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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I knew I would get you with that one :0) we have to go back to the same challenges that we had during our weight loss phase - our freindly competition !!!!

Ok I updated my ticker to reflect my Morning weight this morning...

So it's on :mad3: - No more excuses :ack2: From now I/we will think about what we are putting in our mouths - especially we will think - OMW I bet so and so is doing well and I don't want to let her beat me :0)

We will all be winners in the end - cuz even if we don't get the 5 lbs off (that's 2.25 a week) we sure will have lost most of those 5 lbs... So that makes us all winners.

I don't know how you can do 2 or 3 hours gym - I am normally butt a$$ tired after about 1.5 max - 1 hour is about my limit at the gym - but I am going to go an extra couple of times in the morning - so that will help..

This is sorta cool - we are back to where we were a year ago :crying::hurt::thumbup: - As we all know this is an never ending battle but know what's great - We have each other :huh2: to help us fight the fight !!!

You bet your butt you are NOT going to win. ( Well you will win in losing the weight BUT I will lose more weight than you. ) Bring it on.

I LOVE MY MOMMY!!! She knows EXACTLY what I need and when I need it!

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Janet, Naturally I'm in, although I must say that there will be all kinds of junk food this weekend, even carrot cake, one of my weakness. But I had to serve ice cream to 60 7th graders today and didn't even have a bite. I have to repeat this with the 8th graders and 6th graders who have not had any discipline referals.

My official weight as of Tuesday was, embarassing enough 213, but considering it was a 255 just over a month ago. So whats up for grabs by the winner?????

My daughters last band concert is tonight so I have to head out soon.

I had a rough food day, nothing would go down, not even Steph's yummy chicken which I consider a mushie. I struggled with low blood sugar all day with my stomach growling. I ended up having a Protein smoothie, 1/8 c chicken salad, even though it hurt, 2 130 c Protein Bars and a string cheese. I don't like eating the protein bars, okay i love the protein bars, because they go down just like candy but I get a sugar rush from them. I was despret (sp) for food. I can now see why being too tight is bad, I found myself searching for anything that would go down, and naturally all those things are fatening.

Well best get going.k

Karla -FYI CAKE can act like bread sometimes - and as tight as you are it may - Have you called for an appoint to get some taken out... It's NOT SUPPOSE TO HURT TO EAT...

Have you tried drinking something hot before you try to eat and yes protein bars are just like candy bars - just as many calories as a candy bar - only diff is that they have protein..

Karri turned me on to the pure protein bars - They are very good especially when you keep them in the fridge..

There is nothing to be embarrassed about 213 - heck we all were there at one time... You are 40 lbs lighter than 2 months ago and that's what matters - You are on your way girl..

Congrats on the NSV by not eating the ice cream...

2 hours at the gym tonight. Tomorrow it will be the same. Tomorrow it will be cardio AND weights. I burned 850 calories today and am already at my goal for the day. I do get tired but I only do each machine for 10 minutes at a time so it doesn't seem like such a big deal.

Oh...and at the gym today they made me the first "Member of the Month" so that was really cool. I get my before and after picture with a little bio put up about me at the gym. Plus I get a free month added to the end of my contract. That was some extra motivation today!

Food was good today but I think it was because I was so busy I didn't even have a chance to eat.

Well I need to eat dinner so I will chat later.

You bet your butt you are NOT going to win. ( Well you will win in losing the weight BUT I will lose more weight than you. ) Bring it on.

I LOVE MY MOMMY!!! She knows EXACTLY what I need and when I need it!

Congrats on your gym time - I guess doing weights I could maybe do a little longer at the gym - but really and hour and a half is my max time there...

Did legs tonite - going in the morning again for another 2.5 miles and then tomorrow nite for arms (make up from monday we didn't do our traing as the gym closed early)

Congrats on Member of the Month !!!! That's Great :crying:

Ya I know you like a little competition :0)

Ya you will win in the losing more - cuz I really don't think I want to get any lower than 135 - and I was able to maintain 138 until after easter - since then - it's been 139 - 140 - 141

I want 138 !!! I don't want 143...

I am having flounder tonite - never had it before but it looks good - need to go ck out tv food network to see how I am suppose to cook it..

Phyl - Steph - Kari - Denise - Candice - are you all in on our 5 lbs in 2 weeks...

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Just got back from the 'baby's' last band concert, I was fine until they did band awards. Alexa won the Johnn Phillips Sousa award, cried like a baby, me not Alexa. The band director also said individual things about each of the seniors. Her stuff was SO on the mark for Alexa. There have been many times that her and Alexa has butted heads, EVERYONE butts head with Alexa at one time or the other. But in the end her and Alexa have become friends. But this momma is proud. I think it is really starting to hit me. After raising kids for 32 years, they are all moving on with their lives. I always knew Alexa would move on and not look back, but there was a time a figured she would also make a pretty good con man. If there is a different drum that some kids walk by, Alexa has an entire band. She has always been the one I never understood, but it will be hard to see her go. Now I only hope she will not take my car with her when she goes.

Okay, enough of that...

Finally sitting down to eat something, having yogurt and strawberries, and a tiny amount of granola. I will be making an unfill appointment for after school is out. I'm tired of not eating.

You all have a good evening, I probably won't have much time to chat over the next 4 days. So remember you are all in my thoughts & prayers.


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Phyl - Steph - Kari - Denise - Candice - are you all in on our 5 lbs in 2 weeks...

I'm in!

I'll weigh in on the Wii in the morning.

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Good morning ladies!! Woke up to no power this morning, fortunately the lives of students are saved because the power finally came on and now I can have coffee. Students without coffee is NOT something that is safe. I was wondering how I was going to Iron clothes and do my hair. The sight of me without either would stop the world, a fat woman should NEVER wear wrinkly clothes with hair standing straight up. My headgear from my cpap machine stick it all straight up. Of course now I am dragging because no power = no cpap machine. With my apnea without my machine I stop breathing 60 to 100 times per hour. I hope that when the weight is off I can quit using the machine. It costs me about $200 a month for the machine and that would make my payment for my lapband.

Well, best go farm real quick and then ONE game of spider solitare. Have a good one,k

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Hi there ladies. I see you were all very very busy the last couple of days. Seeing how many pages we filled when Phyl was gone, my 6 days away could be hell on my reading.

Challenge, I'm in. I will weigh in on my wii this morning. I went shopping for Vegas clothes yesterday and was very very down about it all. I feel like I just keep going the other way....and I can't seem to stop it. I have a fill appointment for the 2nd Mon of the month....but still have to live through Vegas. With a challenge on the books maybe it's just what I need. I'll weigh in this morning on my wii.

My sis, Rose and I are going to plant flowers today. Bought a bunch yesterday in town. I'll have someone take pics of my hair this morning...I love it!!! but it is very very short. Bought the cutest little toe ring for my trip. I am going to do laundry, plant, pack, and final straightening up today. That leaves tomorrow to relax. Kids are in daycare today...do that gives me a little more freedom.

I go tomorrow to the doctor to talk about PT on my back. I hope that will help this pot of blubber on my tummy. It's so disgusting. I hated trying on clothes yesterday. :thumbup: I need to work on my abs but I've been so afraid of doing it wrong and hurting my back. Walking has done great things for my calves, but it doesn't matter how cute my calves look in capris when my blubber is sticking out the top of them.

Karri, what a raise!!! How wonderful that will be. Everything works out in the end, remember? I'm so excited for you.

Janet, thanks for the challenge....it will be just what we need!

Okay. I need to go. I'll check in tonight with my weight. I'll hate to admit the number in public...but I will. It will do me good. Have a good day everyone. Love you all!

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I have not been avoiding for any reason except that I am unbearably busy. However i have great news to share. I just found out that when I go to the charter school that I get a 14000$ raise so I should actually be able to attend some Lucky #7 functions next year. I get double pay checks in July and August so I will be able to pay off my lap-band surgery 1 year early. So excited!!! I can now support my running habit as well.

Gotta run...hours of work to do in about 45 minutes.

Karri, that is fantastic news. A HUGE RAISE!!! you deserve every penny of it girl! We'll look forward to seeing you on the lucky7 cruise.:thumbup:

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Janet--5 pounds by 6/12? I'm IN! Only I'll be in MA on 6/12 and unable to weigh in. For me, it'll be 6/10. 2 weeks from today, but I'll go with my weigh-in on Sunday. You're on!

Karri--Great news on the salary! You deserve some good news--I'm so happy for you!!

Ruby--like I said, my address is 2709 Prairie Winds Ct., Sheboygan Wisconsin. We have about 1.75 acres--some of it is wooded and part of a pond. I'll provide a place to eat and acceptable, LBT food. Oh yeah, we have an almost 18-year-old Scih-tzu that you can take home with you in paymenbt! :thumbup:

Linda, ya know that's not fair!! You didn't tell her that your DOG only Speaks SPANISH!!!!

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I'm in!

I'll weigh in on the Wii in the morning.

uh, o.k. I guess I'm in... ugh.... I've been terrible (as you probably have figured out) No excuses... just being me.

I won't promise that I'll lose 5 lbs... bu5t I'll start being more accountable, and post my cals here starting tomorrow!!!!:thumbup:

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uh, o.k. I guess I'm in... ugh.... I've been terrible (as you probably have figured out) No excuses... just being me.

I won't promise that I'll lose 5 lbs... bu5t I'll start being more accountable, and post my cals here starting tomorrow!!!!:lol:


LIKE I SAID THE SHERIFF IS BACK IN TOWN... :tt2::lol::w00t::tt2:

You are in even if you don't want to be :thumbup:

I am making you :eek: Do you want me to call you on the phone cuz I will do that in just a few...

You will be accountable - NO EXCUSE :wub: come on we are all on our 2 yr anniversary in another month (to me may is over)

What logical reason do you have not to join in - ok you said you will join in but made the excuse that it might not be 5 lbs - Tell me why you cant stive for the 5 lbs - cuz you want to frickin eat - well ya we all do - but where has that gotten us... FAT !!!

Yep 5 lbs in 2 weeks is a hefty goal - but if you really track your calories - drink your Water and get your exercise in it's doable - if not the whole 5 lbs and least 3-4 will be good.

I am not accepting excuses !!!! What happend to your Overeaters AA classes - you quit going ?? I was thinking about that the other day... Come on no focus here... When do you leave for France - I know 1st part of June - Oh ok that's it... You want to eat crossant jam etc - I get it - well as long as you eat like a true french person and not an american you will lose some weight - get that book something about french women and thin... It was popular a couple of years ago.. But if you aren't leaving til after the 11 or 12th then you really really do need to join in..

Ok enough Candice bashing today - You know it's with love that I get on your case... :wub:

Karla - each of our kids are diff and unique in there own way - it's good to see them grow up but sad at the same time..

Karla - why does your machine cost so much - your insurance doesn't cover it???

Ok I need to get to work - I will ck back later

Didn't get to the gym - got up at 4:30 but didn't get dressed but I did 15 minutes of dance exercise on the exercise on demand channel - well let me tell you - next time not doing in my nightgown - boobs were flapping all over the place you could hear them:eek::tt2:

Food yesterday

Pt drink - 1 ww string cheese - fish/veggie - 1 oz chick - fish veggie rice - 1 ww sf fudgesicle and 6 walnut halves - 1 8 oz glass of lite cran grape juice = 900 calories and 2.5 walking and 1 hr leg weight training...

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Good morning ladies. I'm not feeling so great today. I thought I was coming down with an ear infection yesterday afternoon because it was beginning to hurt. It was my right ear, which is strange because typically it's my left that gives me all the problems. Anyway, I felt like crap and spent most of the afternoon and evening lying on the couch trying to convince it to go away. Not too successful, but I did manage to get most of my Water in. 40oz yesterday. Should have been another 8 but I'll strive for that today. I'm still not feeling so great though. I've had coffee this morning and tried to eat some Cereal, but the act of eating seemed to aggravate my ear. Maybe I need to switch to mushies so I don't have to chew.

I didn't exercise last night or this morning because I felt like crap. That's made me feel even worse. Guilt trip and everything. I may go for a walk a little later on to at least get out and get some fresh air.

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Good morning ladies. I'm not feeling so great today. I thought I was coming down with an ear infection yesterday afternoon because it was beginning to hurt. It was my right ear, which is strange because typically it's my left that gives me all the problems. Anyway, I felt like crap and spent most of the afternoon and evening lying on the couch trying to convince it to go away. Not too successful, but I did manage to get most of my Water in. 40oz yesterday. Should have been another 8 but I'll strive for that today. I'm still not feeling so great though. I've had coffee this morning and tried to eat some cereal, but the act of eating seemed to aggravate my ear. Maybe I need to switch to mushies so I don't have to chew.

I didn't exercise last night or this morning because I felt like crap. That's made me feel even worse. Guilt trip and everything. I may go for a walk a little later on to at least get out and get some fresh air.


Go get some antibotic's - if you have an infection - you need to get it cleared up.

Hugs - hope you feel better soon..

Oh - I got all my water in yesterday :0)

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So I was down 1 pound this morning!!!!! Thank goodness because those numbers kind of freak me out.

yep...no more excuses. I have a party that I am going to this Saturday...but I wont be eating there. My clothes are not fitting, the scale is horrific and I just don't feel good. All of those things are way more powerful than any food. Do I still want to eat???? yes...but I CAN eat good foods. Yesterday I was at about 1400 caloires (I can't go as low as 900 and still function) and accoridng to my body bugg I burned 2700 calories.

So today I have to run to the store right after work and stop by the house and pick up shoes and then I will be back at the gym for 2-3 hours. The plan is to run for 5 miles, do weights and then bike for the rest of the time while reading. That is my relaxation time. But I figure that even if biking doesn't burn as many calories as running it does burn more than sitting on my couch and reading. Then I go home and put in 2-3 hours of curriculum development, fall asleep, and repeat. I don't hardly have time for FB anymore :thumbup:

Okay...gotta get back to work.

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Okay.... 216 lb this morning.

I will try to get my Water in but probably can't. Having trouble drinking between meals. Got in one cup of coffee this morning. My Crystal Lite is next to me, but just finished my omelet 1/2 hour ago, so not for a while. I overslept this morning.... 8:15am. Earl got up so early and woke me up, and then I couldn't go back to sleep and when I finally did, I slept really hard. Woke up in a bad mood... especially when I found out he was headed back to cut DD & SIL lawn AGAIN!! Has only not gone over to cut lawn two days since the day we got home. Keeps telling me it was so long that he has to keep lowering the blade little by little. All it means to me is being stranded here with no car day after day after day for 4-6 hours. I will go get my nails done today! That will fix him! LOL ... and maybe I'll buy lottery tickets, too. He hates when I do that. Of course, he never knows because I hide them... like he hides his cigarettes!

Okay.... like I said... bad mood today!! I'm done now! I will fix buttons on my pants.... my black dress pants... no zippers... FOUR buttons on each side. I hate that. Buttons were all loose when I bought them and now they're all about to fall off. So I'm going to fix them all and then take them to the dry cleaners. Hee hee! He would HATE that, too. He's too cheap to take ANYTHING to the dry cleaner, and they really could be washed, but I want them pressed nicely.

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Can any one tell me what something called lunch means?? From stories that I have read and television shows that I have watched it appears that it occurs sometime around 12 noon. It looks like it would be a fun thing to partake in, but I don't think that I have had the chance. I believe that my schedule and contract say that I am entitled to a 35 minute "duty free" lunch. Could someone please tell me what this MEANS????? I am confused. Too much legalese for me!


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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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