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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Janet you should try Amytriptolene (sp), it is what my sleep dr. prescribes. It is not habit forming and you don't develop a resistance to it. There are times when I am really stressed or going into an insomia mode that i can take up to 5 a night, usually it is just 2. I have trouble with most sleep meds in that I have halusinations (sp) or developed resistance to them. I have been on the amytriptlene for over a year and it is still working.

Now I have gone from to much restriction to none at all. How can that be??? Tomorrow I am going to test everything. Janet says I have been snacking instead of eating and she is right. Tomorrow I am going to eat solids only, no yogurt, no cheese, no crackers. I am going to start with breakfast....oatmeal. lunch tuna, dinner chicken... veggies....

Am I eating around my band???? Too restricted. Today I feel like I have NO control, I'm lost, ...

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Tell me--do any of you still burp and have hiccups--even between meals?

Yes I do. Usually the first hiccup is my warning signal not to eat any more. Not even one bite. If I ignore the warning, I pay a big price for it. I don't burp as much as I used to, but I still have the bubbling sound in my upper chest first thing in the morning that sounds like a coffee percolator. Sometimes it will bubble away in the evening if I've gone a while without food.< /p>

I think I had a decent food day today. I snacked what I think was quite a lot, but it was carrot, celery and Tomato. Way better than Cookies and chips, but perhaps it was still too much food. *shrug* I didn't get Breakfast in until 11:30, then I had lunch (tuna salad) at about 3:30, then my snack demon stopped by to taunt me at about 4:30 and that's when I ate perhaps more than a cup of the veg I mentioned. I don't feel hungry enough for dinner tonight, so I think that's good. I got all my Water in today too! :wub:

I considered stepping on the scales in the morning to see how things are going..... but I don't want to be disappointed by no change or a rise. I know I've been better behaved, but that doesn't mean I'll be rewarded with instant results. If it's not a favorable outcome, I may look for comfort in junk food. It's probably best I wait until Monday though. When does our challenge end?

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Janet you should try Amytriptolene (sp), it is what my sleep dr. prescribes. It is not habit forming and you don't develop a resistance to it. There are times when I am really stressed or going into an insomia mode that i can take up to 5 a night, usually it is just 2. I have trouble with most sleep meds in that I have halusinations (sp) or developed resistance to them. I have been on the amytriptlene for over a year and it is still working.

Now I have gone from to much restriction to none at all. How can that be??? Tomorrow I am going to test everything. Janet says I have been snacking instead of eating and she is right. Tomorrow I am going to eat solids only, no yogurt, no cheese, no crackers. I am going to start with breakfast....oatmeal. lunch tuna, dinner chicken... veggies....

Am I eating around my band???? Too restricted. Today I feel like I have NO control, I'm lost, ...

snack foods are the devil!!!! And if you are only eating snack foods then you are going to feel like you have no restriction at all. When I was too tight I could eat crackers all day long and not have any problems but the moment I went to eat anything substantial I was running to the bathroom.

My new plan is to stay away from the Protein Bars until I get to my goal weight. Right now they are as bad for me as a candy bar. I will still have a snack...but my snack is just a very small meal. A burrito that is half the size (made with LF wraps 90 cal, 1/8 cup ground chicken, 1/8 cup FF refried Beans, and some pico de gallo) So basically my Snacks are just ultra small meals. They keep me fuller longer and away from all the addicting, food triggering fillers that are found in most snacks.

Tonight we went to dinner with DH's head boss and so I sent the menu to Janet to help me pick out what I should eat. I did very well I think. Probably ate more than I should have but at least the food was healthy. I went with the halibut which was the fish of the day and a salad. Then everyone had dessert except me. I just picked the fresh (not drowning in sugar) strawberries off of DH's cheesecake. I didn't have one single bite of the cheesecake.

Well I want to get a few more things done for school before I go to sleep. Chat tomorrow.

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Woke up this morning with the most painful heartburn ever. I had to eat some yogurt to ease it. I'm scared--I just don't think this band is working out. I can eat too much, and still have to take Nexium and Prilosec every day. Granted, I don't vomit blood like I was last winter, but it's still not what I expected. Tell me--do any of you still burp and have hiccups--even between meals?

So sorry you keep having these problems! I do a little burping now & then but not too excess and usually when I'm kind of tight and then sip on my crystal lite. I have been having a little trouble with reflux sometimes after I go to bed.

I had fun today! Hee Hee... went to DD's to spend some time with her while Earl was out to lunch with old friends from AF/Boeing days. DD was doing yoga, etc on the Wii Fit when I got there. Then 6 yr old DGS was on for a while so then I wanted a turn. I've only used mine for weighing since these knee problems escalated, but I couldn't stand it.. I HAD to get on. So I was showing GS some of the balance things I like to do. He was beginning to tick me off because this 6 yr old is trying to tell me... "you have to do... blah, blah, blah, Grandma"... instructing me on my favorite things when he's still on beginner and I do advanced on most of them now. So he watched while I beat ALL their scores on the soccer game, downhill skiing (31 seconds, my best.. their highest was over 1 minute... including DD & SIL!) I'm holding 1st, 2nd & 3rd place on their Wii now in Soccer, downhill and... tilt table... forget it. They're not even close to my highest today. And I beat them all on the tightrope walking, too, even though I didn't make it all the way across because by then my knee was hurting so bad I couldn't jump over that stupid thing that comes across the wire. Of course, we won't talk about some of the other stuff.. Watched DD do the hula hoop, which I can't do at all.. and the step exercises... I can do the backwards and forward, but when they start the sidestepping... forget it. But I AM the QUEEN of the balance exercises! I am so competitive.. I stayed on there for almost 30 minutes despite the pain! And THEN.... I walked down to the bus stop & back with all of them when it was time for Charly to go to kindergarten (afternoon session). So.... hope I can walk tomorrow morning when I wake up!! LOL -- If I can, I'm going to start using mine for more than just weighing again. I really enjoy those balance exercises and last summer I was able to do the walk around the island thing, too... so maybe I can work up to that.... it would take me about 15 minutes to walk all the way around the island, but I could do it... started out with the beginner thing and worked my way up to advanced.


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Snack foods are the devil!!!! And if you are only eating snack foods then you are going to feel like you have no restriction at all. When I was too tight I could eat crackers all day long and not have any problems but the moment I went to eat anything substantial I was running to the bathroom.

Hmmmm. This can be me sometimes too, and I've also taken to eating crackers to ease the hunger as a substitute for potato chips and not been able to keep down a proper meal later. I like your game plan to counter that. Maybe instead of reaching for a snack, I should plan on a small meal instead. My Snacks yesterday were a healthier choice, but if I plan on it being a small meal rather than "snacking til I'm full", it may work out better for my head and my stomach. Thanks Karri. :wub:

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Phyll, you rock. Good job showing those young pups that us 'vintage' ladies can still best them!!!

Karri, thanks for the suggestions. I thought I had been doing well, but it is so easy to slide into the junk. School will always be my hard time. I eat my stress, and as soon as I walk into the building I feel stressed. It use to be such fun. I enjoyed 'playing' with the kids, but now I hear myself saying and doing things I never would have years ago. Maybe it is the 23 years catching up, or I just don't give a darn anymore, either way I seem to have moved into the type of teacher I have always hated. Something has to change. I hope that I will refuel over the summer by only working 2 days a week at the nursery. I want to spend some time on developing my 6th grade science curriculum and fine tuning my 7th grade. That or I need to go to work for Starbucks and get out of teaching.

Hope you all have a great day, I have a food plan and will stick to it.

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Yes I do. Usually the first hiccup is my warning signal not to eat any more. Not even one bite. If I ignore the warning, I pay a big price for it. I don't burp as much as I used to, but I still have the bubbling sound in my upper chest first thing in the morning that sounds like a coffee percolator. Sometimes it will bubble away in the evening if I've gone a while without food.

Yes, I too get the burbing... just over coffe or tea even. It drives me nuts at work cause I am in close quarters with my patient and the "girgle-burp" comes out... I can't control it so its kinda embarasing. I think I am too tight, cause a couple of nights in the last 2 wks I've woken up caughing with acid reflux... I get up drink a bunch of Water and take gaviscon...Then I have to sit up right for about 1/2 hour before I go back to bed.

I think I had a decent food day today. I snacked what I think was quite a lot, but it was carrot, celery and Tomato. Way better than Cookies and chips, but perhaps it was still too much food. *shrug* I didn't get breakfast in until 11:30, then I had lunch (tuna salad) at about 3:30, then my snack demon stopped by to taunt me at about 4:30 and that's when I ate perhaps more than a cup of the veg I mentioned. I don't feel hungry enough for dinner tonight, so I think that's good. I got all my water in today too! :)

I considered stepping on the scales in the morning to see how things are going..... but I don't want to be disappointed by no change or a rise. I know I've been better behaved, but that doesn't mean I'll be rewarded with instant results. If it's not a favorable outcome, I may look for comfort in junk food. It's probably best I wait until Monday though. When does our challenge end?

Ummm, don't know when the challenge ends... I want to keep at this.. I made a new recipe for tuna salad last night, I'll eat it for lunch. 2 cans tuna, 2 tbsp mayo, 1 tblsn sweet pickle relish, and 1 hard boiled egg grated... dosn't that sound interesting? I'll let you all know if I like it.

Hmmmm. This can be me sometimes too, and I've also taken to eating crackers to ease the hunger as a substitute for potato chips and not been able to keep down a proper meal later. I like your game plan to counter that. Maybe instead of reaching for a snack, I should plan on a small meal instead. My Snacks yesterday were a healthier choice, but if I plan on it being a small meal rather than "snacking til I'm full", it may work out better for my head and my stomach. Thanks Karri. :confused:

I've been eating Lean Cuisine Spa meals this week at work, and protien bars... its been working pretty well for me .. cals yesterday were under 1000. Plus I did my biking... this a.m. the scales are down again!!! YEAH!!

LINDA: I hate how you are having such troubles with your band... you have done SO WELL weight wise... it'd be a real shame to have the liquid all removed... maybe a tiny tweek of getting 1 cc taken out or a fraction thereof???

JANET: Yes, taking you doggies to a kennel is stressfull on EVRYONE... have you thought about professional pet sitters that come to your home? My doggies are ging to a GF's house for the 2 wks we are in FRANCE and she has a dog that gets along well with mine.. We often take all three to the dog park to "socialize"... you meet all kinds of other people there its fun, I grab a coffee at the drive thru and then we all just chat while the dogs play.

not much on the exercise but its still fun.

RUBY: hang in there you can do it, I've noticed that your weight and mine seem similar... WE CAN LOSE the rest... you gotta believe it.

Phyl; I'm with you on the wii I am very competitive LOVE the boxing!! I think I have more aggression in me than I ever noticed cause I LOVE punching the crap out of that bag. :mad2:

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Hi all. Just checking in to let you know that I'm still around. It's not really summer break yet with students in externships and lots of online work to do. I get Cora tomorrow and will go see DD on Thrusday-Friday. It's OK--it doesn't feel like summer yet anyway. I did succumb to one piece of cake yesterday--but only one small one.

Woke up this morning with the most painful heartburn ever. I had to eat some yogurt to ease it. I'm scared--I just don't think this band is working out. I can eat too much, and still have to take Nexium and Prilosec every day. Granted, I don't vomit blood like I was last winter, but it's still not what I expected. Tell me--do any of you still burp and have hiccups--even between meals?

Burping? What's that? LOL All the time. Hours after eating, I'm still burping. And Heartburn? Nasty. I can always tell when I'm eating something I shouldn't cause I can feel the start of a good case of heartburn. (chips do it everytime) And the acid reflux. I can't tell you how often I wake up in the middle of the night with it. I keep saying I need to go in for a small unfill and then I sit down and can eat everything under the sun. There is no answer to this band. So you are not alone, Linda. Hang in there.

Food choices aren't the best in the world, but I'm working on it. My fridge now only has soda I don't like in it so that will be a big help. I keep telling myself I can do it as I look in the pantry for something to snack on.



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Yes I do. Usually the first hiccup is my warning signal not to eat any more. Not even one bite. If I ignore the warning, I pay a big price for it. I don't burp as much as I used to, but I still have the bubbling sound in my upper chest first thing in the morning that sounds like a coffee percolator. Sometimes it will bubble away in the evening if I've gone a while without food.

I think I had a decent food day today. I snacked what I think was quite a lot, but it was carrot, celery and Tomato. Way better than Cookies and chips, but perhaps it was still too much food. *shrug* I didn't get breakfast in until 11:30, then I had lunch (tuna salad) at about 3:30, then my snack demon stopped by to taunt me at about 4:30 and that's when I ate perhaps more than a cup of the veg I mentioned. I don't feel hungry enough for dinner tonight, so I think that's good. I got all my Water in today too! :confused:

I considered stepping on the scales in the morning to see how things are going..... but I don't want to be disappointed by no change or a rise. I know I've been better behaved, but that doesn't mean I'll be rewarded with instant results. If it's not a favorable outcome, I may look for comfort in junk food. It's probably best I wait until Monday though. When does our challenge end?

Ruby - I too want to get on everyday now - as you all know I didnt during my weight loss phase I was good about 1 day a week - but since I have been to goal - I am like my DD get on every day all times of the day - I am obessed !!! I am so so very very afraid of gaining the weight back (always have been from day one)

Challenge over 6/12 - that's the day I p/u my DD & GD from the airport :0)...

Janet you should try Amytriptolene (sp), it is what my sleep dr. prescribes. It is not habit forming and you don't develop a resistance to it. There are times when I am really stressed or going into an insomia mode that i can take up to 5 a night, usually it is just 2. I have trouble with most sleep meds in that I have halusinations (sp) or developed resistance to them. I have been on the amytriptlene for over a year and it is still working.

Now I have gone from to much restriction to none at all. How can that be??? Tomorrow I am going to test everything. Janet says I have been snacking instead of eating and she is right. Tomorrow I am going to eat solids only, no yogurt, no cheese, no crackers. I am going to start with breakfast....oatmeal. Lunch tuna, dinner chicken... veggies....

Am I eating around my band???? Too restricted. Today I feel like I have NO control, I'm lost, ...

Karla - I took the meds home - I will look up the name tonite

Yep gf you are eating around your band - the only way to test for restriction is eating hard protein...

You don't have to do chicken - as it's can be problematic for some - you can do beef & por & fish but what ever you chose to eat has to be moist and tiny bites and chew very well

Snack foods are the devil!!!! And if you are only eating snack foods then you are going to feel like you have no restriction at all. When I was too tight I could eat crackers all day long and not have any problems but the moment I went to eat anything substantial I was running to the bathroom.

My new plan is to stay away from the Protein bars until I get to my goal weight. Right now they are as bad for me as a candy bar. I will still have a snack...but my snack is just a very small meal. A burrito that is half the size (made with LF wraps 90 cal, 1/8 cup ground chicken, 1/8 cup FF refried Beans, and some pico de gallo) So basically my Snacks are just ultra small meals. They keep me fuller longer and away from all the addicting, food triggering fillers that are found in most snacks.

Tonight we went to dinner with DH's head boss and so I sent the menu to Janet to help me pick out what I should eat. I did very well I think. Probably ate more than I should have but at least the food was healthy. I went with the halibut which was the fish of the day and a salad. Then everyone had dessert except me. I just picked the fresh (not drowning in sugar) strawberries off of DH's cheesecake. I didn't have one single bite of the cheesecake.

Well I want to get a few more things done for school before I go to sleep. Chat tomorrow.

Karri Congrats on no cheesecake - I know for me it's best to have none than just a bite - cuz that bite causes you to want more - I WAS BAD last night - as you all know pooped and we all know how we react when we are pooped - well saved my York Peppermint Patty 140 cal for when I went to bed - well all that did was make me want more sugar - got up and had a Fiber bar 140 and something else - I didn't give a shit - I just wanted sugar - My calories yesterday 1310 that cant be right - it seems like I ate way too much last night popcorn fudgesicle - candy - fiber bar and sf pudding.. oh ya juice add another 160 cal so thats 1470 - well that's not bad I guess if I was just maintaining but I have 1.5 to get off by 6/12

So sorry you keep having these problems! I do a little burping now & then but not too excess and usually when I'm kind of tight and then sip on my crystal lite. I have been having a little trouble with reflux sometimes after I go to bed.

I had fun today! Hee Hee... went to DD's to spend some time with her while Earl was out to lunch with old friends from AF/Boeing days. DD was doing yoga, etc on the Wii Fit when I got there. Then 6 yr old DGS was on for a while so then I wanted a turn. I've only used mine for weighing since these knee problems escalated, but I couldn't stand it.. I HAD to get on. So I was showing GS some of the balance things I like to do. He was beginning to tick me off because this 6 yr old is trying to tell me... "you have to do... blah, blah, blah, Grandma"... instructing me on my favorite things when he's still on beginner and I do advanced on most of them now. So he watched while I beat ALL their scores on the soccer game, downhill skiing (31 seconds, my best.. their highest was over 1 minute... including DD & SIL!) I'm holding 1st, 2nd & 3rd place on their Wii now in Soccer, downhill and... tilt table... forget it. They're not even close to my highest today. And I beat them all on the tightrope walking, too, even though I didn't make it all the way across because by then my knee was hurting so bad I couldn't jump over that stupid thing that comes across the wire. Of course, we won't talk about some of the other stuff.. Watched DD do the hula hoop, which I can't do at all.. and the step exercises... I can do the backwards and forward, but when they start the sidestepping... forget it. But I AM the QUEEN of the balance exercises! I am so competitive.. I stayed on there for almost 30 minutes despite the pain! And THEN.... I walked down to the bus stop & back with all of them when it was time for Charly to go to kindergarten (afternoon session). So.... hope I can walk tomorrow morning when I wake up!! LOL -- If I can, I'm going to start using mine for more than just weighing again. I really enjoy those balance exercises and last summer I was able to do the walk around the island thing, too... so maybe I can work up to that.... it would take me about 15 minutes to walk all the way around the island, but I could do it... started out with the beginner thing and worked my way up to advanced.

You make me want a Wii - but since I don't have anyone to play with I don't know what the use would be - I know they have a new assesory (sp) that $60 looks fun - Well I may just have to break down and get one - and if I do then I would spend less time on the computer - I guess I could join the Lucky #7 Wii challenges..

Phyll, you rock. Good job showing those young pups that us 'vintage' ladies can still best them!!!

Karri, thanks for the suggestions. I thought I had been doing well, but it is so easy to slide into the junk. School will always be my hard time. I eat my stress, and as soon as I walk into the building I feel stressed. It use to be such fun. I enjoyed 'playing' with the kids, but now I hear myself saying and doing things I never would have years ago. Maybe it is the 23 years catching up, or I just don't give a darn anymore, either way I seem to have moved into the type of teacher I have always hated. Something has to change. I hope that I will refuel over the summer by only working 2 days a week at the nursery. I want to spend some time on developing my 6th grade science curriculum and fine tuning my 7th grade. That or I need to go to work for Starbucks and get out of teaching.

Hope you all have a great day, I have a food plan and will stick to it.

Karla - I'm burnt out too - I would love another job - but what would pay the same - benefits etc - I don't know if I want to start over again - and all those coffees orders - lite expressor w/haz nut and choc and all those ways they order cofffee that I don't understand - too complicated- I think I want to be a wallmart greeter - :))

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You make me want a Wii - but since I don't have anyone to play with I don't know what the use would be - I know they have a new assesory (sp) that $60 looks fun - Well I may just have to break down and get one - and if I do then I would spend less time on the computer - I guess I could join the Lucky #7 Wii challenges..

Janet; you don't need anybody to play your wii with. Its awesome, cause you are always competing with YOURSELF and your last scores.. which it keeps track of for you.. also there is a personal trainer (guy or Gal) that you choose... and he/she talks you thru everything... its way cool.

I just got back off my bike ride today. I went to the bank, the drug store, locked up my bike and went inside. Then came out and my key to my bike lock wouldn't work:cursing: ok. now I'm 2 km from home... I DON't want to WALK... so I go next door to a hardware store and borrow some WD40 I gave that asquirt and I was on my way again..

I did MINUTES;CALORIES BURNED Cycling 10-11.9 mph (bicycling, biking, bike riding) 42 ;329

I really am enjoying it. I take this little timer with me and set it for 60 minutes, I go as far away from home as I dare and then head back... I stopped at the BEACH and sat on a rock and drank my water... watched the herons, seagulls and Canada Geese.. waves were nice today and so clear that you could see all the way to Christian Island in the middle of the Bay... way cool.. I said a little Gratitude Prayer cause I just couldn't NOT thank HIM for this beautiful place I live... I can't wait to share it all with you.

From my house its a kilometer walk to the beach #6... There are beaches starting downtown at Beach #1 and then there are 14 km of fresh Water beach... its gonna be so much fun.

SLEEPING PILLS: o.k. here's my 2cents.... I have a rx for Zopiclone 7.5 mg... they are blue and scored in the middle as I often break one in half and its plenty to do the trick! The reason I mention this is that they are NOT habit forming but Xanax is... so I'd watch it with THOSE pills ... they are an anti-anxiety pill ( any anxiety pill is of the benzodiazapine family and are all habit forming) whereas the Zopiclone is a 'hypnotic' also the other medication that Kari mentioned amitryptaline (sp?) is of the anti-depressant family, also not habit forming just very sedating... aka a sleeping remedy... I used to work for Canada's largest Drug Store chain and do there pharmacy audits... hence the knowledge of drugs hee,hee.

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But I AM the QUEEN of the balance exercises! I am so competitive.. I stayed on there for almost 30 minutes despite the pain! And THEN.... I walked down to the bus stop & back with all of them when it was time for Charly to go to kindergarten (afternoon session). So.... hope I can walk tomorrow morning when I wake up!! LOL -- If I can, I'm going to start using mine for more than just weighing again. I really enjoy those balance exercises and last summer I was able to do the walk around the island thing, too...

Whhoa Phyl, you go girl!!! Perhaps you can SHow me how to do better with the TILT table... I usually only get to FIVE level. hee,hee... You are doing awesome, and smart thinking staying off the hoola hoops that IS hard on the knees, one of mine swole up like a bastard so I lay off it too.

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My not so good food day was today. I am so unbelievably exhausted and you can tell. We had a retirement breakfast this morning and someone brought me a plate since I was in working with students. I said I was just going to throw it away, but I then realized that all of my food was sitting on my kitchen counter and that I was not going to have time to go home and get it considering that my "duty free" prep period was filled with duties and meetings. *sigh* So my option was to not eat or to pick at the food that they had on the plate. Well I should have just not ate. There were not doughnuts but I am sure the calorie are not pretty. So I will make amends through 3 marathon exercise sessions. I am taking tomorrow and friday off (my last 2 personal days). So while everyone is going to be working I am going on a 15 mile hike. That will burn ALMOST 2000 calories because of the elevation change.

Tonight I will go to the gym and work out for several hours to make up for my idiocy today. I have been maintaining my 4 pounds lost but I need AT LEAST 1 more and in reality I want WAY more than that. I would like to lose at LEAST 3 more.

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Ummm, don't know when the challenge ends... I want to keep at this.. I made a new recipe for tuna salad last night, I'll eat it for lunch. 2 cans tuna, 2 tbsp mayo, 1 tblsn sweet pickle relish, and 1 hard boiled egg grated... dosn't that sound interesting? I'll let you all know if I like it.

I've been eating Lean Cuisine Spa meals this week at work, and protien bars... its been working pretty well for me .. cals yesterday were under 1000. Plus I did my biking... this a.m. the scales are down again!!! YEAH!!

LINDA: I hate how you are having such troubles with your band... you have done SO WELL weight wise... it'd be a real shame to have the liquid all removed... maybe a tiny tweek of getting 1 cc taken out or a fraction thereof???

JANET: Yes, taking you doggies to a kennel is stressfull on EVRYONE... have you thought about professional pet sitters that come to your home? My doggies are ging to a GF's house for the 2 wks we are in FRANCE and she has a dog that gets along well with mine.. We often take all three to the dog park to "socialize"... you meet all kinds of other people there its fun, I grab a coffee at the drive thru and then we all just chat while the dogs play.

not much on the exercise but its still fun.

RUBY: hang in there you can do it, I've noticed that your weight and mine seem similar... WE CAN LOSE the rest... you gotta believe it.

Phyl; I'm with you on the wii I am very competitive LOVE the boxing!! I think I have more aggression in me than I ever noticed cause I LOVE punching the crap out of that bag. :confused:

Candice - I do have a dog sitter - in fact she cost about the same as taking them to the kennel only $10-15 more - the problem will be notice - say someone says lets go to vegas for the weekend - I just can't jump in the car and go..

Burping? What's that? LOL All the time. Hours after eating, I'm still burping. And Heartburn? Nasty. I can always tell when I'm eating something I shouldn't cause I can feel the start of a good case of heartburn. (chips do it everytime) And the acid reflux. I can't tell you how often I wake up in the middle of the night with it. I keep saying I need to go in for a small unfill and then I sit down and can eat everything under the sun. There is no answer to this band. So you are not alone, Linda. Hang in there.

Food choices aren't the best in the world, but I'm working on it. My fridge now only has soda I don't like in it so that will be a big help. I keep telling myself I can do it as I look in the pantry for something to snack on.



Yes dear get dressed... Get out of the house - that's what I do on the weekend - or get involved in something like cleaning my closet out or drawers out - or making picture albums...

But I AM the QUEEN of the balance exercises! I am so competitive.. I stayed on there for almost 30 minutes despite the pain! And THEN.... I walked down to the bus stop & back with all of them when it was time for Charly to go to kindergarten (afternoon session). So.... hope I can walk tomorrow morning when I wake up!! LOL -- If I can, I'm going to start using mine for more than just weighing again. I really enjoy those balance exercises and last summer I was able to do the walk around the island thing, too...

Whhoa Phyl, you go girl!!! Perhaps you can SHow me how to do better with the TILT table... I usually only get to FIVE level. hee,hee... You are doing awesome, and smart thinking staying off the hoola hoops that IS hard on the knees, one of mine swole up like a bastard so I lay off it too.

I think I am just going to have to go get a Wii..

Candice I guess I didn't quote the med part - don't worry gf - I am not much of a pill taker (and I know they are addictive - I have a gf here at work who pops them all the time - the least amount of stress she pops a xanax - I did take a few after my bro died - but that was it - they helped me get thru the emontional times ) and they didn't help me sleep any better last night - I still woke up 2 maybe 3 time... I will try the sleeping pill on Fri or Sat - I will let you know the name when I get home they are 7.5 but timed released

My not so good food day was today. I am so unbelievably exhausted and you can tell. We had a retirement breakfast this morning and someone brought me a plate since I was in working with students. I said I was just going to throw it away, but I then realized that all of my food was sitting on my kitchen counter and that I was not going to have time to go home and get it considering that my "duty free" prep period was filled with duties and meetings. *sigh* So my option was to not eat or to pick at the food that they had on the plate. Well I should have just not ate. There were not doughnuts but I am sure the calorie are not pretty. So I will make amends through 3 marathon exercise sessions. I am taking tomorrow and friday off (my last 2 personal days). So while everyone is going to be working I am going on a 15 mile hike. That will burn ALMOST 2000 calories because of the elevation change.

Tonight I will go to the gym and work out for several hours to make up for my idiocy today. I have been maintaining my 4 pounds lost but I need AT LEAST 1 more and in reality I want WAY more than that. I would like to lose at LEAST 3 more.

Kari - we all know what tired does to us - I know that you will exercise your butt off to make up for it - and you had to eat - so just go forward - I know you will have a healthy dinner

Ok you can all yell at me - but I didn't eat bf - I know bad

I had 1.5 bottles of Water - 4 oz chicken breast and salad for lunch..and now drinking ice - omw after i eat I feel like someone has given me a sleepiing pill...

Ok I got work to do - ttyl

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sleeping pills, I tried the zolpo...one and scared the bejeebies out of my family, I kept waking them up with hysterical manic laughter. I had the stranges hallucinations, so I had to quit. Used Lunesta for a while but developed resistance to it, plus it costs outrageously. the amytriptelene probably works for me because I am already on antidepressants.

food was way better today. I had Stephs chicken salad, left it chunky. I ate about 1 cup, which is the largest amount I have eaten since my fill. tonight I haven't decided, but I know it will need to be something solid. probably a a turkey TV dinner with some sweet potatoes. I am going to test this band one way or the other. I worry that I have a leak?? Is that possible? I don't feel like I have restriction, so tonight will be the test. Maybe I had some swelling that created extra restriction. Now I am thinking that I need a fill. That I have been eating so little that now the correct amount seems too much. I did have 1/3 slice of cheese and 1 cracker for a snack because I was having a major low blood sugar.

You all are doing such a great job. I want a wii. I will have to save majorly. I started out with everything being easy, now this is so hard. Is this why some people get the gastric sleeve. Do any of you wish that you had gone with the sleeve???

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Yesterday's food not too good, over 1500, but I did the Treadmill and sweated like a pig,

Today food excellent, didn't chart it yet, but it will be under 800, did the Treadmill, sweating like a heffer

Pain- Sometimes I get this very bad pain in my throat area, like a horrible burning cramp. It just happened after I exercised, and drinking helped ease it. The last time it happened, I was at the ER with Mom and I already was drinking Water, I had to walk around and drink and thank God it stopped. It scares me bad, it's horrible, and if it didn't go away, I would have to go to the hospital.

Phyl-loved your story

Candice- Wish I could go to your house

Janet- throwing away food is not easy, Our summer camp is being funded by the state, if the children don't want breakfast, they have to get it anyway and throw it away. OMG, it's hard to say that to them, I feel like I'm sinning.

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