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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Good Morning !!!!

1 hr Wii fit this morning - I'm like Candice I like the step did that and then some leg thingie - then tightrope - sking and something else see I have already forgotten..

Linda I love the Wii - Maybe cuz it's new and I love the challenge to improve my scores - As to being lonely - don't you have any GF in your town ??? I guess this is where you and I are a little diff - I like being alone most of the time and when I don't I call a gf to do something with - You need to find a hobby - do you have a community college near you that you can join and take fun classes - like exercise - painting etc... Or at our local community centers there is always something fun going on like salsa classes - yoga - painting - card - I don't remember what else- but when I get the little booklets in the mail - I think oh that would be fun but they are all in the day time when I am at work.

What about your clinic - can't you go volentear there during the day to get you out of the house - I guess if I didn't work being by myself after a while would get lonely... You just got to get out of the house some how some way..

Candice - what do I have to do to unlock another step class???

Karri - I would think candy lady would be happy you are gone :0) but now I guess she's jealous cuz no one asked her to go to the charter school

Steph - hope you got some sleep last night - and have done your Wii this morning...

Ruby - where did you disappear too...

Kari - NO SODA TODAY !!!

Phyl & Karla - Hope today is a better for both of you,...

Denise - did you ck out the Wii EA - I like it...

Well gotta get my butt in gear



not as good as they should have been, but today TUES will be better.

N/C in weight this a.m.:thumbup:

Perhpas tomorrow!

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Glad to know you're still here!

Sorry about the loneliness. No fun!

Is Mel coming to Candice's with you? I thought Earl was but that's up in there air now. He is not wanting to go to Buffalo or Canada and wants me to make the trip by myself. I'm about ready to make my reservations to come alone. I'm going to ask him one more time.

I'm down about 1 1/2 lb for the challenge, but don't see making the 5 lb by Friday.

Ah, that's a bummer Phyl. Earl not coming to Canada? Peter was kinda looking forward to meeting Earl and Mel.. SInce Earl and Peter both have their military careers in common PLUS they FRUGALNESS!! They could have big debates on the economy and how to pinch pennies in retirement!! LOL

But if you do come alone will you fly? I can arrange for a walker for you to use while you're here if you need. Just let me know o.k.? My house is a ranch style so the only stairs are to the lower rec room and other alternate bedrooms... But I'll put you on the main floor.

I have 2 guest bedrooms upstairs (main level) and two more downstairs...

Girls; the 5 lb challenge is NOT over yet. We all have until Friday morning o.k. if you can't make the 5 lbs that's o.k. it the getting there and the NEW habits that are important.

I didn't get any exercise yest, but I'll remedy that tonight.

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Ah, that's a bummer Phyl. Earl not coming to Canada? Peter was kinda looking forward to meeting Earl and Mel.. SInce Earl and Peter both have their military careers in common PLUS they FRUGALNESS!! They could have big debates on the economy and how to pinch pennies in retirement!! LOL

But if you do come alone will you fly? I can arrange for a walker for you to use while you're here if you need. Just let me know o.k.? My house is a ranch style so the only stairs are to the lower rec room and other alternate bedrooms... But I'll put you on the main floor.

I have 2 guest bedrooms upstairs (main level) and two more downstairs...

Girls; the 5 lb challenge is NOT over yet. We all have until Friday morning o.k. if you can't make the 5 lbs that's o.k. it the getting there and the NEW habits that are important.

I didn't get any exercise yest, but I'll remedy that tonight.

I haven't given up on him coming yet, but I have to make definite plans by the end of the week, I think! So, we will have one more discssion about it when he is in a better mood. If he doesn't come, I will either fly or... DD is up for a "road trip" but not sure she wants to go that far! We did a road trip to OK once, with her two kids and youngest son's kid. It was fun and we did an impromptu right turn to Yellowstone, stayed in a rackety shack notel motel in the middle of no where that was unforgettable, and had a good time. But.... Canada/Buffalo... might be a little bit of a distance for us to cover!

At any rate, I don't need a walker... don't usually use even a cane around the house unless I've been overdoing it on the Wii!! :thumbup: One way or the other, I'll bring my small scooter... the red one I used at M of A, because it's easily transportable and I CAN get it in and out of the car by myself when I have to... breaks up in to parts , some of which are heavy, but I can do it.

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2:30 havn't had my lunch yet ---- I AM HUNGRY!!

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Janet...the more time you put in and higher your scores go on any particular exercise.. then things unlock or let you go to the advanced level. Is that what you were asking? I've tried doing those step exercises with some success.... until I have to go to the side. I should try it again. I probably haven't even looked at that one for a year!

So you like that EA Active? I've been checking out the reviews online to see if its something I could use. Can't do most of the exercises that involve bending the knees. Pathetic!

I have figured out it's pretty random - if you are doing yoga - you unlock a balance game or weight game - I just wanted to know if there are just 2 step games on the wii fit.

I was thinking could put the balance board on a strudy box and really get muscles involved - as it is I may not be really working musclle - but gotta say I do work up a little sweat..

I did the EA Sunday - lot of track work - boxing - with knee & kick boxing - dance was really just the arms - that's all I remember - I am doing to go to the funeral home after work and order bro's head stone - it's been left up to me to do this... so I won't be going to the gym - so tonite Wii EA - I will jot down what I do and let you know what invovles knees..

So Earl doesn't want to do any vacation this year ? You guys always go to buffalo dont you - have you taked to a doc about your knees & PS...

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Well, I'm done copying and pasting and downloading and uploading files for today. Tomorrow I have the bust-up meeting with the students and then submit final grades. Enough! I'll have more to do, but for the next week, I'm not thinking about it.

It's hard for me to get involved in anything that requires a committment during the summer. I guess I'm still grieving the kids. . . I was always super busy with their activities during the summer. I'll get over it. I do still volunteer one night at the clinic. I think if it ever gets nice enough outside I'll feel better too. It's just so grey and cold. . . Enough with the whinning!

Phyl--Mel IS going, and he fits right in as far a frugality (saying it nicely) and retirement planning goes. I hope Earl decides to go. Mel IS planning on helping Peter do some wiring and stuff too as I know he'll go nutsy-crazy-looney if he has to sit around and listen to us all day. So there should be plenty of "Man-time" going on.

Janet--There are so many things I admire about you. You are so outgoing and easygoing. That is one big difference between us! That, and the exercise thing--You rock girl!

Candice--good job on the weight! I think you've got me beat! I may end up being the worst looser this time--but I don't think I've gained. Tomorrow will tell!

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I did the EA Sunday - lot of track work - boxing - with knee & kick boxing - dance was really just the arms - that's all I remember - I am doing to go to the funeral home after work and order bro's head stone - it's been left up to me to do this... so I won't be going to the gym - so tonite Wii EA - I will jot down what I do and let you know what involves knees..

So Earl doesn't want to do any vacation this year ? You guys always go to buffalo don't you - have you taked to a doc about your knees & PS...

I looked at the EA in Target today.. it's still on my "maybe" list.

Yes, we always go to Buffalo in the summer so we can both visit family. He doesn't deal well with the chaos at my sister's and I'm not comfortable at his sister's... we both have sisters named Shirley!! So I stay with my Shirley and he stays with his Shirley! They only live 5 minutes apart. So it's kind of funny... he gets up so early.. So he stops at McDonald's and gets Breakfast, and I think he buys a paper.. if my sister remembers to leave the door open, he's there reading the paper and drinking his coffee when I get up in the morning. After i have my coffee he makes me breakfast. So we have this routine even when we're there! I think his brother from CA is going to be there about that time, so maybe I can get him to come.

I haven't gone back to the ortho guy yet and the PS didn't have a consult appt open until the end of July and told me they don't take Medicare or Tricare and chances of Medicare covering PS as "medically necessary" were slim to none no matter what the ortho surg. says! Kind of knocked the wind out of my sails so I haven't done anything since that phone call.

Phyl--Mel IS going, and he fits right in as far as frugality (saying it nicely) and retirement planning goes. I hope Earl decides to go. Mel IS planning on helping Peter do some wiring and stuff too as I know he'll go nutsy-crazy-looney if he has to sit around and listen to us all day. So there should be plenty of "Man-time" going on.

Okay, I will tell him when I get ready to discuss it with him again... in the next day or so. He's not being a butt head anymore. I think he decided he better be nice because DS & DIL & grandkids due here any minute. They've been in the area since Saturday, but this will be the first we've seen them. Then we're going over to Tracy's and probably out for dinner some place nearby.

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Today sucked as far as food at school. I was starving. Anyway, I tried, I guess not har enough. Had a Protein smoothie, chicken salad, then things went down hill, had about 2 oz of cheese and 4 crackers. I know I shouldn't have had cheese. I was having a low blood sugar, but no excuse...

Stayed at school until after school cleaning. My goal is to down size all my crap, if I haven't used it in the last 4 years, it goes. Why do I still have the boxes my microscopes came in?? They went. Talked to the teacher who use to teach earth science about what non consumables he has for labs. His total....ONE mining kit. for ONE class. NOTHING ELSE. I finally blew and told my principal that if they are going to give me earth science because I teach interactive units they darn well better give me some money. So we will see. I can't teach with supplies. GRRRR

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Until after 6pm

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Calories today about 1000

Treadmill and swimming

Just ate about 5 boiled shrimp and they are stuck in my throat. UGGGGGHHHH, I'm drooling!!

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Mantra for today....

I did not pay $7500 + airfare to over eat!

I did not pay $7500 + airfare to over eat!

I did not pay $7500 + airfare to over eat!

I did not pay $7500 + airfare to over eat!

I did not pay $7500 + airfare to over eat!

Focus, Focus, Focus, Focus, Focus, Focus,Focus, Focus, Focus,Focus, Focus, Focus,Focus, Focus, Focus,Focus, Focus, Focus,Focus, Focus, Focus,Focus, Focus, Focus,Focus, Focus, Focus,Focus, Focus, Focus,Focus, Focus, Focus,Focus, Focus, Focus,Focus, Focus, Focus,

Today is a new day, and you HAVE what it takes to be thin. You hate being fat, food will always be there. You DON'T need to eat it today.

Two days of school left with students, this afternoon they play in the park. Yesterday it was rumored that I would get stink bombed, didn't happen, but my special child has two more days to get it done. His buddy stink bombed another teacher on Friday, so there is a good chance I will get it before school is out. Besides the consequence for stink bombing is only one day of ISS, so they don't care.

Here's wishing you all a good food day!!!

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I MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stepped on the scale...today's weight 208!! Had a fabulous BM this morning (I know TMI) and was wearing shorts.... My starting weight was 213, so if I do my math right, I lost the 5 pounds!!!!


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Mantra for today....

I did not pay $7500 + airfare to over eat!

I did not pay $7500 + airfare to over eat!

I did not pay $7500 + airfare to over eat!

I did not pay $7500 + airfare to over eat!

I did not pay $7500 + airfare to over eat!

Focus, Focus, Focus, Focus, Focus, Focus,Focus, Focus, Focus,Focus, Focus, Focus,Focus, Focus, Focus,Focus, Focus, Focus,Focus, Focus, Focus,Focus, Focus, Focus,Focus, Focus, Focus,Focus, Focus, Focus,Focus, Focus, Focus,Focus, Focus, Focus,Focus, Focus, Focus,

Today is a new day, and you HAVE what it takes to be thin. You hate being fat, food will always be there. You DON'T need to eat it today.

Two days of school left with students, this afternoon they play in the park. Yesterday it was rumored that I would get stink bombed, didn't happen, but my special child has two more days to get it done. His buddy stink bombed another teacher on Friday, so there is a good chance I will get it before school is out. Besides the consequence for stink bombing is only one day of ISS, so they don't care.

Here's wishing you all a good food day!!!

There is no reason to let food rule your life. You have allowed it to have control for way too long. You have to take the control back from that inanimate object and really give it the proper perspective!

2 more days of kids. Even if they are the worst kids on the planet, which they are not, it's only 2 days. There is so much worse they could be. There are a thousand reasons you went into teaching. No matter what they act like when school is almost out, those reasons are still there. Celebrate all that they have learned...because they were your students...this year. You have spent so much time making their school experience this year. You have spent so much energy trying to make their education better...in science and math...that you have to admit you are still enthralled with the idea of influencing their world. Celebrate! They did great this year....as did you!

Okay...have to get off here and take a shower. Have a great day ladies.

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YEAH Karla; whoo-hoo , One for our NORTHERN Team!!!

Weighed this am. no BM and no change in the scales. But I am optimistic for tomorrow!

I rode my bike again today to work, learned two things this a.m.

1) Keep my mouth closed while biking ( I swallow extra protien YUK)

2) Don't wear lip gloss ( the bugs stick to it)

Working on my first px of the day, the ALARM goes off! WTF I know I turned the alarm off properly, so I don't know what's happening there. Although it could be the Dentists office next door?

Good food day yesterday; but ate 2 choc puddings (SF, FF)

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Good Morning Ladies

Well after work went and ordered my bro's headstone - now gotta copy everything bank statements etc to send to my sis - because " well the excuse is " I'm on the hook too - well gb she doesn't have a pot to piss in and what does she think I am writing checks to me... Ya right but what ever..

This is still a very very sore spot for me - I wish I could let it go and have to a degree cuz I do my scarlet impression - but then shit happend and I just was to say f you -

Linda - I am not really outgoing - I can give great advice - but following it - well that's another story - I don't know what I would do if I was off for the summer or retired - I say I would go the college and take painting classes - but would I - I don't know - I want to - wanting and doing are 2 diff things. But again I am tired of being held back - I am tired of being afraid - I can't wait for someone to come and do things with me - I don't have a mate - so what am I to do - sit at home 24/7 - well you know where that gets you - more depressed and eating... Cant go back to that place..

Look at this we have a whole new group of friends - we are going to Canada this summer - Karri is coming Friday... Heck thru this surgery and journey we have made new connection that will last a life time... That in it's self is wonderful..

Phyl - Earl will come around - He's not going to want you to be gone what 2-3 weeks without him... After all these year I know you know how to work hime :eek:

Karla - WTG on your 5 lbs....:eek: See the scales are never really going to be our friend - one day we love it the next day we hate it and you can't tell me that in one day you ate 7000 calories to make the scale go up 2 lbs !!!! That how I look at it - ya it might be up today - but I know that my eating is good - I try and take it instride.

Well, once I got home I started cleaning - went into Andrew's bathroom (it's the guest bathroom) well you all know he's my little cleaner - but he is totallly a surface cleaner - I shut the door and OMW dust and grime on the back of the door and baseboards - so I cleaned his bathroom and then got even more pissed - looks like superglue is on the mirror :ihih: - well wtf can I do about it now - washed the garage down, got the guest room dusted - clean sheets - all I have to to is vacuum, - didnt sit down til 9:30..

Never got to the Wii and this morning got up at 4:30 but again never got to the Wii - ironed my clothes for the day - did a load of wash - cleaned my desk - etc..

Well have trainer tonite Arms - my legs are killing me from Monday and the lunges...

Ok got work to do - CBL

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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