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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I was banded on July 7th and I feel great. A little pain under the ribcage, but nothing too bad.

Welcome KSaulsb1

We are bandsters that have been friends for two years.

Mostly we got banded sometime in the Month of JULY 2007!!!

Pretty cool huh? You are just gettin started on your journey, so good luck to you and may the BAND be everything you hoped for!

We give a lot of suuport to one another and also TOUGH LOVE at times...:biggrin:

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KSaulsb1 Welcome, I'm a relative newbie by these awesome ladies standards, Banded 3/31/09. Doing well, I've lost 52 pounds, have a ways to go, but with these ladies' help I know I will make it.

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Hi ladies. I'm doing more research for Jeff and his mom. If you remember, his mom is extremely heavy and is now pretty much house bound because she is afraid to fall again. Her husband my FIL can be a jerk, won't let her get a scooter because that would be embarrassing. Jerk....but he is supporting the surgery option. Our doc has told her he hates the idea of bypass and would sanction banding. I'm now looking at the sleeve.

After reading a bit more about it, I'm wondering what you all have heard and what you think. Because Jeff would have surgery in Mexico, we are a little concerned about after care. Doc here says his nurses could do fills....they do chemo with ports all the time....but I'm a little leary of that. The nearest doc that would do fills on a mex patient is 400 miles. Wondering if sleeve would be a better choice for both of them.

1. aftercare

2. MIL being more homebound

3. no adjustments.


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Oh..forgot. In Mex, banding is about 5k, sleeve is around 8k.

Told Jeff we might as well take money out of retirement because if he doesn't do something he's not going to be here to be retired. He agrees....so we will probably cash in something or other.

Thanks for thinking of us Candice...but Mex seems to still be the best bet. Plus I get a vacation out of it :smile2:

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Karla - calories in the nighttime are no different than calories before 6PM...it is a complete myth that you will gain more if you eat at night. If you are calorie deficit for the day/week you will lose weight. If it was true that night time eating didn't allow you to lose weight than my wonderful mommy would be no where near where she is today. She eats most of her calories at night. Her and I are about as opposite as you can get. I am starving in the morning and eat most of my calories by 2PM, and she is hungry at night and doesn't eat most of her calories until around 9. We still both lost over 100 pounds. It truly is all about the calories in and calories out. So if you still have calories to eat at night then don't feel guilty about eating. I swear guilt weighs 10 pounds!

As for the port, you are probably okay. Sometimes scar tissue grows around the port and it feels different. I always said at the beginning that I wish I had a little window into my belly to peek in and see that everything is okay. My fills are done under fluoro so I see my port every time I get a fill/unfill and those suckers are strapped in there. Yes...they can turn and twist, but I think if you look at the percentages it is pretty low. Just keep your chin up... you are doing just fine!

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Steph, do your research, however, remember wasabubblebutt went to the sleeve and is very happy with it. I think the only real issue other than not be reversable is the ability to stretch the pouch with the sleeve, but I think you can stretch with the band. As I said before, IF I COULD DO IT OVER, I would go with the sleeve. TJ is only 10 minutes from the border which made be feel better. I figured if I had to I could crawl that far if all hell broke loose. There are a lot of armed, and I do mean heavily armed trucks driving around, police & military. But as I said, I never felt nervous while in TJ, just crossing the border but I alone.

Keep researching.

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Steph, Accessing a port for chemo is relatively easy compared to our lap band ports. Chemo ports are usually on the chest and pretty stable compared to ours. I had an ansetheologist, who did a lot of epidural and spinal anesthesias, have problems with my lap band port. IF course, with practice, anyone can learn to do it, but the problem is getting the practice!

I've been down lately. Lots going on. I don't know. . . Retirement is looking better 'n better, if only DH would let me go. Got a conference call tomorrow and other projects going on, plus I have to watch Margo on Friday. On the good side, today is a perfect day weather-wise, so I'm going to go back on my deck and enjoy what's left of it. And guess what: No clinic tonight!!!! I feel a Long Island Iced Tea comming on!

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Steph, I just spent sometime on the sleeve forum and wasabubblebutt has a lot to say about the band vs sleeve. Unfortunately all it managed to do for me is get me depressed. How so many banders did great for 2 years and then started having difficulties...

Well, suppose to be cleaning carpets, decided to go outside and weed and move plants around. Now I think a nap is calling me.

Damn, I just realized that I let 'Doris' depress me, 'If you had....' what are you going to do when....' LET IT GO!! So here is my official mantra for the time being. The band will work, the band will work, the band will work...and if it doesn't...I'll...heck I don't know what I will do.

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Steph, Accessing a port for chemo is relatively easy compared to our lap band ports. Chemo ports are usually on the chest and pretty stable compared to ours. I had an ansetheologist, who did a lot of epidural and spinal anesthesias, have problems with my lap band port. IF course, with practice, anyone can learn to do it, but the problem is getting the practice!

I've been down lately. Lots going on. I don't know. . . Retirement is looking better 'n better, if only DH would let me go. Got a conference call tomorrow and other projects going on, plus I have to watch Margo on Friday. On the good side, today is a perfect day weather-wise, so I'm going to go back on my deck and enjoy what's left of it. And guess what: No clinic tonight!!!! I feel a Long Island Iced Tea comming on!

Oh Linda, I'm with you hun... have the LIIT it will taste so good. I am currently sipping a glass of Argentinian wine... its not as good as the French but it was cheap and came recommended from a friend. $7.45 per 750 ml....

Re Port tipping;

Mine is tilted forward too... not where it was to begin with.. but the nurse who does my fills just grabs a hunk of my "Skin" and she can kinda turn it a bit.. then if she goes in at the right angle she hits it fine every time. In fact I think if I had a syringe I c ould do the damn thing myself... trouble is can I just walk up to a pharmacy and ask to buy a syringe???

Wow, another weird day today! My DH is on the phone right now with his estranged brother from B.C. We havn't been able to locate Joe in 35 years... we tried a couple times but I don't think he wanted to be found.

Anyways, while I was in France someone found ME on Facebook and asked if I had a brother Joe... turns out this lady is his Next-door-neighbor.... how weird is that. My DH and he have been on the phone now for 1 1/2 hours!!!!

I am making Coq au Vin for supper, oh does it smell good!!!! I can haraadly wait for supper... GET OFF THE PHONE :smile2:

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Wow Candice, how wonderful for your DD, being reconnected with his brother after all this time. There are all kinds of gifts God gives us when we need them!!

Thanks for all the suggestions on port issues. I know that part of this is just 'Doris', the other is just realizing how much I depended upon child support. I know...shut up already. It's not like I didn't know it was coming. But I guess I played mind games with myself.

By the way Candice, I LOVE Coq au Vin. I haven't made it in 15 years. It was one of my ex's favorite meals.

Linda, I think you and I need to get together and get drunk. We could grouch to each other and I bet before long, we both would feel better.

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Karla, don't be begging for trouble! If it comes to it that your port is turned, then it's turned, but until a doc or pa tells you to worry, let it be. As for the sleeve, wasa was a HUGE supported of lapband 2 years ago. She has good things to say about the sleeve now...but she got to goal just fine with the band. Go back and read her posts from a year ago or more and she had great advice for banders. Don't let her give Doris ammo. You're just fine.

Linda, I'm not saying that I am going to let the girls here take a shot at my port, but doc thinks it isn't out of the question. My port is really easy to hit. I, like Candice, think I could probably do it. After a dozen fill/unfills, I'm pretty sure I know the drill. Don't get me wrong...I would NEVER!!! But sometimes I think I COULD.

Jeff called the clinic I had mine done at and they had good things to say about the sleeve. They still encourage the lapband, but are seeing more and more patients who are opting for the sleeve. It's 14k here in Bismark. Our income tax refund will pretty much cover the costs of Mexico. Now he just needs to decide he really wants to do it. We will see.

Rained here all day. I'm a bit blue. I don't know why. Oh well. I'll get over it.

Have a great night ladies.

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Thanks Steph, I needed that. I guess I'm with you on the blues. Mainly because I let my sister get to me.

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Hi Girls; food today


so a pretty good day!!! But I dint' get on the scales this a.m. as I had not had a BM since getting home on Sunday...

So perhaps tomorrow morning I'll post my new weight.

There is a JULY challenge right??? I need a challenge to continue...

Janet: temperature here has been cool, and wet... so its getting all the crappy weather out of the way so that Elvis Festival Weekend will be GREAT!!!

I'll be prepared though for the temp. to cool off at night...nice for sleeping. About 75 degrees F.

During the day it c an get up to around 80-85 this time of year... quite pleasant. and good Beach weather...I'll check the long range weather forecast and keep you posted o.k.?

July 16th..long range forecast. 21 High (70 degrees Farenheit)and low is 17 degrees Celcius.(63 degrees Farenheit)

Now ladies, bear in mind that this is a forecast and not etched in stone... it could be warmer....

Bring shorts, tops, slacks, a light jacket, sweaters etc..bathing suits (we also have an awesome indoor YMCA pool and hot tub) Jammies for sleeping....Janet I'll give you extra blankets o.k.???

Beautiful sandy(soft) beach, no stones or tiny pebbles... just shallow Water and sand... 14 mile long beach.

Stephanie; Great news on the Taxes... I am so happy Jeff willl now be able to get his surgery... YEAH.. Mexico is dropping their prices too...even here in Canada the prices have come down... he COULD come to canada too if he's afraid of Mexico. Just a thought, what with your Dollar being stronger than ours... do you think he might like to opt for a Gastric Sleeve instead of a band, could do without all those Tune-ups... they are a PAIN. If I'd known then what aI know now... I'd have gone with the SLEEVE... One shot and your done.

Phyl: You know what to bring, as our weather is pretty much the same as Buffalo N.Y. but your Flying right??? and then driving up to Canada? Do you want me to send directions or you'll just mapquest it?

Linda: You hubby will be the only guy now, so I hope that is not offputting for him... Peter and he will get along just fine.

Am I forgetting anyone who's traveling??? I hope not but just remind me if I am...:)

No exercise yet since being home, I know I'll have to improve that... I am still getting back into the swing of things.. I slept 12 hours last night... and I have to DYE my hair tonight... my WHITE roots are really getting noticabel :wink:

Candice - I won't need a blanket :0) - I like it cold to sleep - at Joseph's house this weekend it was cool in the evenings and at night - I will bring a lite robe and jeans... I want to get everything in a carry on...

Hello Everyone,

Candice- Loved all the pics. You lost some pics? Looks like you have to go back. About the loss, maybe it is something in France that makes everyone thin even thou they eat fat and drink wine a lot. Maybe we should move, but I'm not living without T.P.

Phyl- Congratulations on your lose and your surgery date

Crap I forgot everything else. I shoulda took notes!

I'm burning all the pictures of summer camp on CDs for all the kids right now. Been burning for about 2 hours.

I am staying in the French Quarter at the Ritz this weekend with a bunch of friends from H.S. More than we had at the Woodlands. It's gonna be a blast.

Facebook is so wonderful, letting us reconnect with people. I am gonna try to get long lost cousins to join.

Denise How fun !!!!! I really hope that we do decide to go on the cruise next year out of NO so we can meet you in person and you can go on the cruise - I REALLY REALLY want to do this - then you can show us around too....

WELCOME TO CAMP GRAMMAGRAMPA!!!! My DD's best friend from Montana came to visit and took her daughter to camp so now DD brought her little ones to Camp Grammagrampa so they can have some quality time together to catch up. We've got them till Friday nite.

Phyl and Steph - the quilt is just gorgeous. As soon as I learn how to download pictures to my computer and how to post them, I'll post some of my quilts to show you. Food issues are much better and I'm still pedaling an hour a day but I need to get back to a gym and start working out again. Oh yeah, I'm still waiting for my passport to get here. It took DH & DD only seven days to get theirs. It's been over three weeks, maybe even four and I'm still waiting. Say a prayer that it comes, and soon.

Kari - I think you can go on line and ck where they are in the process or even call ...

Janet whats really interesting about the paragraph is that the letters can be mixed up, but they must be the right letters. I can read it easily, but I can't read many student's gibberish!

I read it with no problem - kids writing is something totally diff :0)

Oh weigh-in this morning 176.0 on the nose... so I've lost 0.8 lbs in two days since I've been home....yeahhhhhh

I know there's more but I just can't think right now, got Lady Clarol on my head right now.....mushy thinking:blush:


O.k. ladies, here is the LINK to the Elvis Fest. activities...

have a read, The most fun one that I have been to is the FRIDAY night Street dance... its free!

But you'll notice that the other venues are inexpensive too....

The OFFICIAL Collingwood Elvis Festival 2009

So perhaps you should all read this site and let me know what the POLL results are ... remember that SAT night I have a SURPRISE in store for you ALL>>>> :wink2:

Hee, hee I am getting so excited... France is now a memory and ELvis weekend is approching.... I am going to lose 4 more lbs before you all arrive....ummm that would be a goal of 172 lbs by the time you come here.... :smile2:

Candice - What do you have up your sleeve ???

Street Dance sounds fun ...

Ah Candice, it sounds like soooo much fun. I'm bummed that I'm missing out, but maybe next year.

Reread my post from last night, I was more tired than I thought, I can't understand half of what I wrote.

I am still struggling with the evening hungries. I hope that it is head hungry and that I can get it under control. I REALLY don't want to go for an unfill. One, I'm a pauper at this moment, two, I'm afraid that I messed up my port and will have to have it repositioned. I do a lot of heavy lifting and the nursery, and every once in a while I forget about the port and 'hug' a heavy pot to my chest to carry it. There have been a few times that it hurt like the blazes at my port site and now my port isn't flat against my skin. I think I tipped it. This is when I really wish that I had gone with the sleeve. I know it is more invasive and not reversable, but if my port is messed up the added cost will be equal to what the sleeve would have cost. Of course 'Doubting Doris' could also be at work. I'm just worried. The evening seems to be my challenge time. I have been budgeting calories for the evening, but I also realize that evening calories stick around. I feel as out of control as I did before the band. Part of it is that I imagine my dinner is low on overall calories. I always have hard Protein for dinner. Last night it was 1/2 a chicken breast, probably 2 oz, 1 bite of low cal coleslaw, and a lot of watermelon. I tried to eat more chicken, but as Steph knows, chicken is not my friend. I did have a 98 cal adult beverage before dinner which is uncommon. But lately, I am going into a feeding frenzy at 9 pm. Last night is was 2 FF 50 cal Fudgebars, 100 cal popcorn, and a bowl of watermelon. So today, I am going to get it under control. I'd appreciate any suggestions.

Steph, I am so glad Jeff is considering getting banded. Remind him of how important he is to your family. I was very please with Dr. Ortiz's clinic. The only uncomfortable moment is when you are dropped off at the line to cross the border, you have to walk across with all your luggage, go through the border check and then be picked up about a block away. Remember that you know have to have a passport to get into MX now. If Canada's cost is close to MX, I'd consider going there instead even though I had an excellent experience at Dr. Ortiz. Hey, tell them that I refered you, maybe they will give me a finder's fee.

I am taking Alexa to orientation at the U, then home to Shampoo carpets. Actually, maybe a little nap. Staying up until midnight and then getting up at 6 am is taking a toll.

You all have a good day. I have a bit of the blue's going today.


GF you are preaching to the choir here on the night time eating issues - I still eat at night just ask Karri - well you really can't ask her - cuz while she was here we did so much talking that I didn't think about eating - that's my biggest problem - boredom - That's one reason I am on the computer til 8 most nights - I eat dinner then eat popcorn then fudgesicle - sf pudding - fruit whatever - and I do all this between 8 - 10 !!! and may even wake up during the night an eat another fudgesicle or pudding..

For me budgeting the calories to compensate my head hunger issues works for me... I guess I am not strong enough to just say no - I just do it in a liter verision and it's within my budget so I don't sweat it - It's working - so why try to fix something that's not broken...

If you want to eat at night - do it - just stay within your calories for the day..... I use to worry about it too in the beginning - but heck my plan has worked for me - so I quit worrying about it... Like I said - I feed my hunger but in a healthier manner these days...

I know how that is... HUGS to you GF.. tomorrow will be brighter!:wub:

If I lost my band - I would go to the sleeve too.. But Knock wood so far so good with my band - but I agree - for a man I really think a sleeve is ideal especially with the whole fill issues...

Well gang - last night went to grocery store then home depot and got Andrew a fan and computer desk from staples - called my stepbro and asked if he would come and install the fan cuz I wasn't up to it (never had installed one but know I could if I had to might have taken all night) so had to fix dinner for him and his gf - they didn't leave til 9:30 and today been busy at work cuz in 2 weeks I will be leaving for Canada... Can't wait - getting really excited 2 more weekend !!!

So Candice my $$$ will be worth more in Canada - so we do exchange on our money or do they accept dollars and how will i know if I get the right change???

Linda - Where are you ????


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Bored stiff at the sleep lab. Wired up but not yet connected. Watching reruns and missing my laptop. Shouldve brought PDA so I could play solitaire. Don't have it on my Blackberry. Do have a book with me. I guess they expect me to go to sleep soon and its way too early for me! Good thing I have a sleeping pill with me. No Snacks. I want me pudding! Forgot my crystal lite so I'll have to drink Water. Puget sound is right out my window but no sun today or I'd be watching a beautiful sunset about now!

Next door is our favorite place to go for "Happy Hour" out on the patio on warm sunny afternoons.

Enjoyed reading all your latest posts but now I'm tired of typing with my thumbnails!

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Well, I'm ignoring the hungries tonight. I was only able to eat about 2 oz of steak, then PB'd part of it. Later had a couple of FF Fudgebars. Decided to not eat anything else. Since I can't seem to figure out the hungries I figured I'd just not eat unless I'm sure I'm hungry. The only time I know for sure that I am really hungry is when my stomach really growls. I'm thinking about skipping lunch for a while. I'm not usually growly hungry at lunch time. I need to figure out something so that I can eat a real dinner. I'm just tired, cranky, and have a headache. See you all tomorrow. Let's hope that tomorrow will be a better day for us all.

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