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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Janet; Oh I wish I enjoyed cleaning like you do! I only "do it" when I have company coming and I'm under pressure LOL

I can always find something I'd rather do, even exercise is better than CLEANING ha,ha...

Oh and you are so right about the friendships that we've made since banding.

When I talk about you guys to other people, they say "where did you meet all these friends"... I say on the internet GASP!!! Its o.k. my friends aren't into kiddie porn and I am not 12 yrs old... They are REAL people whom I have lots in common with.

I remember last summer when I said I was driving to Wisconcin to meet up with Linda.... people couldn't beleive it.

ANd look at how much FUN we all had. Linda was a doll and we yaked all the way across 2 states.

I can't wait to meet Kari(Michigan) as I got so close to meeting her last summer.

ANd VEGAS was such a blast... can't wait for the N.O. Cruise and then we can all meet Denise in person! How cool will that be.

AND you get to meet up with Karri this weekend. You will have quality MOM and DD time :ihih:

Gotta buy some pantyhose today and get dressed up fussy for tomorrow night. It's my DH Mugging OUT mess dinner in celebration of his retirement... so dress is formal. I didn't want to buy anything as I plan on losing more weight befoare my DD wedding in Oct. SO a girl at work brought in 3 formal dresses from home for me to 'borrow' .... they look pretty good.. I send pictures I promise!!

Have a great day ladies, and STEPHANIE and KARLA stay out of trouble on your gettaway:lol:

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Good Morning Ladies

Well after work went and ordered my bro's headstone - now gotta copy everything bank statements etc to send to my sis - because " well the excuse is " I'm on the hook too - well gb she doesn't have a pot to piss in and what does she think I am writing checks to me... Ya right but what ever..

This is still a very very sore spot for me - I wish I could let it go and have to a degree cuz I do my scarlet impression - but then shit happend and I just was to say f you -

Linda - I am not really outgoing - I can give great advice - but following it - well that's another story - I don't know what I would do if I was off for the summer or retired - I say I would go the college and take painting classes - but would I - I don't know - I want to - wanting and doing are 2 diff things. But again I am tired of being held back - I am tired of being afraid - I can't wait for someone to come and do things with me - I don't have a mate - so what am I to do - sit at home 24/7 - well you know where that gets you - more depressed and eating... Cant go back to that place..

Look at this we have a whole new group of friends - we are going to Canada this summer - Karri is coming Friday... Heck thru this surgery and journey we have made new connection that will last a life time... That in it's self is wonderful..

Phyl - Earl will come around - He's not going to want you to be gone what 2-3 weeks without him... After all these year I know you know how to work hime :eek:

Karla - WTG on your 5 lbs....:eek: See the scales are never really going to be our friend - one day we love it the next day we hate it and you can't tell me that in one day you ate 7000 calories to make the scale go up 2 lbs !!!! That how I look at it - ya it might be up today - but I know that my eating is good - I try and take it instride.

Well, once I got home I started cleaning - went into Andrew's bathroom (it's the guest bathroom) well you all know he's my little cleaner - but he is totallly a surface cleaner - I shut the door and OMW dust and grime on the back of the door and baseboards - so I cleaned his bathroom and then got even more pissed - looks like superglue is on the mirror :ihih: - well wtf can I do about it now - washed the garage down, got the guest room dusted - clean sheets - all I have to to is vacuum, - didnt sit down til 9:30..

Never got to the Wii and this morning got up at 4:30 but again never got to the Wii - ironed my clothes for the day - did a load of wash - cleaned my desk - etc..

Well have trainer tonite Arms - my legs are killing me from Monday and the lunges...

Ok got work to do - CBL

Don't worry about the super glue. You have a real life chemist coming to visit. I can get it off!!!

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Well I am getting ready to head out the door. I just got done running 5 miles in the rain (LOVED IT!) and now I need to take a shower and throw the rest of my stuff in my suitcases. I think I am going to bring 2 suitcases so that that I can go shopping. Afterall...I am going to visit our shopping QUEEN!

I am taking my new Mac Laptop that I got from my new job so I should still be able to post here if I can find Wi-Fi anywhere in WA. I am leaving today (must be out the door in 1 hour) to go to my fill appt. I am only having them add .3 cc. I don't want to be too tight so we are taking this VERY conservative. Then I am staying with my bro and as of RIGHT THIS MINUTE he is taking me to the airport at 3:30 AM. However I am sure his gf will throw a fit and will have him take me Thursday night and I will sleep at the airport. Hopefully at some point he can find where she hid THEM when she cut THEM off...if you get what I am saying.

I am officially done with the school! Yipeeeeeeeee!! Okay gotta run. Still have to take a shower and finish packing. SOOOOOO EXCITED!!!

Janet if you don't receive my intinerary (I emailed it to you) call me and I will tell you how to access my account on travelocity.

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All you teacher gals out there. CONGRATULATIONS on being Finished for the YEAR!!

I promise I'll have a COCKTAIL or two for you to celebrate... well maybe next week after I've won the 5 lb challenge!!! Ha,ha,ha...!!!


ICK ON A CARDIO EXERCISE TO EDIT ITMINUTESCALORIES BURNED Cycling 10-11.9 mph (bicycling, biking, bike riding) 60 ;470

Edited by peaches9

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Janet; Oh I wish I enjoyed cleaning like you do! I only "do it" when I have company coming and I'm under pressure LOL

I can always find something I'd rather do, even exercise is better than CLEANING ha,ha...

Oh and you are so right about the friendships that we've made since banding.

When I talk about you guys to other people, they say "where did you meet all these friends"... I say on the internet GASP!!! Its o.k. my friends aren't into kiddie porn and I am not 12 yrs old... They are REAL people whom I have lots in common with.

I remember last summer when I said I was driving to Wisconcin to meet up with Linda.... people couldn't beleive it.

ANd look at how much FUN we all had. Linda was a doll and we yaked all the way across 2 states.

I can't wait to meet Kari(Michigan) as I got so close to meeting her last summer.

ANd VEGAS was such a blast... can't wait for the N.O. Cruise and then we can all meet Denise in person! How cool will that be.

AND you get to meet up with Karri this weekend. You will have quality MOM and DD time :ihih:

Gotta buy some pantyhose today and get dressed up fussy for tomorrow night. It's my DH Mugging OUT mess dinner in celebration of his retirement... so dress is formal. I didn't want to buy anything as I plan on losing more weight befoare my DD wedding in Oct. SO a girl at work brought in 3 formal dresses from home for me to 'borrow' .... they look pretty good.. I send pictures I promise!!

Have a great day ladies, and STEPHANIE and KARLA stay out of trouble on your gettaway:lol:

Candice - I can't say I love to clean - but I do love a clean house - I don't go into the other side (well my house isn't that big 1929 sq ft) Andrew's bathroom - his room or the guest room much - the ironing board is in the guest room so I do go into Iron - but it's in and out - I don't pay attention - well I do have my DD coming - so I have to pay attention to the dust - needed clean sheets etc - and omg the dust on the back of Andrew's door in his bathroom - gross

My house does looks lived in - sometime more than others ;0)

Well do you know I have spend more of my Vacation time with you girls than I do with the pple who live in my town. Went to Vegas w/Candice in January - Mtns w/Linda March - MofA last summer - met PJTax lady in Feb - 4 days with DD this Month then Next month Thrus - Monday with my Sista's....

Heck I talk to you all more than my local freinds or family - Heck we all talk to each other ALMOST EVERY DAY... I don't talk to Debbie - candy - Diane - Linda but maybe once a month.

Ya I really like the idea of going out of New Oreleans next summer - it's some place I have always wanted to go - and I really really do want to meet Denise - cuz I know she is going to have us laughing our ASSES off :eek:

Heck all my freind know who I am talking about when I say your names - they say oh your lb friend - they think it's neat all the traveling I'm doing getting together with all of you...

Don't worry about the super glue. You have a real life chemist coming to visit. I can get it off!!!

Thank God I have at least 1 good kid - between Andrew & Joseph - no wonder I am white headed - aleast I have my DD - 1 out of 3 aint bad !!!! I will take it any day..

Well I am getting ready to head out the door. I just got done running 5 miles in the rain (LOVED IT!) and now I need to take a shower and throw the rest of my stuff in my suitcases. I think I am going to bring 2 suitcases so that that I can go shopping. Afterall...I am going to visit our shopping QUEEN!

I am taking my new Mac Laptop that I got from my new job so I should still be able to post here if I can find Wi-Fi anywhere in WA. I am leaving today (must be out the door in 1 hour) to go to my fill appt. I am only having them add .3 cc. I don't want to be too tight so we are taking this VERY conservative. Then I am staying with my bro and as of RIGHT THIS MINUTE he is taking me to the airport at 3:30 AM. However I am sure his gf will throw a fit and will have him take me Thursday night and I will sleep at the airport. Hopefully at some point he can find where she hid THEM when she cut THEM off...if you get what I am saying.

I am officially done with the school! Yipeeeeeeeee!! Okay gotta run. Still have to take a shower and finish packing. SOOOOOO EXCITED!!!

Janet if you don't receive my intinerary (I emailed it to you) call me and I will tell you how to access my account on travelocity.

I will ck emails in a bit - I know Alaska and you arrive 9:48 - I think Kaitlin gets in at 9 - so we both will be waiting for you ...

OMW your DB gf seems like a freaking witch- ya you need to tell him to super glue his you know what's back on :0)

I have wi-fi - but Andrew will have to tell you my password - I think I know it but i'm not sure - my computer is wireless..

Ok gang - I am going out to lunch today - I am hungry but I got a weigh in comming up - so cross your fingers that my hunger doesn't get the best of me today...

I am a bit tired - :eek:

Here's and interesting thing I found today - OUR THREAD IS THE MOST LOOKED AT THREAD AFTER THE B/A PIC THREAD - WE ARE FAMOUS !!!!

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1post_old.gifBefore and After Lap Band Surgery -...1,356,1082post_old.gifLucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters311,6713post_old.gifConsidering Dr. Kirshenbaum268,3394post_old.gifI hate it when people post just to...212,2695post_old.gifShrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters165,307

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Just changed my signature... I love it!

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Quick check in.

Still not sleeping well. I think I need a nap, but I need to sleep at night so don't want to. At this point I think I'm over tired.

This morning I opened my wii active trainer. Did a beginning workout. 100 cals, 20 minutes, then mowed the lawn after that. I hope to turn it on this evening. It was a lot of fun. It is sort of what I expected the Jillian to be like, but I was very disapointed by that.

Okay...going to run a bit. I'll talk to you later. Have a great day.

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It's the end of my high speed month and my Mb's are over limit so since last night, computer has slowed to dial up speed and wouldn't let me on. Back up to speed tonight. Thank god. I had a decent food day today. One small lemonade and about three or four waters. No soda. And it was the end of school party today at church. I'm trying, but there is no way I can meet this challenge. I just wanted to let you all know that I didn't fall off the edge of the world but I have to go catch up on all I have missed these past 24 hours.


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Finally home... Thanks Steph for the kind words, I just feel like this year has been so negative. I easily fall into the griping all the time. But is has been crazy, with my father's health, the OPI work (what was I thinking when I got involved with 3 OPI curriculums in one year), my DD#3 move to Chicago and then finding out her husband is cheating on her (which means she is getting a divorce), the baby's graduation, and my 'favorite' student. This is the first year I have felt completely fried. However, on a good note: I met my fabulous mentor (Steph), got my lapband, lost 47 pounds (can you believe it, almost 50!!), met even more fabulous people (my lapband family), my baby willow that was a twig when I planted it 3 years ago is now tall enough that I can sit in the shade next to my Koi pond and drink beverages. I have many things to be grateful for and naturally you all are at the top of my list.

I had a good food day, my mantra held. I am still struggling with some low blood sugar, but once I get an unfill that should get better. Unfortunately it probably won't be before the end of June to get to the doc. I'll survive. I still can't believe I lost 47 pounds, that is almost one of those hugh dog food bags!!!!

Karri, enjoy your break. Janet, send your sister her part of the bill. Candice, think of cleaning as exercise. I hate cleaning myself, but I bribe myself and I do love an organized house. But I'd rather do yard work over house work. Linda, I will have an empty house next fall. I am not sure how I will do, I know that I will have to be carefull not to become a hermit and sink into depression. Steph, I should be able to 'sneak' out of school a little early on friday, my principal said I could. So I should be there in time for dinner.

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Finally home... Thanks Steph for the kind words, I just feel like this year has been so negative. I easily fall into the griping all the time. But is has been crazy, with my father's health, the OPI work (what was I thinking when I got involved with 3 OPI curriculums in one year), my DD#3 move to Chicago and then finding out her husband is cheating on her (which means she is getting a divorce), the baby's graduation, and my 'favorite' student. This is the first year I have felt completely fried. However, on a good note: I met my fabulous mentor (Steph), got my lapband, lost 47 pounds (can you believe it, almost 50!!), met even more fabulous people (my lapband family), my baby willow that was a twig when I planted it 3 years ago is now tall enough that I can sit in the shade next to my Koi pond and drink beverages. I have many things to be grateful for and naturally you all are at the top of my list.

I had a good food day, my mantra held. I am still struggling with some low blood sugar, but once I get an unfill that should get better. Unfortunately it probably won't be before the end of June to get to the doc. I'll survive. I still can't believe I lost 47 pounds, that is almost one of those hugh dog food bags!!!!

Karri, enjoy your break. Janet, send your sister her part of the bill. Candice, think of cleaning as exercise. I hate cleaning myself, but I bribe myself and I do love an organized house. But I'd rather do yard work over house work. Linda, I will have an empty house next fall. I am not sure how I will do, I know that I will have to be carefull not to become a hermit and sink into depression. Steph, I should be able to 'sneak' out of school a little early on friday, my principal said I could. So I should be there in time for dinner.


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Well, I waited until DH was in a good mood again to discuss our summer trip. Didn't matter. He still doesn't want to go. So then I was going to fly, but when I told DD, she was disappointed because she was looking forward to us taking a "road trip" this summer.... So.. she and I are going to drive... Seattle to Buffalo. Don't know if she'll come up to Canada with me or stay in Buffalo. It's pretty crazy at my sister's, though, and I think she'd enjoy coming with me. Would that be okay, Candice?? We'll be stopping to visit a friend in Madison Wisconsin and probably a day at M of A, too. We both love to shop! So, we figure we'll be gone 3 weeks. DH will have to live with it.. don't know how happy DSIL will be about this!

Wii/Wii Fit tonight, but only about 35-40 minutes. No motivation and Earl got back from the hot tub too soon. I don't like to do it when he's here! What's that about?? I don't know! I'm getting pretty fast on the downhill ski... 2nd place time tonight.

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I forgot.... Joann on one of the other threads had a great suggestion... told me to search the Medicare site to find plastic surgeons in the area who take Medicare. Can't believe I never thought of that. I came up with a list of 39 who are within 25 miles and one that is 4 1/2 miles away. Of course, until I look into it further, I don't know what their specialties are. I already crossed one off because it was clear he specialied in face stuff, and another whose office is in an Eye Care center... so he obviously doesn't do what I need either. But I have a LOT of leads to follow up on. So that was another reason I didn't spend more time on the Wii tonight... was working on that for a while.

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Hi there ladies. Hope you all had a great day.

Phyl, I sure hope you find someone wonderful to take care of your legs. It was a wonderful suggestion and I can tell it got you back into the mood. Set backs can be so very disheartening. 3 weeks on your own? That's pretty amazing. Will you be driving through Montana? Just a thought. If you get through here I will do whatever I can to get to wherever you are and we can do lunch or dinner. Also, we need to catch up on the quilt. If you're driving through we can pass it off.

Karla, you are doing great. Its so hard not to get caught up in the whoa is me's. My dad used to say 1 "ah shit" cancels out 10 "atta boy's" I think the same is true for ourselves. One bad thing can keep us down for hours. We don't Celebrate ourselves nearly enough. Oh...and I was thinking that maybe the reason you lost your math class and were put into science is because you have created an awesome math curriculum for the next guy and they are hoping you will do just as wonderfully with the science next year. It sounds like the science needs some serious help...and you are just the ticket.

Okay...my day was pretty good. I did 25 minutes of wii active this morning, went out and mowed the lawn for an hour (not a riding mower), cleaned out the car for tomorrow's trip, and then tonight did another 30 mins of the wii active. This morning it was a low intensity and tonight it was high intensity. My legs are going to complain tomorrow. My biggest problem with the whole thing is that the band is too long and too wimpy. Rose has my stronger bands at her house so I'm waiting to get those back to change anything. Loving the active. Can run for 90 seconds at a time. Pretty amazing, but nowhere near Karri's speed!

I'll be traveling tomorrow. May not get online until Friday night. I have workshop Friday through Wednesday, drive home next Thursday, have our motorcycle rally, turn back around on father's day and drive back to Helena for 2 more days of work. June has turned absolutely nuts!

Okay. Time for bed. I hope I can sleep tonight. Hopefully the exercise helps me. Have a great night ladies! Love you!

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Calories today?? low probably under 1000

Went to curves

My knees hurt, took some tylenol, going to bed.

night night

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Steph, can't wait to see you!!!

Phyl, fabulous idea about the medicare!!!!

Last day of school with students. I have my room about 75% clean, hopefully will finish today. Principal is letting us take care of all our check out paperwork today even though we have to go back on Friday. Friday's schedule so far....Bicycle safety for 45 min in the am. ARE YOU KIDDING ME! The some speaker. grrrrr. Oh well, it will be good for us. RIGHT...

Need to pack tonight and then bait the grasshoppers. I already have tons in the yard and they are hungry. Koi pond has finally settled the algae from the spring bloom. I have 6 beauties and on of the is about 8 inches long. I love to watch them come up to eat. Workshop with Steph for 5 days, I don't know if the will have wifi, I hope so. I am sure Steph will keep me on the straight and narrow.

Chatted with mom last night and dad has been put into a medical trial for a new cancer medicine. Basically it is a vaccine that has show some promise. He as a 2 out of 3 chance of getting the medicine, so pray that he does. This is his only option left for treatment. He can not have another round of chemo or radiation. He is still incredibly weak and can't walk without a walker and can only walk a small distance before he has to sit down. Imagine this 6'5" guy on a walker, breaks my heart. He has always been this giant of a man, now he looks so frail. I just pray that he gets a year of feeling good before he goes.

Suppose I best get going, need to find something to wear. chat when I get home. You all have a great day, Steph drive safe.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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