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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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self pay july 10th banding ready to go. surgery in detriot mi. great lakes weight loss center. have done research on line, dr weber seems like a soild surgen, anybody have any word or news about this place harper hospital.

Mylisa - I live in Michigan too, (SW Livingston county) but I haven't heard of them. OOPS, I just saw Harper Hospital. Still don't know anything about them. I couldn't wait for insurance approval so I ended up self pay in Mexico. Best thing I ever did.

Well, day two back on the program. I'm doing pretty good, if I do say so myself. I haven't been totally good, but calories have been decent. No soda and I'm on my fifth or sixth bottle of Water today. And I am getting full. Not able to finish my meals. They're advertising on tv again the pay for one PS and get a second free. I'm bound and determined I am going to do this.


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Karri, I would love to have your alfredo recipe and meatloaf. I am a pretty simple eater. I have been avoiding carbs because I am a total carb addict. I do feel better when I avoid them. I actually enjoyed my lettuce wrapped 'sandwich' today and I'm not much of a salad fan. But man do I love Pasta and Bagels and muffins, and ice cream. dinner tonight was casadeea (sp), we went to a mexican resurant and there just wasn't much selection that wasn't fried or smothered in something. I ate 2 slices of casadeea with fruit salsa but only ate the center part of them not the 1 inch trim that didn't have any peppers or chicken. Yep I know the cheese wasn't great, but I was at about 1/2 to 3/4 of a cup. I don't feel deprived I actually feel full. Didn't mind not having chips and salsa or fried ice cream. I am learning to not drink with my meals. I still have some '1st bite' pain, but if I relax and wait a few minutes i can continue my meal. Is scrambled eggs, fruit, deli turkey, cheese considered 'sliders'? I know that steak wasn't and I was able to eat it last night. I know that I shouldn't eat cheese, but I have included it in my calories.

Janet, I know that I have 'doubting Doris' on my shoulder. I guess too many times of getting thin, only to fail makes me skeptical that this will work for the long term. I want it too, and at least I have felt more in control than I ever have. I have an unhealthy relationship with food. Partially related to being raised on surplus potatoes and Beans with what ever wild game dad could hunt. To say we were poor is a bit of an understatement and the money we had, mom & dad drank. I can live without food very well, living on 1 bag of popcorn and a glass of skim milk a day. I have had bouts of bulemia when I got divorced. So now you know all my secrets, well the food related ones anyway. I would be happy if I never had to eat again. Yep, probably should go to a councelor for those issues, but let's get real, all of these are excuses. Janet is right, it is time to stop making excuses and embrase reality. sorry can't seem to spell worth anything today. So today...it is my choice to be healthy. Tomorrow...

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Good morning ladies...hope you all got a good night sleep?

Evening food was good, had about 8 almonds.

Only 2 1/2 days of workshop left, whohooo. then back home to work at the nursery, THEN I get to start my summer!!! Sleep in if I want, work in my yard. Find the darn ole' house. Strangely enough I am looking forward to finding some organization.

Meals for the day are pretty much the same as yesterday. I still need to know if deli turkey and scrambled eggs are a slider. I imagine cheese is, oh well. I do limit it.

Have a good day!

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Good morning ladies...hope you all got a good night sleep?

Evening food was good, had about 8 almonds.

Only 2 1/2 days of workshop left, whohooo. then back home to work at the nursery, THEN I get to start my summer!!! Sleep in if I want, work in my yard. Find the darn ole' house. Strangely enough I am looking forward to finding some organization.

Meals for the day are pretty much the same as yesterday. I still need to know if deli turkey and scrambled eggs are a slider. I imagine cheese is, oh well. I do limit it.

Have a good day!

I eat scrambled eggs, lunch meat and cheese quite often. I usually use the FF cheese though. For many people they can't get down scrambled eggs or lunch meat. What is a slider for one person may not be a slider for another. Janet and I can easily eat popcorn, while other people can't tolerate it at all. Some people can't do crackers and for me they are a HUGE slider food.

If a food goes down and keeps you full then it is NOT a slider food. If it goes down and you are hungry in an hour (oatmeal for me!) then it is a slider. Everytime you eat something you should really think about how it makes you feel. Having a meaningful time for eating is important because not only will you eat slower and get fuller, but you will be able to focus on how you feel. This helps you make better choices in the future.

I will get those recipes to you tonight. I have to get ready to go to work with DH so that I can work on school stuff. If I stay home to work...I do nothing. The math teacher came out yesterday so that we could work together and I think she is coming out today as well.

WHEW...I am TIGHT TIGHT TIGHT this morning. My lean sausage/english muffing sandwich WILL NOT GO DOWN! However, I lost another pound yesterday. I have not eaten below 2000 calories over the last 5 days and have lost 3 pounds. Do any of you wonderful nurse ladies know if this is common when first on synthroid?

Okay gotta run!

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Boy! I'm really confused now! I thought we'd just figured out that Green was a guy!

Had my pre-op physical today including chest x-ray (with my necklace on... forgot!), EKG, five tubes of blood and urinalysis. That should cover it. They said they'll be faxing everything to the ortho surgeon tomorrow, so it'll all be there for him when I see him next week. My doc wasn't available so I saw this other young chick... I think she was about 12 yrs old. Fairly thorough, but I still like my doctor best. We talked about my meds and she agreed to start me on Zoloft...50 mg. So we'll see how that goes. Wants me to follow up with my doc in about a month, but it'll have to wait until after my trip east. Tomorrow I see a new pulmonologist.. want to see if my CPAP needs to be readjusted. Settings are still set up as prior to weight loss so I'm thinking it's time for a check on that. No follow up on that in about 5 years, so it's time.

Did almost 30 minutes on Wii last night... 10 minutes walking in place. Then I couldn't get any good scores on my favorites... balance exercises, because I could barely move my knee after the 10 minutes of walking! Frustrating!

Nope Bjean verified that Green was a female 100% :0) and she shared some great stories about her !!!

I took the zolfot 50 for about 3 yrs - it takes about 2 weeks to get in your system and they may give you the runs for the 1st few day :0)

I did Wii fit w/DGD last night - she's a little better than me on the balance issues - but again I'm 40 yrs older than her.. But she couldn't do the hula hoops - quit on the tight rope, cheated on running didn't run just moved the numbchucks.

She ask me how to lose weight (she weighs about 133 per wii and she about 5'3 ) I tell her then she tells me why she can't do that - I said Kaitlin quit with the friggin excuses you can do it ... She's a total cheese person - they buy it by the blocks - and quarts (sour cream) so last night she had a baked potato and I fixed it with 2.5 tlbspon sour cream (lite)and 1 tsp marg and she liked it just fine

I agree with Janet. For the most part I eat the same things now that I did when I was losing. If I didn't run/train to the intensity that I do, I would probably be eating the same amount too. This is why I have made the offer to help you trim down some of your favorite recipes. I still eat chicken alfredo, enchiladas (dinner tonight), chicken cordon bleu, pizza, spaghetti, meatloaf, etc...but they have all been altered so that they are healthier. There was no point living on Protein Drinks and "diet"foods if I couldn't eat like that forever. I needed to change my lifestyle to the point that I could sustain 99% of the ways for life. Even at maintenance, I STILL count calories and eat healthy 98% of the time. Sure I might get to have a FEW more endulgances than I did during the losing phase, but I usually make up for them in increased exercise or choose healthy endulgances such as fruit and truvia!

Janet is completely right that you can't think of this as a diet...Diets end...lifestyles do not.

This is why Jenny Craig or nutruasystmen never really worked for a long period with me - I can't eat like that forever..

Last nite had 5 oz steak - maybe ate 4 oz - veggies - popcorn - sf pudding and woke up around 1ish had a bite of a Fiber bar and said - you arent hungry go back to bed - so I did..

I'm eating granola & yogurt right now - lunch salad w/avocado & bbq ck -

Well I gotta get in gear here - ttyl

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Here I am. Just got home from being up north at a Graduation party. food? ????? I won't even touch that with a ten foot pole. Let's just say it left a whole lot to be desired. Or should I say I desired a whole lot? NO WORRY though. After weighing myself yesterday morning and knowing about today's party, I said to my self "Kari, eat, drink and be merry, for on Monday you get back on the program." I even got DH involved to help. I told him I wasn't cooking a whole lot, and no more garlic mashed taters,( he'll take baked) or soda and he said that was okay.


How about a new challenge? I'll even make it easy on us. Five pounds by Canada, July 23. Hopefully it'll be more but....................shall we make a bet, Linda? The one of us who loses the least by the time we get to Canada has to buy the other one a drink. Or, a big hot fudge sundae. Winner's choice. Mqaybe we can get Candace in on it since she'll be living it up in France for two weeks. We can make her work double hard when she gets home.

Okay, I need to get through yet, and it's getting pretty late so, I'll check back tomorrow. HAVE A GOOD NIGHT ALL, sleep TIGHT.

Hey Girls, I'm here! Re-reading all your posts so I don't miss a thing while I am in FR. I'm on my 2nd glass of Red right now, so I appologise for my Spelling mistakes ok?

GREEN was an awesome women from Toronto. I can't beleive she's gone! I am so sorry for that loss... she was way cool and often emailed me when I had questions about Depression/ Mania and medications.... she and I shared a lot... it is so sad. Remember when I had to have my BAND repaired because of the LEAK??? well that's when I really met Green, in person.... she was awesome. A very generous person, and kind.

Oh I don't want to get blue here.... cause you are all doing so well.

Ya know, The friendships we've made here are awesome and indiscribably...

My DSIL2B keeps asking me... "so how did you find aout about this house in France?" well OUR dear friend Car from Colorado...

I can't begin to tell you how wonderful this place is.... I'll fill you all in in JULY when you come to my HOUSE>


ve just been told!!! Go cook supper!!! They are all play8ing YATZEE, and I am tasked with dinner..

Ah, but I am drinking my $16 bottle of Vin de Clappe..... ya I know sounds like you shouldn't drink it right???? Ha,ah,ah its good....:(

More later babes!!!

Miss you!


Nope Bjean verified that Green was a female 100% :0) and she shared some great stories about her !!!

I took the zolfot 50 for about 3 yrs - it takes about 2 weeks to get in your system and they may give you the runs for the 1st few day :0)

I did Wii fit w/DGD last night - she's a little better than me on the balance issues - but again I'm 40 yrs older than her.. But she couldn't do the hula hoops - quit on the tight rope, cheated on running didn't run just moved the numbchucks.

She ask me how to lose weight (she weighs about 133 per wii and she about 5'3 ) I tell her then she tells me why she can't do that - I said Kaitlin quit with the friggin excuses you can do it ... She's a total cheese person - they buy it by the blocks - and quarts (sour cream) so last night she had a baked potato and I fixed it with 2.5 tlbspon sour cream (lite)and 1 tsp marg and she liked it just fine

This is why Jenny Craig or nutruasystmen never really worked for a long period with me - I can't eat like that forever..

Last nite had 5 oz steak - maybe ate 4 oz - veggies - popcorn - sf pudding and woke up around 1ish had a bite of a fiber bar and said - you arent hungry go back to bed - so I did..

I'm eating granola & yogurt right now - lunch salad w/avocado & bbq ck -

Well I gotta get in gear here - ttyl

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Forgot one thing.... THey are playing YATZEE and I have to make dinner....

Not eating much, stuff is getting stuck... but the WINE is good!!!!

Phyl, does EARL control how much you spend on YOUR wine????

$16 a bottle is a lot by Cdn standards, but it is so smooth....

Oh yeah, and the only person here I've met who spee=ks ENGLISH was a Guy from Calif..... he was real glad to see us too!!!!

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OH Candice--so good of you to post from your vacation! Can you bring some of that wine back for us??? Can't wait to see the pics! Where are you anyway?

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Done with workshops for the day, only one day left.

Janet...I walked 50 minutes today and for one of the first times I felt full. Calories today are 579, and burned 322 cal walking. I actually had ton's of energy and never felt hungry, I still don't!!! I upped my lunch calories because I seemed to be having concentration issues and feeling rather 'weak'. AND I didn't feel ANY pain while eating. Now, I WILL remember how this feels. Energized, not groggy....

Candice good to here from you, continue to have fun...

Steph are you home yet?

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Mylissa1, I am getting my lap band on the 14 of July. I am self pay and am going to Mexico. Maybe we can keep in touch during our journey.


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I just had them most fabulous dinner. Seared Ahi tuna where it is seared on the inside and just hot on the inside, but not cooked. The most tender piece of fish I have ever had. It had a seasoned grilled rice cake. the rice was crunchy on the outside and delish. I ate EVERY bite and I don't think any of it was slider food. calories for today, naturally I'm not sure since it was dinner out, but it didn't taste like there was much oil, was about 900 calories. Naturally it could be higher, the tuna was about 3 oz, and the rice cake had about 1/2 c rice, and then there were seared zucchini and peppers. If I could live in Bozeman, I would have this meal every day!!!!

I am full, my taste buds are satisfied, and I don't feel deprived. I know I am a slow learner, but I am learning.

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Forgot one thing.... THey are playing YATZEE and I have to make dinner....

Not eating much, stuff is getting stuck... but the WINE is good!!!!

Phyl, does EARL control how much you spend on YOUR wine????

$16 a bottle is a lot by Cdn standards, but it is so smooth....

Oh yeah, and the only person here I've met who speaks ENGLISH was a Guy from Calif..... he was real glad to see us too!!!!

You're TOO funny!

Can't believe you let them get away with playing games

while you're taxed with fixing their dinner!

What's up with that!!??

You're having too much fun...

after N.O. cruise, we need to plan a trip to FRANCE!!

EARL control what I spend on wine???

Are you kidding me??

What makes you think I am allowed to buy wine?? LOL!!

I do occasionally get away with putting a bottle in HIS shopping cart, but not often!

We usually buy TWO BUCK CHUCK, which is actually three bucks here in WA.

Or else he buys BOXED wine! Not worth drinking, IMHO!

But I lost control of the kitchen and the shopping a LONG time ago.

Karri... 2 weeks would be good... doc prepared me that it might take 4-6 weeks for the Zoloft to kick in. Actually I am taking is a generic form... Sertraline.

Saw pulmonary doc today.. have a repeat sleep study in two weeks.

Thinks my CPAP undoubtedly needs to be re calibrated b/o weight loss.

Very tight today... started when I ate lobster tail last night. I didn't cut it up in tiny bites like I did last week. So it felt like I was stuck.. all night. Had a tough time eating bf today & only ate 1/2 of my little baby omelet. Primetimers today and lunch was noodles w/tomato sauce and meatballs (Costco, I think). Then there was chef salad, fruit cocktail, ice cream and some kind of biscuit cake for desert. Paper divided plates.... filled up one of the small sections w/noodles-meatballs, put a little fruit cocktail in the other, and chef salad in the big part. Could only eat a couple of bites of salad... gave the rest to Earl, a few chunks of fruit, ate the noodles and meatballs. Took desert and picked at it a little...teeny little bites of ice cream and a few crumbs of cake, and then I pretty much bolted for the BR where I lost the ice cream and slimed a lot! TMI, huh?! Sorry!

So, then we went to costco but I didn't go in because I was afraid I might be really stupid and take a bite of some samples. After dr appt, I went straight to my scooter and went and got a latte. May be psychological, but drinking one always seems to settle my stomach and help things go down. It worked, but not right away.... took an hour or so.

If it hadn't I wouldn't have been able to eat any dinner.

We had spaghetti sauce w/gr. turkey over fr. style green Beans.

Small portion and I ate REAL slow.

Went down okay, but I'm still hearing and feeling some gurgling!

I know it would be a good idea to start journalling again but it seems like such a pain.

But the pulmonologist has me on an abbreviated form...

I have to fill out this chart for the next two weeks...

there's a square for every hour of the day.

I have to blacken in the squares when I'm sleeping, if I get up to BR...

put a B in that square, M for meals, C for caffeine drinks, A for alcholol, S for Snacks (not sex). Arrow down when I go to sleep, arrow up when I wake up.

Sound like fun???

It IS a form of journalling, so maybe it'll get me back in the habit.

For those who stuck with me through this, SORRY it's SO LONG!!

Edited by phyllser

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Phyl, hand in there, just remember that all this stuff is what you need to get your surgery!!! I'm on a cpap also, I am hoping to get off it when I lose weight. It costs me about $200 a month and I sure could use the money for something else, like my house payment. I am going to tough it out house payment wise for this next year, then I think I will sell and buy a condo. I'll miss my koi, but not mowing the acre. Unfortunately I probably won't be able to afford the repeat sleep study. Last time it cost $3000 and my insurance only paid half. If I didn't have medical bill I would be able to afford to go to Canada with you all. My house payment is half my paycheck and medical expenses, even with insurance, takes half of the other half. Leaving me only 1/4 for groceries and utilities. I have never been able to take my girls on a vacation and I dearly would love to before the all get busy with their lives. Actually 3 of them ARE already too busy with their lives.

Oh well, going to go take a shower. I bought more farm land today and need to get back to plow and plant before I fall asleep.

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Night you all, awful quiet.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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