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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Wii time 50 minutes last night. Brought my Wii Sports age up from 78 to 20!! That's the difference between 3 forced boxing tests vs. 2 bowling and a tennis. I'm terrible at boxing... can't figure out how to make my punches go where I want them to go. Bowling & tennis... I'm pretty good. Finally got all the way across the tight rope and I think my score was about my 3rd best. Did really well on the downhill ski/advanced and think I got my 3rd best time in that, too. Stupid Bubble girl made it to the end once, but not fast enough to get on my top ten grid. I hate that one! Did okay on the penguin thing, but, alas, scores not high enough. Through level 8 on advanced tilt table several times but can't get a high enough score to come close to any of my previous scores. You get 80 points for finishing and then added points for however many seconds you have left. So I think I got a 97 once, but all my top ten scores are over 100.

5 lb challenge.... plugging along... another 1/2 lb, and doing well this weekend with food. Went out to lunch after church with dd & sil, but got grilled chicken Asian salad. No bread or crackers. TOPS tomorrow morning.

Oh, yesterday was WA state TOPS yearly "Walk". We went and Earl walked for an hour. I rode my scooter, but towards the end, I traded a lady her walker for my scooter so I could do a few minutes of walking, too.


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Yesterday was a pretty good day for me. Got on the scale this morning and was down two and a half pounds. Then, today came. Went out to Breakfast after church. Split a western omelet and hash browns with DH. (he got the toast) And a soda (boo, hiss hiss). And a refill (BOO BOO HISS HISS) Then to a graduation open house. Had a soft taco with some meat, Beans and cheese. A brownie and three glasses of lemonade. And nibbled on some peanuts. Two bottles of Water today. A couple crackers with soft cheese and that's about it for today except for my pop tart for bf. But the night's not over yet. We'll see.


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Home from work...how come some people can't read the closed sign. A lady came in 10 minutes after we closed, wondered around for 20, then decided she needed 5-18in concrete pavers, but didn't like the ones on the top even though they were the same pattern, so I had to move about 15 of them to get the 5 she wanted. Finally get her loaded and she changes her mind, at this point it is 50 minutes past closing and I'm done. I told my co-worker that if I had to move one more paver it wouldn't be a pretty sight. She took pity on me and let me go home. I had to drop off some plants at a friends and buy some groceries. Two hours later I am finally home to cook dinner. grrr.

food today, Protein smoothie, 3/4 c chicken salad, 130 cal Protein Bar, 1/4 c Pasta, w/ 3/4 c hamburger/sauce, 1/2 slice garlic bread. So food was good, I'll have a FF fudge bar for snack tonight. I will weigh tomorrow and I'll let you all know. I don't know if I lost weight, but my skinny jeans are getting baggy, they are a size 18. So that makes me feel good. I just hope I make the 5 pounds.

check in later, k

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Worked on the Wii for about 45 minutes tonight. Sports made me do one boxing, one golf, one hitting baseballs and I came up with an age of 41, so that's not bad. About the same age on the Fit when I weighed this morning. I did some bowling tonight and a little golfing practice. Tilt table.... stuck on 87. Got that score twice tonight and once last night. Stupid Bubble girl.... tried twice... can't make it to the end on the advanced. Stupid bumble bees get me every time. Have to time your speed to get past them. Couldn't get across the tight rope tonight either. I did remember last night that using my cane on that one throws me off balance... but if I hold it at waist level with both hands, it helps to steady myself. I use my cane on most of the other balance exercises or else I'd fall flat on my face. I almost fell even though I was using it at my daughter's last week! Downhill ski.. advanced, I beat my best score... did it under 1 minute!! Soccer... terrible tonight. I was checking my scores and my highest score on that is 155. Tonight... I did 27 and then 57!! Always try the ski jump at least twice but I end up becoming a snowball rolling down the hill every time. Humiliating! Can't jump up fast enough.

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On the last week of school!!! Head to Canyon Ferry on Friday to hang with Steph (oops, work on Math lessons) for almost a week!!!!!! We will be partying (ah working very hard) the whole time.

Here is wishing you all a great food & exercise day. Right now it is raining, which is lovely. Have my food planned for everything but dinner.

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I just ran a 5K on the next to last day of school. Ahhh...I love the sound of that. NO MORE after tomorrow. My classroom is cleaned out and I am going to make public today that I am leaving. If the other teacher doesn't like it...phooey on her! All I am doing is showing videos today while I go through the end of the year paperwork nonsense so that I can get checked out tomorrow so that I don't have to go in on Wednesday except to turn in my keys. OUr head secretary refuses to allow us to turn in keys until Wednesday. That maybe changed as of today because we technically don't get paid for Wednesday due to budget cuts. So technically they can't force us to work. Most people won't have their stuff done by tomorrow however and will need to come in on Wed. Hopefully not me!!! I have to be out of here by 10AM at the latest so that I can get to my fill apt.

Well best get moving. NEed to take a shower and head out the door!

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Wii time 50 minutes last night. Brought my Wii Sports age up from 78 to 20!! That's the difference between 3 forced boxing tests vs. 2 bowling and a tennis. I'm terrible at boxing... can't figure out how to make my punches go where I want them to go. Bowling & tennis... I'm pretty good. Finally got all the way across the tight rope and I think my score was about my 3rd best. Did really well on the downhill ski/advanced and think I got my 3rd best time in that, too. Stupid Bubble girl made it to the end once, but not fast enough to get on my top ten grid. I hate that one! Did okay on the penguin thing, but, alas, scores not high enough. Through level 8 on advanced tilt table several times but can't get a high enough score to come close to any of my previous scores. You get 80 points for finishing and then added points for however many seconds you have left. So I think I got a 97 once, but all my top ten scores are over 100.

5 lb challenge.... plugging along... another 1/2 lb, and doing well this weekend with food. Went out to lunch after church with dd & sil, but got grilled chicken Asian salad. No bread or crackers. TOPS tomorrow morning.

Oh, yesterday was WA state TOPS yearly "Walk". We went and Earl walked for an hour. I rode my scooter, but towards the end, I traded a lady her walker for my scooter so I could do a few minutes of walking, too.

Phyl you are good at remembering what you do on the Wii - I'm not but I did get back on last night cuz it was REALLY BUGGING ME THAT I COULDN'T GET BUBBLE GIRL TO THE END. Well guess what - persistants pays off I DID IT - Dont remember my time - I did 3 hrs of the Wii fit and I guess that's the max for the day?? so my overall time on exercise yesterday on the wii was out of the park..

Congrats on your 1/2 lbs - you are doing fantastic....

Yesterday was a pretty good day for me. Got on the scale this morning and was down two and a half pounds. Then, today came. Went out to breakfast after church. Split a western omelet and hash browns with DH. (he got the toast) And a soda (boo, hiss hiss). And a refill (BOO BOO HISS HISS) Then to a graduation open house. Had a soft taco with some meat, Beans and cheese. A brownie and three glasses of lemonade. And nibbled on some peanuts. Two bottles of Water today. A couple crackers with soft cheese and that's about it for today except for my pop tart for bf. But the night's not over yet. We'll see.


Ok Kari- Congrats on the 2.5 but for the rest of your post I don't know what to say.. So I will leave it alone... Hope today Monday you make better food choices...

Home from work...how come some people can't read the closed sign. A lady came in 10 minutes after we closed, wondered around for 20, then decided she needed 5-18in concrete pavers, but didn't like the ones on the top even though they were the same pattern, so I had to move about 15 of them to get the 5 she wanted. Finally get her loaded and she changes her mind, at this point it is 50 minutes past closing and I'm done. I told my co-worker that if I had to move one more paver it wouldn't be a pretty sight. She took pity on me and let me go home. I had to drop off some plants at a friends and buy some groceries. Two hours later I am finally home to cook dinner. grrr.

Food today, Protein smoothie, 3/4 c chicken salad, 130 cal Protein Bar, 1/4 c Pasta, w/ 3/4 c hamburger/sauce, 1/2 slice garlic bread. So food was good, I'll have a FF fudge bar for snack tonight. I will weigh tomorrow and I'll let you all know. I don't know if I lost weight, but my skinny jeans are getting baggy, they are a size 18. So that makes me feel good. I just hope I make the 5 pounds.

check in later, k

Karla - that would piss me off someone being that inconsiderate to come in right before closing like that - ya I understand if they just bought a rake - but all that extra work

Worked on the Wii for about 45 minutes tonight. Sports made me do one boxing, one golf, one hitting baseballs and I came up with an age of 41, so that's not bad. About the same age on the Fit when I weighed this morning. I did some bowling tonight and a little golfing practice. Tilt table.... stuck on 87. Got that score twice tonight and once last night. Stupid Bubble girl.... tried twice... can't make it to the end on the advanced. Stupid bumble bees get me every time. Have to time your speed to get past them. Couldn't get across the tight rope tonight either. I did remember last night that using my cane on that one throws me off balance... but if I hold it at waist level with both hands, it helps to steady myself. I use my cane on most of the other balance exercises or else I'd fall flat on my face. I almost fell even though I was using it at my daughter's last week! Downhill ski.. advanced, I beat my best score... did it under 1 minute!! Soccer... terrible tonight. I was checking my scores and my highest score on that is 155. Tonight... I did 27 and then 57!! Always try the ski jump at least twice but I end up becoming a snowball rolling down the hill every time. Humiliating! Can't jump up fast enough.

Phyl - I turned off the sound - so I didn't hear the bumble bee - just the sound of it got me all uptight... Turn the sound down and try it. I will start wrighting down what I do - this morning step and advance step - did 35 minutes I think I did some snowboarding too - getting better at that

I just ran a 5K on the next to last day of school. Ahhh...I love the sound of that. NO MORE after tomorrow. My classroom is cleaned out and I am going to make public today that I am leaving. If the other teacher doesn't like it...phooey on her! All I am doing is showing videos today while I go through the end of the year paperwork nonsense so that I can get checked out tomorrow so that I don't have to go in on Wednesday except to turn in my keys. OUr head secretary refuses to allow us to turn in keys until Wednesday. That maybe changed as of today because we technically don't get paid for Wednesday due to budget cuts. So technically they can't force us to work. Most people won't have their stuff done by tomorrow however and will need to come in on Wed. Hopefully not me!!! I have to be out of here by 10AM at the latest so that I can get to my fill apt.

Well best get moving. NEed to take a shower and head out the door!

Tell them to take their key and shove it - can't wait to hear what the lady next door to you reaction is :0) !!!

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Turns out they ARE forcing us to work on Wednesday. The secretaries have been told that they can't check us out early because it would interfere with their work schedule for today so we have to wait until Wednesday. I hope they are expecting a huge line at the door at 7AM on Wednesday morning. And I hope they expect me all sweaty because I am going to go running and then show up at the door. When I am done running I will come into my classroom, grab my stuff, and take it to the office and hopefully get it all sweaty. NO I AM NOT HAPPY ABOUT THIS!

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Turns out they ARE forcing us to work on Wednesday. The secretaries have been told that they can't check us out early because it would interfere with their work schedule for today so we have to wait until Wednesday. I hope they are expecting a huge line at the door at 7AM on Wednesday morning. And I hope they expect me all sweaty because I am going to go running and then show up at the door. When I am done running I will come into my classroom, grab my stuff, and take it to the office and hopefully get it all sweaty. NO I AM NOT HAPPY ABOUT THIS!

"interfer with THEIR work schedule, bah" arn't the secretaries there for SUPPORT to the teachers? Sounds like the tail wagging the dog!!!


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Freeking drizzling rain here today, and for the next several I am told...

Drat, I wanted to ride my bike to work this week, guess I'll have to do Wii instead when I get home from work.

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Turns out they ARE forcing us to work on Wednesday. The secretaries have been told that they can't check us out early because it would interfere with their work schedule for today so we have to wait until Wednesday. I hope they are expecting a huge line at the door at 7AM on Wednesday morning. And I hope they expect me all sweaty because I am going to go running and then show up at the door. When I am done running I will come into my classroom, grab my stuff, and take it to the office and hopefully get it all sweaty. NO I AM NOT HAPPY ABOUT THIS!

Take your stuff home tuesday night and mail them the keys !!! Are they holding a check or anything of your ???

How did that women - the candy b react !!!

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I weighed today, please tell me jeans weigh a lot. I thought everything was good, I have been extra careful to eat the right things, I felt like I had lost at least 3 pounds, the skinny jeans were baggy...got on the damn scale...I HATE scales, THAT'S WHY I THREW MY HOME scale AWAY YEARS AGO. I am so pissed, bitchy, I think I am going scream. That STUPID needle didn't move a micrometer, a nanometer, NOTHING. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. There are other words I want to say, most of which can't be printed in public. There was only one day that I didn't work my butt off, either hauling stuff or gardening. So now what, move to eat a single pea a day. Now I am at the crying stage. If any of you toss back in my face, "Muscle weighs more than fat" I'll hurt you. So I guess I lost, there is no way that I can loose 4 pounds in 4 days. I don't mind loosing the challenge. But I'll tell you, if the scale was mine it would have been stomped into the floor, kicked, burned, blown up.

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Shake it off, Karla. You're probably holding Water. If your jeans are baggy, you most likely have lost. The scale? ? Just stick with the plan and it will go down.

Karri = I agree with Janet. Mail them the keys. Or better yet, just leave them on your desk. It's not as if you're going back there next year. Who Cares???

Janet - Have you given up on your farms?

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Oh yeah, Karla. I'm not winning any prizes in this challenge either. You're not alone here.

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Oh yeah, Karla. I'm not winning any prizes in this challenge either. You're not alone here.

Me, too! In fact, I'm having a crappy day all the way around!

TOPS weigh in I was down a whopping .4 of a lb. Wii scale went up 1/2 lb this morning after I sweat like a pig on the Wii 5 of the last 7 days and cut out almost all my Snacks the last several weeks. Had about 2 tbsp of salsa last night and 4 wheat thins. One very small glass of wine, no latte, salad w/grilled chicken for lunch.

DH is being a butt head.... 3rd full day of pouting and I've had it with him.

So, I'm just pissed off in general.... at the world!

I want to run away and never come back!!


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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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