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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Hi there ladies. Quick check in to say hi to all and make sure that I didn't get 4 pages behind.

I brought my wii to the lake...but forgot the balance board, so I'm going to have to say I didn't lose for the challenge. When we have the winner figured out, we need to change our signature lines. Let me know what we need to say. I didn't see where a new challenge was proposed....???

I would say I'm in, but won't get to a scale until Friday morning so unless we hold off until then I'm out.

Since last fill I am very tight. Probably too tight but more because I've gotten very sloppy with my chewing, attention habits. I need to focus and chew.

Phyl, let me know when you will be in MT. I will be in Lincoln (90 miles from Missoula) July 14-20, but could be out there longer if need be. Keep me posted, I'll make the drive.

Food's not been great but it could probably be worse...I've spent a lot of time stuck so cals certainly should be low.

Okay...off to bed. See you all soon. Hugs to everyone. Hope Janet and Karri are having a lot of fun! Miss hearing from you all.

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Hello ladies...

I'm hanging in there.. food okay...who knew salad was a slider food. This week has been the first time I ate salad and man did I eat salad. Unfortunately the green stuff also had on it a fabulous creamy onion dressing. I figured okay, it is salad....hum...don't worry about the dressing because you won't be able to eat very much of it. Next thing I knew it was all gone. So I asked Steph about it, that's when I learned it was a slider. How can it be a slider when you ate Protein first. So today it willl be mainly Protein Drinks. Yesterday will go down in history as a diary of foods you shouldn't eat.

I'll admit to some major stress here. I can't seem to get my head around writting the math lesson. I do it all the time at home, but I guess that since it will be published, my writing phobia has taken over the driver seat. I have offered bribes to the leaders, Steph included, to get them to write it for me, I have no takers.

You all have a good day.

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Good Morning Gang

Glad to see I don't have a million pages to catch up on..

#1 Girls we never have to worry about Karri and her eating again !!!! I have witnessed her eating in real life and the girl eat !!!! In fact I am straving her.. Not really but we eat at diff times she's a morning/afternoon eater - where as you all know I am a night time eater

Plus the fact that we are talking so much so I don't think about food - but I do make sure she has breakfast..

We haven't done a lot - Saturday went shopping (my GD came too) she got a new wardrobe and colors that she never expected to get - cuz I had her trying on things that she would have never tried before..

Yesterday we did the Wii Active - at first she thought it was not enough exercise - but it got her sweating.... So I think she may get one.. Then we just sat around all day and talked.

I gotta say for me she is great medince - I have slept thru the night since Friday - I don't snack at night cuz we are talk talk talking - and the scales this morning !!!!! 136.5 !!!!

Today - I don't know what we are doing but need to get out of the house - going to look for some kind of tofu noodles and we have gym tonite...

Haven't taken pics yet - heck yesterday we changed from p.j.s to workout clothes then back to p.j.s !!! So really we never got dress.

I think this has been a good good vacation for her - no work - no running - she really is getting some much needed R&R..

She's so much wonderful in real life - Just like meeting the rest of you - there was no akward moments - it's like we have known each other forever...

She's still sleeping - I gotta go figure out what to make for bf since she's a bf eater and I'm not... ;0)

Having a great time - I will be sure to take pic's today - cuz tomorrow she leaves... ;o(

Hugs & Love Janet

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Okay...I have to clarify...I do not eat like a cow!!! But I do eat WAY more than a typical bandster. But she isn't starving me. I LOVE MY MOMMY!!

I am having a ton of fun and it is nice to finally get some R&R. She even got me to spend a fair amount of money. SHE IS A POWER SHOPPER!!

It is funny how opposite we are in eating however. When I am at home I have eaten dinner by 5 PM...I think we had dinner around 8-9 the last couple of nights. However, I had to promise to tell her when I was hungry cause I tend to go with the flow and then almost keeled over around lunch time yesterday. Then I am a HUGE Breakfast eater. If I haven't breakfast within an hour of waking up...bad things start happening. My mommy can go for hours without eating. NOT ME!!!! Yet there are so many things that we have in common.

Well it looks like we are getting ready to go... Mother and daughter dressed in their size 2s!!!

PS...she came out of her room and I am on the computer and the first thing out of her mouth "You are not working are you?" She runs a tight ship. Nope...no working for 4 days. A miracle must be happening!

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Janet/Karri: You guys are too funny!

Yeah, Janet does run a tight ship..LOL

136.5 lbs@@ are you kidding me?

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Phyl, let me know when you will be in MT. I will be in Lincoln (90 miles from Missoula) July 14-20, but could be out there longer if need be. Keep me posted, I'll make the drive.

Road trip is looking a little iffy.

I don't see how we can do it in less than 3 weeks

and SIL is not real pleased with DD being gone that long.

So, she's looking at maps, etc.

I figured it out and its over 2600 miles to Buffalo.

She wants to try to drive it in 4 days..

4 days each way and stay about a week.

Well, if I"m in Canada with you guys for 3-4 of those days,

that doesn't leave much time with family in Buffalo.

I'm just having a real bummer of a day already,

so this tops it off.

Maybe I'll just go by myself on the train!

Or maybe I'll just go eat worms!!


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Road trip is looking a little iffy.

I don't see how we can do it in less than 3 weeks

and SIL is not real pleased with DD being gone that long.

So, she's looking at maps, etc.

I figured it out and its over 2600 miles to Buffalo.

She wants to try to drive it in 4 days..

4 days each way and stay about a week.

Well, if I"m in Canada with you guys for 3-4 of those days,

that doesn't leave much time with family in Buffalo.

I'm just having a real bummer of a day already,

so this tops it off.

Maybe I'll just go by myself on the train!

Or maybe I'll just go eat worms!!


O.k., now no worm eating!!! They have WAY too many calories!!!

Phyl, why don't you fly to Buffalo, visit with your sisters and then drive up to W.B. It would be about a 3 - 3 1/2 hour drive...

2600 miles is a hell of a lot of driving, that's for sure. I am sure you'd have to allow for FIVE days to cover that distance...

You'll figure something out, I just know it!

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Worms might have too many calories, but they have a whole lot of Protein. So forget the worms, just come to Canada.

Applied for my passport today. Finally. I've got to be the worlds worst procrastinator. Or should I say the best?

candace, are you ready to start farming?

Food intake today is pretty good. Of course, I have to finish tying off a quilt and bind it by tomorrow night for a wedding shower. Yeah, my finger is blistering from pulling that needle through, fifty million times.

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Had a sit down talk with our husbands this afternoon and we now have reservations to fly to Buffalo July 21 for two weeks. They really didn't want us to drive it by ourselves and SIL didn't want DD to be away three weeks.

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Good Morning Gang....

Well today is our (karri/me) last day :0(.... I can't beleive how fast the time has gone by..

Here are our pic's from yesterday - Yep Mom & Daughter both in SIZE 2 pants !!!!

This is the top that when I gave her to try on she looked at me like I was crazy !!!!! (we had a couple of things that she said that about) but being the good daughter that she is - she did what she was told and tried things on - and to her surprise I was right and she liked them !!!!

She made dinner last night - scallops/shrimp alfredo (light of course) with her tofu noodles - they are a bit chewy - but good.

We worked out with trainer last night and she did very well, but let's see if she can walk today :bored:

We were up til 1 last night - gotta leave for the airport around 1 today - her plane leaves at 4...

Yesterday - we went to Palm Springs - drove up and showed her the tram - had brunch - walked around a bit - ended up back a the mall for Shapewear - Jamba juice - then the gym

Then like I said talked till we couldn't keep our eye open..

Phyl - Glad you are flying - it cuts down on the traveling time and you get more time with us and family..

Candice - yep 136.5 - I'm not eating at night - I am sleeping but I don't expect them to stay there... But that's ok - 138 is just fine with me...

Kari - Glad you applied for passport !!!

What happend to Linda & Ruby !!!!

Steph & Karla - you girls home yet ?? Want to see your pic's..

Karri - Good Morning Dear (she's cking lbt & fb) before she comes out of her room and that's ok cuz she isn't working

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Oh ya - Karri & I were talking last night - about who the winner of the challenge was.

Karri lost the most 6 lbs - but as we were discussing last night - ALL OF US WHO LOST WERE WINNERS...

And this was just a way to keep us on track or get back on track.

So we came up with the idea - is that we add to our signature line

Lucky #7 - June Weight Lost Challenge _______ then the lbs you lost - something like that

We all were winner - we all helpped each other in getting the lbs off - So we all should share in the victory !!!

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Good Morning Gang....

Well today is our (karri/me) last day :0(.... I can't beleive how fast the time has gone by..

Here are our pic's from yesterday - Yep Mom & Daughter both in SIZE 2 pants !!!!

This is the top that when I gave her to try on she looked at me like I was crazy !!!!! (we had a couple of things that she said that about) but being the good daughter that she is - she did what she was told and tried things on - and to her surprise I was right and she liked them !!!!

She made dinner last night - scallops/shrimp alfredo (light of course) with her tofu noodles - they are a bit chewy - but good.

We worked out with trainer last night and she did very well, but let's see if she can walk today :bored:

We were up til 1 last night - gotta leave for the airport around 1 today - her plane leaves at 4...

Yesterday - we went to Palm Springs - drove up and showed her the tram - had brunch - walked around a bit - ended up back a the mall for Shapewear - Jamba juice - then the gym

Then like I said talked till we couldn't keep our eye open..

Phyl - Glad you are flying - it cuts down on the traveling time and you get more time with us and family..

Candice - yep 136.5 - I'm not eating at night - I am sleeping but I don't expect them to stay there... But that's ok - 138 is just fine with me...

Kari - Glad you applied for passport !!!

What happend to Linda & Ruby !!!!

Steph & Karla - you girls home yet ?? Want to see your pic's..

Karri - Good Morning Dear (she's cking lbt & fb) before she comes out of her room and that's ok cuz she isn't working

You two look awesome! Karri, Mommy was right! You do look good in some Colour!! Nice choices.

Look how tall Karri looks compared to MOMMY! Too funny, she must take after her DAD's side of the family:biggrin:

Kari; YEAH, you finaly are geting your Sh1t together and applying for the passport... That means you ARE coming!!! What a bout your hubby????

OMG my DH is on a "pitch & purge" agenda today, tossing out all kinds of stuff that we've accummulated in the basement.... its only 9 years overdure, but at least he's doing it!

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You two look awesome! Karri, Mommy was right! You do look good in some Colour!! Nice choices.

Look how tall Karri looks compared to MOMMY! Too funny, she must take after her DAD's side of the family:biggrin:

Kari; YEAH, you finaly are geting your Sh1t together and applying for the passport... That means you ARE coming!!! What a bout your hubby????

OMG my DH is on a "pitch & purge" agenda today, tossing out all kinds of stuff that we've accummulated in the basement.... its only 9 years overdure, but at least he's doing it!


Well after that pic and your comment - when Karri got out of the shower this morning - We measured each other - cuz we both said we were 5'4 - well she's more like 5'5 and I have SHRUNK !!! I was 5'3 3/4 (rounded up) well now I'm 5'2 !!!

Heck I know I have aged - but I have shrunk already at only 54 !!!!

Ok where in the HELL is everyone..... I take a couple of days off and you all quit posting - well gotta say I;m glad I didn't have pages to catch up on....

Well, got Karri off to the airport here plane left around 4:48 - and we cried.... I had such a wonderful time and ladies - I gotta tell you she isn't as ocd in real life !!!! She has come so far in the last year - we shared so much - and I really do beleive (and she did confirm) that this was the 1st time in years that she had any R&R -

Her new job sounds so exciting - and she taught me a little science while she was here...

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Hello Everyone,

Janet and Karri- your pictures look great, I really like the shirt! and it shows off your lovely collar bones.

Hubby and I were awakened last night at 1:30 by someone banging on the front door. It was a cop. DS snuck out the house and someone called the cops on him. The story he told the cop was he was throwing a stick at a window to get his friend's attention. He was hiding behind a bush, and the cop told him to come out or he would taze him. I am very upset today. Was this just a mischievious adolescent thing, or do I have a major problem? I am working everyday, and now I can't trust him at home alone. It's just really really hard finding out you can't trust your child. He's a follower, always was. He will do what someone tells him to do, anything for a laugh.

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Hello Everyone,

Janet and Karri- your pictures look great, I really like the shirt! and it shows off your lovely collar bones.

Hubby and I were awakened last night at 1:30 by someone banging on the front door. It was a cop. DS snuck out the house and someone called the cops on him. The story he told the cop was he was throwing a stick at a window to get his friend's attention. He was hiding behind a bush, and the cop told him to come out or he would taze him. I am very upset today. Was this just a mischievious adolescent thing, or do I have a major problem? I am working everyday, and now I can't trust him at home alone. It's just really really hard finding out you can't trust your child. He's a follower, always was. He will do what someone tells him to do, anything for a laugh.


How old is he ?? Ya teenagers - be glad the neighbors called the cops... Maybe that will scare him - call him every hour and make surpised visits home if you can...

Hugs..... J

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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