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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Phyll can I come with you?

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Phyll can I come with you?

You betcha!

I'll come and pick you up.

I have a friend in Wisconsin we can hide out with for a while.

She makes really good white chicken chili and she's promised to make some for me next time I come and visit.

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I weighed today, please tell me jeans weigh a lot. I thought everything was good, I have been extra careful to eat the right things, I felt like I had lost at least 3 pounds, the skinny jeans were baggy...got on the damn scale...I HATE scales, THAT'S WHY I THREW MY HOME scale AWAY YEARS AGO. I am so pissed, bitchy, I think I am going scream. That STUPID needle didn't move a micrometer, a nanometer, NOTHING. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. There are other words I want to say, most of which can't be printed in public. There was only one day that I didn't work my butt off, either hauling stuff or gardening. So now what, move to eat a single pea a day. Now I am at the crying stage. If any of you toss back in my face, "Muscle weighs more than fat" I'll hurt you. So I guess I lost, there is no way that I can loose 4 pounds in 4 days. I don't mind loosing the challenge. But I'll tell you, if the scale was mine it would have been stomped into the floor, kicked, burned, blown up.

Ok GF the 1st thing you do is go buy a stupid scale - then you weight 1st thing in the morning after you have peed & pooped (i know tmi) and weight totally naked !!!! If you aren't weighing in the same clothes then there is no way to tell..

Just keep on keeping on - what the carbs and drink your Water - how's your restriction doing - it's not going to come off over night - some weeks I only lost 1/2 a pound - but all those 1/2 adds up each week and each month... I think it's the full moon !!!!

Shake it off, Karla. You're probably holding water. If your jeans are baggy, you most likely have lost. The scale?? Just stick with the plan and it will go down.

Karri = I agree with Janet. Mail them the keys. Or better yet, just leave them on your desk. It's not as if you're going back there next year. Who Cares???

Janet - Have you given up on your farms?

Kari - Wii Fit & EA are my new transfer addiction - spent 6 hours yesterday playing the diff exercise games - alot better than sitting 6 hrs in front of the computer on my butt....

Yes I went today and ck'd my crops - see I have lost ALOT - well it's just a stupid computer game - so no biggie - I am loving my Wii - and have been too busy at work to play there since Karri is coming to visit on Friday - So no can't say I have quit forever - just not my main priority right now..

Since you aren't going to the gym you should invest in one ...

It can become your new transfer addiction too... And it's alot more healthier for you... You will reap real benefits not imaginary ones :0)

Have you gotten your passport yet !!!

Me, too! In fact, I'm having a crappy day all the way around!

TOPS weigh in I was down a whopping .4 of a lb. Wii scale went up 1/2 lb this morning after I sweat like a pig on the Wii 5 of the last 7 days and cut out almost all my Snacks the last several weeks. Had about 2 tbsp of salsa last night and 4 wheat thins. One very small glass of wine, no latte, salad w/grilled chicken for lunch.

DH is being a butt head.... 3rd full day of pouting and I've had it with him.

So, I'm just pissed off in general.... at the world!

I want to run away and never come back!!


Phyll can I come with you?

OK girls - run to my house !!! We can swim - plant flower- play Wii and all eat healthy together - it's not really about losing 5 lbs in 2 weeks - that's a big big amount in 2 weeks


it's about staying on track or getting back on track if you have fallen off.. That's all - who care if you only lose 1 lbs - its a loss and that's what truly matters...

Phyl - sorry that Earl's being a butthead - wish I had some advice there - but alas I'm single for that very reason :lol: don't want to put up with the 3 days of bad - even for the 4 days of good - I can do that all by myself :lol:

Weigh in isn't till Friday anyway - and I don't think I will make the 5 either and I hiked on Saturday - played 6 hrs of wii yesterday and 1 hr today and have been eating well..

So don't sweat the 5 lbs - just keep on track - we all know that some weeks the scales aren't our freinds no matter how hard we work..

Hugs - Tomorrow will be a better day !!!!

Ok 23 months out and I get to report a NSV !!! Today was legs w/trainer - he had us do walking lunges - Well guess what - I can touch my back knee on the floor !!!! it's taken 15 months of working out - but I can do it - I can do it !!!

Well it's 9 I haven't eaten - my spinach is draining and so I am off to eat...

Keep up the good work girls - you are worth it - the scales might not show it today - but in the long run they will...

Hugs & Sweet Dreams :lol:

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Hello Everyone,

I'm actually losing weight! Since school is out, it is much easier to eat properly. It's like I have a lapband!

Calories today: didn't log yet, but will be under 1000, with protien high

I have lost 3 lbs so far. I gained weight this school year, 9 lbs. So I gotta get that off.

Karla- I like Fage Greek Yogurt. It has 18 grams of protien, I put some blueberry jelly in it, with Kashi Crunch Cereal. If you haven't tried the Kashi Crunch, try it. It's like low cal granola. Granola is way high in cals.

What is Wii EA?

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Okay ladies. Long long day today. Went to Minot for a fill. I guess I've only gained 3 pounds since my last fill....3 weeks before my back surgery, so I can't complain too loudly. But it was still up.

I'll get on the wii tomorrow morning and check it out. Karla, I'll bring my wii to the lake and see if there is a television that we can hook it to. I'm sure we're in the pink house, and even if I have to, I'll bring my projector and we can project the image up on the wall.

Didn't sleep again yesterday. Took a couple sleeping pills tonight so hopefully it won't be an issue tonight. I need to be fresh tomorrow. I have a ton of computer work to do tomorrow and Wednesday. If you see me online, kick my fanny hard!!!

As for the challenge, I KNOW I didn't win but I agree with Janet, it isn't about losing the challenge, it's about losing the pounds! I like Karla's idea about the signature lines on our posts for the next two weeks until another winner is announced.

Karla, if your fat pants are feeling looser, don't you dare get down on yourself. Did you do this for a number on the scale, or how you look and feel? Take the victories where they come. Enjoy the success. If nothing else, think about it like this....how many people are going to notice the number on the scale is lower? How many people are going to notice your clothes are looser? Just a thought.

I'm so sad that our darling Karri has said she isn't going to be able to do the 3day with Karla and I. She is my exercisse guru. I'm so sad. I hope that things may change, and if they do, Karri, I'll be happy to have you join us again...but I will miss you horribly if you can't.

Okay. The sleeping pills are kicking in. I'm going to call it a night. Sleep well ladies. I hope I do.

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Hello Everyone,

I'm actually losing weight! Since school is out, it is much easier to eat properly. It's like I have a lapband!

Calories today: didn't log yet, but will be under 1000, with protien high

I have lost 3 lbs so far. I gained weight this school year, 9 lbs. So I gotta get that off.

Karla- I like Fage Greek Yogurt. It has 18 grams of protien, I put some blueberry jelly in it, with Kashi Crunch Cereal. If you haven't tried the Kashi Crunch, try it. It's like low cal granola. Granola is way high in cals.

What is Wii EA?

WTG Denise !!!

Here's the link - I'm liking it !!!! Still learning it but it's fun

Wii Fitness Video Game : EA SPORTS Active for Nintendo Wii

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Denise I agree that eating will be much easier when I am not at school. Today wasn't bad because I didn't do anything except for get ready to turn all of my stuff in.

So here is the deal with the school. Our UNION (Did I mention I was VERY happy that my charter school job is NOT unionized) negotiated with the school district that we would "donate" our time to get checked out on Wednesday. As a result, the school district decided that meant that our building principals could dictate the schedule. Well our principal said...check out when you want. The district responded with "It is expected that all employees will be present for at least the period of time that is required to get all checkout materials in order. Classified staff (secretaries) play a vital role in the day to day functions of our buildings and their schedules do not allow them to perform check-out duties during their normal schedule. As a result, our district, along with most districts in the state, negotiated with local unions to pay teachers for 1 day after classes had commenced to give everyone time for an orderly and proper exit. While the budget crisis this year leaves us in a bind, it was negotiated that Wednesday, June 10 will be a workday and that the pay for that day was donated back to the school district. However, it is expected that you will be at your building for checkout. Failure to show up and check out will be seen as an unexcused/inappropriate absence and will be deducted from your paycheck as pay without leave."

So in other words, we have to show up and not get paid, or not show up and get money taken out of our paycheck. I think I would rather just suck it up and not make a 160+ dollar statement!

Okay...I have got to try and sleep. 2 workouts and a nap today have me wide awake at 11PM.

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Oh and the candy lady...my principal told her I was leaving and now she is refusing to talk to any of us. Ahhhh...high school...you would think it is the kids with all the drama, but no...it is adults.

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I'm still here, trying to keep up with you guys and not doing a very good job of it. I've been tied to my computer the last couple days (yes even on the weekend) trying to get courses moved from one online platform to another. Lots of clicking, and after hours of that I can't think to type a response.

I so wish I could get into exercise the way that you guys are. I have Wii Fit, but hardly ever get motivated to use it. I'm hoping I will get motivated when we're at Candice's.

I think my major problem right now is lonliness. DH is NEVER here--he got himself a truck and spends every waking minute either thinking about it or working on it. He talks of nothing else. The kids are all gone, and except for Grammy and Cora Day, I can spend the whole day--morning till bedtime--in my kitchen never talking to a physical person. That, plus the weather is crap--50's, damp wind off the lake and rain.

We will leave tomorrow for MA, which hopefully will be warmer. But I don't know, 18 hours in the car with a 9-month-old who mommy will not let out of the car seat while the car is running. . . It could be a loooonnnngggg trip!

I will weigh-in tomorrow morning and post my results for the 2-week challenge. I'm not expecting much however.

Back to work now. . .

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Good Morning !!!!

1 hr Wii fit this morning - I'm like Candice I like the step did that and then some leg thingie - then tightrope - sking and something else see I have already forgotten..

Linda I love the Wii - Maybe cuz it's new and I love the challenge to improve my scores - As to being lonely - don't you have any GF in your town ??? I guess this is where you and I are a little diff - I like being alone most of the time and when I don't I call a gf to do something with - You need to find a hobby - do you have a community college near you that you can join and take fun classes - like exercise - painting etc... Or at our local community centers there is always something fun going on like salsa classes - yoga - painting - card - I don't remember what else- but when I get the little booklets in the mail - I think oh that would be fun but they are all in the day time when I am at work.

What about your clinic - can't you go volentear there during the day to get you out of the house - I guess if I didn't work being by myself after a while would get lonely... You just got to get out of the house some how some way..

Candice - what do I have to do to unlock another step class???

Karri - I would think candy lady would be happy you are gone :0) but now I guess she's jealous cuz no one asked her to go to the charter school

Steph - hope you got some sleep last night - and have done your Wii this morning...

Ruby - where did you disappear too...

Kari - NO SODA TODAY !!!

Phyl & Karla - Hope today is a better for both of you,...

Denise - did you ck out the Wii EA - I like it...

Well gotta get my butt in gear

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Good morning ladies!

Sitting at computer getting ready to get to work. I have to wait until 9:30 before I can call someone a/b it....so I have a few minutes.

Having a Protein smoothie this morning for Breakfast. On liquids for minimum of 24 hours, but she said that since I was getting back to the tighter side I may want to stretch that closer to 48. We will see. My smoothie is a little higher cal than I normally drink but I'm going to be out of town for almost 2 weeks and I have some yogurt about to "turn" so I added one of the regular ones to my drink this morning. 8 oz. choc Silk milk, 1 container strawberry yoplait, 1 scoop vanilla Unjury. Really really good!

400 cals, 30g protein. Makes almost 32 oz. so I'll be drinking it most of the morning.

I was going to mention to you all. Are any of you sweet tea drinkers? Walmart sells a splenda sweetened tea that is better than I can brew at home. It's called Red Diamond. It is in the refrigerator section. Splenda type has the yellow cap. Sold by the gallon and I love it! So just in case anyone is looking for sweet tea....

There was something else, but I can't remember. Imagine that!! Well, I'd better start working. I'll talk to you all later.

Karla, enjoy your last couple days with kids, Karri, enjoy your freedom from the teachers from hell, and all the rest of the educators....it IS coming to an end! You will get there.

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I'm still here, trying to keep up with you guys and not doing a very good job of it. I've been tied to my computer the last couple days (yes even on the weekend) trying to get courses moved from one online platform to another. Lots of clicking, and after hours of that I can't think to type a response.

I so wish I could get into exercise the way that you guys are. I have Wii Fit, but hardly ever get motivated to use it. I'm hoping I will get motivated when we're at Candice's.

I think my major problem right now is loneliness. DH is NEVER here--he got himself a truck and spends every waking minute either thinking about it or working on it. He talks of nothing else. The kids are all gone, and except for Grammy and Cora Day, I can spend the whole day--morning till bedtime--in my kitchen never talking to a physical person. That, plus the weather is crap--50's, damp wind off the lake and rain.

We will leave tomorrow for MA, which hopefully will be warmer. But I don't know, 18 hours in the car with a 9-month-old who mommy will not let out of the car seat while the car is running. . . It could be a loooonnnngggg trip!

I will weigh-in tomorrow morning and post my results for the 2-week challenge. I'm not expecting much however.

Back to work now. . .

Glad to know you're still here!

Sorry about the loneliness. No fun!

Is Mel coming to Candice's with you? I thought Earl was but that's up in there air now. He is not wanting to go to Buffalo or Canada and wants me to make the trip by myself. I'm about ready to make my reservations to come alone. I'm going to ask him one more time.

I'm down about 1 1/2 lb for the challenge, but don't see making the 5 lb by Friday.

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Glad to know you're still here!

Sorry about the loneliness. No fun!

Is Mel coming to Candice's with you? I thought Earl was but that's up in there air now. He is not wanting to go to Buffalo or Canada and wants me to make the trip by myself. I'm about ready to make my reservations to come alone. I'm going to ask him one more time.

I'm down about 1 1/2 lb for the challenge, but don't see making the 5 lb by Friday.

Why doesn't he want to go?? $$ ?? Hell just come by yourself - you will have ball - I know it's most likely harder on you to travel alone - due to the knee issues - are you going to fly or take the train - when you fly do you ck your scooter?? I know that train trip wasn't easy on you last yr..

Again - 1.5 is better than zip or +1.5

food today

coffee 16 oz

v8 5.5 oz

1 c watermelon

1 Fiber 1 bar

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Janet...the more time you put in and higher your scores go on any particular exercise.. then things unlock or let you go to the advanced level. Is that what you were asking? I've tried doing those step exercises with some success.... until I have to go to the side. I should try it again. I probably haven't even looked at that one for a year!


So you like that EA Active? I've been checking out the reviews online to see if its something I could use. Can't do most of the exercises that involve bending the knees. Pathetic!

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Janet...the more time you put in and higher your scores go on any particular exercise.. then things unlock or let you go to the advanced level. Is that what you were asking? I've tried doing those step exercises with some success.... until I have to go to the side. I should try it again. I probably haven't even looked at that one for a year!


So you like that EA Active? I've been checking out the reviews online to see if its something I could use. Can't do most of the exercises that involve bending the knees. Pathetic!

Phyl, if you are talking about the "blue" steps to the side, you can just go on and off to the back just like you do with the "pink" ones. If it's the purple, I don't know if there is a fix for those. Just a thought.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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