokingly told a few people that since I was out of town, Lorene was his "date". So now she's all paranoid about people "gossiping" about them!! LOL!! We picked her up and took her to Primetimers with us this morning and she was still going on and on about people gossiping about them and I couldn't seem to persuade her that they were just teasing her. She told me several times that she and her husband had pledged to each other many years ago that they would never remarry if one died! So I guess I don't have to worry about her stealing my husband!

Tracy's repeat mammo was fine. Nothing showed up this time. She's all tired and dragged out today... we didn't get home until 1 a.m. but I've been bouncing around like the energizer bunny. And I"m really psyched because my bathroom scale says I'm down a couple of pounds!! I know.. stupid scale is unstable... but... I get on & off about 6X until I get a range and then I assume the highest weight is right. And the highest weight it registered was at least two pounds down from two weeks ago.

How cute - I figured it was something like that - too funny that's she's worried that pple are talking about her..

Almost like me and Earl in the elevator at the mofa when you were trying to sneak off to the mall - you came back at him with What are you and Janet doing - lol that was just so funny..

Congrats on the weight loss - we all get on and off the scales a few time..

Can't beleive you have all that energy - I was pooped when I got home..

So glad that Tracy's mamo came back good/no problems..

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