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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Sleeping pills, I tried the zolpo...one and scared the bejeebies out of my family, I kept waking them up with hysterical manic laughter. I had the stranges hallucinations, so I had to quit. Used Lunesta for a while but developed resistance to it, plus it costs outrageously. the amytriptelene probably works for me because I am already on antidepressants.

food was way better today. I had Stephs chicken salad, left it chunky. I ate about 1 cup, which is the largest amount I have eaten since my fill. tonight I haven't decided, but I know it will need to be something solid. probably a a turkey TV dinner with some sweet potatoes. I am going to test this band one way or the other. I worry that I have a leak?? Is that possible? I don't feel like I have restriction, so tonight will be the test. Maybe I had some swelling that created extra restriction. Now I am thinking that I need a fill. That I have been eating so little that now the correct amount seems too much. I did have 1/3 slice of cheese and 1 cracker for a snack because I was having a major low blood sugar.

You all are doing such a great job. I want a wii. I will have to save majorly. I started out with everything being easy, now this is so hard. Is this why some people get the gastric sleeve. Do any of you wish that you had gone with the sleeve???

There is absolutely NOTHING easy about the band. There is NOTHING easy about bypass surgery, the sleeve, or any other weight loss surgery. It is NOT magic. I equate WLS to construction: If you give a carpenter a bunch of nails and a rock, he can put the roof on a house, but it will seem impossible. (That is life without WLS for some of us). If you give him a hammer (our lapband) then he can put the roof on faster...but roofing is still a f'ing HARD job.

My weightloss is something that I worked incredibly hard for. I am glad that it was not easy because slipping back into old ways would be even more likely if it had been easy. I WON'T let me gain the weight back because I worked too damned hard. Abstaining from poor food choices, working through temptations and running mile after mile was incredibly hard work that I would trade for nothing.

So would I trade my lapband for anything in the world. Absolutely not. And yes I have had serious problems with restriction. But instead of using the band to make me lose weight, I used the band to help change my life. I never said well I can eat the same foods but just smaller amounts. Instead I said...I just paid 17000$, risked leaving my brother with ZERO family, and put this faith in myself to make my life better. There is no way I am screwing this up. I WILL eat like a HEALTHY person, I will exercise like a HEALTHY person, I will be a HEALTHY person.

So yes, there are going to be hard parts...those are the parts that are going to make you stronger and allow you to get through the rough parts in the future. We will ALWAYS have struggles with food. I have come to accept that. But I have also come to realize and accept that I am MUCH stronger than any piece of food. After all...it is just a bunch of chemical bonds that are meant to provide my body with fuel to move. My stomach, intestines, and cells see food as nothing more than something that keeps them alive. They do not see food as a comfort, a friend, or something that will make the rest of the world go away. Instead you have to find other things that are MEANT to do those things. You have friends here, you have girls that love you, and you have to find a part of yourself that can do those same things for you. Because my friend, this is NEVER easy.

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Yesterday's food not too good, over 1500, but I did the Treadmill and sweated like a pig,

Today food excellent, didn't chart it yet, but it will be under 800, did the Treadmill, sweating like a heffer

Pain- Sometimes I get this very bad pain in my throat area, like a horrible burning cramp. It just happened after I exercised, and drinking helped ease it. The last time it happened, I was at the ER with Mom and I already was drinking Water, I had to walk around and drink and thank God it stopped. It scares me bad, it's horrible, and if it didn't go away, I would have to go to the hospital.

Phyl-loved your story

Candice- Wish I could go to your house

Janet- throwing away food is not easy, Our summer camp is being funded by the state, if the children don't want Breakfast, they have to get it anyway and throw it away. OMG, it's hard to say that to them, I feel like I'm sinning.

Denise Congrats on the good food today and the exercise both days - My food wasn't great yesterday - not bad but not great..

Now that stupid of the state - why waste food - if they (the kids) don't want it then what's left over should go to a homeless shelter and that whole clean plate theroy that we were taught is what made us fat - and glutony is a sin too !!!!

Heck I worked at our local homeless shelter one day and all those pple were made to get salad etc and I saw so much waste - not everyone likes salad - fruit etc - so why make them take it...

Well back from the gym - my legs are starting to get sore from Monday - tomorrow they will be real sore and by Friday I think my triceps are going to be sore too..

Going to go to gym @ 5 a.m tomorrow since I missed yesterday...

The sample sleep meds the doc gave me is : Restoril 7.5 (temazepam) - I am going to try it Saturday nite - won't on Friday cuz I do like to get up early and go to the gym ...

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Sleeping pills, I tried the zolpo...one and scared the bejeebies out of my family, I kept waking them up with hysterical manic laughter. I had the stranges hallucinations, so I had to quit. Used Lunesta for a while but developed resistance to it, plus it costs outrageously. the amytriptelene probably works for me because I am already on antidepressants.

food was way better today. I had Stephs chicken salad, left it chunky. I ate about 1 cup, which is the largest amount I have eaten since my fill. tonight I haven't decided, but I know it will need to be something solid. probably a a turkey TV dinner with some sweet potatoes. I am going to test this band one way or the other. I worry that I have a leak?? Is that possible? I don't feel like I have restriction, so tonight will be the test. Maybe I had some swelling that created extra restriction. Now I am thinking that I need a fill. That I have been eating so little that now the correct amount seems too much. I did have 1/3 slice of cheese and 1 cracker for a snack because I was having a major low blood sugar.

You all are doing such a great job. I want a wii. I will have to save majorly. I started out with everything being easy, now this is so hard. Is this why some people get the gastric sleeve. Do any of you wish that you had gone with the sleeve???

What's wrong with eating a cup of food - and how do you actually know how much you ate - are you measuring - did you use regular mayo or the ff or lite stuff -

After you ate did you stay full- if so for how long.. Remember this is a lifestyle change - a normal portion size is a 1/2 to 1 cup depending on what you are eating...

I have alway eaten 1 cup - some days in the very very beginning after surgery I was full on 3/4 - but I want to eat normal portion sizes not super size

No I don't think you have a leak - I know all this kind of stuff runs thru our minds- My 1st fill I felt right away - but after 2 weeks I was back getting another one...

As to wishing I had the sleeve - not really - they cut away your stomach - the band isn't that drastic - the problem with the band is that for each and everyone finding their sweet spot can be very difficult - Karri has a very very hard time - either she is too tight or 2 loose - she's 2 yrs in August and she has never been at a sweet spot.

I have been very fortunate that I got to sweet spot in 2 fills and never really had any problems - I have only once awe maybe twice had acid reflux in the middle of the nite - I get a little heart burn every now and then

I know a few pple who had the band and switched to the sleeve - it's the same principal as the band but it's permanent and you don't have the fill issues - but you have the same pbing - stuck etc issue.. Wasa & Oregondaisy are 2 who switched - if I lost my band - I would consider the sleeve cuz I never want to be obese again - but I would try on my own to keep the weight off - and if I couldn't then I would go to mexico and have it done...

I wrote a big thing about fills back in the beginning of our journey - I wish I could find it - I looked once but couldn't find it - fills are physiological issues - cuz that's all we read about is I got this many cc - or she got that many cc's - you can't rely on your band to lose the weight - it's your food choices and exercise that are the things that make you lose the weight - yes we need restriction but 1 cup of food isn't enough restriction for you..

Do you think that eating only 1/2 cup of food is what you want - it really doesn't matter what your restriction level is - it's what you choose to eat and how much exercise you get

I can eat 2 cup of crooked neck squash - plus 4 oz of meat - do I need a fill - hell no - that squash it a total slider food - could I eat an 8 oz steak hell no - I can eat 4 or 5 oz a little rice and a little veggies -

quite worrying about your restriction and concentrate on your food choices - if you can eat 8 oz of red meat or chicken breast then you need a fill - that ck salad has mayo - it makes it a slider - you need to eat meat with no sauce to test your restriction

Karla - as Karri so eloquently put it - this is work - it's hard work - you are the one who has do to the work - I have always said I did 75% of the work and my band did 25%

And as you can see - even though both of us are at goal - we still struggle - but we are truly focused (obsessed some would say) on making this a total lifestyle change - we are obsessed about our health and the freedom that we have for both shedding 100+ lbs - it's liberating to finally be that person who was hiding under the fat...

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Thank you, thank you for all your input. I had a turkey dinner, turkey with veggies. I was full after about 1/2 the turkey which was about 2 oz. The veggies I ate about 1/4 c. I made sweet potatoes but didn't eat them, I'll save them for lunch.< /p>

The chicken salad had about 1 tble. of light mayo and some dijon mustard, canned chicken, pineapple tidbits, almonds, craisons, a lot of celery and green onions. I guess technocly it is a slider, I never thought of that when I was concerned about eating a cup. Yep I do measure, but I haven't figured the calories.

I will see how long I will feel full tonight, but at least I know that my band is okay. AND I also understand how people can eat around their band, it is so easy to fool yourself, 'HEY it is healthy food, so it doesn't matter how much I eat' WRONG. You all must chuckle when you read what I think.

What do you guys eat for breakfast. I have been eating Protein smoothies, would I be better eating eggs? Aren't eggs considered a slider?

Doris doubter has been sitting on my shoulder saying that I will fail. I need to keep focussed... I am not interested in a sleeve, but Janet, I would do it if i lost my band. I don't want that, I REALLY need this to work.

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eggs are definetly NOT a slider food if you scramble them. I usually eat Cereal mixed with Danon lite yogurt for breakfast because I needed to eat at school. However with school soon to be over and my next school not requiring that I be there at 4AM I will be eating eggs. One of the things that I LOVE to eat is scrambled eggs with about 1-2 oz of turkey LF sausage, onions, green peppers, and mushrooms. I throw in a little Kraft FF cheese. That will keep me full for hours. The other thing that I have often done is have a burrito for breakfast. I don't have to eat breakfast food for breakfast so I will sometimes have chicken and broccoli, or meatloaf and sweet potatoes.

Janet and I are opposite in when we want to eat. I am a morning eater and could skip dinner. She can skip breakfast and wants to eat more at night. As a result we have both had to make modifications to what is considered normal for us.

When it comes to the amount of food to eat my doc always says 1 cup. Anything less and you might not get your nutrients and you certainly are not going to feel like you are satisfied. The healthier the food, the more of it you can eat. I always want to get the most bang for my buck.

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Hi, All!

Busy day today! And HOT! Primetimers this morning. lunch was not good... AGAIN. This time they made egg/hashbrown casserole with hamburger in it, and corn. I guess I ate about a cup and about two bites of carrot cake. Took our loop around the lake when we got home. Then I worked on photos for a couple of hours. Borrowed memory card from one of the friends that went on the cruise with us so I could get her pictures. I'm going to put a slide show together for Primetimers. BUT... she had 512 pictures on that sucker! Every photo she's taken since the first of the year... maybe even Dec. There were snow pictures, wedding pictures from two different weddings, new baby pictures including baby shower. I sorted through 300 pictures before I got to the cruise pictures. I set up folders for her and put all the pictures in appropriate folders, and broke up the cruise pictures by location... Ketchikan, Juneau, etc. When I finished, I copied all the folders onto a DVD. So I hope when I give her the DVD and her memory card, that she will finaly delete all those pictures from her memry card. It's impossible to manage your pictures if you keep them on your memory card forever! That was the last of everyone's pictures, and it took me about 3X longer than it did to process the others, including mine and I had over 700 photos.

So, after reading all your posts, I got on the Wii while DH was at the hot tub. I did 30 minutes before I couldn't stand the knee pain anymore! My scores are getting better, but not yet up to par with what they were before we left last fall.

So, is anyone doing the "Wii Challenge"?? If so, how are you doing it? I know I can't do a lot of the stuff the rest of you are probably doing. I can do most of the sports stuff... bowling, golf, boxing, baseball.. I'm not so good at tennis. On the Wii Fit, I can do a couple of the yoga exercises, and I can probably do some walking. I was up to about 15 minutes on the advanced on that last fall.. the walk around the island. Then I do all the balance games. I can't do that snowboard thing where you have to turn the board sideways, though. And the ski jump... depends on how my knee is! Springing up is not always possible! I keep falling off the tightrope this week because of that. Can't make it all the way across.


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Eggs are definetly NOT a slider food if you scramble them. I usually eat cereal mixed with Danon lite yogurt for breakfast because I needed to eat at school. However with school soon to be over and my next school not requiring that I be there at 4AM I will be eating eggs. One of the things that I LOVE to eat is scrambled eggs with about 1-2 oz of turkey LF sausage, onions, green peppers, and mushrooms. I throw in a little Kraft FF cheese. That will keep me full for hours. The other thing that I have often done is have a burrito for breakfast. I don't have to eat breakfast food for breakfast so I will sometimes have chicken and broccoli, or meatloaf and sweet potatoes.

Janet and I are opposite in when we want to eat. I am a morning eater and could skip dinner. She can skip breakfast and wants to eat more at night. As a result we have both had to make modifications to what is considered normal for us.

When it comes to the amount of food to eat my doc always says 1 cup. Anything less and you might not get your nutrients and you certainly are not going to feel like you are satisfied. The healthier the food, the more of it you can eat. I always want to get the most bang for my buck.

This is the reason we are Mother & Daughter !!!!

Thank you, thank you for all your input. I had a turkey dinner, turkey with veggies. I was full after about 1/2 the turkey which was about 2 oz. The veggies I ate about 1/4 c. I made sweet potatoes but didn't eat them, I'll save them for lunch.

The chicken salad had about 1 tble. of light mayo and some dijon mustard, canned chicken, pineapple tidbits, almonds, craisons, a lot of celery and green onions. I guess technocly it is a slider, I never thought of that when I was concerned about eating a cup. Yep I do measure, but I haven't figured the calories.

I will see how long I will feel full tonight, but at least I know that my band is okay. AND I also understand how people can eat around their band, it is so easy to fool yourself, 'HEY it is healthy food, so it doesn't matter how much I eat' WRONG. You all must chuckle when you read what I think.

What do you guys eat for breakfast. I have been eating Protein smoothies, would I be better eating eggs? Aren't eggs considered a slider?

Doris doubter has been sitting on my shoulder saying that I will fail. I need to keep focussed... I am not interested in a sleeve, but Janet, I would do it if i lost my band. I don't want that, I REALLY need this to work.

Karla -

I read this last nite but had to get of the computer so I could eat my dinner (no rice last nite - have this competetion going on ;0)

Any way Karri is Wright (pun intended :redface:) you don't have to eat breakfast food for breakfast - it can be whatever you want

I too eat at work so the only time I do eggs is on the weekend - I use eggbeater (less calories same amount of pt) and make an omlete (Karri I now know what to fix you for BF its the same as I do eat when I eat bf on the weekends)

I have made 1/2 sandwich on lite bread ham 5 piece 50 calories 1 2% cheese 45 call and the bread 40 cal and mustard - or I would just have the ham & cheese.

Yogurt & garnola or fruit - SB bar lately has been my bf

You really just got to make a menu up - shop for it and then plan your meals -

Darling like I said it's you who has to do the majority of the work - your band doesn't pick your food only you do that and the foods you choose need to be healthy foods..

Hi, All!

Busy day today! And HOT! Primetimers this morning. Lunch was not good... AGAIN. This time they made egg/hashbrown casserole with hamburger in it, and corn. I guess I ate about a cup and about two bites of carrot cake. Took our loop around the lake when we got home. Then I worked on photos for a couple of hours. Borrowed memory card from one of the friends that went on the cruise with us so I could get her pictures. I'm going to put a slide show together for Primetimers. BUT... she had 512 pictures on that sucker! Every photo she's taken since the first of the year... maybe even Dec. There were snow pictures, wedding pictures from two different weddings, new baby pictures including baby shower. I sorted through 300 pictures before I got to the cruise pictures. I set up folders for her and put all the pictures in appropriate folders, and broke up the cruise pictures by location... Ketchikan, Juneau, etc. When I finished, I copied all the folders onto a DVD. So I hope when I give her the DVD and her memory card, that she will finaly delete all those pictures from her memry card. It's impossible to manage your pictures if you keep them on your memory card forever! That was the last of everyone's pictures, and it took me about 3X longer than it did to process the others, including mine and I had over 700 photos.

So, after reading all your posts, I got on the Wii while DH was at the hot tub. I did 30 minutes before I couldn't stand the knee pain anymore! My scores are getting better, but not yet up to par with what they were before we left last fall.

So, is anyone doing the "Wii Challenge"?? If so, how are you doing it? I know I can't do a lot of the stuff the rest of you are probably doing. I can do most of the sports stuff... bowling, golf, boxing, baseball.. I'm not so good at tennis. On the Wii Fit, I can do a couple of the yoga exercises, and I can probably do some walking. I was up to about 15 minutes on the advanced on that last fall.. the walk around the island. Then I do all the balance games. I can't do that snowboard thing where you have to turn the board sideways, though. And the ski jump... depends on how my knee is! Springing up is not always possible! I keep falling off the tightrope this week because of that. Can't make it all the way across.

Phyl will you come and orignize my pics - I don't have them on my memory card there are on my computer but they need orginazing badly !!! - I start then I come here or fb and never get them done - it's so true about digital cameras - your pics never make it to print they stay stuck on your computer..

Well I was getting up at 4:30 to go to the gym at 5 -since I missed Tues day - but Angel woke me up at 4 - so why go back to bed for 1/2 hr - So here I sit drinking coffee waiting for 5..

Yesterday's food

Bf - zip

lunch - ck & salad 300 c

D - fish - spinach - 200

Snack popcorn & sf pudding cup juice 240

and lets add 150 for something I have missed like that 1/2 string cheese and something else before I went to the gym last night...

Total for yesterday 890 = round it up to 900!!!

Well off to the gym and get my cardio done !!!


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Sleeping pills, I tried the zolpo...one and scared the bejeebies out of my family, I kept waking them up with hysterical manic laughter. I had the stranges hallucinations, so I had to quit. Used Lunesta for a while but developed resistance to it, plus it costs outrageously. the amytriptelene probably works for me because I am already on antidepressants.

food was way better today. I had Stephs chicken salad, left it chunky. I ate about 1 cup, which is the largest amount I have eaten since my fill. tonight I haven't decided, but I know it will need to be something solid. probably a a turkey TV dinner with some sweet potatoes. I am going to test this band one way or the other. I worry that I have a leak?? Is that possible? I don't feel like I have restriction, so tonight will be the test. Maybe I had some swelling that created extra restriction. Now I am thinking that I need a fill. That I have been eating so little that now the correct amount seems too much. I did have 1/3 slice of cheese and 1 cracker for a snack because I was having a major low blood sugar.

You all are doing such a great job. I want a wii. I will have to save majorly. I started out with everything being easy, now this is so hard. Is this why some people get the gastric sleeve. Do any of you wish that you had gone with the sleeve???

Yes, I wish I had gone with the SLEEVE, I have been so fed up with going back and forth for adj. fills.... it can be a pain. BUT, for those women who may still want a family the band is THE choice. Perhaps, when I'm older and have some yuk illness I'll be glad that the BAND is reversable... ya just never know!

scales down again this a.m. :redface:

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Yes, I wish I had gone with the SLEEVE, I have been so fed up with going back and forth for adj. fills.... it can be a pain. BUT, for those women who may still want a family the band is THE choice. Perhaps, when I'm older and have some yuk illness I'll be glad that the BAND is reversable... ya just never know!

scales down again this a.m. :redface:

WTG Candice !!!! See you can do it !!!!

Back from the gym 2.5 miles burned 319 calories

Well off the the shower and get ready for work..


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scales have not been happy with my food yesterday and the dinner the night before. I am up a pound....grrrrrr...So technically only down 3 now. But I don't have to work for 4 days and for the last 2 I am just going to be showing movies cause I don't care anymore....so...I will lose at least 3 more pounds in the next 7 days. YES...it CAN be done. I have it all figured out.

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Scales have not been happy with my food yesterday and the dinner the night before. I am up a pound....grrrrrr...So technically only down 3 now. But I don't have to work for 4 days and for the last 2 I am just going to be showing movies cause I don't care anymore....so...I will lose at least 3 more pounds in the next 7 days. YES...it CAN be done. I have it all figured out.

Yes darling I bet you do :)) !!! I'm at work - it's 7:30 been up since 4 - lets see how I do today- starving just ate a ww string cheese 50 cal.. had 16 oz coffee and 3/4 of 16.9 Water - I think I will have some Kashi oatmeal in a bit - well around 9 - cuz I won't eat again till noon - chicken & salad - My scales this morning pre gym 139.5 - after gym 139 - so I have a week to get the 1 to 1.5 lbs off - but this has been my problem - I can't seem to get back to the 138 # - truly I am fine with 140 and below - but truly want to be in the 130's and to me 139.5 counts :redface:

Oh to the movies - ya I would - they do that here the last week of school really isn't school at all - sorta stupid why kids have to go - once the final grades are in - then that should be it - go home... Well that's MHO :)

Ok off to get started on my desk - TTYL

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So, is anyone doing the "Wii Challenge"?? If so, how are you doing it? I know I can't do a lot of the stuff the rest of you are probably doing. I can do most of the sports stuff... bowling, golf, boxing, baseball.. I'm not so good at tennis. On the Wii Fit, I can do a couple of the yoga exercises, and I can probably do some walking. I was up to about 15 minutes on the advanced on that last fall.. the walk around the island. Then I do all the balance games. I can't do that snowboard thing where you have to turn the board sideways, though. And the ski jump... depends on how my knee is! Springing up is not always possible! I keep falling off the tightrope this week because of that. Can't make it all the way across.

Phyl; I'll do the Wii with you and I think Stephanie will as well... I'll do it on NON biking days o.k.?

I suck at the tight rope, so if you can do that one WHOO_HOO for you!!! Balance is as important as all the other excersises. So some you can do others you can't , others "I" can't. So lets just accumulate total time on Wii, and use that - what do you think?


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So, is anyone doing the "Wii Challenge"?? If so, how are you doing it? I know I can't do a lot of the stuff the rest of you are probably doing. I can do most of the sports stuff... bowling, golf, boxing, baseball.. I'm not so good at tennis. On the Wii Fit, I can do a couple of the yoga exercises, and I can probably do some walking. I was up to about 15 minutes on the advanced on that last fall.. the walk around the island. Then I do all the balance games. I can't do that snowboard thing where you have to turn the board sideways, though. And the ski jump... depends on how my knee is! Springing up is not always possible! I keep falling off the tightrope this week because of that. Can't make it all the way across.

Phyl; I'll do the Wii with you and I think Stephanie will as well... I'll do it on NON biking days o.k.?

I suck at the tight rope, so if you can do that one WHOO_HOO for you!!! Balance is as important as all the other excersises. So some you can do others you can't , others "I" can't. So lets just accumulate total time on Wii, and use that - what do you think? C

Sounds good to me. I used to start with the "Sports", and then go on to the Wii Fit stuff because they wipe out my knees and then I have to quit. Doing that I can usually get in 45-60 minutes, but if I just go right to the Wii Fit balance, etc., I can only do about 30 minutes.

Supposed to be another HOT one here today... 90 degrees, then back to the 70's after that. Looking forward to visit from DS, DIL & family. DIL & DGD are planning to leave in the morning and drive. DS & DGS... if all goes according to plan, fly up in his airplane on Saturday. Of course, we are worrying about that. It will be his longest flight since he finished the airplane, and he's been having a few electrical problems. He's generally very cautious and conservative, but I know how determined he is to fly it up here and show it off. We'll be nervous until we hear he's safely arrived. DIL says he may land it up here at a small airport near us. Earl would be pretty excited about that. I'd be nervous, but excited if I could go for a ride with him, but don't think it's possible. You have to take a BIG step up onto a certain spot on the wing to get in. It has a canopy that flips up and that's how you get in. No way I can do that!


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I seriously need to get Wii-Fit. I've been meaning to buy one since you all started on it a year ago (or has it been longer?). Hubby is going home to Canada this weekend to finally pack up some things he's had in storage for almost 7 years. About time! While he's gone I may spoil myself by getting it. :thumbup: He never begrudges me any purchases, but I haven't yet been able to convince myself that even though I don't NEED it, it's still okay to buy it. Guilt trips are not limited to food choices in my silly head. :(

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I seriously need to get Wii-Fit. I've been meaning to buy one since you all started on it a year ago (or has it been longer?). Hubby is going home to Canada this weekend to finally pack up some things he's had in storage for almost 7 years. About time! While he's gone I may spoil myself by getting it. :thumbup: He never begrudges me any purchases, but I haven't yet been able to convince myself that even though I don't NEED it, it's still okay to buy it. Guilt trips are not limited to food choices in my silly head. :(

Okay.... here are some points to consider which may help to assuage your guilt about buying a Wii/Wii Fit.

The Wii Fit has a very accurate scale and will keep track of your weigh ins and your BMI and save them on a graph.

It also tracks your exercise by accumulating Fit points... I don't check that very often, but I know it does that.

Using it becomes habit, just like any other type of exercise you start doing on a regular basis.

I tend to be competitive, so I'm always striving to up my personal best scores.

It's really not just a frivolous "toy", but another tool to help us get "fit" and achieve our goals.


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    • RacMag  »  bhogue925

      Hi, I’m new here. I’m currently on the liver shrinking diet. So far so good, but I have to say I haven’t found a protein shake I like. Anyone have any suggestions please? My surgery date is September 17th. 
      · 2 replies
      1. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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