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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Good Morning Gang

Went to the gym last night arms - then went to a Saladmaster dinner Party (cookware sales presentation) Well this stupid lady Jan didn't show us til late and then complained when dinner wasnt ready.. She was werid acted drunk but I don't think she was..

Ok here's another NSV - I didn't know the pple hosting the party - I was invited by my trainer (this cookware no Water no fat but hell it cost a million dollors) well the party started at 6:30 Idrise forgot that he had a client at til 7 - so he was going to be late - and he made me promise not to flake on him - well - off I go to pple I don't know house (the girl hosting is one of his clients but I haven't met her before) - That's pretty big - (Linda this isn't most likely something I would have done 112 lbs ago) But I just figure these pple can't hurt me - So maybe I am a little out going - or really I don't have my fat holding me back any longer - but I did put my foot in my mouht - the girl hosting is a little chubby (40 lbs overweight I guess - but she does look like she's big boned) don't remember exactly what I said - but her dh said that the reason she couldn't follow a strict diet is cuz they are out alot - drinking and socializing and it was hard to follow in those circumstances - I had same that we were food addicts and ate for tons of diff reasons - well I have become a food nazi which is ok here - but now w/pple you don't know - it was all excuses - but again I know how hard it is to say no when everyone else is saying yes - and there is a platter of potatoe skins in front of you and you had a couple of drinks.< /p>

They made ck breast suppost to be super tender and cooked without oil - well hell my chick cooked on the BBQ was more tender - veggie not done enough for me - I like well done veggies - and this eggplant lasagan was ok -

But again this stuff is outragously priced Starter set $2695 and electric skillet $895 :rolleyes: ya right - I didn't think it was any better than my $89 set of pots and pans - but supposeityly you don't have all the bad stuff from the pans leaking into your food

Well didn't get home til after 9:30 !!!

This morning 35 min Wii - and tonite - grocery shopping - vacumming and tomorrow - 9:48 picking up my DD and getting to meet her for the 1st time..

Challenge - I am very close to the 5 - 4.5 lets see what it says tomorrow a.m. - but regarless if I make the 5 lbs or not - I have gotten a better handle on my food..

Phyl - I bet Earl changes his mind when he knows you are going to be gone 3 weeks without him - have you guys ever been apart that long (besides when he was in the service)

Can't wait to hear about what doc's you fine - !!!

Well gang I got to get my desk cleaned up before I leave tonite - so I will cbl


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Good Morning!

I'm hoping Earl will change his mind and at least fly to Buffalo for a few days.. or maybe for the Canada weekend. But I wasn't willing to wait any longer to make my plans/reservations. Tracy is really excited about the prospect of a "road trip", but she has yet to talk to SIL about it. I don't know if Earl & I have been apart that long since AF days. Ten days-2 wks is probably the longest.

Steph... yes, we will be coming through MT on I-90. Forgot to ask Kellie about the quilt the other day! She didn't mention it! I know it's done and I know she was planning to bring it with her. Puzzles me because she is VERY efficient and it's not like her to forget ANYTHING, so I wonder why she didn't mention it. I will call her later today. And we'll see them tomorrow because we're all going to the zoo. Tracy & Jim are playing hooky and borrowing Jim's little granddaughter to bring with them. Jodie is coming with our little Thomas. Should be a fun day. And I WILL find out about the quilt. Good idea to meet with you on our way east to give it to you.

We've been to those demonstrations on the waterless cookware and even bought one of the electric frying pans... around $300 at that time, I think. I'm sure it was less than 10 years ago, so those prices you are quoting are outrageous! I think you could get the whole set for about $1500-2000 at that time. I really wanted the slow cooker BAD, but it was too expensive to justify it.

Well, after printing up about 30 pages of plastic surgeon info I started whiddling down the list this morning. Found a lot of thme specialized in facial surgery, and a large percentage were affiliated with Children's Hosp in Seattle, so I knew they wouldn't be doing what I need. When I got down to those who were posibilities, I started making phone calls. First one, no longer a working number and could not find another number online for that guy. So, went to the next one. Had a fairly long discussion with the person who answered the phone. Yes, the surgeon did that type of surgery (thighplasty). No, Medicare will NOT pay but Tricare might. But you have to have the surgery and then submit the claim and IF they find it medically necessary they MIGHT reimburse you. But, once she asked my height and current weight she said I was too high of a risk for ANY kind of surgery until I get my weight well under 200 lb! So I hung up, had a good cry and now I'm done pursuing anything for this summer! Screw it!

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Well, I waited until DH was in a good mood again to discuss our summer trip. Didn't matter. He still doesn't want to go. So then I was going to fly, but when I told DD, she was disappointed because she was looking forward to us taking a "road trip" this summer.... So.. she and I are going to drive... Seattle to Buffalo. Don't know if she'll come up to Canada with me or stay in Buffalo. It's pretty crazy at my sister's, though, and I think she'd enjoy coming with me. Would that be okay, Candice?? We'll be stopping to visit a friend in Madison Wisconsin and probably a day at M of A, too. We both love to shop! So, we figure we'll be gone 3 weeks. DH will have to live with it.. don't know how happy DSIL will be about this!

Wii/Wii Fit tonight, but only about 35-40 minutes. No motivation and Earl got back from the hot tub too soon. I don't like to do it when he's here! What's that about?? I don't know! I'm getting pretty fast on the downhill ski... 2nd place time tonight.

Oh Phyl that is just fine!! Now Peter will be disappointed that he won't get to meet Earl... but we will get another GIRLY to visit with... you better warn her how CRAZY we all are!! Sounds like a wonderful road trip!

I forgot.... Joann on one of the other threads had a great suggestion... told me to search the Medicare site to find plastic surgeons in the area who take Medicare. Can't believe I never thought of that. I came up with a list of 39 who are within 25 miles and one that is 4 1/2 miles away. Of course, until I look into it further, I don't know what their specialties are. I already crossed one off because it was clear he specialied in face stuff, and another whose office is in an Eye Care center... so he obviously doesn't do what I need either. But I have a LOT of leads to follow up on. So that was another reason I didn't spend more time on the Wii tonight... was working on that for a while.

Good luck with your PS hunt.. that'll be exciting... look at all the surg. you have to choose from WOW

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Good Morning!

I'm hoping Earl will change his mind and at least fly to Buffalo for a few days.. or maybe for the Canada weekend. But I wasn't willing to wait any longer to make my plans/reservations. Tracy is really excited about the prospect of a "road trip", but she has yet to talk to SIL about it. I don't know if Earl & I have been apart that long since AF days. Ten days-2 wks is probably the longest.

Steph... yes, we will be coming through MT on I-90. Forgot to ask Kellie about the quilt the other day! She didn't mention it! I know it's done and I know she was planning to bring it with her. Puzzles me because she is VERY efficient and it's not like her to forget ANYTHING, so I wonder why she didn't mention it. I will call her later today. And we'll see them tomorrow because we're all going to the zoo. Tracy & Jim are playing hooky and borrowing Jim's little granddaughter to bring with them. Jodie is coming with our little Thomas. Should be a fun day. And I WILL find out about the quilt. Good idea to meet with you on our way east to give it to you.

We've been to those demonstrations on the waterless cookware and even bought one of the electric frying pans... around $300 at that time, I think. I'm sure it was less than 10 years ago, so those prices you are quoting are outrageous! I think you could get the whole set for about $1500-2000 at that time. I really wanted the slow cooker BAD, but it was too expensive to justify it.

Well, after printing up about 30 pages of plastic surgeon info I started whiddling down the list this morning. Found a lot of thme specialized in facial surgery, and a large percentage were affiliated with Children's Hosp in Seattle, so I knew they wouldn't be doing what I need. When I got down to those who were posibilities, I started making phone calls. First one, no longer a working number and could not find another number online for that guy. So, went to the next one. Had a fairly long discussion with the person who answered the phone. Yes, the surgeon did that type of surgery (thighplasty). No, Medicare will NOT pay but Tricare might. But you have to have the surgery and then submit the claim and IF they find it medically necessary they MIGHT reimburse you. But, once she asked my height and current weight she said I was too high of a risk for ANY kind of surgery until I get my weight well under 200 lb! So I hung up, had a good cry and now I'm done pursuing anything for this summer! Screw it!

Oh Sh!t!!! What bastards... don't they know how much you've already lost and how fantastic you are doing??? I cannot beleive that you are a high risk for surgery now! You've been able to cut out some of your HBP meds and ev erything.... crap, crap, crap. I am sending you HUGS as I know how disappointed you must be feeling right about now.


My scale was not cooperating with me this a.m. although I hadn't had my BM yet :smile2: so I know I'll be lower... but I went to my quilt class, rushed home, dyed my hair, ran to the hairdressers WET, she did a fresh cut, had a French manicure, dashed to the bank - got out my BIG diamond dinner ring... got my slinky black dress ready for Peter's big night tonight. Its his Retirement Mess Dinner on the Military base. Kids are coming up for this dinner and parade tomorrow... GOD, I don't know what I'll wear tomorrow!!! But tonight is covered!:)

Drinking lots of tea today, hopeing to flush through a lot of 'water' weight today for the big w/i in :cool2:the morning!!!

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I AM DONE WITH STUDENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally the ALMOST last day of school. Students are gone, although it wasn't a pretty day. Started when a took away a finely crafted dart blower. This students had been building them for 3 days and I have taken them away for 3 days. Today he informed me that he felt it was inappropriate that I too his (quote) dart blower away and that he was going to talk to the principal about it. so I picked up the phone and make him an appointment with the principal and sent him on his way. Later another student was taken away in handcuffs by the police because of doing something. My 'favorite' student was escorted around the building by the principal to get signed out. It only took 5 hours for him to get into enough trouble to be removed from my class. The final glory was a student 'masterbating' a swimming pool noodle on the playground. Now I could understand all this if I was teaching at an inner city school. But this is florence MT for crying out loud. When are we going to say that being in the classroom is a priviledge and if you can't follow the rules, get the hell out. But there were also some really fine moments. A student brought me a bouquet of spring flowers she picked from her mom's yard. Another brought me a basket of chocolate. They all know a adore chocolate. One of my challenging girls told me I was her favorite teacher in 7th grade. One of the boys gave me a big hug. Damn, I'm going to miss those buggers. It pisses me off that most of the year I was so wrapped up with discipline issues that I don't feel like I got to know the rest of the kids.

I have my room cleaned and packed up. I've signed out for the summer, I just have to go and 'spend' the contracted time tomorrow. My principal is letting me leave at noon to get to the math workshop instead of staying until 2 pm.

food was excellent today. I managed to give a lot of the chocolate away. There are 2 Snickers bars in the freezer along with a giant Hersey's with almonds. But I know if I even have a bite I'm a gonner. And guess what...I'm so close to the 50 pound mark and don't want to mess that up, so the chocolate isn't even whispering to me. I am almost half way there.

Phyl, I'm so sorry. I'm with Candice, I don't know how they can say you are a surgical risk. I think they just heard the pounds and said no way. Make an appointment and talk to the dr. Get the presurgery cardio tests and see if you really are a risk. Talk to the doctor. This HAS to work out. But I understand how hard it is to have doors slammed in your face. I had many doors slammed in the 6 months before I got my band. But Steph kept saying that this was going to happen...and it did. So we are here to say, 'don't give up'. Now, I don't know what your finances are, but I am assuming from listening to you that your retirement is comfortable. So other than Earl going balistic, can you afford the surgery? If so, go for the surgery and if medicare won't pay for it, live with it. What...are they going to put all the extra skin back on? Phyl, your quality of life is what matters, the rest is bs. I guess after accepting that my father only has a short time to live and all the things he didn't do, has made me believe that life is to short to be miserable. Would you be more mobile with the surgery. Would you be able to get rid of your scooter and have the knee surgery? If so, to hell with Earl and everyone else, GET THE PS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Phyl, I don't mean to slam your DH, but you are family and when you hurt, we hurt. So I appologize if I have been disrespectful.

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Well, gang... it's tough to find PS who do the thighplasty and so far I've been turned down by three of them, including the one in Mexico who booked after he saw the photos. DH is telling me that I am misinterpreting and exaggerating the risks the Orthopedic surgeon explained to me. He thinks I should go back and see him and tell him I want the knee replacement done this summer and will take my chances with the risk of infection. So I guess I will make an appointment to go back and see him and tell him the steroid injection did nothing and I want to go ahead with the knee replacement. Will wait until next year to pursue the thighplasty further.

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what is up with the site today?

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Hello Everyone,

I didn't lose 5lbs, but I did lose weight so I'm really happy. I lost 4lbs. For me that's great. I haven't lost weight is IDK how long.

Nobody posted yet today, so the site musta just starting working.

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Just a real quick post here since it's almost tomorrow and I still have to go through the rest of my sites here. We went to Grand rapids and babysat the grandkids while DH went into work. She started researching the cruise and only Carnival sails out of N.O. It's a four day cruise with one day in Cozumel and the others at sea. Starting price for an inside cabin is around $500.00 BUT the cruise lines don't have any schedules out yet for next June. So, do we want to continue searching this venue or come up with something else?

Oh yeah, the challenge. I didn't make it. didn't lose any, but I guess it's better than gaining.


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Well I forgot to weigh yesterday and I am at Canyon Ferry for the next 5 days, so I will have to go with the 5 pounds that I posted on Tuesday. I would like to believe it is more, but hey, I'm happy with the 5. So Janet, who won?

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Good Morning Gang!!

My weight yesterday 139 -4lbs - I emailed the lucky #7 (suz the site was screwed up yesterday morning) but Karla I am going to have to add you to that list (need your email) cuz I couldn't get on the site..

I think Karri may have won oh wait Karla lost 5 too - so maybe we will have to do the precentage thing to determin the winner (like biggest loser but a math person is going to thave to figure that one out) - but will have to double ck w/her once she wakes up :0) - She went to bed friday at 11:30 p.m up at 2 a.m to leave for the airport - and we didn't go to bed til 11 last night - she's still asleep - I woke up about 7..

Phyl maybe it's best to go with the knee replacment now so that you can have better mobility and then pursue the thighplasty... Hugs I know how this bothers you - your legs my arm - karri's tummy - but again we would all take the saggy skin over the fat anyday - look how well you have done 100+ lbs gone - that is one accomplishment that you can't forget - ya we all still have issues but we have to look at where we are now and can't forget where we use to be..

I took my camera but was so excited when I saw Karri coming down the stairs that I totally forgot to take a picture... Will get some taken this weekend -

It so funny just like the rest of us know who have met in person - once we do meet there is not awarkness - it's like we have known each other forever... Heck like I said the other day - I talk to you all more than I talk to pple who live around me :0)

Candice - I want to see pics - sounds like you had a wonderful time and yes it's water... We all lost and that's what counts... We had our focus back -


Well DD just woke up - so talk to you later

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Breaky: 1 Poptart 200 cal,

Lunch: 1 ff SS yogurt, 1 serv of SF/FF Choc. pudding, cool whip light.

Dinner? Will be steak 3-4 oz., baby potatoes, broc/cauli salad ... and Dump Cake for dessert...I know not the BEST dessert, but I may be full and not eat any anyways... Company for dinner tonight and tomorrow night.. going over to SparkPeople to figure it all out cal wise..

Janet & Karri: Enjoy your VISIT, we'll totally understand if we don't hear from you for a couple days.LOL

DH Change of Command parade went well yest. He is so glad to be retired!!!! It all went well, wine and Desserts afterwards... Not a great cal day... but not a PIG OUT.

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Candice, Poptarts!!!! How much Protein is in that one??

Ladies, Only one page since Friday?????

We are having a good time, but man, are the slave drivers. 7 am to 9:15 pm???

Steph and I went for a 3 mile walk last night.

Excluding the adult beverage, food is good.

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Candice, Poptarts!!!! How much Protein is in that one??

Ladies, Only one page since Friday?????

We are having a good time, but man, are the slave drivers. 7 am to 9:15 pm??? Steph and I went for a 3 mile walk last night.

Excluding the adult beverage, food is good.

Yeah! One page since Friday!! Slow weekend!

And I think it was Friday that the site was down ALL day.

Didn't come back until evening.

Glad you're having a good time. Sounds like they need to give you some more break time!

Karri & Janet must be having a good time. Nothing here from them. We've had family stuff going on.. Friday zoo, Saturday BBQ.. because our son and his family are in the area to pick up DGD from U of WA. Very enjoyable family time. Pics on FB. Trying hard with food... took salmon to the zoo, and a few crackers and SF pudding. Saturday... hot dog w/o bun for lunch. dinner they did hot dogs and burgers. I put my burger between two lettuce leaves w/a little catsup and onion. Later had a hot dog w/o bun. Had a small spoonful of potato salad and a small spoonful of Beans. Later, a few thin slices of watermelon. WAY less than I would've eaten at one of these occasions two years ago... but still gained about 2 lb over the weekend if my stupid bathroom scale is right. Kind of discouraging, really. Didn't have any wine last two days. Seems like I should've at least maintained and not gained!! We'll see tomorrow morning... TOPS weigh in. Oh, yeah, I had 1/2 chocolate chip cookie, too.

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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