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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Good morning ladies, woke up to a cool morning, we are only suppose to be in the 50's, great planting weather for the baby flowers.

BBQ'ed some salmon and shrimp kabobs last night. Sprayed the salmon with olive oil and then sprinkled lemon pepper on it. This was new to me, I always just bake it with lemon, boy BBQ is the way to go, a whole new flavor and texture!!

Dad ended up having a blood transfusion and they took him off diretics. They also increased the speed of his pacemaker. Dad is 6'5", so I think they had his pacemaker too slow for his tall body. I hope that this works, he is so thin, only 180 lbs. Normally all cardiac patience are on diretics, but I think because dad doesn't drink a lot of Water, the diretics were dehydrating him. He still is extremely weak, worse than when he left the hospital. I wonder if mom is making sure that he takes his meds? I know she doesn't make him do his physical therapy. With mom it is all about her. I just want to see some sparkle back in his eyes before he 'goes'. Sorry, just a little maudlin today.

I have an idea for how to honor our weight loss winner this time....Those who lost will have to awknowledge the winner's superiority in our posts for 5 days....Such as: "_______ is the weight loss queen of Round 1 and we bow down to their superior committment and control. We are proud to stand in their decreasing shadow." Just a thought.

Karla, I am glad that your Dad has you to worry about him.. Sounds to me as if you two are very close. You are so lucky to still have him.. I still miss my Dad and he passed away in 1977.. Isn't a day goes by that he is not in my thoughts. ;-)

I love your idea about the WL Queen, too funny... and its all about fun, that way we will all KEEP on Keepin on. :blushing:

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Just found out that I am going to Canyon Ferry for a math conference with Step!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A whole week of partying...ah math stuff..

Oh you lucky birdy, you'll have a blast together!!!

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I already pe selected my food for today...

Cals 1159

Exercise 45 mins. = 221 Cals burned... Gardening/housecleaning/laundry

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I don't run trails and I don't run hills so we can hike it together! I don't have the coordination to run a trail...I would probably kill myself or at least break an ankle. I ended up only doing a 6 mile hike. My legs were fine but my feet were getting wet from sweat and were starting to get blisters. It was pretty warm and my boots don't breathe at all. So the next time I attempt to do both hikes (they are 2 separate hikes) at the same time I need to remember to take a change in socks. Though today it might not have mattered. I am exhausted. My eyelids just want to close and not open for several hours. I will have to go to the gym later to make sure I get to my calories burned goal. I changed the settings on my body bugg to reflect my current weight and it is amazing how many fewer calories you burn when you are 6 pounds lighter. It also shows you how hard it is on your body to carry excess weight. So as you lose weight you either need to eat less or move more if you want to keep losing. I personally would rather move more and stay at the same amount of calories!

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Phyl, you make me laugh... the sitting on the Wii board to do tha last balance test... Its a candle and flame, if you sit there concentrate and stare at the candle thru all the interuptions it throws at you... then you get to the end... relaxed.. Its really kinda cute.

But I know what you mean about getting down on the floor and sittin on it.. I have trouble with the Downward DOg pose because I have to put my Hands on the Wii board and my wrists don't like all my weight :lol:

Janet; the board backwards:biggrin: that is too funny GF!~ I can only do the 5th level balanceing boards, and PHYL is alrready up to 7 or 8 :lol:

I think my core is getting stronger with the biking... For this ol' gal to keep from falling over on the bike is a riot.. AS long as I am moving and have momentum I am great... but I am sure car drivers kill themselves laughing when I stop at a corner and have to put a foot down for balance... I just about fall over every time! :blushing:

O.K. Gotta go vacuum my house, been procrastinating long enuf.

Got through level 8 two or three times last night on the Tilt Table exercise but not high enough score to be in my top ten!

I have an idea for how to honor our weight loss winner this time....Those who lost will have to awknowledge the winner's superiority in our posts for 5 days....Such as: "_______ is the weight loss queen of Round 1 and we bow down to their superior committment and control. We are proud to stand in their decreasing shadow." Just a thought.

Good idea! I'm only down a pound. I don't think I'm going to make it.

Good Morning Ladies

First off, I want to congratulate all of you for doing so well with this challenge. I am not doing well at all. Gym membership ran out and they more than doubled the price and they'll only do monthly so I need to get busy and find somewhere to go that is affordable. The gym I went to was twenty minutes away and that is the closest one. I'm still pedaling the exerbike at least 60 minutes a day and I am still trying to talk myself into getting outside and walk.

Phyl - You're not the only one who is two pages behind. I didn't get here yesterday. Besides all the errands I had to run, I just couldn't get off the farm. I'm in the process of moving things around. In fact, if the stupid site wasn't down, I'd be there right now. I think I am more than addicted.

Karla - You are not the only one without a Wii. I don't have one. It sounds good.......but I guess I'm too cheap to put out the money for one. Only have DD at home and she's only here to sleep. DH won't lower himself to play it. And besides, do I really need something else to get myself addicted to? I don't know. I know it would be good for me. I do need to exersize........but after putting out all that money, how long would I use it before it is outdated or I am sick of it? So, unless I find myself a rich relative somewhere or a rich friend (hint hint) to give me one, I'll probably live without one.



You are a SICK puppy!!

Intervention definitely in order!!

(got anything for me to harvest today???)


Good Morning - Up this morning 4:30 did 30 mintues Wii - with the board turned correctly - I got across the thightrope!!! - did the step - I think it was 30 Minutes - Mopped my bathroom - washed a load of clothes and was out the door at 6:30

- The Bump and Grind Hike

Popular Rancho Mirage trail with wide, well-maintained paths for hiking and mountain biking.

2 miles to the top, 1,000ft. elevation gain.

Trail options include steeper, shorter and more rugged paths at various points on the mountain or a longer and wider path with a gentler slope.

Panoramic views of Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage and Palm Desert.

Don't know actual time cuz we stopped and rested on the top and I had to stop a couple times going up for like less than a minute - It was a very very good workout - 1:45 minute total I think for actual walking time - 1000 ft - elevation -

I was really really proud of myself - Karri this is where we are going on Saturday early if it's hot by then - you can run the sucker - I'm walking !!!

No way would I do a 10 mile hike - this 2 miles was enough for me - maybe when I get more conditioned I would but doing this hike was totally diff than doing the treadmill - I do 15 inclines for like 1 or 2 songs then go back to 6 incline - where as this is a continous incline -

Kari - darling you need an intervention on farming !!! You need to move - get the wii - it's fun to challenge yourself and the more you do the more games that get unlocked -

I haven't gotten on the scale today - maybe after my shower...

Ok - I need to shower and maybe take some tylenol my hips are aching a bit...


I think Earl would love to do that hike!

Next winter!

I can do it after I get this knee replaced..... maybe!

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After 4 hours I have every pot filled with annuals and perenials. okay I have a problem...it is a good thing I work at a nursery, I had over 7 flats of flowers to plant. It was a perfect day for planting, nice and cool so the flowers don't go into shock.

I probably need a Farm Town intervention as well. I can't wait until I have enough levels to buy more land to plant. I'm saving money to buy the farm house.

Janet & Karri, excellent job exercising today! After planting my back is killing me, so I came in and took some ibuprophin and a nap. Meals today, Stephs chicken salad, cup of tomatoe Soup, 2 FF fudge bars. Had some trouble getting solids down today.

Got to work tomorrow and will be pretty cool. Actually I prefer to work when it is cold and then only 4 more days of students!!!

Chat later, k

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Okay ladies! I have finally caught up. I didn't want to post until then. So many many things to say.

My vacation was wonderful. Too much fried food, too many drinks. Gained almost 3 pounds.

Today I worked very hard at only putting Protein in my body. Did a pretty decent job. Total cals, 1100, protein 90 g. Fiber was almost non existent. I'm pretty sure that tomorrow will be a bad poo day. I know...tmi

I was busy today and didn't have a chance to do ANYTHING physical. Tomorrow I will be doing 2 walks. One in the morning and one in the evening. Back to the work of getting ready for this walk.

I'm very excited to say that I'll be spending the weekend with Karla out on the lake. I'm so excited. We will have a great chance to get on the same page. We will be able to get some great hiking in. Maybe even some kayaking.

I picked up the EA active while I was gone, but I have not had a chance to try it. Tomorrow hopefully.

Okay. I'm off. I have to serve lunch at church tomorrow. Was supposed to be my MIL, SIL, and myself, but both of them have had issues so that they will not be helping me. I'm a little freaked out but Rose will be helping me. Keep me in your thoughts. I'll talk to you all tomorrow. Hopefully with really good news on my food and exercise. Have a great night ladies.

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Who knew yogurt and granola was so high in calories. It is a conspiracy. Was starving last night so I had some yogurt, about 3/4 c w/ 1/4c granola. This morning I dailyplated it and about died. I could have had 6 FF Fudge bars instead. I know, it is about quality, but I like the fudge bars better. I was going to have a piece of cheese, but decided the yogurt would be better for me. Well that was a joke, next time I go for the cheese.

You all have a good day relaxing, think of me at work SLAVING away, freezing my butt off. Okay, does anyone give me sympathy??? Actually, I don't mind. Right now I'd rather be working at the nursery than teaching, that is just plain sad.

Foods today....

Probably a Protein smoothie, chicken salad, ... that is as far as I have gotten.

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I don't run trails and I don't run hills so we can hike it together! I don't have the coordination to run a trail...I would probably kill myself or at least break an ankle. I ended up only doing a 6 mile hike. My legs were fine but my feet were getting wet from sweat and were starting to get blisters. It was pretty warm and my boots don't breathe at all. So the next time I attempt to do both hikes (they are 2 separate hikes) at the same time I need to remember to take a change in socks. Though today it might not have mattered. I am exhausted. My eyelids just want to close and not open for several hours. I will have to go to the gym later to make sure I get to my calories burned goal. I changed the settings on my body bugg to reflect my current weight and it is amazing how many fewer calories you burn when you are 6 pounds lighter. It also shows you how hard it is on your body to carry excess weight. So as you lose weight you either need to eat less or move more if you want to keep losing. I personally would rather move more and stay at the same amount of calories!
Janet, is it 2 miles to the top or a total of 2 miles round trip?

Not sure if it' 2 miles to the top or the whole thing - I got that info off a website on trails - I think maybe a mile up but to me it did seem like 2 :thumbup: I didn't wear a watch - it looks like a long hike you are going up 1000 ft...

Yep the whole weight less have to exercise more or eat less is so true - this is why maintenance is so hard... We burn less calories at a lower weight !!!

I think Earl would love to do that hike!

Next winter!

I can do it after I get this knee replaced..... maybe!

Phyl that would be fun !!! What is going on about knee issues have you made any appointments yet ??

After 4 hours I have every pot filled with annuals and perenials. okay I have a problem...it is a good thing I work at a nursery, I had over 7 flats of flowers to plant. It was a perfect day for planting, nice and cool so the flowers don't go into shock.

I probably need a Farm Town intervention as well. I can't wait until I have enough levels to buy more land to plant. I'm saving money to buy the farm house.

Janet & Karri, excellent job exercising today! After planting my back is killing me, so I came in and took some ibuprophin and a nap. Meals today, Stephs chicken salad, cup of tomatoe Soup, 2 FF fudge bars. Had some trouble getting solids down today.

Got to work tomorrow and will be pretty cool. Actually I prefer to work when it is cold and then only 4 more days of students!!!

Chat later, k

No Ibuprofen - it's not good for your pouch (erosion) !!!! Tylenol only!!!

Okay ladies! I have finally caught up. I didn't want to post until then. So many many things to say.

My vacation was wonderful. Too much fried food, too many drinks. Gained almost 3 pounds.

Today I worked very hard at only putting Protein in my body. Did a pretty decent job. Total cals, 1100, protein 90 g. Fiber was almost non existent. I'm pretty sure that tomorrow will be a bad poo day. I know...tmi

I was busy today and didn't have a chance to do ANYTHING physical. Tomorrow I will be doing 2 walks. One in the morning and one in the evening. Back to the work of getting ready for this walk.

I'm very excited to say that I'll be spending the weekend with Karla out on the lake. I'm so excited. We will have a great chance to get on the same page. We will be able to get some great hiking in. Maybe even some kayaking.

I picked up the EA active while I was gone, but I have not had a chance to try it. Tomorrow hopefully.

Okay. I'm off. I have to serve lunch at church tomorrow. Was supposed to be my MIL, SIL, and myself, but both of them have had issues so that they will not be helping me. I'm a little freaked out but Rose will be helping me. Keep me in your thoughts. I'll talk to you all tomorrow. Hopefully with really good news on my food and exercise. Have a great night ladies.


Glad you are back and had a good time - sorry about the weight though :0) but truly you shouldn't have any problem getting it off... I have only done 1 session on the EA the band isnt' strong enough for me - I need one that is tighter since I do lift weights - so I am going to go today and look for some

Well gang I did survive yesterday - Went to the hospital to visit my friend Linda - then to the store - I made turkey/spinach Lasanga for dinner - and I got some collard greens to cook for today..

Yesterday food - 8 oz oj 100 - popcorn 100- 1 string cheese 100 - 1.5 serving of lasanga (600? didn't use alot of cheese)- grapes (200)- 2 sf pudding 120 and 1/4 cup sherbet 60.. Lite juice (80) = 1360

ok off to do my wii this morning !!!


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Who knew yogurt and granola was so high in calories. It is a conspiracy. Was starving last night so I had some yogurt, about 3/4 c w/ 1/4c granola. This morning I dailyplated it and about died. I could have had 6 FF Fudge bars instead. I know, it is about quality, but I like the fudge bars better. I was going to have a piece of cheese, but decided the yogurt would be better for me. Well that was a joke, next time I go for the cheese.

You all have a good day relaxing, think of me at work SLAVING away, freezing my butt off. Okay, does anyone give me sympathy??? Actually, I don't mind. Right now I'd rather be working at the nursery than teaching, that is just plain sad.

Foods today....

Probably a Protein smoothie, chicken salad, ... that is as far as I have gotten.

Get dannon lite & fit yogurt 80 calories no fat !!! Vanila good with granola - becare w/ the granola - it's not cheap either in the calorie dept...

I have never tried the greek yogurt - mostly cuz it's full of calories but higher in protein - but I am a calorie counter..

It's suppose to be 92 today - it's 69 right now but breezy..

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Janet, thanks for the info on the ibuprophen, I didn't know. I can't take many naproxen based products (ibuprophen is one) because I have the related skin issues. I battled with sores on my arms for 3 years before I figured it out. I had all kinds of biospys, etc. The docs figured it was probably some type of staph infection that I caught when I had surgery at Duke or a form of celiac disease (I test positive & one of my daughters has a seveir (sp) case. I was prescribed all kinds of scrubs and ointments, none of which worked. Finally I saw a comercial for arthritis meds that had a warning about skin issues as a side affect. So I stopped taking my naproxen arthritis meds and ibuprophen and it gradually cleared up. I still have some occasions reactions when I don't stay away from ibuprophen or gluten and my arms are really scarred, but at least now I don't look like the poster child for meth commercials with open pustulous sores.

Sorry, you all probably didn't want all that info.

Well, just looked at the clock, best get going, see you all later,k

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Good morning Ladies!

Cold, cold, cold here this morning!! WTF the weather man must have his HEAD up his ARSE!!

I want SPRING!!! I want SUMMER!!! Going to have to put tons of clothes on today to go biking...

Going to visit DM this aft and then to listen to my hubby's band play at a restaurant in town.

Did o.k. with my food yesterday, considering we had company, I had steak(2 oz) and dessert (170 cals)...

scale was kind this morning, not up but not down...:thumbup:

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I have done I think 6 hrs of Wii Fit & Wii Active - there is some little envelope that give time for each - since I haven't read any of the books - I have just get on it and do it

WII has now replaced my farming addiction.... Better moving than sittiing on my butt..

Janet, thanks for the info on the ibuprophen, I didn't know. I can't take many naproxen based products (ibuprophen is one) because I have the related skin issues. I battled with sores on my arms for 3 years before I figured it out. I had all kinds of biospys, etc. The docs figured it was probably some type of staph infection that I caught when I had surgery at Duke or a form of celiac disease (I test positive & one of my daughters has a seveir (sp) case. I was prescribed all kinds of scrubs and ointments, none of which worked. Finally I saw a comercial for arthritis meds that had a warning about skin issues as a side affect. So I stopped taking my naproxen arthritis meds and ibuprophen and it gradually cleared up. I still have some occasions reactions when I don't stay away from ibuprophen or gluten and my arms are really scarred, but at least now I don't look like the poster child for meth commercials with open pustulous sores.

Sorry, you all probably didn't want all that info.

Well, just looked at the clock, best get going, see you all later,k

No asprin - no motrin - or naproxin - no nothing but tyenlol..

Good morning Ladies!

Cold, cold, cold here this morning!! WTF the weather man must have his HEAD up his ARSE!!

I want SPRING!!! I want SUMMER!!! Going to have to put tons of clothes on today to go biking...

Going to visit DM this aft and then to listen to my hubby's band play at a restaurant in town.

Did o.k. with my food yesterday, considering we had company, I had steak(2 oz) and dessert (170 cals)...

scale was kind this morning, not up but not down...:thumbup:

Well dear you have done good - it's not going to move every day...

Mine this morning 138.5 - let see if it stays there...

Well since i have been on the wii all morning have gotten nothing done - need to go clean the kitchen and start my collard greens...


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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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