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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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wooohooo!!! good news!!!

Jeff told me that his accountant called. If you remember, one of the reasons I couldn't come to Canada in a couple of weeks was because we didn't know what we were going to have to pay in income tax and Jeff kept putting it off. Our extension doesn't run out until Oct 15th so why worry, right?

Well, the accountant says we don't owe any more and may possibly be getting a refund!!!! Not much of one, but no money out is a good thing.

Now the best part of that is.....Jeff said we couldn't discuss him getting a band until after taxes. Now we can discuss it. Now if I can just get him to call Mexico, we can get that going! I'm so excited! Our doc here said he would get one of his nurses qualified to do fills. That will save a MINT. Anyways. wooohoooo!!! Everyone do a happy dance!!!!!


my 'selected' strange-minded friends:


> If you can read the following paragraph, forward it on to your friends and the person that sent it to you with 'yes' in the subject line.

> Only great minds can read this.

> This is weird, but interesting!

> Fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid, too.


> Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.


> i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it

I LOVE word scrambles,

so I have NO problem with that at all!

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After typing HTML code for the last 48 hours, I think I could read anything. Or at least I would try and decipher it to figure out how to put it in my moodle!

OMG...my brain is FRIED!! DH and I are going to go play board games with the group of people that we met last week. It was so much fun and something that I desperately need. I sit at my computer for 10-12 hours a day typing code. I feel like a computer programmer. The only good thing is that I am totally front loading...the school year should be so much easier (I just keep telling myself that because if it is harder...I am done...Pharmacy school here I come!) The other nice thing about the current project is that I actually can see the progress. The lady (math teacher) that I have been working with said that she felt like she needed to go paint a house so that she could see that she was actually making progress on something. Well this is my house painting. I am going to have to take screen shots or something so that I can show everyone my hard work!

Well I needed to take a break and make sure that my mommy made it home safe and sound.

I am now on Book 2 for typing in the multiple choice questions! There are a total of 4 books...ugh.

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After typing HTML code for the last 48 hours, I think I could read anything. Or at least I would try and decipher it to figure out how to put it in my moodle!

OMG...my brain is FRIED!! DH and I are going to go play board games with the group of people that we met last week. It was so much fun and something that I desperately need. I sit at my computer for 10-12 hours a day typing code. I feel like a computer programmer. The only good thing is that I am totally front loading...the school year should be so much easier (I just keep telling myself that because if it is harder...I am done...Pharmacy school here I come!) The other nice thing about the current project is that I actually can see the progress. The lady (math teacher) that I have been working with said that she felt like she needed to go paint a house so that she could see that she was actually making progress on something. Well this is my house painting. I am going to have to take screen shots or something so that I can show everyone my hard work!

Well I needed to take a break and make sure that my mommy made it home safe and sound.

I am now on Book 2 for typing in the multiple choice questions! There are a total of 4 books...ugh.

Darling I saw your codes on fb - (cjf) fab 8 -//xys ?gue?

x} ={34fk} - yes you are a computer programer - it's like those codes we copy and paste to get our ticker - who want's to type that crap all day long:eek:

Yep home - going to the store after work need some food and then home - I could use some caffine right now...


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Darling I saw your codes on fb - (cjf) fab 8 -//xys ?gue?

x} ={34fk} - yes you are a computer programer - it's like those codes we copy and paste to get our ticker - who want's to type that crap all day long:)

Yep home - going to the store after work need some food and then home - I could use some caffine right now...



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Hi Girls; food today


so a pretty good day!!! But I dint' get on the scales this a.m. as I had not had a BM since getting home on Sunday...

So perhaps tomorrow morning I'll post my new weight.

There is a JULY challenge right??? I need a challenge to continue...

Janet: temperature here has been cool, and wet... so its getting all the crappy weather out of the way so that Elvis Festival Weekend will be GREAT!!!

I'll be prepared though for the temp. to cool off at night...nice for sleeping. About 75 degrees F.

During the day it c an get up to around 80-85 this time of year... quite pleasant. and good Beach weather...I'll check the long range weather forecast and keep you posted o.k.?

July 16th..long range forecast. 21 High (70 degrees Farenheit)and low is 17 degrees Celcius.(63 degrees Farenheit)

Now ladies, bear in mind that this is a forecast and not etched in stone... it could be warmer....

Bring shorts, tops, slacks, a light jacket, sweaters etc..bathing suits (we also have an awesome indoor YMCA pool and hot tub) Jammies for sleeping....Janet I'll give you extra blankets o.k.???

Beautiful sandy(soft) beach, no stones or tiny pebbles... just shallow Water and sand... 14 mile long beach.

Stephanie; Great news on the Taxes... I am so happy Jeff willl now be able to get his surgery... YEAH.. Mexico is dropping their prices too...even here in Canada the prices have come down... he COULD come to canada too if he's afraid of Mexico. Just a thought, what with your Dollar being stronger than ours... do you think he might like to opt for a Gastric Sleeve instead of a band, could do without all those Tune-ups... they are a PAIN. If I'd known then what aI know now... I'd have gone with the SLEEVE... One shot and your done.

Phyl: You know what to bring, as our weather is pretty much the same as Buffalo N.Y. but your Flying right??? and then driving up to Canada? Do you want me to send directions or you'll just mapquest it?

Linda: You hubby will be the only guy now, so I hope that is not offputting for him... Peter and he will get along just fine.

Am I forgetting anyone who's traveling??? I hope not but just remind me if I am...:biggrin:

No exercise yet since being home, I know I'll have to improve that... I am still getting back into the swing of things.. I slept 12 hours last night... and I have to DYE my hair tonight... my WHITE roots are really getting noticabel :smile2:

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Hello Everyone,

Candice- Loved all the pics. You lost some pics? Looks like you have to go back. About the loss, maybe it is something in France that makes everyone thin even thou they eat fat and drink wine a lot. Maybe we should move, but I'm not living without T.P.

Phyl- Congratulations on your lose and your surgery date

Crap I forgot everything else. I shoulda took notes!

I'm burning all the pictures of summer camp on CDs for all the kids right now. Been burning for about 2 hours.

I am staying in the French Quarter at the Ritz this weekend with a bunch of friends from H.S. More than we had at the Woodlands. It's gonna be a blast.

Facebook is so wonderful, letting us reconnect with people. I am gonna try to get long lost cousins to join.

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WELCOME TO CAMP GRAMMAGRAMPA!!!! My DD's best friend from Montana came to visit and took her daughter to camp so now DD brought her little ones to Camp Grammagrampa so they can have some quality time together to catch up. We've got them till Friday nite.

Phyl and Steph - the quilt is just gorgeous. As soon as I learn how to download pictures to my computer and how to post them, I'll post some of my quilts to show you. food issues are much better and I'm still pedaling an hour a day but I need to get back to a gym and start working out again. Oh yeah, I'm still waiting for my passport to get here. It took DH & DD only seven days to get theirs. It's been over three weeks, maybe even four and I'm still waiting. Say a prayer that it comes, and soon.

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Janet whats really interesting about the paragraph is that the letters can be mixed up, but they must be the right letters. I can read it easily, but I can't read many student's gibberish!

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Evening ladies, just settling down from visiting with my sister and her husband. It went well. Got home about 6:30 from work and then BBQ some chicken with coleslaw, watermelon, & pineapple. Turned out pretty good. The list a fire in the firepit, made smores and visited.

I'm tired tonight, so I will keep this short. Candice what a heart break to lose you camera with all the quilt pics, I be it was wonderful.

Steph, sounds like a perfet day.

chat in the morning when I can

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WELCOME TO CAMP GRAMMAGRAMPA!!!! My DD's best friend from Montana came to visit and took her daughter to camp so now DD brought her little ones to Camp Grammagrampa so they can have some quality time together to catch up. We've got them till Friday nite.

Phyl and Steph - the quilt is just gorgeous. As soon as I learn how to download pictures to my computer and how to post them, I'll post some of my quilts to show you. food issues are much better and I'm still pedaling an hour a day but I need to get back to a gym and start working out again. Oh yeah, I'm still waiting for my passport to get here. It took DH & DD only seven days to get theirs. It's been over three weeks, maybe even four and I'm still waiting. Say a prayer that it comes, and soon.

Kari (Michigan) I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you so that you passport comes in time.. I am CERTAIN that it will. Now I've forgotten... you are Driving right? Are you bringing DHusband? or are you driving alone???? Can you arrive a day earlier than the other girls... say Wednesday???

It's totaly up to you, but you are more than welcome to add an extra day... we could get SO caught up.

Denise: Your adventure in the French quarter sounds wonderful,, I would so like to be there with you :biggrin: My co-hort at work asked be yesterday... when is your next vacation???? :thumbup: are you kidding me??? I am so broke now, its gonna take me 1/2 a year to get my 'kitty' built up again.:smile2:

Stephanie; if the tax situation is not as dire as youonce thought perhaps you could STILL come to Canada... where would you FLY from.... Helena? or White Falls?? I am sure the flight would be $500-600 tops, and you might not have to spend more than $200 for spending money...really!!!! Think about it o.k.?

Oh weigh-in this morning 176.0 on the nose... so I've lost 0.8 lbs in two days since I've been home....yeahhhhhh

I know there's more but I just can't think right now, got Lady Clarol on my head right now.....mushy thinking:blush:

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O.k. ladies, here is the LINK to the Elvis Fest. activities...

have a read, The most fun one that I have been to is the FRIDAY night Street dance... its free!

But you'll notice that the other venues are inexpensive too....

The OFFICIAL Collingwood Elvis Festival 2009

So perhaps you should all read this site and let me know what the POLL results are ... remember that SAT night I have a SURPRISE in store for you ALL>>>> :smile2:

Hee, hee I am getting so excited... France is now a memory and ELvis weekend is approching.... I am going to lose 4 more lbs before you all arrive....ummm that would be a goal of 172 lbs by the time you come here.... :biggrin:

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Ah Candice, it sounds like soooo much fun. I'm bummed that I'm missing out, but maybe next year.

Reread my post from last night, I was more tired than I thought, I can't understand half of what I wrote.

I am still struggling with the evening hungries. I hope that it is head hungry and that I can get it under control. I REALLY don't want to go for an unfill. One, I'm a pauper at this moment, two, I'm afraid that I messed up my port and will have to have it repositioned. I do a lot of heavy lifting and the nursery, and every once in a while I forget about the port and 'hug' a heavy pot to my chest to carry it. There have been a few times that it hurt like the blazes at my port site and now my port isn't flat against my skin. I think I tipped it. This is when I really wish that I had gone with the sleeve. I know it is more invasive and not reversable, but if my port is messed up the added cost will be equal to what the sleeve would have cost. Of course 'Doubting Doris' could also be at work. I'm just worried. The evening seems to be my challenge time. I have been budgeting calories for the evening, but I also realize that evening calories stick around. I feel as out of control as I did before the band. Part of it is that I imagine my dinner is low on overall calories. I always have hard Protein for dinner. Last night it was 1/2 a chicken breast, probably 2 oz, 1 bite of low cal coleslaw, and a lot of watermelon. I tried to eat more chicken, but as Steph knows, chicken is not my friend. I did have a 98 cal adult beverage before dinner which is uncommon. But lately, I am going into a feeding frenzy at 9 pm. Last night is was 2 FF 50 cal Fudgebars, 100 cal popcorn, and a bowl of watermelon. So today, I am going to get it under control. I'd appreciate any suggestions.

Steph, I am so glad Jeff is considering getting banded. Remind him of how important he is to your family. I was very please with Dr. Ortiz's clinic. The only uncomfortable moment is when you are dropped off at the line to cross the border, you have to walk across with all your luggage, go through the border check and then be picked up about a block away. Remember that you know have to have a passport to get into MX now. If Canada's cost is close to MX, I'd consider going there instead even though I had an excellent experience at Dr. Ortiz. Hey, tell them that I refered you, maybe they will give me a finder's fee.

Also Steph, I need your mailing address so I can send you my pack that I bought for the 3 day walk. It will cover the cost of the t-shirts AND I would like you to use it, so I somewhat feel like I was on the walk. I am REALLY bummed that I won't be going. Also, I will get you the yardage required for the hats. I would be honored to sew anything you all need, hats, capes, etc. I hate this having to penny pinch. There won't even be any quilt shopping this year.

I am taking Alexa to orientation at the U, then home to Shampoo carpets. Actually, maybe a little nap. Staying up until midnight and then getting up at 6 am is taking a toll.

You all have a good day. I have a bit of the blue's going today.

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Ah Candice, it sounds like soooo much fun. I'm bummed that I'm missing out, but maybe next year.

Reread my post from last night, I was more tired than I thought, I can't understand half of what I wrote.

I am still struggling with the evening hungries. I hope that it is head hungry and that I can get it under control. I REALLY don't want to go for an unfill. One, I'm a pauper at this moment, two, I'm afraid that I messed up my port and will have to have it repositioned. I do a lot of heavy lifting and the nursery, and every once in a while I forget about the port and 'hug' a heavy pot to my chest to carry it. There have been a few times that it hurt like the blazes at my port site and now my port isn't flat against my skin. I think I tipped it. This is when I really wish that I had gone with the sleeve. I know it is more invasive and not reversable, but if my port is messed up the added cost will be equal to what the sleeve would have cost. Of course 'Doubting Doris' could also be at work. I'm just worried. The evening seems to be my challenge time. I have been budgeting calories for the evening, but I also realize that evening calories stick around. I feel as out of control as I did before the band. Part of it is that I imagine my dinner is low on overall calories. I always have hard Protein for dinner. Last night it was 1/2 a chicken breast, probably 2 oz, 1 bite of low cal coleslaw, and a lot of watermelon. I tried to eat more chicken, but as Steph knows, chicken is not my friend. I did have a 98 cal adult beverage before dinner which is uncommon. But lately, I am going into a feeding frenzy at 9 pm. Last night is was 2 FF 50 cal Fudgebars, 100 cal popcorn, and a bowl of watermelon. So today, I am going to get it under control. I'd appreciate any suggestions.

Well, Karla.... I am QUEEN of the night time eating patters.... argh!... what I've found helps me is Jello SF FF Choc pudding made with skim milk, thn I put a large dollop of Ultra light Cool Whip... this is really yummy!! Even if I eat 2 then its only 120 cals...

ALso, I've found lately that I like a sweet crunch... so I have Quaker Rice Cakes, in the carmel/choc chip... only 60 cals each.. I am toying with the idea of putting FF Cream cheese on top as well.... still under 100 cals.

Do you like Grapes? Freeze a cup of White seedless grapes then eat them frozen... they really take a while to eat and they are VERY sweet...

Have you noted a theme here??? YA, I am a sweet-o-holic... :biggrin:

There are also SF FF Fudgecycles in the freezer section.. but I don't know if I could trust myself with those in the house...yet:tongue:

Steph, I am so glad Jeff is considering getting banded. Remind him of how important he is to your family. I was very please with Dr. Ortiz's clinic. The only uncomfortable moment is when you are dropped off at the line to cross the border, you have to walk across with all your luggage, go through the border check and then be picked up about a block away. Remember that you know have to have a passport to get into MX now. If Canada's cost is close to MX, I'd consider going there instead even though I had an excellent experience at Dr. Ortiz. Hey, tell them that I refered you, maybe they will give me a finder's fee.

Also Steph, I need your mailing address so I can send you my pack that I bought for the 3 day walk. It will cover the cost of the t-shirts AND I would like you to use it, so I somewhat feel like I was on the walk. I am REALLY bummed that I won't be going. Also, I will get you the yardage required for the hats. I would be honored to sew anything you all need, hats, capes, etc. I hate this having to penny pinch. There won't even be any quilt shopping this year.

I am taking Alexa to orientation at the U, then home to Shampoo carpets. Actually, maybe a little nap. Staying up until midnight and then getting up at 6 am is taking a toll.

You all have a good day. I have a bit of the blue's going today.

I know how that is... HUGS to you GF.. tomorrow will be brighter!:smile2:

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Steph, I am so glad Jeff is considering getting banded. Remind him of how important he is to your family. I was very please with Dr. Ortiz's clinic. The only uncomfortable moment is when you are dropped off at the line to cross the border, you have to walk across with all your luggage, go through the border check and then be picked up about a block away. Remember that you know have to have a passport to get into MX now. If Canada's cost is close to MX, I'd consider going there instead even though I had an excellent experience at Dr. Ortiz. Hey, tell them that I refered you, maybe they will give me a finder's fee.

Steph; Canadian Banding in Toronto is $16,000 which is like $13730 in U.s. dollars.... plus they have a new financing plan... pay $2900 Cdn have the surg. and then make payments over the next 4 years!!! I think 400-$600 per month.. I'd have to recheck that out.

Web site is... SLIMBAND.ca or TLBC.ca (this is where I had my surg)


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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