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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Hey I drive a loader at the nursery, we could 'drive off' together...

Ya but he's not all that close to Montana.... he's on Vancouver Island in B.C.

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Well, Candice - Never been married or divorced - Karla GF there must be a reason... But if he looks like Peter he's gotta be cute even if he is bald..

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Remember Janet, I'm all talk & no show.

Back on track food wise, Protein smoothie for Breakfast, Steph's chicken salad for lunch, & beef stirfry for dinner.< /p>

Took the 'babies' for a 2 1/2 mi walk this morning, bought groceries, and cleaned the garage. I'm done for the day except for cooking dinner. The girls are going to the midnight showing of Harry Potter so I will have the house to myself. Probably will surf 'Stumbleupon' and read. Have Snacks planned so there won't be a repeat of last night. I seem to be coming out of my funk, it is amazing how some exercise make some difference.

Steph, as a cleaned the garage I gathered up some garage sale things to bring to Lincoln. I figured I'd grab some of my craft show stuff and you can sell & keep what ever they make. It won't be much, but hopefully it will help. I'm also bringing the fanny pack I ordered for you to use, if it works for you. I don't need it back, consider it a donation.

Went onto sierratradingpost.com, my favorite shopping place, they were having a big sale and got a lot of my Christmas shopping done. Steph, are you selling any wood working tools? I am looking for a drill press and a scroll saw. If you have them will you save them until I get there? I won't be able to pay much, but maybe we can barter???

Man, I could take a nap, but won't. I'm finally going to bed at a decent hour and getting up by 7 instead of staying up until midnight and sleeping in until 9.

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Well, Candice - Never been married or divorced - Karla GF there must be a reason... But if he looks like Peter he's gotta be cute even if he is bald..

YUP, I hear ya....

Do he dosn't look anything like my DH.... My Petie is cute... and has TONS of hair...

The BIL is skinny faced and bald... as I remember him as a young man - he was't CUTE then either...:thumbdown:

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Okay, Ladies...........gonna post this here instead of FB cause I don't want anyone to change things over there. And Janet, this is for you mostly cause you aren't farming now and I need you to work my farm in both your and Andrew's name. Why? Whenever someone works my farm, I get a notice in my e-mail that "a friend has worked your farm, click here to pay them back". I used to delete them but I figured, what the heck. I clicked.........did the chore......Xed out and returned to the e-mail. But, I tried clicking again and it worked again. You can do this three times. thats $45. and 18 experience points. And, oh yeah, just like when you do it from your farm, you can do it about three different times a day. And it will still work the next day. So, I save those notices and everyday, I work farms and earn beau coup coins and $$. Just be sure if you do this, you do chores from your farm first, or it won't work.

Okay, enough of Facebook. food wasn't too good today. I had a lean cousine for dinner but then had a craving and went and got a McFlurry. BAD!!!

Karla - If your ex has insurance from his work (meaning he doesn't have to pay for it) Why can't he put your girls on it. As long as they are full time students, carrying at least 12 credits, they are covered until they are 23. There is usually just a simple form that the girls would have to have signed from the college and you send it to your ins. co. And, you don't even have to ask him. Have your girls ask him. Even if he is an A##**.

Steph - go get that unfill. You do not want to burn out. That is not fun....I've been there, done that and don't want to do it again. Take time for yourself......son't self-destruct.

Okay, I gotta go. Sure hope my pssport gets here soon. I can't wait till next week.

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Remember Janet, I'm all talk & no show.

Back on track food wise, Protein smoothie for breakfast, Steph's chicken salad for lunch, & beef stirfry for dinner.< /p>

Took the 'babies' for a 2 1/2 mi walk this morning, bought groceries, and cleaned the garage. I'm done for the day except for cooking dinner. The girls are going to the midnight showing of Harry Potter so I will have the house to myself. Probably will surf 'Stumbleupon' and read. Have Snacks planned so there won't be a repeat of last night. I seem to be coming out of my funk, it is amazing how some exercise make some difference.

Steph, as a cleaned the garage I gathered up some garage sale things to bring to Lincoln. I figured I'd grab some of my craft show stuff and you can sell & keep what ever they make. It won't be much, but hopefully it will help. I'm also bringing the fanny pack I ordered for you to use, if it works for you. I don't need it back, consider it a donation.

Went onto sierratradingpost.com, my favorite shopping place, they were having a big sale and got a lot of my Christmas shopping done. Steph, are you selling any wood working tools? I am looking for a drill press and a scroll saw. If you have them will you save them until I get there? I won't be able to pay much, but maybe we can barter???

Man, I could take a nap, but won't. I'm finally going to bed at a decent hour and getting up by 7 instead of staying up until midnight and sleeping in until 9.

Karla - lol a 53 yr old who owns only a motorcycle and driving a forklift - I know this is going to sound a little snobbish - but I sorta want a guy who has a little more to offer me.. I like lobster - going on cruises - our lucky #7 retreats - and I don't think a forklift operator is going to be able to pay for this stuff.. I have already done the guys who haven't had much - I'm tired of taking care of others I want to be treated/taken care of to a degree..

YUP, I hear ya....

Do he dosn't look anything like my DH.... My Petie is cute... and has TONS of hair...

The BIL is skinny faced and bald... as I remember him as a young man - he was't CUTE then either...:thumbup:

Well, forget it then - I want a clone of your Peter !!!

Okay, Ladies...........gonna post this here instead of FB cause I don't want anyone to change things over there. And Janet, this is for you mostly cause you aren't farming now and I need you to work my farm in both your and Andrew's name. Why? Whenever someone works my farm, I get a notice in my e-mail that "a friend has worked your farm, click here to pay them back". I used to delete them but I figured, what the heck. I clicked.........did the chore......Xed out and returned to the e-mail. But, I tried clicking again and it worked again. You can do this three times. thats $45. and 18 experience points. And, oh yeah, just like when you do it from your farm, you can do it about three different times a day. And it will still work the next day. So, I save those notices and everyday, I work farms and earn beau coup coins and $$. Just be sure if you do this, you do chores from your farm first, or it won't work.

Okay, enough of Facebook. Food wasn't too good today. I had a lean cousine for dinner but then had a craving and went and got a McFlurry. BAD!!!

Karla - If your ex has insurance from his work (meaning he doesn't have to pay for it) Why can't he put your girls on it. As long as they are full time students, carrying at least 12 credits, they are covered until they are 23. There is usually just a simple form that the girls would have to have signed from the college and you send it to your ins. co. And, you don't even have to ask him. Have your girls ask him. Even if he is an A##**.

Steph - go get that unfill. You do not want to burn out. That is not fun....I've been there, done that and don't want to do it again. Take time for yourself......son't self-destruct.

Okay, I gotta go. Sure hope my pssport gets here soon. I can't wait till next week.


I just haven't had the time to farm - I have been super busy at work and just like right now it's 6:42 - I have gone to the gym - been on the lbt for the last 45 minutes - still have to cook - feed the dogs - watch a little tv and read if possible and have all this done by 10 p.m (my bed time) cuz I get up at 5 a.m

So when it slows down some - I will go back and farm - just can't live my life on the stupid computer - heck - I haven't been on fb much at all for the last couple of weeks

Now if I were retired like you and phyl - then I would have a mansion...

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Janet, i agree, IF I get involved with someone, they better have enough bucks that I can retire early, travel, & quilt to my hearts content. that's why I know I will never find anyone. I have raised 5 girls, and put up with controling AH, and I'm done with that.

Candice I found a great website with lots of free quilt patterns while I was on stumbleupon. Thought you would like it.

StumbleUpon WebToolbar

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Good Morning Gang

38 yrs ago today at 5:23 a.m. I had and 8 lb 1 oz 21 inch beautiful little boy...

Karla - I hear ya girl - I have pretty high expectations of what I want out of a man at this point in my life - I think that my standards are so high that no one really will be able to meet them.. Another self protection wall I have around me.. But I'm ok with it - If he ever does fall into my lap and is a great guy I would take him - but alas I don't think it will ever happen and I am ok with it..

Linda - how are you feeling today - how did the dentist go yesterday - hope you aren't in much pain and that the tooth came out without much trouble..

Phyl - Where are you...

Steph - don't be mad at me I promise to leave you alone on the fill issue :0)

Kari - Still haven't farmed - how's the soda addiction going..

Candice - only a week to go.. Are you ready for all of us :0)

Denise have you recouped from all your partying

Well I gotta jump in the shower - of to my lovely job (not)


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Steph, I don't know if you will get this, but I am planning on coming up to Lincoln on Thursday. Friday, my quilting ladies are going to Seeley to a quilt shop. Alas, no shopping for me.

Janet, congratulations on your child's birth. My eldest is 32, it never seems that long ago. It sometimes is a killer to have that time pass by. I loved every minute, okay almost every minute of their infancy. Okay, I'm a baby nut. Now the adolescent years, gives me shivers up my spine.

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Steph, I don't know if you will get this, but I am planning on coming up to Lincoln on Thursday. Friday, my quilting ladies are going to Seeley to a quilt shop. Alas, no shopping for me.

Janet, congratulations on your child's birth. My eldest is 32, it never seems that long ago. It sometimes is a killer to have that time pass by. I loved every minute, okay almost every minute of their infancy. Okay, I'm a baby nut. Now the adolescent years, gives me shivers up my spine.


I agree from birth til about 11 yrs old are the good years - then from then on til around 20 - OMG and even after that age there still trials with our kids - and I have had my GS from birth til 3 then 11 til now - Will my child rearing days ever be over :0) - Nope that's Motherhood - we will always love and care about them and never stop worrying about them :0)

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Good Morning!

I'm here.... reading all the posts every day... and lurking.

Spent several hours yesterday out riding around the neighborhood on my scooter. I always enjoy that. I was shopping for the best price on things I need to serve lunch to friends from CA who are stopping by today. I made an Asian salad with cabbage, slivered almonds, Craisins, chopped up rotisere chicken (skinned and boned by DH.. that was ALL I let him in the kitchen to do!), and Asian Sesame dressing from costco. I bought some Angel food cake squares for strawberry shortcake. They're bringing freshly caught crab, so I have to go get cocktail sauce after my shower. Skipped the one store that has the kind I want yesterday because I'd been out for two hours. Ran in to DD at Safeway, so spent some time with her. Helped her to the car with her groceries by piling them on the scooter, etc. Visited with my latte lady.

DH was only on jury duty for ONE DAY! Rules are one trial or one week. So don't you know he got sent to municipal court (vs. county) and put on a short domestic abuse trial. He was on his way home by 3pm. I was actually looking forward to a little alone time this week!! LOL! Oh, well! HE'S BAAAAACCCKK! But he helped with the lunch by getting the dining area ready. He had to get his BIKE out of there for openers!

That's all for now, folks! Gotta get in the shower and go get the cocktail sauce. Guests here in 2 hours!

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Guess how many days I have been to the gym in 2 yrs !!!

309 !!! I asked yesterday - last yr is was 179 - so this past year (july to july) 130 days at the gym !!!!

Pretty darn good for an x-slug bug...

Phyl - I make my own cocktail sauce - horseradish & castup cuz I like it spicier - that's what I served you when you and Earl came for dinner that night :0)

Enjoy your visit...

Heck when DD was here for her visit - I left the ironing board up in the guess room :0)...

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Phyl, I sound like a hermit compared to you. I guess after dealing with students for most of the year I like to hibernate.

Well, stepped on the scale today, was hoping for it to be below 200, but I am holding for a week. I seem to do that, hold for a week, then lose. I will have to be a bit more careful. Other than the feeding frenzy on Monday, I have been within calories. Maybe a bike ride later today.

It is suppose to be 100 degrees on Saturday and I have to work. With it being that hot, all we do is try to keep everything watered. Planting season is winding down, so we are usually slow from now until September. I hate that, 1-we don't get bonuses, 2-finding ways to tidy up sad spent baskets and flowers. The boss did let me try some propagation with some of my Water plants, so if that goes well, we will have 2 species that we can grow ourselves and not have to order.

Suppose I should get busy in the kitchen, the goal today, the deep clean, blek, I hate kitchens, expecially mine. Very small and NO storage space.

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Lunch went very well. My cabbage salad was a big hit and the crab they brought with them was wonderful. Had a good visit and then they were off across the mountains to Leavenworth.

Six weeks from yesterday... my knee surgery.

And my friend had hip replacement in the same hospital yesterday. We went to visit her in the late afternoon. She is in a private room with a view of Puget Sound. I want that SAME room when I go in! She was doing well.. esp after they told her she could hit the morphine button every 6 minutes.

Somehow they neglected to tell her that until her pain level was off the scale. It's been over 20 years since I did any floor nursing. (My last two jobs were in health insurance.) Things sure have changed a lot! No morphine pumps back in those days. And no computer terminals in the room for the nurses to do their charting.

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Phyl, Karla, Steph, Kari (?) Hope the nasty black clouds are lifting this week. Life is short enough as it is--it's nice to be able to enjoy things from time to time.

Karla--I'm thinking that you teach most of the year and then work in a nursery in the summer? Not a lot of down time? Your girls are all moved out right--or do you have some in college that still come home?

Dentist was OK. He used the good drugs, so it wasn't an awful experience. Couldn't do the implant right away, so I will be toothless for a couple of months. :wub:

Sure am getting excited about next week! Karri--please tell us that you finally got your passport! Like Janet, I'm only bringing shorts, capris, tee shirts, flip-flops, and a bathing suit (imagine that!). Nothing dressy and not even make-up other than sunscreen and tinted moistureizer. If I need more than that I'll just have to shopping and buy it!

Early night tonight--it's been quite a day. Tell you more about it next week.

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