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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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How old is he ?? Ya teenagers - be glad the neighbors called the cops... Maybe that will scare him - call him every hour and make surpised visits home if you can...Hugs..... J

Ah.... SURPRISE VISITS!! Our specialty! Too bad we don't live close by. We LOVE to harass our grandchildren with those when DD & SIL are out of town! Recruit someone else to do it if you can't, Denise! Of course, this last time, it was just DGS. And we were gone on the cruise for a week of their vacation. But we did our best!

Great pics, Janet! So glad you two had that time together!

PB yesterday when we went out to lunch.... had two stinkin' prawns but must have eaten them too fast or didn't chew enough. At any rate, very tight today as a result, and sliming after dinner. YUCK!

I did a little online research late last night... Knee Replacement in Obese Patients. Read absolutely NO contraindications, and, in fact, pretty adamant statements that obese people should NOT be denied knee replacement surgery and NO indications that risk of infection was any higher. And infections they had documented were insignificant and easily resolved with conventional treatment.

So I decided to get militant! I made an appt for followup with the ortho surgeon and I am not going to let him put me off any longer. He should not have put me off LAST year, and we're not going another summer without taking care of this so I can walk and exercise!

We went to an RV "show and tell" last weekend and I was in and out of about a dozen RVs and knee was giving me fits the rest of the weekend because of all the steps. I can do a few steps once or twice a day, like if we're at our youngest DD's. But all that in & out that day.. not good!

I even decided this afternoon that i am going to call them back tomorrow and tell them I need to know NOW, before my appointment, what pre-op tests, etc. the doctor requires because he told me to go to my primary care to get clearance for surgery but gave me no other directives... no idea what tests he wants. So when I did go to see her she said she couldn't do a thing without specifics from him. So I'm going to get them to mail me something in writing as to what he requires for "clearance" for surgery. Then when I go in July 2 he will have no excuse for not scheduling my surgery. I want to have it in August when I get back from Buffalo/Canada.

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So I decided to get militant!

WTG Phyl - I love it !!!! You go girl !!!!! Sounds like you got your facts together - !!!!

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Janet & Karri, you both look lovely.

Denise I have been there, one of my daughters earned the requirement that she could not be without adult supervision for 1 month. This was when she was in middle school. Fortunately, it was during school so that took care of most of the time, but any other time she had to be with an adult. Fortunately I had a couple of friends that could 'babysit' her when I had to be gone in the evening. but I do remember that it happened during 'Open House' at the school and she had to come an sit in my room all evening. Man she hated it. That aside, your DS needs to know that you are really disappointed that you can't trust him any more, and that he will have to earn that trust back. Also let him know that you aren't sure how long that will take. Another daughter was a total follower with not the best group of friends. Don't get into forbidding the friends, it doesn't work, but I did not let her go to the friends house. Her friend was ALWAYS welcome at our house. ANOTHER daughter (when you have 5, there isn't to much they didn't try) told me she was as her friends, and told her friends mom they were at my house. I always made a practice of calling them when they stayed at someone's house just to see if they 'needed' anything (reality, random checks). Well, the other mom and I went cruising for them, pretty embarrassing. Let's just say I had the cleanest carpets and walls, nothing better than 'slave' labor as a consequence.

Sorry to rattle on so much. Steph is a slave driver, she dragged my butt on a 7.5 mi walk tonight. The first 2 miles where up hill. We made it in 2.5 hours, not bad for me since I haven't had much opportunity to do much exercise.

I will be glad to get home tomorrow, it is the baby's 19th birthday, so we are going out to eat. Early Thursday, Elyse has her wisdom teeth out, Saturday & Sunday I have to work, and then Sunday I have to head to Bozeman for a Behavior workshop. I'll be there through Friday, so don't know how much posting I'll get done.

Phyl so glad you are flying!! AND so glad that you are taking charge of your care. Get those lovely joints fixed up so that you can dance next year when we are on our cruise!!!!

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Karri and Janet; I am so glad you had a wonderful visit with one another! Janet, I bet you cryed at the airport huh???

Phyl has booked her flight to Buffalo so she's coming now for sure.

TWO more days until France, I think I am in denial... havn't started to pack yet!!

Denise, HUGS G.F. teenagers can really test your metal... Oh my it brought back the time I caught my DD smoking MJ late at night behind the house with a GF.. I was really angry!! Totally lost it and yelled for hours straight!! Also curtailed her activities for a good long time too.

Phyl; Good for you, get at those damn Doctors... I'd bet they'd be in there lickety split if it was THEIR knees!!! You go girl!

Karla, you sound like such a nice soul, wish you were coming in July.... I'd love to meet you.

Well all details for France now complete, emailed with CAR yesterday and got the directions to the house and all the house rules... its going to be so fun!!!

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Good Morning Gang!!!

Well - Karri must have magic - I slept so well when she was visiting (maybe it was the late nights and all the talking ;0) but last night did wake up a couple of times...

I know her flight landed around 10:15 - as I heard my phone beep telling me I had a text - now that surprised me as I can have my phone in my purse and don't hear it ring but I was in bed last night - with the t.v. on and the phone was in the kitchen and I heard that beep!!!

Well, as far as kids trying to pull stuff on me - not to possible cuz I was that kid sneaking out the window - My mom would have never known - but my gf mom would get a feeling and ck on her - then found out she wasn't in bed - so she came looking for us - well she knew were to find us - the local hamburger joint (not that we were eating - it was all about the boys :wink2:) and ya we did the I'm spending the night at so and so house - when we were really spending the night w/our boyfriends - and we got around the parent calling parent - we just had an older gf call my house and say she was so and so's mom... It worked great for New Years Eve ... What a party we had !!!! Like I said I have done it all - so GS & DS couldn't pull the wool over my eyes...

Well not much to report except I did eat Snacks last night (healthy and approved) but these are things I didn't do while Karri was here - I guess there is a correlation between being alone and having someone in the house to talk to.... But I feel that if she had been here for a month - that we would run out of things to try and tell each other - heck in 4 days I think we got in our lives histories :0) - but like all of us - alot of talk is about our band and the changes we have made and how our addiction to food still affects us...

Ok I need to ck my desk - doesn't look bad - but wanted to ck in...

TTLY - Hugs

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Good Morning Gang!!!

Well - Karri must have magic - I slept so well when she was visiting (maybe it was the late nights and all the talking ;0) but last night did wake up a couple of times...

I know her flight landed around 10:15 - as I heard my phone beep telling me I had a text - now that surprised me as I can have my phone in my purse and don't hear it ring but I was in bed last night - with the t.v. on and the phone was in the kitchen and I heard that beep!!!

Well, as far as kids trying to pull stuff on me - not to possible cuz I was that kid sneaking out the window - My mom would have never known - but my gf mom would get a feeling and ck on her - then found out she wasn't in bed - so she came looking for us - well she knew were to find us - the local hamburger joint (not that we were eating - it was all about the boys :blushing:) and ya we did the I'm spending the night at so and so house - when we were really spending the night w/our boyfriends - and we got around the parent calling parent - we just had an older gf call my house and say she was so and so's mom... It worked great for New Years Eve ... What a party we had !!!! Like I said I have done it all - so GS & DS couldn't pull the wool over my eyes...

Well not much to report except I did eat Snacks last night (healthy and approved) but these are things I didn't do while Karri was here - I guess there is a correlation between being alone and having someone in the house to talk to.... But I feel that if she had been here for a month - that we would run out of things to try and tell each other - heck in 4 days I think we got in our lives histories :0) - but like all of us - alot of talk is about our band and the changes we have made and how our addiction to food still affects us...

Ok I need to ck my desk - doesn't look bad - but wanted to ck in...

TTLY - Hugs

Crap, lost my post

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Hi--quick check in. Got back late last night and have tons to do. As for the 2-week challenge: I only lost 1, and probably gained that back while on vacation. Lots of eating out and good homemade meals that I didn't have to make! so I'm back to square one trying to lose the last 20. . .

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Well I made it home this afternoon. Who knew that sitting on your ass for so long (airport/car) could be so tiring. I had to pull over in portland and sleep for an hour!

We went to dinner and managed to lock ourselves out of our apartment. We were walking to dinner and when we got downstairs DH looked at me and said "Do you have keys". I said "No...don't you." We both laughed and called the property management company. So we had to walk to the property mgmt place, then walk to dinner, and then walk home. It was nice because the weather was gorgeous and it was good to stretch my legs.

Well I am going to spend some time with DH...I think we are going to clear our front room and play a board game. Chat later.

Oh - and being in Indio was good medicine for me too. I slept like crap last night!

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Glad you made it home safe and sound - Yep traveling especially going home is tiring - Glad you pulled over..

Thankfully your prop mgr was within walking distant..

Did you eat at your fav place...

Yep it must have been the safety of being home w/Mom and for me having my DD home - that we slept so well :0)

Back from the gym Arms tonite

Took Kaitlin w/me to target afterwards

We found her a 2 piece bathing suit - one that covered her DD boobs with the right amount of modesty for a 14 yr old girl it's an xl but she can tie it to fit and the top was on the clearance rack :0)... - She's going to the beach tomorrow w/gf

Well that's about it for my day ..... I am starving and mexican food sounds good = but alas - i am having chicken (rotissire) from target cuz I don't feel like cooking - gotta find some veggies though..

Well CBL:wub:

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Candice, Poptarts!!!! How much Protein is in that one??

Ladies, Only one page since Friday?????

We are having a good time, but man, are the slave drivers. 7 am to 9:15 pm???

Steph and I went for a 3 mile walk last night.

Excluding the adult beverage, food is good.


Glad you made it home safe and sound - Yep traveling especially going home is tiring - Glad you pulled over..

Thankfully your prop mgr was within walking distant..

Did you eat at your fav place...

Yep it must have been the safety of being home w/Mom and for me having my DD home - that we slept so well :0)

Back from the gym Arms tonite

Took Kaitlin w/me to target afterwards

We found her a 2 piece bathing suit - one that covered her DD boobs with the right amount of modesty for a 14 yr old girl it's an xl but she can tie it to fit and the top was on the clearance rack :0)... - She's going to the beach tomorrow w/gf

Well that's about it for my day ..... I am starving and mexican food sounds good = but alas - i am having chicken (rotissire) from target cuz I don't feel like cooking - gotta find some veggies though..

Well CBL:wub:

I am so glad that she found a suit to wear. I can personally attest to the horror of being so big and wanting modesty!

DH like ALMOST all of the clothes. There is one shirt (the pink/black/white shirt) with the ruffly neck line that he can't stand. I forgot he doesn't like ruffles.

No we didn't eat at Madelines. I wanted to walk to dinner and that isn't within walking distance. So we went to a chinese restaurant and I had chow mein. Today was an okay food day considering that I was traveling all day. I HATE the drive back from my brothers. It is so boring.

Well I am heading off to bed as soon as I reset my body bugg for maintenance.

I dont' think I posted here, but my LB doc has put me on complete maintenance (and Janet concurred that I don't need to lose more weight). He said that he would not sign off on my PS (which I hope to have in Dec) if I lost more weight. So I am officially on maintenance. :blushing:

Gotta sleep soon!

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Too my DD to dinner at her favorite place, HuHot. Its mongolian, where you select everything raw and then they stirfry. I had chunks of tuna with a few noodles and lots of veggies. Bummed because I could only eat about 5 bites of the tuna and they don't let you take home left overs. It was very tasty. Had about 3 bites of cake to Celebrate, couldn't even eat that without it sticking. I wasn't tight when I was at the lake. Then we went shopping. My shorts were so big :sneaky: that they kept falling off, so I needed to buy a pair to be in Bozeman next week for a week long workshop on Behavior management. I bought a size 18!! Still huge, but at least it wasn't a 26!!!! I am refusing to step on the scale until next week, I may have walked over 10 miles while i was with Steph, but I hade Smirknoff every night and a smore one night. I know if I get on the scale and it shows a gain, I will be more depressed than I already am. If it shows a loss, I will use it as an excuse to eat more. I don't need any of either.

I did meet a really nice gentleman, but despite Steph's and the ENTIRE workshop group, he just wasn't that into me. They planned everything so that him and I ended up at the fire pit almost alone, we did have a great visit and we have a lot in common. Unfortunately, he didn't even say goodbye :wink:. Oh, well, that's what I get for taking a risk. Needless to say, I feel pretty down. I had about a day that I felt young, thinner, and even pretty. But who am I kidding, I'm old, fat, and plain. Okay, having a pity party. I have been really careful not to put myself in a position to be rejected for the last 15 years and I'm not handling it too well.

Had a good time with Steph, miss her already. She has so much energy and humor, and just down right fun. I wish we lived closer. I really could use a good friend close by after the girls leave.

Sorry, I guess I'm WAY down, I realized that I wasn't careful to take my depression med these last few day. Oh well.

sleep well!

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Good Morning Gang !!!!

It's Thursday !!! I love that I only have to work today and tomorrow ... Got up early - 4:10 - am coloring my hair (have hair cut tonite)

Well I did end up having Mexican last night - DGD made Beans (all she eats is b&cheese burritos) so I fried (yes fried) 2 corn taco shells - put some beans in them - chicken - salsa - green onions and 2% cheese - they were yummy... 460 for dinner last night - lunch was 200 - Bf was about 140 - Snacks 400 - 1200 for the day..

I am so glad that she found a suit to wear. I can personally attest to the horror of being so big and wanting modesty!

DH like ALMOST all of the clothes. There is one shirt (the pink/black/white shirt) with the ruffly neck line that he can't stand. I forgot he doesn't like ruffles.

No we didn't eat at Madelines. I wanted to walk to dinner and that isn't within walking distance. So we went to a chinese restaurant and I had chow mein. Today was an okay food day considering that I was traveling all day. I HATE the drive back from my brothers. It is so boring.

Well I am heading off to bed as soon as I reset my body bugg for maintenance.

I dont' think I posted here, but my LB doc has put me on complete maintenance (and Janet concurred that I don't need to lose more weight). He said that he would not sign off on my PS (which I hope to have in Dec) if I lost more weight. So I am officially on maintenance. :wink:

Gotta sleep soon!

Karri - 1 top out of all those clothes you got isn't bad - heck I bet DH doesn't wear clothes you like 100% of the time :0)

It was funny she took 3 or 4 bottoms in to try on - she showed me one - a little to low for my taste then she made the mistake of saying - oh you would like these other ones so I said try them on - well yep they covered her better - still a bikini - but one that was age approprate for my 14 yr dgd.. so even if she didn't like them those where the ones she got - but I think subconciencly she did - or she would have never told me that...

So glad to hear that you are resetting BB to maintenance... You are perfect - OMG ladies you should see the muscles in her legs !!! Rock solid !!!

Too my DD to dinner at her favorite place, HuHot. Its mongolian, where you select everything raw and then they stirfry. I had chunks of tuna with a few noodles and lots of veggies. Bummed because I could only eat about 5 bites of the tuna and they don't let you take home left overs. It was very tasty. Had about 3 bites of cake to Celebrate, couldn't even eat that without it sticking. I wasn't tight when I was at the lake. Then we went shopping. My shorts were so big :crying: that they kept falling off, so I needed to buy a pair to be in Bozeman next week for a week long workshop on Behavior management. I bought a size 18!! Still huge, but at least it wasn't a 26!!!! I am refusing to step on the scale until next week, I may have walked over 10 miles while i was with Steph, but I hade Smirknoff every night and a smore one night. I know if I get on the scale and it shows a gain, I will be more depressed than I already am. If it shows a loss, I will use it as an excuse to eat more. I don't need any of either.

I did meet a really nice gentleman, but despite Steph's and the ENTIRE workshop group, he just wasn't that into me. They planned everything so that him and I ended up at the fire pit almost alone, we did have a great visit and we have a lot in common. Unfortunately, he didn't even say goodbye :sneaky:. Oh, well, that's what I get for taking a risk. Needless to say, I feel pretty down. I had about a day that I felt young, thinner, and even pretty. But who am I kidding, I'm old, fat, and plain. Okay, having a pity party. I have been really careful not to put myself in a position to be rejected for the last 15 years and I'm not handling it too well.

Had a good time with Steph, miss her already. She has so much energy and humor, and just down right fun. I wish we lived closer. I really could use a good friend close by after the girls leave.

Sorry, I guess I'm WAY down, I realized that I wasn't careful to take my depression med these last few day. Oh well.

Sleep well!


Sorry your are depressed - get back on those meds.. Yes its nice to have gf who live close to you..

Congrats on your 18's and yes that's better than 20's - if you follow your new lifestyle then those sizes will continue to drop..

Here's my thoughts -

Right now is the time you need to work on you and not worry about a man - you need to gain control over your life - learn to live alone - this time is about you.. Once you have found out who you are - and quit worrying about the past then you will be ready for a relationship.

Well, I could spout more of my sage advice - but it's time to wash the color off my hair and you most likely don't need me preaching at you - so I guess as the saying goes - Saved by the Bell :0)

Hope you are feeling better today...

Well Gang as usual - CBL

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Janet, thanks for the words of wisdom. You are absolutely right! I guess I'm more worried about being alone this fall than I thought. Thanks again, for knowing just what to say to put things into perspective, that's why I love you. 99% of the time I love being alone, it is just once in a while that I get lonely or should a say a little 'randy'. I know TMI.

Steph should be home this evening, then I guess she has a motorcycle rally, I bet she makes a 'hot' biker chick, then she drives BACK to Helena for next week. She showed me her drive from Plentywood to Helena on Google Earth, my gosh, she could put a stick in the steeringwheel and take a nap and would still stay on the road. I don't know how she does it. But I am not a fan of a destination road trip, I don't have the patience. Now a good meandering road trip with frequent quilt store shops will put me in heaven.

Going to do some major cleaning, okay minor cleaning today after we get back from the oral surgeon. Elyse will be drugged out for the day, so I should get a few things done. But I do have a nap scheduled. This week at the workshop were late nights and early mornings. Functioned on about 5 hours a sleep a night, I am more of a 7 hour sleeper to be happy.

Catch you all later after Elyse's surgery.

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My surgery date is July 14, I am paying myself and am traveling to Mexico to have it done. I live in Alberta Canada

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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