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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Good morning ladies. Busy week this week. Planning a pink ribbon motorcycle rally, doing kettle corn at the fair this weekend, ran puppy to Williston to the vet for no reason at all....3 hours wasted....and troubles with Michael.

I sound like a broken record with Michael, don't I? Well...I have a call into family services. I don't know what my options are but I've come to the conclusion that if he stays in my house there are only 3 possible outcomes, a. he ends up in jail, b. all my children get removed because of abuse, c. he ends up dead of his own stupidity. None of those options are ones I'm willing to live with. I am looking into residential facilities, but the private ones I've seen are like 6k a month. Who can afford that? Do people really go into that much debt to get their kids help? Don't get me wrong, my son's life is priceless, but that's over 70k a year! I don't know what to do. So, maybe the state will need to get involved. I'm afraid of that. If I send Michael away do they take the other two? I don't know, but I'm to the point that maybe they should. Maybe I'm just a horrible mother. Maybe I'll just damage all three of them....not just Michael. I don't know. I just know that Michael needs help and I can't give it to him. There are no counselors in the area....I hope I can find something for him. Keep us in your prayers. We need them.

I got an unfill appointment in Bismarck on the 4th. I will drive down on the 3rd. It's a very long drive but I can't even eat mushies now. I know the stress has caused this latest tightening. I'm not sure I'll make it until the 4th if it continues. I can still get in liquids. That is my saving grace. I'm keeping my Protein and cals up by drinking them. So next Tuesday.

I have a million things to do. I'll talk to you all later. Love you ladies. You are all saving my sanity. I need the break from the "reality" of my life. You have no idea how important you all are to me. Thank you for being there for me to love, for me to talk to, for me to lean on.

Stephanie; you are not a bad mother and you are not going toRUIN the two younger ones. You've had some challenges with Michael's behaviour... Correct me if Im wrong but was he not diagnosed with a mood disorder? a while back? If the Meds don't keep him on an even keel then perhaps residential treatment would be best - for him and the rest of the family.

Time apart can sometimes be a beneficial cooling off time for all concerned. What does Jeff think about all this? Is he frazzled with Michael too?

Hugs and LOVE to you and your family.


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I can't believe more pages were filled out today than was filled out the past five days.

Okay, now I add my two cents


What else can I say. It's all been said. I think I may have an Elvis picture. I tried to stay up last night and try to download during my free download time, but, dang. 2AM is to early. eh?

Can you believe I was down two this morning? Must have been that delish fudge, wine, beer and poutine. Eh? Or maybe it was the coffee. I did read somewhere that it speeds the metabolism. Maybe I aught to start drinking it. eh? Or maybe it was that nicotine.

(Don't worry, I'm not going to start up again. But I did enjoy it.)


YOU lost 2 lbs??? Your kidding right? Ah I know what happened.... you got home and finally had a BM!!

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A little bad news--there was a text message from DD when I got to Chicago. She had gone to the dermatologist last week to have a few moles removed from her back. Turns out that one of them was cnacerous so she needs to go back and have more extensive surgery.

Oh LInda, I am glad that they caught the skin cancer early! And you are a nurse so I am sure you'll put DD mind at ease.

Back at work today, urgh! THe new office manager is driving me NUTS!!! I even called my boss today to discuss it...

I've tried to give this BIATCH the benefit of the doubt for long enough...

So tomorrow I'm having a meeting with my Boss about the OM... we'll see what transpires. I'm of a mind to just pack in this job... who needs it!

If we get an RV we could take off anytime we wanted if I wasn't tied to the clinic. I DO love my patients, but the politics is crap...

BLECHT... there, its out.. I feel better :lol: :juggle:

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Steph You are not a bad mother - you have a teenager - I hated my mother too at 14 - said wish she would die... Most teenagers hate their parents. He's 14 and he has a mind of his own - hormones and then the mood issue as Candice said - the combination makes for a worse situation.. When the other kids try and talk to you in the manner that Michael does - you just have to put your foot down and tell them that is not acceptable behavior and send them for a time out. You gotta stop it while they are young still..

What does Jeff say about this, Michael doesn't listen to him..

Do you have any family you can send him to like a brother or someone he relates to..

Candice - I understand you about work - I come back to a warning from someone telling me more lay offs are in the works and I could be one of them if I don't watch my p's & q's.. As you all know I speak my mind - and they don't like it.. But I need the job - so I guess I will just have to keep my mouth shut - I also came back to news that I have to move back to the other side of the office (we 4 pple are in a separate wing) Right now I have a big office moving back to my small cubical... I know that they expect me to pitch a shit fit - but am keeping my mouth shut..

Let us know how your meeting goes... How's your restriction - did it loosen up now that we are gone :0)... Remember you got that wedding in October...

Kari - I haven't gotten on the scale - won't till tomorrow - but maybe it's all the walking you did...

Phyl - hope you win some $$$ big $$$ at the casino...

Well off to the gym - will cbl

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Steph You are not a bad mother - you have a teenager - I hated my mother too at 14 - said wish she would die... Most teenagers hate their parents. He's 14 and he has a mind of his own - hormones and then the mood issue as Candice said - the combination makes for a worse situation.. When the other kids try and talk to you in the manner that Michael does - you just have to put your foot down and tell them that is not acceptable behavior and send them for a time out. You gotta stop it while they are young still..

What does Jeff say about this, Michael doesn't listen to him..

Do you have any family you can send him to like a brother or someone he relates to..

Candice - I understand you about work - I come back to a warning from someone telling me more lay offs are in the works and I could be one of them if I don't watch my p's & q's.. As you all know I speak my mind - and they don't like it.. But I need the job - so I guess I will just have to keep my mouth shut - I also came back to news that I have to move back to the other side of the office (we 4 pple are in a separate wing) Right now I have a big office moving back to my small cubical... I know that they expect me to pitch a shit fit - but am keeping my mouth shut..

Let us know how your meeting goes... How's your restriction - did it loosen up now that we are gone :0)... Remember you got that wedding in October...

Restriction is still a tad tight, but I can eat... Had Cheerios for breaky and they almost got stuck... but I kept it down. Had a cheese burrito at Taco Bell for dinner and I've counted 2 Snacks for tonight ... so here are my totals!!!

I was so ticked today,that when I had a break I "THOUGHT" about having a ICECREAM, but I didn't!!!!


Kari - I haven't gotten on the scale - won't till tomorrow - but maybe it's all the walking you did...

Phyl - hope you win some $$$ big $$$ at the casino...

Yeah, Phyl have fun at the casino.... remember you are just throwing away EARL's money, not your own... LOL

Well off to the gym - will cbl

HOme now, going to see another RV in the a.m. with Peter... its the one "I" like , now lets see how much HE likes it!!!!:juggle:

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Love your new avtar eh!!!

I wore my red canada tshirt to the gym tonite...

Got the dogs fed.

Glad you didn't have the ice cream !!!! Wedding !!!!

I ate good yesterday and today - Can't say I ate too good flying home - had 2 candy bars and a bag of chips on the plane. The fast food doesn't appeal to me - so I go for stuff I don't eat at home..

Have gym Friday and then Saturday morning - and I am back eating good - salad for dinner tonite..

Am going out to lunch with a company person tomorrow - mexican - so maybe I'll hit the gym tomorrow nite too..

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Good Morning Gang !!!

Happy Thursday !!! One more day of work !!! Then I get to recharge my batteries...

Not much to report - ended up eating squash rice chick for dinner and my usual popcorn - Truely I could have just had the popcorn and veggies - wasn't in the mood for protein..

Well, just cking in - it's quite - with Karla & Phyl gone...

Denise is off too..

Oh I heard from Karri last night - she's working 14-20 hrs a day - she sends her love - hopefully when school starts it will slow down some - You know our girl she gives 150% of herself.. She any bosses dreams - I bet mine would love her - cuz I'm far from a type A :lol:

CBL - Hugs :juggle:

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Morning Gals!

WEll Peter and I went and drove the RV this a.m. I think its my favorite one.... But Peter says I have to do the negotiating!!! So I'm gonna call her this weekend sometime and lowball the thing...keep your fingers crossed for me! Its a beauty and has only 78,000 km thats 48,750 miles on a 2000 model year. Its immaculate inside.

Cross your fingers for me that we get it.

Had a chat with my BOSS last night too about the office politics.... I have just plane had it... don't need the B.S. and I think Peter would be just as happy to have me retired too.

WE'll see.


p.s. I have lost the 1 lb I put on over the weekend so I'm leaving my TICKER as is!!!

Edited by peaches9
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Morning Gals!

WEll Peter and I went and drove the RV this a.m. I think its my favorite one.... But Peter says I have to do the negotiating!!! So I'm gonna call her this weekend sometime and lowball the thing...keep your fingers crossed for me! Its a beauty and has only 78,000 km thats 48,750 miles on a 2000 model year. Its immaculate inside.

Cross your fingers for me that we get it.

Had a chat with my BOSS last night too about the office politics.... I have just plane had it... don't need the B.S. and I think Peter would be just as happy to have me retired too.

WE'll see.


p.s. I have lost the 1 lb I put on over the weekend so I'm leaving my TICKER as is!!!

Fingers crossed on the MH and Job issues - heck if you can afford to retire I would...

Congrats on the 1 lbs gone already - I'm up 1 from before I left - so not bad - will be back to normal in a few days...

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YOU lost 2 lbs??? Your kidding right? Ah I know what happened.... you got home and finally had a BM!!

I wasn't kidding, but you know that term, "Godsmack"? Well, i found those pounds since I got home. No BM though. Took a laxative and still waiting for it to kick in. I know. TMI,eh. Is the RV one like the brochure you had?

Steph - I don't know what to tell you about Michael except to make sure he understands that it is his behavior that you don not like and not him as a person. Most times when kids act up, it is for attention, to make sure you love them. So again, make ure he knows it is the behavior you don't like. Now, I am going to show all of you that I have too much time on my hands but.........have you seen the shows that Maury, Montel and Sally Jesse used to have on about troubled brats? Maybe one of those boot camp thingys would work great for him.. Make him realize how great home is and teach him some respect. It always worked on those shows and those kids were only gone one or two days. Don't know cost or anything, but you can google it.

Well, got to go make dinner. check back later. If I can find my way off the farm. I am 1500 points from the mansion.

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Steph--14? THat's GREAT! You've got time. Seriously, I would have sold Andy to the gypsies when he was 14. Just keep being firm about the limits, but lavish praise any time you can. He'll get the idea, and so will the younger ones. It's not easy for sure, but you will win. Hang in there, mom. We're with you.

Kari--I really think that exercise, Water, and enough Fiber in the diet should do the trick. Try not to depend on laxatives. People tend to become dependant on them, and that's a problem. When we're dieting, it's not all that unusual to only have a BM every couple of days. It's juist another change that we have to get used to. Less in = less out!

Candice--Sounds like the writing on the wall! Time to buy the RV and retire.

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Steph--14? THat's GREAT! You've got time. Seriously, I would have sold Andy to the gypsies when he was 14. Just keep being firm about the limits, but lavish praise any time you can. He'll get the idea, and so will the younger ones. It's not easy for sure, but you will win. Hang in there, mom. We're with you.

Kari--I really think that exercise, Water, and enough fiber in the diet should do the trick. Try not to depend on laxatives. People tend to become dependant on them, and that's a problem. When we're dieting, it's not all that unusual to only have a BM every couple of days. It's juist another change that we have to get used to. Less in = less out!

Candice--Sounds like the writing on the wall! Time to buy the RV and retire.


In theory, I agree. I even understand. But, I drink water, exersize get fiber and I still only have BM every seven or more days. (and that is with a laxative) I don't like taking them but man, the hemoroids are killing me. Dang, trying to push that turd out is harder than pushing out any one of my babies heads, (TMI)

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Oh My GOsh!

O.k. I think its time to fashion another POLL.

Who does NOT want to hear about poops ever again?????


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I stayed late tonight and talked to my Boss about the conflicts at the Front Desk.... she agrees with me!

SHe is going to do an additional training session with the "person" and then document results.... YEAH!!!:laugh:

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Good Morning Gang

I got the Wii Resort last night and did that - not really exercise - well arms maybe - but just the fact that you are moving...

Just finsihed paying bills -now off to the shower - my legs are killing me from sissy squats on Wed... Arms tonite...

Happy Friday !!!!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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