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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Good morning ladies!

Just a quick check in. Do I say that every day??? I'm getting to be too predictable.

I have a question for Karri!!! Did you really say a POUND of fruit when you gave those calorie totals? Did you MEAN a pound???? My body is definitely craving melons and berries this month and they are soft enough that I"m not getting stuck on them. But a POUND??? I can eat a WHOLE watermelon??? Come to mama!!!!

I slept very well last night. I feel really good today. Still very tired but I know that is because my body has not gotten its meds lately. I have a much better outlook today though. For that I'm thankful. I feel stronger.

Okay....gotta run. Have a great day ladies. Love you!

Yep...I said a pound. I actually looked up the exact calories and it is 136 calories per pound of watermelon. I think cantaloupe is less so it averages out when I get the mixed melon. Sorry I didn't get to this sooner. Been working.:smile2:

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I eat the orowheat Buns all the time. 2/3rds of the calories of a regular bun!

Yeah...I really am on odd bandster. I can eat the whole one with a burger. That is all I can eat though. nothign else to go with it.

I had a horrible pb'ing incident yesterday and I have no idea why. I had halibut and red potaotoes for dinner and then about an hour later I felt like I was majorly stuck. I hadn't had anything between dinner and then. After agonizing in pain for an hour I decided to take a big gulp of Water to either get it out or get it down. It decided to come out. TMI WARNING....It came up so violently (and with all the water) that it came out my nose. NOT FUN! Needless to say, I am on very soft foods today.

The scales are being very kind to me after my birthday. I had to do a day of carb detox (pretty much only eat meat) for one day. Boy do I pee like crazy that day!!! BUt I am at my lowest weight in months.

Phyl congrats on your knee surgery. I can't imagine the pain you must be in. My plastic surgery consult/year check up is on Monday. My principal said to schedule it whenever...and not to wait until Dec. if I didn't want to. However, I have to because I have 2 runs scheduled between now and then. So I am really hoping to squeeze my surgery in between December 15th and Christmas so that I don't have to miss too much work. I will go later on the surgery but I am NOT missing my half marathon in Dallas. I get to meet two fellow bandsters and I have been looking forward to it for months.

Alright well I am off to lounge by the pool while going through AP chemistry study guides. I have decided that for the month of July that there is no differentiation between weekdays and weekends. I have one LONG week that ENDS at the end of the month!

I will try and check back later.

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To answer your questions: Yes, I am exercising. My NP at lapband place thinks I do not eat enough w the exercise I do, so have added. I feel better with that plan.

Yes, I do eat enough Protein. Yes, I get full. I do put down on a computer program my food, but have not been lately bc I am discouraged now.

I am going to my yrly physical Tuesday and plan on discussing many things (I have a list) with my primary care doc. I think my metabolic syndrome plays a big part and am going to find out what can be done there.

I can't remember the rest of the questions, but I do want to get on with this and ferret out what is happening.

Thanks for your questions and your concern!

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Back home from my Dad's, he is doing much better. We took him to the parade and then lunch at one of his sisters. We left the house at about 9:30 am and returned about 3pm. I found out that mom has been feeding him 'Dinty Moore' dinners off the grocery shelf. Dad loves fruit & veggies, steak & potatoes, and she hates them, so she has NOT been buying him any of them. No wonder he has been weak. He's living off of lousy high carb meals and Ensure. I blew. So I went and bought him a watermelon, salad, steak, cherries, veggie tray, & potatoes. He couldn't eat a lot, but he sure enjoyed it and later said he felt the best he has in a long time. So I spent the entire time cooking for dad...and mom. I arranged to have my sister, who's going to dad's at the end of the week, to bring some more veggies and fruit. Then I will talk to my brother and see if he will drop fruit & veggies off every week. I'm still REALLY ticked at my mother. The entire time I was there, all she did was bitch about how much work she has to do because dad can't do anything. Now I find out that dad is having trouble seeing. I just don't really like what is going on, and there is nothing I can do about it.

food while I was gone, I can't really say, it just became a blur. I know that during the day was great, but I did have a piece of cake on Saturday. Friday night, I know that I over ate during the night. Let's just say there was a feeding frenzy of popcorn and Protein Bars. I will weigh tomorrow and face the music. I didn't get any exercise in, so I am planning a bike ride tomorrow.

I know that I let depression and frustration rule me on Friday. I was upset with my mom & frustrated with my finances. The trip to Roundup, kenneling the dogs, buying food for my dad cost more than my entire month's budget after bills since my child support has ended.

So Steph, I am going to have to officially bail on the 3-Day. Even if I would raise the money I can't afford to get there. Honestly I just can't face the stress of dealing with trying to work it out. I'm sorry, but right now I need to figure out how to keep my house.

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Okay Karla...Maybe I shouldn't say this, but why are you still paying medical for your children? I had to manage on my own after I was 18 and I did just fine. Perhaps this is why I don't have children, but I honestly think that your children would rather have you keep you house than keep their medical coverage. I am not sure how many you have on your insurance but even one can be very expensive. There are programs that they can be on through most states thhat will get them low cost insurance. I don't mean to sound harsh, but if you are constantly worrying about money it is not going to help with taking care of you.

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Love you too, Janet! Only 3 weeks till Canada. . .yeah!!! I sure hope your weekend is uneventful--I wonder how Katlin feels about going back to all of that?

Phly--I'm so glad that you are joining us in Canada! Sounds like you really need a break and to be sourrounded by friends for a few days. Give the meds a few more days. I remember when I started taking them--i doubted it too, but then one day I found myself sitting on the floor playing with my kids and I realized that I haden't done that for a very long time. that's when I knew that the meds were helping. I'm really glad that you're starting them now b/c as you know, it's not unusual to get really depressed post op with all the pain and narcotics. At least you'll have a decent level of serotonin in your brain to counter some of that. Did your surgeon tell you to add some Protein Drinks back into your diet? You'll need that for healing. Time to boost up your nutritional status. More important than ever to eat healthy!

Candice--I love it that you can keep up while you're in France. I've really enjoyed reading your posts and pics. It'll be so fun to hear the details first hand!

Still in the 60's, damp, and cloudy. Will this ever end? Geez!

HI girls! I;m home!! YEAH... it was so nice to step off the plane in Toronto!!! Home sweet home!!

Picked up the dogs, 1 from the Kennel (dogy JAIL for Twig) and Woody was at a girlfriends. Woody is all healed up from her DOG FIGHT bites just prior to HOliday... SHe is looking good, although she got sick in the night IN OUR BED!! Don't know what's up with that?

Gave Twig a bath to get all that loose fur off of him and get him a nice non=kennel smell.

And I finished the last of my Swiss chocolate last night!!

So officially this a.m. I weight 176.8 lbs. down -2 lbs over my trip.

Now this is truely a mirace, as I ate a LOT of junk, drank Vats of wine, but did do a LOT of walking thru castles, Abbeys, Catherdrals and museums...

I am so happy to beable to eat Canadian/American food again! I loved France but I can't wait to sink my teeth into a McD's Fillet-o-fish, I am having one today...

I logged onto Spark People today to re-start journaling my food, so that I can continue to lose before you gals all come on the 23rd.

Stopped into see my MOM on the drive home from the airport = she was watching the Master Golf tourn on TV and looked FAB. She is feeling much better since her last Spinal fracture. THANK GOD:thumbup:

I have to tell you my DD is the luckiest girl in the world. Bryan is so patient, hardly lets anything Flap him and was a real treasure to have a long on this trip. He can drive like a Kamakazi pilot and cooks too! I din't cook in 2 weeks, he BBQ'd everyday or we went out for dinner.

Alas, no more Baggette, no more Creamy Cheese*(it tastes like sin on a plate) and no more Choc or wine....

This a.m. all I really want is for my tea to go down, so that I can have a bowl of steaming oatmeal.:tongue_smilie:

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Welcome home, Candice! It's good to have you back safely, and to lose weight in france?!--that's amazing! What a sweet ending!!

Janet must have had a good weekend at her son's--no posts all weekend = she stayed! Hope I'm right!

Sounds like Phyl's doing better too? Nothing like a good 4th cookout to lift one's spirits. Now with the surgery scheduled; in no time after that she'll be headed south again.

We had a busy weekend too.

Took care of my little friend, Margo on Friday night so her mom could get caught up with some things at home. Then we had our annual cul-de-sac party where we all pull our tables, chairs and grills onto the cul de sac in front of our houses and spend the day eating and drinking and hanging out with each other and whatever family or friends drop in. It's a great time. Yesterday I had a baby shower for my nephew's wife and a graduation party for a co-worker's daughter, so that kept us fed and moving all day. We both crashed when we got home. I ate much less than I would have, but by no means did I eat what I should have. It's a lost cause.

I do hate the way that food is a constant obsession no matter what I do or where I go. There should be more to life than constantly worrying about what I am going to eat, what I am eating, or what I just ate.

On that note, I have to run. Got a doctor's appointment that I am not particularly looking forward to, but need to get done. Tell you about it in Canada

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Candice, I'm glad you are home safe and sounds! Sounds like a wonderful trip.

Phyl, congrats on your surgery date. All will go fabulously. Just think of all the things you will be able to do! Get ready to put a 'For Sale' sign on your scooter.

The good lord was lookin over me. I stepped on the scale this a.m. and I held my last weight loss!! So today will be forcussing on the healthy eating and ignoring my head hunger. I want to be below 200 by the end of the month. So today, even though it will be hot, I am going on a bike ride. DD#5 got a new bike for graduation from DD#2, so I have her convinced to go riding this morning. Although it will probably be later. She is a night owl and probably didn't go to bed before 3 am. I just don't understand the child.

Yesterday was HOT for us and it feels like it will be the same today. Once the thermometer goes over 90 I start to melt. Also need to get all the yard watered and need to figure out the rest of the summer chores. I need to Shampoo carpets, do the deep clean, consider doing some painting (dependent upon the $$$), and sit down and figure out a new budget now that there is $1000 LESS in the monthly fund. I thought I budgeted for loosing my child support, but evidently not enough. Yep, I am a little depressed about it. I could go to court and have part of the support reinstated since both girls are in college, but it would cost more in lawyer fees than what I would get, so we tighten the belt.

Steph...did you get your lawyer?

Karri, how's the curriculum going? We will need to do some earth science chatting, since this will be a new class for me.

PCgirl, you well could be eating too little. Good job on the exercise. That is my area of weakness. I hate indoor exercise and I hate hot weather, so I need to bite the bullet and get real. Exercise needs to be a perminant part of my life if I want to get healthy.

Here is the strange question??? I think my port shifted, is that normal? I use to be able to feel it nice and flat against the skin. Now I can't seem to find it? If I can't find it how will the dr? I have NO problem staying were I am, fill wise, but if it needs repositioned, there is no way I can afford that. Okay, quit worrying about it.

Karri, dropping my kids off my insurance isn't an option. First the modification date has come and gone. Second, Elyse has some meds that wouldn't be covered if she had an insurance laps. Third, both girls have corrective lenses (they are blind as a bat), and dental issues as well. I will figure this out. I'll tighten the belt. I have 3 jobs now, so add another isn't really an option. I am thinking on putting some of my crafts on ebay. I have a variety of things that I use to sell at craft shows that I make: purses, felted wool hats, thimbles, magnets, hand-dyed flannel, hand pieced and hand quilted baby quilts. I don't do craft shows anymore, because I can't handle the rejection. I figure that since I love my stuff, everyone else should... Actually, the biggest reason I quit doing craft shows is that I won't use cheap materials, and people won't pay the prices I have to charge to make a profit. When I make a baby quilt that has $100 in material and almost 200 hours of labor, I am not going to sell it for $50.

Anyway, enough of me, gosh I sound like my mother... I promise to stop talking about myself so much. I guess I am using you all as a sounding board, that I just like to hear myself think.

Chat later.

Edited by cramerk

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Hi again ladies! I'm back!! It's been a few days but it was a good few days.

An update on the child situation. I did talk to a lawyer on Thursday. I will call him tomorrow if he doesn't call me today. I'm hoping to get everything settled soon. I really don't want to go to court. He was going to drive past the area, look at the police report, then talk to the city attorney. Keep your fingers crossed.

Had a great 4th weekend. Jeff took the afternoon of the 3rd off. We went kayaking for a little bit but it was windy, so we came home and cleaned up the yard and had an impromptu bbq. I made burgers, brats, and chx burgers for everyone, so potatoes, and just kicked back and enjoyed. Then on the 4th, we rode our bikes in the parade and then spent the afternoon with friends. Yesterday we went on a 200 mile ride. It really was a great relaxing weekend. I even managed to eat a little bit. Yesterday we had lunch at a mexican rest. and decided I need to go get some refried Beans and I can eat those even when I can't eat other stuff.

Still haven't heard from the fill lady. I wonder if she went out of town for the holiday. I will check again tomorrow and see if she can fit me in next Monday. Keep your fingers crossed. I'm eating a chx. burger now. I guess I got about a 1/4 of one in. Not much, but better than the nothing I had been getting in. I'll be happy when I can eat again.

The scale seems to be moving downward again. Better than that, my pants are beginning to fit again. I've started walking again. Did 6 1/2 miles yesterday. Will try to get to the lake this afternoon when Michael gets home from work to kayak and then will walk tonight. Going to try to get 10 miles tonight. Weird thing....yesterday I was getting very hungry when I was walking and I could eat a Fiber One Bar. I thought to try one to quell the hunger even if it came back, but it went down without a problem. I was pretty excited about THAT. so maybe I'm able to eat a little more when I'm exercising. I sure hope so.

Candice, it sounds like you had a fabulous time in France. I am so happy! It sounds like a fabulous 2 weeks. I hope DH enjoyed his retirement present. Glad your SIL2B is so wonderful.

Janet must have had a good time this weekend. Hopefully. Im keeping my fingers crossed for that anyways.

Linda, it is sad that everything seems to revolve around food...but that means we are going to have to work that much harder so that we change our habits to NOT do so. I have to say I enjoyed cooking for everyone else and by the time I was done, I wasn't overly hungry....and at our friends bbq I enjoyed watching everyone else eat but didn't hear the food calling to me. I had told the friends that we were doing something for dinner so I didn't want to ruin my appetite and they didn't seem to mind a bit. I had it in my head that we were doing something for dinner sos I didn't feel the urge to eat...and when we got him I got dinner ready for Jeff and the kids and went walking. It was so nice. I got home and ate a bit of something...can't even remember what exactly....and my day was wonderful. It was amazing that I didn't let food consume me even though I was around it. A HUGE step.

Karri, don't work so hard. I know you have a lot to do, but remember that you have to take care of you too. You can't just take a break when your body is so tired it gets sick. You need to take a break BEFORE that point!

Karla, I'm glad you were able to take a break with your dad and see that he is doing better than your mom made it sound. She needs to get over herself and take care of your dad! You don't worry about the walk. Take care of yourself. You have to do what you have to do. That does not mean you can stop exercising. You can walk the 20 miles a day at HOME while we are walking it in Seattle. You can be part of the team even though you aren't there! How's that?

Okay....I'd better get going. I have a ton of stuff to do. Have a great day ladies! Love you all!

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Went on an hour long bike ride this morning. whowho

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You are a "Peach"! Always enjoy your posts and you can ramble all you want! I often do that, too!

I, too, am trying so hard to get under 200 lb... I was hoping by my 2 yr anniv, but that's just two weeks away and I'm not going to make it. TOPS weigh in today I "turtled"... stayed the same. I was just happy not to have a gain after the holiday weekend!


Welcome home! Enjoyed your posts about all your activities while you were gone... and the photos! You did great to lose 2 lb on vacation and I used that as a testimony for walking at TOPS this morning. DD & SIL had the same experience on their 2 1/2 wk vacation to Europe. They are on WW so they were nervous about gaining. But they walked so much that they came home without big gains. I think they both lost.


Your adventures are always so intriguing! Sounds like you had a busy, eventful weekend.

Janet hasn't checked in yet... Wasn't she supposed to be home yesterday? Maybe it was today.

We had BBQ Friday at DD's.... boneless, skinless chicken breasts, but I had a little potato salad and baked Beans. Saturday we had a neighbborhood BBQ here at the condo. We had our 40 calorie Hebrew Nat'ls. (thanks, Karri), but... again, I had a little potato salad and some beans... and some cole slaw... and too much wine that day. But I didn't eat lunch that day because we were doing the BBQ about 2-3ish.

After another week of gorgeous weather, our temps plunged 20 degrees today and it's cloudy, and, as described by our 6 yr old grandson, "misty". Good word, Charly! It's not really RAIN. Not even "drizzle".... but not DRY either. It wasn't too wet to do a little cruise around the neighborhood. Since DH weighed in this moring and was a pound under goal, he wanted a few of his favorite rolls from one of the local grocery stores. So I went and got a latte and talked to the lady that owns the place for a few minutes and the went across the street for the rolls. Weather is supposed to be like this pretty much all week. So we're doing something indoors with DD & the three little ones later in the week...

Seattle Aquarium. Pictures to follow! :tongue_smilie:


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Welcome home, Candice! It's good to have you back safely, and to lose weight in france?!--that's amazing! What a sweet ending!!

Janet must have had a good weekend at her son's--no posts all weekend = she stayed! Hope I'm right!

Sounds like Phyl's doing better too? Nothing like a good 4th cookout to lift one's spirits. Now with the surgery scheduled; in no time after that she'll be headed south again.

We had a busy weekend too.

Took care of my little friend, Margo on Friday night so her mom could get caught up with some things at home. Then we had our annual cul-de-sac party where we all pull our tables, chairs and grills onto the cul de sac in front of our houses and spend the day eating and drinking and hanging out with each other and whatever family or friends drop in. It's a great time. Yesterday I had a baby shower for my nephew's wife and a graduation party for a co-worker's daughter, so that kept us fed and moving all day. We both crashed when we got home. I ate much less than I would have, but by no means did I eat what I should have. It's a lost cause.

I do hate the way that food is a constant obsession no matter what I do or where I go. There should be more to life than constantly worrying about what I am going to eat, what I am eating, or what I just ate.

On that note, I have to run. Got a doctor's appointment that I am not particularly looking forward to, but need to get done. Tell you about it in Canada

Yes, far too many food temptations this weekend!

And now dealing with the leftovers!

Potato salad is not my friend. Have to get rid of it.

But, YES, I ate much less than I normally would have. Two 40 calorie Hebrew Nat'ls... I would've had probably one hot dog, one hamburger... with Buns, in the past, along with lots of potato salad and beans! Two of the weekend BBQs involved grilled chicken breasts... boneless, skinless.

You're making us worry with that doctor appointment comment.

Looking forward to Aquarium with the grandkids later this week,

and I volunteered us for babysitting with the on Saturday so DD & SIL can go to a movie. Told her I only have about 3 Saturdays left between now and the time we leave for CA this fall.... and actually, one of them disappeared after we talked on the phone! That leaves this Saturday or Aug. 8th!! Our 45th anniversary is the 15th & all other Saturdays we're either gone, have plans or I'll be "rehabbing"! We have friends from our RV park in CA that will be here the weekend before my knee surgery. Those arrangements just made this afternoon. They're coming to Seattle to go on a 2 wk. Alaska cruise and will spend about 2 more weeks in the area after that.

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My darling Phyl!!!! I just got the most amazing box in the mail!!!! Words can't describe how beautiful this quilt is! Thank you thank you thank you! You and Kellie outdid yourselves with your generosity! It is soooooo beautiful!

I can't post pictures on here anymore for some reason. They don't ever upload so the rest of you will have to check them out on Facebook when I get them posted there!

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Quilt???? I better see that ASAP!

hungry today, grrrrrrrrrrr

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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